Psalms 57:1chapter contextsimilarmeaning"(To the chief Musician, Altaschith, Michtam of David, when he fled from Saul in the cave.) Be merciful unto me, O God, be merciful unto me: for my soul trusteth in thee: yea, in the shadow of thy wings will I make my refuge, until these calamities be overpast." Psalms 57:1 KJVcopysave
(To the chief Musician, Altaschith, Michtam of David, when he fled from Saul in the cave.) Be merciful unto me, O God, be merciful unto me: for my soul trusteth in thee: yea, in the shadow of thy wings will I make my refuge, until these calamities be overpast.
Luke 6:36chapter contextsimilarmeaning"Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful." Luke 6:36 KJVcopysave
Be ye therefore merciful, as your Father also is merciful.
Psalms 116:5chapter contextsimilarmeaning"Gracious is the LORD, and righteous; yea, our God is merciful." Psalms 116:5 KJVcopysave
Gracious is the LORD, and righteous; yea, our God is merciful.
Psalms 86:3chapter contextsimilarmeaning"Be merciful unto me, O Lord: for I cry unto thee daily." Psalms 86:3 KJVcopysave
Be merciful unto me, O Lord: for I cry unto thee daily.
Matthew 5:7chapter contextsimilarmeaning"Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy." Matthew 5:7 KJVcopysave
Blessed are the merciful: for they shall obtain mercy.
Psalms 37:26chapter contextsimilarmeaning"He is ever merciful, and lendeth; and his seed is blessed." Psalms 37:26 KJVcopysave
He is ever merciful, and lendeth; and his seed is blessed.
Ecclesiasticus 44:10chapter contextsimilarmeaning"But these were merciful men, whose righteousness hath not been forgotten." Ecclesiasticus 44:10 KJVcopysave
But these were merciful men, whose righteousness hath not been forgotten.
Hebrews 8:12chapter contextsimilarmeaning"For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more." Hebrews 8:12 KJVcopysave
For I will be merciful to their unrighteousness, and their sins and their iniquities will I remember no more.
Psalms 119:58chapter contextsimilarmeaning"I intreated thy favour with my whole heart: be merciful unto me according to thy word." Psalms 119:58 KJVcopysave
I intreated thy favour with my whole heart: be merciful unto me according to thy word.
Psalms 26:11chapter contextsimilarmeaning"But as for me, I will walk in mine integrity: redeem me, and be merciful unto me." Psalms 26:11 KJVcopysave
But as for me, I will walk in mine integrity: redeem me, and be merciful unto me.
Psalms 41:10chapter contextsimilarmeaning"But thou, O LORD, be merciful unto me, and raise me up, that I may requite them." Psalms 41:10 KJVcopysave
But thou, O LORD, be merciful unto me, and raise me up, that I may requite them.
2 Samuel 22:26chapter contextsimilarmeaning"With the merciful thou wilt shew thyself merciful, and with the upright man thou wilt shew thyself upright." 2 Samuel 22:26 KJVcopysave
With the merciful thou wilt shew thyself merciful, and with the upright man thou wilt shew thyself upright.
Ecclesiasticus 36:13chapter contextsimilarmeaning"O be merciful unto Jerusalem, thy holy city, the place of thy rest." Ecclesiasticus 36:13 KJVcopysave
O be merciful unto Jerusalem, thy holy city, the place of thy rest.
Psalms 41:4chapter contextsimilarmeaning"I said, LORD, be merciful unto me: heal my soul; for I have sinned against thee." Psalms 41:4 KJVcopysave
I said, LORD, be merciful unto me: heal my soul; for I have sinned against thee.
1 Maccabees 2:57chapter contextsimilarmeaning"David for being merciful possessed the throne of an everlasting kingdom." 1 Maccabees 2:57 KJVcopysave
David for being merciful possessed the throne of an everlasting kingdom.
Tobit 14:9chapter contextsimilarmeaning"But keep thou the law and the commandments, and shew thyself merciful and just, that it may go well with thee." Tobit 14:9 KJVcopysave
But keep thou the law and the commandments, and shew thyself merciful and just, that it may go well with thee.
Psalms 18:25chapter contextsimilarmeaning"With the merciful thou wilt shew thyself merciful; with an upright man thou wilt shew thyself upright;" Psalms 18:25 KJVcopysave
With the merciful thou wilt shew thyself merciful; with an upright man thou wilt shew thyself upright;
Proverbs 11:17chapter contextsimilarmeaning"The merciful man doeth good to his own soul: but he that is cruel troubleth his own flesh." Proverbs 11:17 KJVcopysave
The merciful man doeth good to his own soul: but he that is cruel troubleth his own flesh.
Ecclesiasticus 29:1chapter contextsimilarmeaning"He that is merciful will lend unto his neighbour; and he that strengtheneth his hand keepeth the commandments." Ecclesiasticus 29:1 KJVcopysave
He that is merciful will lend unto his neighbour; and he that strengtheneth his hand keepeth the commandments.
Psalms 103:8chapter contextsimilarmeaning"The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy." Psalms 103:8 KJVcopysave
The LORD is merciful and gracious, slow to anger, and plenteous in mercy.
2 Maccabees 11:10chapter contextsimilarmeaning"Thus they marched forward in their armour, having an helper from heaven: for the Lord was merciful unto them" 2 Maccabees 11:10 KJVcopysave
Thus they marched forward in their armour, having an helper from heaven: for the Lord was merciful unto them
Psalms 119:76chapter contextsimilarmeaning"Let, I pray thee, thy merciful kindness be for my comfort, according to thy word unto thy servant." Psalms 119:76 KJVcopysave
Let, I pray thee, thy merciful kindness be for my comfort, according to thy word unto thy servant.
2 Maccabees 8:29chapter contextsimilarmeaning"When this was done, and they had made a common supplication, they besought the merciful Lord to be reconciled with his servants for ever." 2 Maccabees 8:29 KJVcopysave
When this was done, and they had made a common supplication, they besought the merciful Lord to be reconciled with his servants for ever.
Baruch 3:2chapter contextsimilarmeaning"Hear, O Lord, and have mercy; for thou art merciful: and have pity upon us, because we have sinned before thee." Baruch 3:2 KJVcopysave
Hear, O Lord, and have mercy; for thou art merciful: and have pity upon us, because we have sinned before thee.
2 Esdras 7:62chapter contextsimilarmeaning"I answered then, and said, I know, Lord, that the most High is called merciful, in that he hath mercy upon them which are not yet come into the world," 2 Esdras 7:62 KJVcopysave
I answered then, and said, I know, Lord, that the most High is called merciful, in that he hath mercy upon them which are not yet come into the world,
2 Esdras 8:31chapter contextsimilarmeaning"For we and our fathers do languish of such diseases: but because of us sinners thou shalt be called merciful." 2 Esdras 8:31 KJVcopysave
For we and our fathers do languish of such diseases: but because of us sinners thou shalt be called merciful.
2 Esdras 8:36chapter contextsimilarmeaning"For in this, O Lord, thy righteousness and thy goodness shall be declared, if thou be merciful unto them which have not the confidence of good works." 2 Esdras 8:36 KJVcopysave
For in this, O Lord, thy righteousness and thy goodness shall be declared, if thou be merciful unto them which have not the confidence of good works.
2 Esdras 8:45chapter contextsimilarmeaning"Be not wroth with us but spare thy people, and have mercy upon thine own inheritance: for thou art merciful unto thy creature." 2 Esdras 8:45 KJVcopysave
Be not wroth with us but spare thy people, and have mercy upon thine own inheritance: for thou art merciful unto thy creature.
2 Maccabees 10:26chapter contextsimilarmeaning"And fell down at the foot of the altar, and besought him to be merciful to them, and to be an enemy to their enemies, and an adversary to their adversaries, as the law declareth." 2 Maccabees 10:26 KJVcopysave
And fell down at the foot of the altar, and besought him to be merciful to them, and to be an enemy to their enemies, and an adversary to their adversaries, as the law declareth.
Ecclesiasticus 45:1chapter contextsimilarmeaning"And he brought out of him a merciful man, which found favour in the sight of all flesh, even Moses, beloved of God and men, whose memorial is blessed." Ecclesiasticus 45:1 KJVcopysave
And he brought out of him a merciful man, which found favour in the sight of all flesh, even Moses, beloved of God and men, whose memorial is blessed.