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1 Timothy 2:11-12
Serpent is created by God : Gen Ch 2 V 1 . God says , Gen Ch 2 V 17 : in the day that thou eatest ( 2nd Peter Ch 3 V 8 , how old was the oldest person in the Bible ? ) , thou shalt surely die .
John Ch 8 V 44 , the serpent tells the lie in Gen Ch 3 V 4 : ye shall not surely die , and this lie is the death of Adam and Eve , she believes the lie and not God so she eats and Adam follows her lead .
Gen Ch 3 V 5 : ye shall be as god's knowing good and evil , Gen Ch 3 V 22 . How should we b ? Matthew Ch 18 V 1- 4 , Luke Ch 18 V 15-17 .Do little children know good and evil ? Or r they innocent , open hearted , totally dependant on and trusting of their parents love for them ? Our parents r God and Jesus and we must b as their little children , obedient and trusting of their love and righteousness .
The serpent encourages worldly wisdom , Christ calls him the prince of this world , Luke Ch 4 V 5-8 , John Ch 12 V 31 , Ch 14 V 30 , Ch 16 V 11 . The serpent , or satan if u like , rules this world but he absolutely does not have a free reign , Job Ch 1+2 .We must not b of this world ,Matthew Ch 13 V 22 . John tells us a lot about this world , John Ch 8 V 23 , Ch 12 V 31, Ch 14 V 17 , Ch 14 V 30 , Ch 15 V 19 , Ch 16 V 8 , Ch 16 V 11 , Ch 17 V 9 , Ch 18 V 36 . Also Romans Ch 3 V 6 and Ch 12 V 2 . Also 1st Corinth Ch 1 V 20-28 , Ch 3 V 19 and Ch 7 V 32-34 . Also 2nd Tim Ch 4 V 10 , James Ch 4 V 4 . Also 1st John Ch 2 V 15-17 , Ch 4 V 1-5 . And Rev Ch 13 V 3 . Finally James , Ch 1 V 27 .
1 Timothy 2:5
God bless and Jesus keep us each and every one today. Hear our prayers as we rise up to start this day. Heal us of our diseases and put the enemy under our feet today! Lead us each to someone who needs a touch from Heaven today, whether it be online or in person. Lord we praise and glorify You lifting You high before the world! Thank You Lord for hearing us. For loving us. For healing us. For comforting us and strengthening us. Give us wisdom today Father. Help us to be wise as serpents yet gentle as a dove.Bur most of all let us know and do Your will. Let us walk in Your Holy Spirit not in the flesh. Answer all who are reaching out to You here and everywhere. Help the brethren who are being persecuted. Be with them mightily in their bonds. And Lord we lift up Israel to You PROTECT AND LEAD they are Your people we pray for them. In Jesus name. Amen.
Be I've been a street preacher 35 yrs.
If you read your Bible relentlessly, you're ready
If you've been baptized by the Holy Spirit
I love how Peter did it when he met a blind begger: " silver and gold have I none, but such as I have, give I to you! The man was healed.
Come hang around in here and answer questions with the rest of us. If you know enough to be saved yourself, you are able to help save someone else.
Minister one on one. Crowds attract hecklers.
Kirk Cameron has street witnessing videos on YouTube. On Google there are many websites to help you feel informed about street ministry.
Easy way to start is to get some "Chick Tracts" online. They aren't expensive. You view the ones you like. I put them on bus stop benches, on a sidewalk away from foot traffic, park benches on weekends. When that feels comfortable, you can try saying hello with eye contact.
Most important: first Pray to the Lord of the Harvest and ask Him to bless your efforts.
I will add to Mishael's list:
God Most High
Yahweh Yireh
Yahweh Rapha
Yahweh Nissi
Yahweh Shalom
Yahweh Rohi
Yahweh Tsidknenu
this is all I can think of right now
There's a new movie out now on the End Times. It's one hour, goes real fast from Genesis to the Millennium. On YouTube, search BLESSON END OF DAYS.
It shows everyone in the Upper Room on The First Pentecost. There are women in the scene.
Also, the Bible says the people in the Upper Room spilled out in the street.
During the tribulation, when the people of the world see the destruction of Babylon the Great, they will mourn the loss of their source of riches and pleasure ( Revelation 18:9, 15, 19).
I'm not going to disparage on the Catholic Church at large. Not all are the same as the Vatican. I was kind of shocked when the Pope visited Jerusalem and said (on TV), Israel should give over control of the ? Golan Heights to the Palestinians who are occupying it. But the Israelis police it. Lots of Israelis are being shot or injured.
God CUT A COVENANT WITH ABRAHAM and his wife Sarah. Period. Ishmael has no rights to any part of Jerusalem or the land deeded to Abraham, recorded in the Bible. The Israelis want to build Temple #3. Good news is this: once the Temple is built and animal sacrifices for sin, begin again; Jesus will return and get His Church (Christians) off this planet. Watch the Israel news with Erick Stakelbeck and subscribe (on YouTube) so you can keep an eye on the progress.
American news media barely reports on Israel news.
FYI. You might look at all the Palestinian preaching on YouTube about the MAHDI they are looking for. I can't believe I'm banned off youtube and then they allow militant preaching about the Mahdi ?!?
The gifts are given as the Holy Spirit wills it. But we are told elsewhere to desire the best gifts.
Read in the NT Bible, about the gifts.
Word search in this website search box: discern
I noticed that on YouTube Charles Stanley has sermons of
Spiritual Discernment
Walking in the Holy Spirit
(I highly recommend his teachings)
That was the first gift the Holy Spirit gave me.
He teaches you to discern if you are dealing with a human, evil spirit, or the Holy Spirit or angels
If we submit ourselves, the Holy Spirit will guide you in all things as you fill yourself up on Bible scriptures. Many times it is through scripture when He chooses to speak to your born again spirit. We view things through a glass darkly. 1 Corinthians 13:12
With the Holy Spirits gifts, we can "see the mirror" better.
He's our Teacher, Helper, Comforter and much more. It is our hunger and thirst for the truths in Gods Word that causes the gifts to operate. In my experience, He very much enjoys praise and worship of Jesus. Sometimes I sit in my "closet" under the clothes_just listening intently, or I sing. I was singing I WALK THE LINE by Johnny Cash and the Holy Spirit sang too! I never knew it was a spiritual song. He said, you walk the line, because you're Mine. I walk the line every day now. I know why Jesus is protective of the Holy Spirit__as in Don't grieve, quench or blaspheme Holy Spirit.
Our relationship with the Holy Spirit should be sweeter and tighter as time goes by. He will give you the gifts as you educate yourself on what each one is, and what they are for. One: some gifts operate for other people, Through you. It requires obedience and availability.
If you hear a voice that disturbs you, makes you fear; that was the devil. Send him into outer darkness in Jesus Name.
Keep coming back here. You'll love the ease of the Search Engine to look up things.
PS: In ancient Greece MAKARES were only the Gods.
concerning the Land of Israel. The boundaries are in the Bible
Sarah gave Hagar her maid to get children from. Hagar had a son; Ishmael. He was born through the permissive Will of God. God blessed Ishmael mightily, but he was not heir to the Covenant of the Land.
Later Sarah had Isaac. She could see how much Abraham loved the boy, and feared for Isaac. Angels told her she would have a son. ISSAC was the perfect will of God.
The struggle in Israel today is directly due to the COVENANT OF THE LAND, GOD made with Abraham and wife Sarah. The Palestinians do not recognize Sarah at all.
If you word search names: Ishmael, Isaac, Covenant, Blessing, in the Old Testament only, you'll the the short passages that often get missed. In history Hagar moved away for a long time but moved back in the region.
Sarah had died and Abraham re-married; but not to Hagar.
It is something we all need to know because the final wars will be about the covenant of the Land; and Jerusalem. God never said that Israel can trade land for peace. It's going to result in Armageddon.
That's why Jesus told us to pray for the peace of Jerusalem. They have to build the 3rd Temple and begin daily animal sacrifices again. That's our BIG SIGN of THE END. So read the YouTube news on Temple progress.
Try Erik Stakelbeck Israel news site. He's a Jewish Christian.
After my salvation, the Holy Spirit had me clear out my house of any item I had that had anything to do with occult. I had to burn them. Acts 19:19. I cannot express the change in my house the next day. Peace.
Ask the Holy Spirit to go through your house with you.
Confront the past, and just let it all go. Ask God for an angel to guard your house for a while. Your life now is hidden within Christ. He is yours; you are his. Song of Solomon. "I am My Beloveds__My Beloved is Mine".
If you are saved, form the habit of daily devotions--praying and reading the Bible, including studying the Gospel of John which teaches Jesus's deity, and what the Apostles Peter and Paul wrote about growing strong in our walk with Christ Hebrews 5:11-6:12, 1 Cor. 3:1-4, 10-15, Eph 4:11-16, 1 Pet. 2:1-3, 2 Pet.1:3-10. When you sin, ask forgiveness and repent from ever doing it again.
If you are not born again, that is, not saved, here is the way to salvation:
"As it is written, 'There is none righteous, no, not one.'" ( Romans 3:10)
"For all have sinned, and come short of the glory of God." ( Romans 3:23)
"For the wages of sin is death; but the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord." ( Romans 6:23)
"But God commendeth his love toward us, in that, while we were yet sinners, Christ died for us." ( Romans 5:8)
"For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved." ( Romans 10:13)
That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. For with the heart man believeth unto righteousness; and with the mouth confession is made unto salvation. For the scripture saith, Whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed. For there is no difference between the Jew and the Greek: for the same Lord over all is rich unto all that call upon him. For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.- Romans 10:9-13
1 Corintihans 12
James 5:13-16
Here it is clear the saved are being talked about. So there is a difference between laying hands on the saved and the unsaved. In my life I have never experienced and been infected by the people outside the church. Outside, they are not with us in the Spirit, are they?
Mark 16:14-18
Here it is Jesus Himself who gives the mission command. I want you all to overcome your unbelief, it is these words that you must prove dear sister. Seize the day, the moment, and capture every evil thought. Cleanse yourself every day from malicious thinking and live your life in Peace with Jesus and ppl that you hope for something you do not see. It applies to all of us. Romans 8 and 9 chapter. Go out at Jesus' command and look neither to the left nor to the right. Do the Lord's revelation and do not be afraid to live out the Gifts of the Spirit. If I have now misunderstood their answers, then remember that language, words can be confusing if they are not presented comprehensibly. I use google and sometimes it also goes wrong. :) please forgive me.
God bless u all in Jesus Name He loves u, love u in Christ.
Now, if you have children that's different; outside of your bedroom.