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"SICK PEOPLE" in the KJV Bible

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Wisdom of Solomon 17:8chapter context similar meaning "For they, that promised to drive away terrors and troubles from a sick soul, were sick themselves of fear, worthy to be laughed at." Wisdom of Solomon 17:8 KJVcopy save
For they, that promised to drive away terrors and troubles from a sick soul, were sick themselves of fear, worthy to be laughed at.

2 Esdras 13:13chapter context similar meaning "And there came much people unto him, whereof some were glad, some were sorry, and some of them were bound, and other some brought of them that were offered: then was I sick through great fear, and I awaked, and said," 2 Esdras 13:13 KJVcopy save
And there came much people unto him, whereof some were glad, some were sorry, and some of them were bound, and other some brought of them that were offered: then was I sick through great fear, and I awaked, and said,

1 Maccabees 1:5chapter context similar meaning "And after these things he fell sick, and perceived that he should die." 1 Maccabees 1:5 KJVcopy save
And after these things he fell sick, and perceived that he should die.

Ecclesiasticus 7:35chapter context similar meaning "Be not slow to visit the sick: for that shall make thee to be beloved." Ecclesiasticus 7:35 KJVcopy save
Be not slow to visit the sick: for that shall make thee to be beloved.

Ecclesiasticus 18:21chapter context similar meaning "Humble thyself before thou be sick, and in the time of sins shew repentance." Ecclesiasticus 18:21 KJVcopy save
Humble thyself before thou be sick, and in the time of sins shew repentance.

1 Maccabees 6:8chapter context similar meaning "Now when the king heard these words, he was astonished and sore moved: whereupon he laid him down upon his bed, and fell sick for grief, because it had not befallen him as he looked for." 1 Maccabees 6:8 KJVcopy save
Now when the king heard these words, he was astonished and sore moved: whereupon he laid him down upon his bed, and fell sick for grief, because it had not befallen him as he looked for.

Ecclesiasticus 18:19chapter context similar meaning "Learn before thou speak, and use physick or ever thou be sick." Ecclesiasticus 18:19 KJVcopy save
Learn before thou speak, and use physick or ever thou be sick.

2 Esdras 5:27chapter context similar meaning "And among all the multitudes of people thou hast gotten thee one people: and unto this people, whom thou lovedst, thou gavest a law that is approved of all." 2 Esdras 5:27 KJVcopy save
And among all the multitudes of people thou hast gotten thee one people: and unto this people, whom thou lovedst, thou gavest a law that is approved of all.

Baruch 2:35chapter context similar meaning "And I will make an everlasting covenant with them to be their God, and they shall be my people: and I will no more drive my people of Israel out of the land that I have given them." Baruch 2:35 KJVcopy save
And I will make an everlasting covenant with them to be their God, and they shall be my people: and I will no more drive my people of Israel out of the land that I have given them.

Ecclesiasticus 44:4chapter context similar meaning "Leaders of the people by their counsels, and by their knowledge of learning meet for the people, wise and eloquent are their instructions:" Ecclesiasticus 44:4 KJVcopy save
Leaders of the people by their counsels, and by their knowledge of learning meet for the people, wise and eloquent are their instructions:

1 Maccabees 15:40chapter context similar meaning "So Cendebeus came to Jamnia and began to provoke the people and to invade Judea, and to take the people prisoners, and slay them." 1 Maccabees 15:40 KJVcopy save
So Cendebeus came to Jamnia and began to provoke the people and to invade Judea, and to take the people prisoners, and slay them.

1 Maccabees 3:43chapter context similar meaning "They said one to another, Let us restore the decayed fortune of our people, and let us fight for our people and the sanctuary." 1 Maccabees 3:43 KJVcopy save
They said one to another, Let us restore the decayed fortune of our people, and let us fight for our people and the sanctuary.

1 Maccabees 13:2chapter context similar meaning "And saw that the people was in great trembling and fear, he went up to Jerusalem, and gathered the people together," 1 Maccabees 13:2 KJVcopy save
And saw that the people was in great trembling and fear, he went up to Jerusalem, and gathered the people together,

1 Maccabees 16:6chapter context similar meaning "So he and his people pitched over against them: and when he saw that the people were afraid to go over the water brook, he went first over himself, and then the men seeing him passed through after him." 1 Maccabees 16:6 KJVcopy save
So he and his people pitched over against them: and when he saw that the people were afraid to go over the water brook, he went first over himself, and then the men seeing him passed through after him.

Judith 13:17chapter context similar meaning "Then all the people were wonderfully astonished, and bowed themselves and worshipped God, and said with one accord, Blessed be thou, O our God, which hast this day brought to nought the enemies of thy people." Judith 13:17 KJVcopy save
Then all the people were wonderfully astonished, and bowed themselves and worshipped God, and said with one accord, Blessed be thou, O our God, which hast this day brought to nought the enemies of thy people.

Ecclesiasticus 48:15chapter context similar meaning "For all this the people repented not, neither departed they from their sins, till they were spoiled and carried out of their land, and were scattered through all the earth: yet there remained a small people, and a ruler in the house of David:" Ecclesiasticus 48:15 KJVcopy save
For all this the people repented not, neither departed they from their sins, till they were spoiled and carried out of their land, and were scattered through all the earth: yet there remained a small people, and a ruler in the house of David:

Ecclesiasticus 47:23chapter context similar meaning "Thus rested Solomon with his fathers, and of his seed he left behind him Roboam, even the foolishness of the people, and one that had no understanding, who turned away the people through his counsel. There was also Jeroboam the son of Nebat, who caused Israel to sin, and shewed Ephraim the way of sin:" Ecclesiasticus 47:23 KJVcopy save
Thus rested Solomon with his fathers, and of his seed he left behind him Roboam, even the foolishness of the people, and one that had no understanding, who turned away the people through his counsel. There was also Jeroboam the son of Nebat, who caused Israel to sin, and shewed Ephraim the way of sin:

Susanna 1:5chapter context similar meaning "The same year were appointed two of the ancients of the people to be judges, such as the Lord spake of, that wickedness came from Babylon from ancient judges, who seemed to govern the people." Susanna 1:5 KJVcopy save
The same year were appointed two of the ancients of the people to be judges, such as the Lord spake of, that wickedness came from Babylon from ancient judges, who seemed to govern the people.

1 Esdras 1:7chapter context similar meaning "And unto the people that was found there Josias gave thirty thousand lambs and kids, and three thousand calves: these things were given of the king's allowance, according as he promised, to the people, to the priests, and to the Levites." 1 Esdras 1:7 KJVcopy save
And unto the people that was found there Josias gave thirty thousand lambs and kids, and three thousand calves: these things were given of the king's allowance, according as he promised, to the people, to the priests, and to the Levites.

1 Maccabees 14:35chapter context similar meaning "The people therefore sang the acts of Simon, and unto what glory he thought to bring his nation, made him their governor and chief priest, because he had done all these things, and for the justice and faith which he kept to his nation, and for that he sought by all means to exalt his people." 1 Maccabees 14:35 KJVcopy save
The people therefore sang the acts of Simon, and unto what glory he thought to bring his nation, made him their governor and chief priest, because he had done all these things, and for the justice and faith which he kept to his nation, and for that he sought by all means to exalt his people.

Tobit 14:7chapter context similar meaning "So shall all nations praise the Lord, and his people shall confess God, and the Lord shall exalt his people; and all those which love the Lord God in truth and justice shall rejoice, shewing mercy to our brethren." Tobit 14:7 KJVcopy save
So shall all nations praise the Lord, and his people shall confess God, and the Lord shall exalt his people; and all those which love the Lord God in truth and justice shall rejoice, shewing mercy to our brethren.

1 Maccabees 14:23chapter context similar meaning "And it pleased the people to entertain the men honourably, and to put the copy of their ambassage in publick records, to the end the people of the Lacedemonians might have a memorial thereof: furthermore we have written a copy thereof unto Simon the high priest." 1 Maccabees 14:23 KJVcopy save
And it pleased the people to entertain the men honourably, and to put the copy of their ambassage in publick records, to the end the people of the Lacedemonians might have a memorial thereof: furthermore we have written a copy thereof unto Simon the high priest.

Ecclesiasticus 45:22chapter context similar meaning "Howbeit in the land of the people he had no inheritance, neither had he any portion among the people: for the Lord himself is his portion and inheritance." Ecclesiasticus 45:22 KJVcopy save
Howbeit in the land of the people he had no inheritance, neither had he any portion among the people: for the Lord himself is his portion and inheritance.

2 Esdras 5:28chapter context similar meaning "And now, O Lord, why hast thou given this one people over unto many? and upon the one root hast thou prepared others, and why hast thou scattered thy only one people among many?" 2 Esdras 5:28 KJVcopy save
And now, O Lord, why hast thou given this one people over unto many? and upon the one root hast thou prepared others, and why hast thou scattered thy only one people among many?

2 Maccabees 5:19chapter context similar meaning "Nevertheless God did not choose the people for the place's sake, but the place far the people's sake." 2 Maccabees 5:19 KJVcopy save
Nevertheless God did not choose the people for the place's sake, but the place far the people's sake.

2 Esdras 12:50chapter context similar meaning "So the people went their way into the city, like as I commanded them:" 2 Esdras 12:50 KJVcopy save
So the people went their way into the city, like as I commanded them:

2 Esdras 1:29chapter context similar meaning "That ye would be my people, and I should be your God; that ye would be my children, and I should be your father?" 2 Esdras 1:29 KJVcopy save
That ye would be my people, and I should be your God; that ye would be my children, and I should be your father?

Judith 5:6chapter context similar meaning "This people are descended of the Chaldeans:" Judith 5:6 KJVcopy save
This people are descended of the Chaldeans:

2 Esdras 14:27chapter context similar meaning "Then went I forth, as he commanded, and gathered all the people together, and said," 2 Esdras 14:27 KJVcopy save
Then went I forth, as he commanded, and gathered all the people together, and said,

2 Esdras 13:48chapter context similar meaning "But those that be left behind of thy people are they that are found within my borders." 2 Esdras 13:48 KJVcopy save
But those that be left behind of thy people are they that are found within my borders.


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