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Judith 13:11chapter context similar meaning "Then said Judith afar off, to the watchmen at the gate, Open, open now the gate: God, even our God, is with us, to shew his power yet in Jerusalem, and his forces against the enemy, as he hath even done this day." Judith 13:11 KJVcopy save
Then said Judith afar off, to the watchmen at the gate, Open, open now the gate: God, even our God, is with us, to shew his power yet in Jerusalem, and his forces against the enemy, as he hath even done this day.

1 Maccabees 5:22chapter context similar meaning "And he pursued them unto the gate of Ptolemais; and there were slain of the heathen about three thousand men, whose spoils he took." 1 Maccabees 5:22 KJVcopy save
And he pursued them unto the gate of Ptolemais; and there were slain of the heathen about three thousand men, whose spoils he took.

1 Esdras 1:16chapter context similar meaning "Moreover the porters were at every gate; it was not lawful for any to go from his ordinary service: for their brethren the Levites prepared for them." 1 Esdras 1:16 KJVcopy save
Moreover the porters were at every gate; it was not lawful for any to go from his ordinary service: for their brethren the Levites prepared for them.

Tobit 11:16chapter context similar meaning "Then Tobit went out to meet his daughter in law at the gate of Nineve, rejoicing and praising God: and they which saw him go marvelled, because he had received his sight." Tobit 11:16 KJVcopy save
Then Tobit went out to meet his daughter in law at the gate of Nineve, rejoicing and praising God: and they which saw him go marvelled, because he had received his sight.

Judith 13:13chapter context similar meaning "And then they ran all together, both small and great, for it was strange unto them that she was come: so they opened the gate, and received them, and made a fire for a light, and stood round about them." Judith 13:13 KJVcopy save
And then they ran all together, both small and great, for it was strange unto them that she was come: so they opened the gate, and received them, and made a fire for a light, and stood round about them.

1 Esdras 7:9chapter context similar meaning "The priests also and the Levites stood arrayed in their vestments, according to their kindreds, in the service of the Lord God of Israel, according to the book of Moses: and the porters at every gate." 1 Esdras 7:9 KJVcopy save
The priests also and the Levites stood arrayed in their vestments, according to their kindreds, in the service of the Lord God of Israel, according to the book of Moses: and the porters at every gate.

Judith 8:33chapter context similar meaning "Ye shall stand this night in the gate, and I will go forth with my waitingwoman: and within the days that ye have promised to deliver the city to our enemies the Lord will visit Israel by mine hand." Judith 8:33 KJVcopy save
Ye shall stand this night in the gate, and I will go forth with my waitingwoman: and within the days that ye have promised to deliver the city to our enemies the Lord will visit Israel by mine hand.

Judith 10:6chapter context similar meaning "Thus they went forth to the gate of the city of Bethulia, and found standing there Ozias and the ancients of the city, Chabris and Charmis." Judith 10:6 KJVcopy save
Thus they went forth to the gate of the city of Bethulia, and found standing there Ozias and the ancients of the city, Chabris and Charmis.

1 Esdras 5:47chapter context similar meaning "But when the seventh month was at hand, and when the children of Israel were every man in his own place, they came all together with one consent into the open place of the first gate which is toward the east." 1 Esdras 5:47 KJVcopy save
But when the seventh month was at hand, and when the children of Israel were every man in his own place, they came all together with one consent into the open place of the first gate which is toward the east.

Judith 13:12chapter context similar meaning "Now when the men of her city heard her voice, they made haste to go down to the gate of their city, and they called the elders of the city." Judith 13:12 KJVcopy save
Now when the men of her city heard her voice, they made haste to go down to the gate of their city, and they called the elders of the city.