All Discussion PAGE 1216

  • I'm confused - In Reply - 2 years ago
    What difference ?
  • T Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Ezekiel 37:12-14, I was amazed the other day to see this prophecy.

    Matthew 27:52-53, I didn't find anywhere it clearly states how long.

    Luke 24:51, Mark 16:19, Acts 1:1-11, here is the account recorded of when Jesus was taken up.

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • Joshua Fowler - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Suze, I appreciate your reply so very much. I have been feeling so guilty for some of my actions and really am so grateful. Unfortunately I used to be a big fan of heavy metal among other things, recently though I have started throwing all of that stuff away and am trying very hard to repent. I have also used alcohol for decades as a well to cope and self medicate, thanks to God though tomorrow I will have three weeks of abstinence from it. I have also had sex outside of marriage and been idolatrous. I used to be agnostic (although I have never really been an atheist) and even thought I was basically a moral person. I am really trying to change and have been praying a lot and reading the Bible, the overwhelming truth is undeniable though I wish I had seen this much sooner. Thanks again for your reply, I really think that it's God's way of comforting me.
  • Anonymous Prayer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you for sharing/posting this, Sir! I have prayed/agreed with you in prayer, and will do so again! You/your wife are not alone in this battle--others are struggling from the wickedness and disobedience of witchcraft, magic, sorcery, etc! Nothing is new under the sun--though the world will lie and say otherwise--either lying in ignorance or lying while being in total and complete knowledge of the Truth!

    GOD doesn't want humans to deal in sorcery, witchcraft, magic, necromancy, and the like, and we are not equipped to enjoin ourselves to devils, or familiar spirits, or unclean spirits! He doesn't want us to search for/delve into or explore spiritual uncleanliness, it is DANGEROUS--as the devils involved only have ONE goal: to sell us lies, and to steal, kill and destroy our gift of ETERNAL life through Christ, Jesus!

    Crabs in a bucket--and Hell is a pit or a very, VERY deep, and tormented bucket!
  • Mishael - In Reply - 2 years ago
    With the love of Jesus and for the brothers, I have to disagree. There's too many scriptures of Paul naming women who helped him in the ministry. I feel sure that they were not all cooking.

    Jesus didn't say: ok all you men GO YE into all the world. He just said, GO YE.

    It is the Holy Spirit who anoints Believers for Ministry.

    We are certainly living in the times of the Joel chapter 2 prophesy.

    If a individual is anointed, the gift will make room for them to preach and teach.

    I do know there are "Jezebel spirits" out there. We need to ask for discernment from the Holy Spirit so we can spot fakes with NO anointing. Are people being healed, set free, raise the dead?
  • Anonymous Prayer - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Your words blessed me, and I followed (and was reminded of) the scripture you referenced/quoted. I prayed in the LORD Jesus Christ's Father's name, and what I was temporarily suffering l--the LORD GOD DID alleviate. I felt the change in my body as I prayed, before I saw that your reminder to Christ's words/promise plus your prayer here,moved the LORD GOD Jehovah/I AM, to heal me through faith in His Son, Jesus' promise!

    I temporarily lost the blessing--but ten I abided in your instruction, and the LORD IS...moved by faith/trust in Him/His trustworthiness/His ability to tell us AL truth--ALL the time when He speaks and when He spoke in scripture

    I saw and prayed, and wil continue to pray your other prayers that were listed on here concerning your children, your health or not feeling well, and all other requests including your sister T's chemotherapy healing, etc!

    Thank you for your words--the LORD is working through your knowledge and faithful application of His Word! Amen and this is good for your heavenly resume/report card when you o before The Master--Christ--n person!


    *Thank you, too, for reminding me of the CRITICAL and CRUCIAL importance of the "supplication of thanks giving" when going before the throne of the All-powerful, Almighty, One True GOD in prayer requesting! This is seen and instructed throughout scripture (especially in the book of Psalms), but I had been deficient in it, partially due to fear in thanking Him for current and past daily and prayer-based provisions, because of a mildly traumatic, Satanic, attack that disuaged me in the past, from a particularly nefarious person.
  • Suze - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Joshua , I'm convinced that you are not among the very worst sinners , I also don't think that God wants us to be miserable in this life . There are many ways to find a bit of harmless pleasure in this life , if you don't mind me saying so , your options may be limited by your physicality so please don't be so hard on yourself . I am also a big music and film and books fan and some of the stuff I enjoy might be frowned upon by other Christians , however , they may be able to enjoy themselves in ways that I am unable to or that I wouldn't agree with . I don't gamble , I can't remember the last time I saw the ocean as I don't drive a car . I too am also limited physically , so if I read a book that has a curse word in it or listen to some energetic music or watch a film in which some one gets punched , I'm not going to beat myself up over that . Romans Ch 14 . Much love to you in Christ .
  • Suze - In Reply on Isaiah 52 - 2 years ago
    Amen to that Gigi , may God bless you .
  • Suze - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you Shirley and may God bless you .
  • ELB - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Ronnie, the answer is in:

    Hebrews 11:39 And all these (Old Testament saints), having a good report through faith, received not the PROMISE:

    The Promise is eternal life (CHRIST IN YOU) and that was not available to man until Pentecost.

    The Old saints were waiting in the grave for the resurrection.

    Christ is the resurrection.

    Hebrews 11:40 God having provided something better for us (DEATH passes over us, and ETERNAL LIFE LIVES IN US), that they without us should not be made perfect (the image of Christ).

    The Old saints as well as any that have left this body of flesh, are now in the Holy City, new Jerusalem, made without hands; because they are spirits of just men made perfect.

    Hebrew 1:14 Are they not ministering spirits (the image of Christ) sent forth to minister for them who shall be HEIRS OF SALVATION.

    God Bless You!
  • Giannis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    In my mind you are very appreciated for your life and work to spread the Gospel to people through hard times, althought I don't agree to some of your beliefs. Reading all you have done for God makes me feel so small and inferior in front of you.

    God Bless you.
  • Giannis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Terri.

    Let me tell you of a vision that God showed to a sister in Crist some years ago. It may help.

    She was in front of God's throne during the Judgement. Before her there was another person that was judged by God. Both of them had in their hands a sheet of paper that had written on them their debts, that is things they have done to be judged. The sister knew the other person that was judged. When she was thinking of one of the other person's fault and judged him/her in her mind, the same debt/fault appeared in her sheet too. So she thought it is better not to think and judge the other person's fault so that it wouldn't appear in her sheet too and not be judged for it as well.

    Conclusion? If you are strict to people then God will be strict to you as well.

  • Donna - In Reply - 2 years ago

    Thank you Shirley! May you feel Jesus near today and always, and be well. I pray that the Lord will meet every need for you. In Jesus name. Whatever it is that's on your heart today. Praying for you as well. Thank you!
  • Bj - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Very well said and all true.Jesus took out place.The one thief on cross beside Jesus that day believed and Jesus said today you will be in paradise.what could we possibly do to save ourselves.what a precious Saviour.
  • GiGi - In Reply on Isaiah 52 - 2 years ago
    Hello Rose, Like Suze, I do not think the Scriptures support "generational curses". We suffer from the decisions made by our predecessors or there can be genetic predispositions or familial tendencies passed down. These are not curses, but results of our fallenness.

    When we come to Christ and are converted, the Holy Spirit makes us a new creation in Christ. So, we are no longer enslaved by any off these things that are inherited or passed on by family example. We can have victory over them through the work of the Holy Spirit in us. For some people, they have instant deliverance. For others, one needs to persevere in prayer, faith, and walking by the Spirit.

    Some things that are genetically inherited that are medical in nature may be with us all of our life. But we have the hope of the next life where these things will be totally eradicated from our beings.
  • GiGi - In Reply on Isaiah 52 - 2 years ago
    Suze, I agree with you. I do not believe in generational curses either.

    We do suffer from the decisions made from our predecessors and there can be hereditary tendencies or illnesses passed on through families genetically or by upbringing and example. But these are not curses. This is fallenness.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hello Elise,

    Abraham had eight sons altogether.

    Ishmael from Hagar

    Isaac from Sarah

    and 6 sons from Keturah, whom he married after Sarah died. These six sons settled Midian and Arabia.
  • Ronnie bishop - 2 years ago
    Matthew Chapter 27:52 And the graves were opened, and many bodies of the saints which slept arose, Chapter 27:53 And came out of the graves after his resurrection, and went into the holy city, and appeared to many. My question is did these saints remain on the earth and lived more years and died again. Or did they receive glorified bodies and went to Heaven when Jesus did? I know it say's they appeared to many people.
  • Donna - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I don't Believe that God sends our dead loved ones to speak to us. I believe that it's one of satans tricks. Or witchcraft. I don't know of any scripture that support listening to dead loved ones who come to us in a dream. And I don't believe that God wants us to speak to our dead loved ones or lift them up with holidays and the like. I think That is called necromancy I'm not sure. But some dreams or apparitions are so convincing BECAUSE they are "appear" to be our loved ones. But we all know the devil is a liar. If there's any scripture that I am missing please feel free to share it with me.
  • Suze - In Reply - 2 years ago
    May God bless you too ELB . God called you out of this world , I believe He called me out of it too . We cannot be friends of the world and be commited Christians , before anyone criticizes me for that statement they should read their Bible . God is not willing that any should perish but perish they will if they don't repent and put themselves in His hands one hundred per cent . He is our loving Heavenly Father and He wants us with Him for ever . I'm desperate for the return of Christ , please pray for the peace of Jerusalem . I hope to see you and everyone on here , there , in the New Jerusalem , ever so soon . When it is Your will Dear Heavenly Father .
  • Suze - 2 years ago
    Dear brothers and sisters in Christ , what is the thing that all the world wonders after ? What is the world enthralled by on a daily basis ? Is it not technology ? What is the most obvious and prevalent piece of technology in the world ? You are looking at it , the internet . Doesn't the internet remind you of something else in the Bible ? Maybe the tower of Babel ? Or perhaps the tree of the knowledge of good and evil ? Please , limit your time on the internet and be so very discerning as to which sites you visit , the serpent is so very subtle . Don't let it wrap itself around you and squeeze the life out of you . So many of our young people are being funneled into a hive mentality , unable or unwilling to think for themselves , even some older people too . Be very discerning when it comes to the web . It's very apt that it's called the web , don't get trapped in it !
  • Shirley - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you for your prayer request. I pray that God will comfort your heart, and give you peace in the midst of all that you are going on. Your request has been taken to God.
  • Jesse - In Reply on Romans 2 - 2 years ago
    Brother Wayne, Amen!!!

    Sometimes we don't even have to say a word for God's Spirit in us to testify and minister to someone!
  • Shirley - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you very much for your prayer request. Please know that your request have been taken to God in prayer.
  • Shirley - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you for your prayer request. Prayer has been given for your loved one. May God bring you comfort and peace. I pray for complete recovery for your loved one.
  • Shirley - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you for your prayer request. Prayers has been sent regarding your request. I pray that God will give you peace and comfort in all that you are facing. Stay close to God in prayer and in His Word.
  • Shirley - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you for your prayer request. Believe and know in your heart that if you have Faith in Jesus Christ and Repent of your sins, he will forgive you of your sins. God loves you and Our Savior Jesus Christ, The Lord knows your heart and if you sincerely seek for His forgiveness and have a honest desire to be forgiven and the willingness to change your ways as you are Faithful The Lord will change your heart. Peace to you from God.
  • Giannis - In Reply on Acts 2 - 2 years ago
    Of course they were. Is there anything that suggests they weren't.
  • Giannis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Well, dear Rose, some go to an imaginatory trial.

    The Judge is Father God. The person accused is me, you, every human being You are accused that you broke the law, God's Law, that is you sinned and kept sinning in all of your life. The verdict is that you are guilty. The Judge Father God announcers the penalty. The penalty is Death, since the wage of sin is death, that is everybody who sins suffers a physical and a spiritual death as well. The spiritual death is the eternal sepatation from God (hell). At that very moment somebody in the audience that is attending the trial shouts to the Judge " Dear Sir, my name is Jesus Christ, if you and the accused person accept my offer, I would like to pay the penalty me myself and the accused person to be freed. The Judge Father God accepts that. It is now a decision for the accused person to accept that offer or not. If he accepts it he is freed and Jesus takes his place, if he doesn't then he must be sentenced himself. This is what Jesus did on the cross. As a representative of all mankind of all ages paid the penalty for the sins done by all people, once for all. Everybody who believes in Jesus work and accepts the offer/the freedom/the salvation that is offered becomes free and acceptable by God in his eternal kingdom. If smd doesn't then the prison awaits for him.

    I tried to make it as simple as possible, hope you understand it .

    Now there isn't a stop jere. You must walk with Jesus from now on. A walk of pure life, and if you din, because we are humans and we will eventually sin sometime, then you ask for forgiveness and raise op and keep walking.

    There are no generational curses for christians. Jesus's blood is a shield against them.

    As far as your dreams are concerned you are the person who knows the answer. Do you have setbacks? If yes then repent and start going forward (do not feel much guilty, everybody has setbacks). If not maybe those dreams are either from a guilty consious or maybe from satan?

  • Karin - In Reply on Isaiah 52 - 2 years ago
    When we admit to ourselves and to others that we are not in control of our lives or the lives of others. We must turn every aspect of our life over to him. To trust only in him. This is hard because our Ego and Ego of others will want to stand in the way of him. Our Ego says there is no God. Our Ego says God does not love or care for us. Our Ego is like the serpent that temps us to do bad things to ourselves and others. Be of good cheer and know God wants you to trust in Him because he truly does love you and wants a loving personal relationship with you.

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