Letter of Jeremiah 1:6chapter contextsimilarmeaning"But say ye in your hearts, O Lord, we must worship thee." Letter of Jeremiah 1:6 KJVcopysave
But say ye in your hearts, O Lord, we must worship thee.
Baruch 5:4chapter contextsimilarmeaning"For thy name shall be called of God for ever The peace of righteousness, and The glory of God's worship." Baruch 5:4 KJVcopysave
For thy name shall be called of God for ever The peace of righteousness, and The glory of God's worship.
Bel and the Dragon 1:25chapter contextsimilarmeaning"Then said Daniel unto the king, I will worship the Lord my God: for he is the living God." Bel and the Dragon 1:25 KJVcopysave
Then said Daniel unto the king, I will worship the Lord my God: for he is the living God.
Ecclesiasticus 50:21chapter contextsimilarmeaning"And they bowed themselves down to worship the second time, that they might receive a blessing from the most High." Ecclesiasticus 50:21 KJVcopysave
And they bowed themselves down to worship the second time, that they might receive a blessing from the most High.
Prayer of Azariah 1:10chapter contextsimilarmeaning"And now we cannot open our mouths, we are become a shame and reproach to thy servants; and to them that worship thee." Prayer of Azariah 1:10 KJVcopysave
And now we cannot open our mouths, we are become a shame and reproach to thy servants; and to them that worship thee.
Ecclesiasticus 49:3chapter contextsimilarmeaning"He directed his heart unto the Lord, and in the time of the ungodly he established the worship of God." Ecclesiasticus 49:3 KJVcopysave
He directed his heart unto the Lord, and in the time of the ungodly he established the worship of God.
Prayer of Azariah 1:68chapter contextsimilarmeaning"O all ye that worship the Lord, bless the God of gods, praise him, and give him thanks: for his mercy endureth for ever." Prayer of Azariah 1:68 KJVcopysave
O all ye that worship the Lord, bless the God of gods, praise him, and give him thanks: for his mercy endureth for ever.
Ecclesiasticus 50:17chapter contextsimilarmeaning"Then all the people together hasted, and fell down to the earth upon their faces to worship their Lord God Almighty, the most High." Ecclesiasticus 50:17 KJVcopysave
Then all the people together hasted, and fell down to the earth upon their faces to worship their Lord God Almighty, the most High.
Letter of Jeremiah 1:39chapter contextsimilarmeaning"Their gods of wood, and which are overlaid with gold and silver, are like the stones that be hewn out of the mountain: they that worship them shall be confounded." Letter of Jeremiah 1:39 KJVcopysave
Their gods of wood, and which are overlaid with gold and silver, are like the stones that be hewn out of the mountain: they that worship them shall be confounded.
Judith 8:18chapter contextsimilarmeaning"For there arose none in our age, neither is there any now in these days neither tribe, nor family, nor people, nor city among us, which worship gods made with hands, as hath been aforetime." Judith 8:18 KJVcopysave
For there arose none in our age, neither is there any now in these days neither tribe, nor family, nor people, nor city among us, which worship gods made with hands, as hath been aforetime.
Judith 3:8chapter contextsimilarmeaning"Yet he did cast down their frontiers, and cut down their groves: for he had decreed to destroy all the gods of the land, that all nations should worship Nabuchodonosor only, and that all tongues and tribes should call upon him as god." Judith 3:8 KJVcopysave
Yet he did cast down their frontiers, and cut down their groves: for he had decreed to destroy all the gods of the land, that all nations should worship Nabuchodonosor only, and that all tongues and tribes should call upon him as god.
Wisdom of Solomon 15:6chapter contextsimilarmeaning"Both they that make them, they that desire them, and they that worship them, are lovers of evil things, and are worthy to have such things to trust upon." Wisdom of Solomon 15:6 KJVcopysave
Both they that make them, they that desire them, and they that worship them, are lovers of evil things, and are worthy to have such things to trust upon.
Bel and the Dragon 1:24chapter contextsimilarmeaning"And the king said unto Daniel, Wilt thou also say that this is of brass? lo, he liveth, he eateth and drinketh; thou canst not say that he is no living god: therefore worship him." Bel and the Dragon 1:24 KJVcopysave
And the king said unto Daniel, Wilt thou also say that this is of brass? lo, he liveth, he eateth and drinketh; thou canst not say that he is no living god: therefore worship him.
Bel and the Dragon 1:5chapter contextsimilarmeaning"Who answered and said, Because I may not worship idols made with hands, but the living God, who hath created the heaven and the earth, and hath sovereignty over all flesh." Bel and the Dragon 1:5 KJVcopysave
Who answered and said, Because I may not worship idols made with hands, but the living God, who hath created the heaven and the earth, and hath sovereignty over all flesh.
Additions to Esther 13:14chapter contextsimilarmeaning"But I did this, that I might not prefer the glory of man above the glory of God: neither will I worship any but thee, O God, neither will I do it in pride." Additions to Esther 13:14 KJVcopysave
But I did this, that I might not prefer the glory of man above the glory of God: neither will I worship any but thee, O God, neither will I do it in pride.
Bel and the Dragon 1:27chapter contextsimilarmeaning"Then Daniel took pitch, and fat, and hair, and did seethe them together, and made lumps thereof: this he put in the dragon's mouth, and so the dragon burst in sunder: and Daniel said, Lo, these are the gods ye worship." Bel and the Dragon 1:27 KJVcopysave
Then Daniel took pitch, and fat, and hair, and did seethe them together, and made lumps thereof: this he put in the dragon's mouth, and so the dragon burst in sunder: and Daniel said, Lo, these are the gods ye worship.
Bel and the Dragon 1:4chapter contextsimilarmeaning"And the king worshipped it and went daily to adore it: but Daniel worshipped his own God. And the king said unto him, Why dost not thou worship Bel?" Bel and the Dragon 1:4 KJVcopysave
And the king worshipped it and went daily to adore it: but Daniel worshipped his own God. And the king said unto him, Why dost not thou worship Bel?
Tobit 5:13chapter contextsimilarmeaning"Then Tobit said, Thou art welcome, brother; be not now angry with me, because I have enquired to know thy tribe and thy family; for thou art my brother, of an honest and good stock: for I know Ananias and Jonathas, sons of that great Samaias, as we went together to Jerusalem to worship, and offered the firstborn, and the tenths of the fruits; and they were not seduced with the error of our brethren: my brother, thou art of a good stock." Tobit 5:13 KJVcopysave
Then Tobit said, Thou art welcome, brother; be not now angry with me, because I have enquired to know thy tribe and thy family; for thou art my brother, of an honest and good stock: for I know Ananias and Jonathas, sons of that great Samaias, as we went together to Jerusalem to worship, and offered the firstborn, and the tenths of the fruits; and they were not seduced with the error of our brethren: my brother, thou art of a good stock.