Of uncertain derivation; ink -- ink.
H1773. deyo
דְּיוֺ noun masculine ink (Late Hebrew id., Aramaic דְּיוּתָא ; Arabic inkbottle, inkhorn; Ges-Dietr Fl NHWBi. 41 derived from √ דוה in assumed sense of slowly flowing; Fl compare Arabic thin skin on surface of milk, compare also Ol§ 178 g), בַּדְּי֑וֺ עַלהַֿסֵּפֶר כֹּתֵב וַאֲנִי Jeremiah 36:18, compare LagGes. Abh. 216. — On erasable quality of Hebrew ink compare RSOTJC, 400 f. ed. 2, 71; see further L. LöwGraphische Requisiten etc. bel den Juden, 1870, i. 145 ff.