Word Summary
shalam: to be complete or sound
Original Word: שָׁלַם
Transliteration: shalam
Phonetic Spelling: (shaw-lam')
Part of Speech: Verb
Short Definition: to be complete or sound
Meaning: to be safe, to be, completed, to be friendly, to reciprocate
Strong's Concordance
make amends, make an end, finish, full, give again, make good, repay again

A primitive root; to be safe (in mind, body or estate); figuratively, to be (causatively, make) completed; by implication, to be friendly; by extension, to reciprocate (in various applications) -- make amends, (make an) end, finish, full, give again, make good, (re-)pay (again), (make) (to) (be at) peace(-able), that is perfect, perform, (make) prosper(-ous), recompense, render, requite, make restitution, restore, reward, X surely.


H7999. shalam

[שָׁלֵם‎]103 verb be complete, sound (Late Hebrew id. (Jastr), Phoenician שלם‎ Pi`el complete, requite, especially in proper name, Lzb376 GACooke99, also 81, 111, etc.; Arabic be safe, secure, free from fault, II. make over, resign to, IV. resign or submit oneself, especially to God, whence participle Muslim, and infinitive Isl¹m properly submission to God; Assyrian šalâmu, be complete, unharmed, be paid; Aramaic שְׁלֵים‎, be complete, safe, ᵑ7peaceful; Old Aramaic שלםreward, repay (Pa; in proper name); compare Sabean סלםpeace HomChr 124, Arabic , also safety, security; Assyrian šulmu, welfare; Ethiopic Di322 security peace; Aramaic שְׁלָמָא‎, security, welfare, Old Aramaic שלם‎ Lzb376, especially = submission, in proper name RSSem.79 f.; Bondi70 (after Brugsch), compare šarm¹, greet, do homage, as loan-word in Egyptian); —

Qal Perfect3plural שָֽׁלְמוּIsaiah 60:20; Imperfect3masculine singular וַיִּשְׁלָ֑םJob 9:4; feminine תַּשְׁלַם1 Kings 7:51 2t.; —

1 be complete, finished, ended: temple 1 Kings 7:51 2 Chronicles 5:1; walls of city Nehemiah 6:15; of time Isaiah 60:20.

2 be sound, uninjured, Job 9:4.

Pi`el89 Perfect3masculine singular שִׁלַּם‎ Leviticus 5:24 +, 1 singular וְשִׁלַּמְתִּ֫יJeremiah 16:18 +, etc.; Imperfect3masculine singular יְשַׁלֵּםExodus 21:34 +; suffix יְשַׁלְּמֶ֑נָּהLeviticus 24:18 +, etc.; Imperative masculine singular שַׁלֵּםEcclesiastes 5:3 + Eccl 50:14, etc.; Infinitive absolute שַׁלֵּםExodus 21:36 +; construct id. Proverbs 22:27, etc.; Participle מְשַׁלֵּםDeuteronomy 7:10 +, etc.; —

1 complete, finish, temple 1 Kings 9:25.

2 make safe, with accusative Job 8:6.

3 make whole or good, restore thing lost Joel 2:25, or stolen Exodus 21:37 (E); pay a debt 2 Kings 4:7; Psalm 37:21 Proverbs 22:27 Job 41:3; make compensation, for injury Leviticus 24:18, 21 (P); for trespass in sacred things 5:16 (P).

4 make good, i.e. pay, vows, with accusative נֶדֶרDeuteronomy 23:22; 2 Samuel 15:7 9t., + (with ל‎ to God) Psalm 50:14; 66:13; 116:14; 116:18; object omitted 76:12; absolute Isaiah 19:21; with accusative תּוֺדוֺת‎ with ל‎ to God Psalm 56:13; שׂפתינו פריםHosea 14:3.

5 requite, recompense, reward, good 1 Samuel 24:20; Ruth 2:12; evil Isaiah 65:6; Jeremiah 51:56; with ל‎ person Deuteronomy 7:10 4t., + (with accusative of thing) Jeremiah 51:24; אל‎ person Job 21:19; acc of thing Proverbs 20:22; Jeremiah 16:18; לְ גְּמוּל שְׁלַּםIsaiah 59:18 (twice in verse) (but see I.שִׁלֵּם‎), 66:6 + (see גְּמוּל‎); ׳שׁ לְ מֹּעַלJob 34:11; ׳שׁ עַל גְּמוּל‎ Joel 4:4; חֵיק עַלIsaiah 65:6; אֶלחַֿיקJeremiah 32:18; with ל‎ person and כ‎ of deeds, ׳שׁreward according to one's works 2 Samuel 3:39 3t.; accusative of person Psalm 31:24; accusative of thing ׳שׁ טובה תחת רעהGenesis 44:4 (J) + 35:12; 38:21 (read מְשַׁלְּמֵנִי‎).

Pu`al Imperfect3masculine singular יְשֻׁלַּםPsalm 65:2; Jeremiah 18:20; יְשֻׁלָּ֑םProverbs 11:31; 13:13; —

1 be performed, of vow Psalm 65:2.

2 be repaid, requited, Jeremiah 18:20; Proverbs 11:31; 13:13.

Hiph`il 1. complete, perform: Imperfect3masculine singular יַשְׁלִיםJob 23:14; Isaiah 44:26, יַשְׁלִם‎ V:28.

2 make an end of, 2 masculine singular suffix תֵּשְׁלִימֵנִיIsaiah 38:12-13, (ᵐ5‎ Du Marti deliver up to pains, as in Aramaic).

[שָׁלַם‎] verb denominative be in covenant of peace;-

Qal Imperative שְׁלָ֑םJob 22:21 be at peace (in covt.); Participle suffix שׁוֺלְמִיPsalm 7:5 i.e. my ally, friend (compare 41:10); Participle pass construct שְׁלֻמֵי2 Samuel 20:19, read ᵐ5 שָׂמוּ‎ EwG iii. 264 Dr (compare We) HPS and modern

Pu`al Participle מְשֻׁלָּםIsaiah 42:19 one in covenant of peace (with ׳י‎; but משְׁלָם ᵐ5their ruler, so CheHpt; Ges Hi Ew and others one resigned (to God), read then מָשְׁלָם‎, compare √, Arabic IV.; Krochm Grä Marti מְשֻׁלָּחַי‎).

Hiph`il Perfect3feminine singular הִשְׁלִ֫ימָהJoshua 10:4; 11:19; 3masculine plural הִשְׁלִ֫ימוּ10:1; Imperfect יַשְׁלִיםIsaiah 44:26 +, יַשְׁלִםProverbs 16:7; וַיַּשְׁלֵם1 Kings 22:45, etc.; —

1 make peace with, אֶת‎, Joshua 10:1, 4; 2 Samuel 10:19 = 1 Chronicles 19:19 (עִם‎); עִםDeuteronomy 20:12; 1 Kings 22:45; with אֶל‎ pregnantly Joshua 11:19 submitting unto.

2 cause to be at peace, אֶת‎, Proverbs 16:7.

Hoph`al Perfect3feminine singular הָשְׁלְאָהJob 5:23 live in peace with, לְ‎ ("" ברית‎).

[שְׁלֵם‎] verb be complete (see Biblical Hebrew; Egyptian Aramaic שלםpay in full Cooke404 = S-CL 5. 7); —

Pe`al Participle pass, שְׁלִםEzra 5:16 finished, of temple.

Haph`el Perfect3masculine singular suffix הַשְׁלְמַהּDaniel 5:26 God has finished it (the kingdom; brought it to an end); Imperative masculine singular הַשְׁלֵםEzra 7:19 render in full, accusative of thing (compare Syriac Aph`el, BeRy Berthol), followed by קֳדָם‎ dei.