King James Bible
King James Version (KJV)

From beten; (only in plural) a pistachio-nut (from its form) -- nut.
see HEBREW beten
H992. botnim
בָּטְנִים noun [masculine] plural pistachio, an oval nut (compare Assyrian bu‰nu COTGloss & SchrMBAK 1881, 419, Aramaic בּוּטְנָא, , Arabic ; on Punic Βουτνούμ BlauZMG 1873, 527) = pistacia terebinthus RobBR i. 208, ii. 222, PostPEF Oct. 1888, 218, No. 214 f; Tr. Vict. Inst. xxii. 271 etc. pist. vera LöwNo. 44); Genesis 43:11 one of the articles carried from Canaan to Egypt by sons of Jacob as present to Joseph; still a delicacy in Egypt and Syria, compare Wetzst in Löwp.420.