King James Bible
King James Version (KJV)

From the same as shebel; overflowing; Shobal, the name of an Edomite and two Israelites -- Shobal.
see HEBREW shebel
H7732. Shobal
שׁוֺבָל proper name, masculine 1. Edomite name Genesis 36:20, 23, 29 = 1 Chronicles 1:38; 1:40.
2. a. in Caleb 1 Chronicles 2:50, 52.
b. in Judah 1 Chronicles 4:1-2,. — Σωβα(λ), Σουβαλ.
שַׁבְּלוּל see בלל.
שׁבן (√ of following; meaning dubious).