King James Bible
King James Version (KJV)

From camak and Yahh; Jah will sustain; Jismakjah, an Israelite -- Ismachiah.
see HEBREW camak
see HEBREW Yahh
H3253. Yismakyahu
יִסְכָּה proper name, feminine (etymology dubious) — a daughter of הָרָן, and sister of מִלְכָּה Genesis 11:29, ᵐ5 Ιεσχα.
יִסְמַכְיָ֫הוּ see below סמך.
יִסְמַכְיָ֫הוּ proper name, masculine (׳י sustaineth, but perhaps read ׳סמ as foregoing GrayProp. N. 291, No. 60); — Levite name 2 Chronicles 31:13; ᵐ5 Σαμαχ(ε)ια.