King James Bible
King James Version (KJV)

Or (shortened) yelyow{eynay {el- yo-ay-nah'ee}; from 'el and Yhovah and ayin; towards Jehovah (are) my eyes; Eljehoenai or Eljoenai, the name of seven Israelites -- Elihoenai, Elionai.
see HEBREW 'el
see HEBREW Yhovah
see HEBREW ayin
H454. Elyhow
'eynay אֶלְיְהוֺעֵינַי proper name, masculine (unto ׳י are mine eyes)
1 a Korahite 1 Chronicles 26:3.
2 a returning exile Ezra 8:4.
אֶלְיוֺעֵינַי proper name, masculine (id.)
1 a descendant of David 1 Chronicles 3:23-24,.
2 a Simeonite אֶלְיוֺעֵנַי 1 Chronicles 4:36.
3 a Benjamite (id.) 1 Chronicles 7:8.
4 priests in time of Ezra (a) Ezra 10:22; (b) 10:27 (אֶלְיוֺעֵנַי); (c) Nehemiah 12:41.