Of foreign origin (compare nerd); "nard" -- (spike-)nard.
see HEBREW nerd
a. nard, the head or spike of a fragrant East Indian plant belonging to the genus Valeriana, which yields a juice of delicious odor which the ancients used (either pure or mixed) in the preparation of a most precious ointment; hence,
b. nard oil or ointment; so Mark 14:3; John 12:3. Cf. Winer, RWB under the word Narde; Rüetschi in Herzog x., p. 203; Furrer in Schenkel, p. 286f; (Löw, Aramäische Pflanzennamen (Leip. 1881), § 316, p. 368f; Royle in Alex.'s Kitto under the word Nerd; Birdwood in the 'Bible Educator' ii. 152).