Or Ma.azyahuw {mah-az-yaw'-hoo}; probably from uwz (in the sense of protection) and Yahh; rescue of Jah; Maazjah, the name of two Israelites -- Maaziah.
see HEBREW uwz
see HEBREW Yahh
H4590. Maazyah
or Maazyahu ַמעַזְיָה ַמעַזְיָהוּ, proper name, masculine of priests.
1 1 Chronicles 24:18 ascribed to David's time, A Μοοζαλ, ᵐ5L Μοοζια.
2 Nehemiah 10:9, Nehemiah's time, A Μααζεια, ᵐ5L Μααζίας.