From rasha'; a female wicked doer -- wicked woman.
see HEBREW rasha'
H4849. mirshaath
מִרְשַׁ֫עַת noun feminine wickedness; — absolute ׳הַמּ2 Chronicles 24:7 Athaliazh the (embodied) wickedness
רִשְׁעָתַיִם see ר ׳כּוּשַׁן
רשׁף (√ of following; Samaritan irritavit, incendit; Late Hebrew רֶשֶׁף flame, Ecclus 43:17c רשׁף lightining-flame (? si vera lectio); Jewish-Aramaic רִשְׁמֶּא flame; רשף as proper name, of divinity in Old Aramaic and Phoenician Lzbl54. 370 PietschmPhön. 150 ff. EmeyZMG xxxi (1877), 719 Nöib. xlil (1888), 473 SpiegelbZA xiii (1898), 121 Lzbib. 328 WMMAs.u. Eur.311 ff. GACookeInscr. 56 f.).