Word Summary
chamam: to be or become warm
Original Word: חָמַם
Transliteration: chamam
Phonetic Spelling: (khaw-mam')
Part of Speech: Verb
Short Definition: to be or become warm
Meaning: to be or become warm
Strong's Concordance
enflame self, get have heat, be wax hot, be, wax warm self, at

A primitive root; to be hot (literally or figuratively) -- enflame self, get (have) heat, be (wax) hot, (be, wax) warm (self, at).


H2552. chamam

[חָמַם‎] verb be or become warm (Late Hebrew id., Pi`el, make warm, Aramaic , חֲמַםbe warm; Arabic become hot, of water; also heat, kindle fire in) —

Qal Perfect חַםPsalm 39:4; Exodus 16:21; וְחַם‎ consecutive 1 Kings 1:2; Ecclesiastes 4:11; חַמּוֺתִ֫יIsaiah 44:16; Imperfect יָחֹם44:16; וַיָּ֫חָם2 Kings 4:34; Isaiah 44:15; also יִחַם1 Kings 1:1; יֵחַםDeuteronomy 19:6; יֵחָ֑םEcclesiastes 4:11; 3feminine singular תֵּחַםEzekiel 24:11; יֵחַמּוּHosea 7:7; וַיֶּחֱמוּGenesis 30:39; וַיֵּחַמְנָה30:38 (last seven forms could be also from יחם‎ q. v.; but no decisive evidence that this v is used in Qal; they are placed under חמם‎ by Thes Ew§ 193 a Ol§ 243 b; see also Köi. 365, 417 ff., who on account of יחם‎ Pi`el Infinitive 30:41; 31:10, derives last two, needlessly, from יחם‎); Infinitive לַחְמָםIsaiah 47:14, compare Job 30:4 (where, however, ׳ל‎ is from לֶחֶם‎ Mich Di unless (Luzz Che) we read לְחַמֵּם‎ Pi`el Infinitive in both); חֹם1 Samuel 11:9; Haggai 1:6; Nehemiah 7:3; suffix חֻמּוֺJob 6:17; חֻמָּםJeremiah 51:39; —

1 literally, be or grow warm Exodus 16:21 (P; subject שֶׁמֶשׁ‎), compare 1 Samuel 11:9; Nehemiah 7:3 and Job 6:17 (suffix of impersonal subject); from fire Isaiah 44:15-16, (twice in verse); 47:14 (compare above); natural heat 1 Kings 1:1-2,(by personal contact), so 2 Kings 4:34; Ecclesiastes 4:11 (twice in verse), from clothing Haggai 1:6; of Jerusalem under figure of pot or caldron Ezekiel 24:11.

2 figurative, subject לִבִּיPsalm 39:4 ("" תִבְעַראֵֿשׁ בַהֲגִיגִי‎), compare Deuteronomy 19:6; of conspirators Hosea 7:7; Chaldeans Jeremiah 51:39.

3 of heat in conception (animals) Genesis 30:38-39, (compare יחם‎).

Niph`al Participle באלים נֵחָמִיםIsaiah 57:5 (Köi. 371), inflame oneself with, of idolatry.

Pi`el Imperfect3feminine singular תְּחַמֵּםJob 39:14 keep eggs warm (of ostrich).

Hithpa`el Imperfect יִתְחַמָּםwarm oneself Job 31:20 כְּבָשִׂים מִגֵּזby means of fleece of sheep.