All Discussion PAGE 1226

  • Giannis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Mishael.

    Thanks for your reply.

    I know the verses you mentioned. I wasn't trying to understand the nature of God, just trying to find an analogy of the Trinity in the physical world. So I came up with the jewel..

    Now, let's talk about the word Trinity. Why do I think that your dislike for the word Trinity is not due to the word itself but due to its use by the RCatholic church, isn't that true? But the term Trinity was not invented by the RCatholics but by the ancient church in its struggle against the first heresies appeared from inside the church itself, like Arianism and others that described Jesus as only man or as only God, or teaching that God is one person that appears sometimes as Father, other times as Son or Holly Spirit. There is 17-18 centuaries history behind that word. So finally the ancient church came up with the term "Agia Trias' which is Greek for "Holly Trinity" as a term to say that God is one but 3 persons at the same time.

    Then it was translated in Latin and later on in other languages. In Greece it is used extensively by all denominations, reborn christians as well.

    Personally I don't stick to it although to be honest I like it, I may use any other word that describes the nature of God accurately. I dont mind using the word Godhead or anything else. Never heard of the word Godhead before since it is the first time I joined an English speaking christian forum here. Anyway thanks for replying.

    Have a nice day. God Bless You
  • Michael Dorsey - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Ezekiel said in Chap. 18. That the son shall not bear the sins of his Father. Whether others believe in it or not. I believe in Generational Curses. How many times have you heard someone say, there just like their Father or Mother. And it's usually not in a good way either. If they Drink,smoke,do drugs,sleep around,blow their money. Many times the Children will continue on in the same pattern. It takes a made up mind and the Blood. God said if you continue in my ,stay in my Ways. I will bless your Children unto the 4th generation. There is great benefit for your Children when you Serve God. If they are born or live in a Godless House, they face a Uphill Battle. Enoch was Raptured, he walked so close to God. God took him. But He lived 65 years without God, but when He that Baby Methusalah. It made Him realize how much He,his Family and his son needed God. And his son lived 969 years because of his walk. Back to Ezekiel,, He said The Son,daughter shall not carry,bear the sins of the Father. And vice-versa, for the Father,Mothers. There are a lot of Parents asking what they did wrong, because of Children acting out. Ezekiel says we are all responsible for our own sin. No one will stand in front of God and say I lived like the devil,lied,cheated, etc,,, because of my Parents. I understand they can influence it, sometimes leave Children no choice but to do so just to survive. But they have to make it right with God. I often pass Families with coolers and Towels, umbrellas, I see them coming in and out of the Stores. All on my way to Church. And that Father means well, He is trying to spend time with His Family. Which is required. But if you really want to invest in your children, take them somewhere special. Take then to The House of God.

    Mikey Out. Oooooh Yeah!!!!
  • David Williams on Jonah 4 - 2 years ago
    Did Jonah go to hell. What does this passage have to do with us this era that we are in. Did Jonah go to hell
  • Alex N - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hiya Mishael...But the Godhead is simply three...All the way back to the Ark of the Covenant The Father dwelt between the 2 Cherubim of GLORY Thus there were 3 in the most Holy Place...And Moses didn't build the ARK OF THE COVENANT BY any man made plans...God told Moses see that you build the ark from what was shown you on the Mount when he was with God for 40 days...So this precious Godhead ( the trinity ) has absolutely nothin to do with the Catholic Church...Only in the minds of some folks that hate the Godhead the trinity say this...When God told Moses that his name was Abraham Issac and Jacob and my memorial to all generations..Just as Abraham offered up his only son Issac God Almighty offered up his only Son Christ Jesus..And just as Abraham was multiplied as the sands of the seas, God Almighty is gonna be multiplied as the stars of heaven...Thats y Jesus is saying that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit which is the H.G. The Children of Promise..THAT ISRAEL OF GOD which are spirits the H.G. PLURAL..As the stars of heaven which is the contents of the Book in the Father right hand..And that is y we must be born from above...Just as there was a natural Israel there has to be an Israel of God which is the H.G. That heavenly Jacob in Isaiah 49.

    ...When Jesus said whosoever receiveth one such Child in my name receiveth me...Thats the H.G the child of PROMISE THE ISRAEL OF GOD...They don't refer to Jesus as the bridegoom for nothin...He is gonna sire an Israel of God in humanity...As the field is the world..When God changed Jacobs name to Israel it was prophetic the H.G. TH 3 RD PERSON WD BE ISRAEL of GOD.

    ....Not only does God want a new covenant he wants a new ISRAEL MADE UP OF ALL PPL BY THE SEED OF Christ sown in their hearts...a new innerman which is spirit the H.G. PLURAL that is gona be as the stars of heaven in multitudes...As i will pour out my Spirit on all flesh which is the H.G the Children of PROMISE....An Israel of God via the seed of Christ Jesus
  • Giannis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I like it too dear Donna. But the problem with the egg is that each part of it is not inside the other, they are separate, so I tried to find another analogy and came back with the jewel. GBU
  • Jesse - In Reply on Romans 12 - 2 years ago
    Minor correction:

    Instead of "Your attitude and my identification is with those who are lowly, that have nothing," I meant to say our attitude and our identification is with those who are lowly, that have nothing."
  • Pastor Sidney - In Reply - 2 years ago
    in Romans 13:1 it says the powers that be are ordained by God. Those powers meaning, the government. Throughout scripture, we are admonished to obey the law. From Genesis to Revelations, we are told about law and what governs our hearts and minds. This being said, If the government doesn't recognize the marriage as being legit. Then it's not in the eyes of God.
  • Michael Dorsey - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I would Pray I or you never get the chance to ask Judas Iscariot. The Bible said Christ handpicked him, anointed him to heal and to cast out devils. I'm sorry for the Once Saved, always Saved Crowd, but Jesus made it very plain. Devils can't cast out devils. But Judas coveted that Money, 30 pieces of silver. And then that dark night ,last supper, The Bible says ,,Satan entered into him.

    How many times have I or you heard, and Judas was never even saved. Then how did Satan enter in if he was already there? Hmmmm,,, Let's see,,, oh yeah , he backsliding and God left him. Acts said he died and went to his own place. Interpretation is this,, He made his choice,, he walked with God and lost out. Revelations says, because of neither being warm or cold, but tepid, lukewarm. It was sickening to God. You were in my Body, The Body of Christ, but I couldn't keep you down. So I literally vomited, threw you up. To get you out of my Body, The Body.

    What of King Saul, a Prophet, a great physical specimen, a man that is touched by God. A gifted man, a man that God gives a group of men to help him who have been anointed by God. But the Bible says The Spirit of The Lord departed from him. It left him, and a demon prophesied over him, that He and his sons would soon join him in He'll.

    Sampson ,The Bible said,played around with the gifts of God, that there came a Day in his Cockiness , He said " I'll go out as other times, sing today, teach,preach,shout, you better watch out. It's showtime at the Appolo. But then it said He knew not, that the Spirit of the Lord had departed from Him, left him. But in this instance, and Praise God, no matter how far or deep I or you fall. All that call upon The Lord Shall be Saved!!! But how many will call on him, even in the Church.

    Sampson said, Lord avenge me and strengthen me just one more time. And he REPENTED. That's all it takes when Christians fall, sin, Godly Repentance. And God restored Sampson, and he died there with God
  • Jesse - In Reply on Romans 12 - 2 years ago

    Romans 12:16 says, "Be of the same mind." The word used in the Greek text tells us that it is talking about the frame of mind, as in be of the same frame of mind. It does not mean to think the same thoughts. It means to be like-minded, to have the same frame of mind and attitude about life and the scriptures. Paul said that Timothy was like-minded. His approach and attitude to life was the same as Paul.

    We are to be of the same frame of mind towards one another. Then it says, "Do not mind not high things, but condescend to men of low estate." It literally means join yourself with the humble and the poor, not with the rich and the influential, which is what we have a tendency to do, especially in the church.

    So identify yourself with other believers, have the same frame of mind and attitude. Remember what James said in James Chapter 2, "realizing that God has chosen the poor in this world to be rich in faith."

    So if you want to hang around a rich guy that's poor in faith just because he's rich, he says here that it shouldn't be your frame of mind. Your attitude and my identification is with those who are lowly, that have nothing. Then it says be not wise in your own conceits. And the word wise in the Greek text also has to do with the frame of mind.

    I hope this helps you!
  • Bro dan - In Reply on 1 Corinthians 7 - 2 years ago
    Hi Corey,

    If you sinned voluntarily, or involuntarily regarding your marriage simple pray for forgiveness, and you will be forgiven. If we believe in Jesus, and ask for forgiveness, all of our sins will be forgiven - accept for ONE sin - and that sin is: blaspheme of the Holy Spirit. Here is Jesus telling us exactly this, in scripture below.below

    Mark 3:28-29

    "Verily I say unto you, All sins shall be forgiven unto the sons of men, and blasphemies wherewith soever they shall blaspheme:" "But he that shall blaspheme against the Holy Ghost hath never forgiveness, but is in danger of eternal damnation:"

    Again there is much scripture that reinforces forgiveness of ALL sin.

    Colossians 2:13

    "And you, being dead in your sins and the uncircumcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all trespasses;"

    1 John 1:9

    "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness."

    Ask for forgiveness, and move on with your life, in a goodly and Godly manner. Stay close to your bible and God.

    God Bless.
  • Adam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Ronald, I'm not sure what you mean by children destroyed. I think sin of parents can adversely affect children and generations, but I don't believe salvation depends upon others' actions. Each individual will be responsible for his or her own decisions especially into adulthood. Those who depart early before an age of understanding will be judged fairly. God bless.
  • Jesse - In Reply - 2 years ago

    I firmly believe the answer to that is yes. A saved person is someone who has eternal life. How long is eternal? If salvation can be lost, do we really have eternal life? In reality, Christ did not give me eternal life, He gave me Himself, and He is eternal. That's how I can claim to have eternal life. It's because I have the eternal one living inside of me and He has promised to never leave me. There is nothing in scripture that tells us that we can lose our salvation.

    Think of it this way: If you are saved, who saved you? Can man save himself? Salvation is all of God. Man has no part in salvation other than calling out to God to have mercy on them and to save them. It is God who saves, and it is God who keeps a person saved by His power alone. Man cannot save himself, and man cannot keep himself saved. We have to ask ourselves, is salvation from God alone, or is salvation a work of God and man? If we say it is God alone that saves, and we believe we can lose that salvation, at what point does salvation become a work of man? Again, man cannot save himself, and man cannot keep himself saved.

    A person who is truly saved (Born of God's Spirit) will always be saved. Why? Because salvation is all of God. We (saved ones) are kept by the power of God. He has sealed us with His Spirit. The blood of Christ has purchased us, meaning we now belong to Him. We cannot break that seal. The owner of the possession is the only one who can break the seal.

    If I were to believe that I can lose my salvation, can I truly say that I am trusting in Jesus Christ, the one who saved me, and the one who has promised to never leave me, the one who tells me that I am kept by His power alone? Think about it!
  • Ronnie bishop - 2 years ago
    In the KJV bible Revelation 13:16 when speaking of the mark of the beast it states the mark is placed IN their right hand or IN their forehead, but in many new translations it says the mark is place ON the right hand or ON the forehead. Should not the newer translations also read IN and not ON ? There is a difference between placing a mark On someone and placing a mark IN someone.
  • Adam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Donna, I think the better question is if two people are actually "committed" why wouldn't they want a marriage to legal and official? And if there's doubt and hesitancy then maybe they aren't as committed as they admitted. I think God's definition of marriage is a big deal and is supposed to be permanent. That's my opinion. God bless.
  • Michael Dorsey - In Reply on 1 Corinthians 7 - 2 years ago
    The Bible says if the unbeliever departs, a Brother or Sister is not held accountable. They are free to remarry, but only in The Lord, in God's Will and to another Christian. Do you really think God wants you to live Defeated, listless, powerless,oppressed. My Father in Law, under whose Ministry I was saved ,always said. " If you have a Husband or Wife that hinders you from serving God. You need to get rid of them. Because your Soul is much more important. If you have exhausted every means possible to restore that which was broken. Do not let Satan continue to dominate your life with guilt. You have been living in misery and now there is hope ,,and Satan knows it. There are literally 10s of millions of Christians who are carrying guilt and shame, because somebody wouldn't live right. And the devil says it's your fault, so Reap it.

    Listen,, at the end of the day every person does what is in their Heart. Me,you and every other man, woman. Don't buy into the Ol' " I could have done better, if you had done this, hadn't done this. I know we all wish we could go back and do some things ,say some things different. But the Reality is this,, it still wouldn't have changed what was in that Person's Heart.

    Pray, ask God, not man, he has the answers. And realize this, we are in this Flesh, no matter how good are intentions are. We still miss it. But just call on God again, and seek his Grace. Amen

    Mikey Out. Oooooh Yeah!!!!
  • Suze - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thanks Mishael , my friend is very materialistic . It's not entirely her fault , as a child her parents showed their love to her by buying her things so she puts a lot of importance on things . It's a hard habit for her to break , me ? I have the same curtains in my living room for the last 30 years ! No , I'm not kidding , smiley face . My mum and step dad are both very poorly with bad chest problems , arthritis , high blood pressure , high cholesterol and heart problems . My step dad has two daughters and two step children and about 9 siblings , dozens of nieces and nephews etc . They are no where in sight and I'm doing all their housework for them . My mum's sister lives next door to them but never asks if they need anything . People are cold hearted and selfish . If you genuinely care about some one you help them when they need help . You sound like a very soft hearted kind guy and your posts on here are always appreciated by me and others I'm sure . You will be getting a lot of hugs from friends you didn't even know you had when God gathers His precious jewels together in His Kingdom . Stay strong Mishael , you are very much loved on this site and by everyone who knows you , I'm sure of that . Thanks again , much love in Christ .
  • ... - 2 years ago
    Father God cover me in Your grace and mercy please love me and bless me always declare I find favor with You and among all humanity especially at all places of work from bosses and coworkers and please keep Your promises to me all by Your grace alone in Jesus name now and forever amen
  • Suze - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you Daniel , I've just been reading Romans . My friend is very worldly , which actually means that she is very vulnerable , if you put your trust in the things of this world then you are not going to find any real peace or true joy . Her wordlyness makes her vulnerable . Thanks again .
  • Michael - In Reply - 2 years ago
    As with Elijah, there are always good people . He thought he was it, nobody left. I'm reminded of the Pastor who had Prayer Night, wbith a Church that ran over 400. Only about 40 showed up. He said The Lord told him to stand up and looked around, so he did. And the God said " This is the Rapture " . He rebuked it, thinking it to be the devil. And it happened 2 more times. " This is the Rapture " He pleaded with God, Lord I have 400 some people in my Church. We can hide our heads in the sand, shout louder, play longer or faster.

    But there is a Great Falling away, this Church Age, says we are rich, increased with goods, homes, cars, land, our Programs. To be honest we don't need you God, but he said, " You are poor, Blind, naked, halt, and I will spew you out. You were in my Body,, but you sickened me, I couldn't digest, so I will vomit, throw you out. If that seems Graphic, or mean, hard. I am only quoting God's Word. Yes, there are some of the best people you will ever meet in God's House. But Religion does this to a Man,Woman. The meanest person you will ever meet and the craziest is a Religious Person who establishes their own Righteousness. I'm Pentecostal, I was talking to a Elderly Baptist man, one day. He said " Sir, were 2 different denominations. But when I was younger, it didn't matter what the Sign said. There was so much Conviction, you either got in or got ran over". I'm sorry, We can't sugarcoat the fact we are in the time Paul spoke of. Having a Form of Righteousness,, but denying the Power thereof. But God's People will be separated at the Harvest. He is going to bring the Wheat into his Barn, His Kingdom, Heaven. So hold on,, and when you have stood as long as you can, took all you thought humanly possible. His Grace is still sufficient. Keep Standing. Praise God,,,,
  • Renae Yazzie - 2 years ago
    Where in the KJV bible does it say respect your culture
  • Daniel Lindenbaum - In Reply - 2 years ago
    1. The text of the NKJV is copyrighted by Thomas Nelson Publishers, while there is no copyright today on the text of the KJV. If your KJV has maps or notes, then it may have a copyright, but the text itself does not.

    2. There's nothing "new" about the NKJV logo. First edition prints have the pagan trinity which was used in the ancient Egyptian mysteries. It was also used by Satanist Aleister Crowley around the turn of this century. The symbol can be seen on the New King James Bible, on certain rock albums (like Led Zeppelin's), or you can see it on the cover of such New Age books as The Aquarian Conspiracy. (See Riplinger's tract on the NKJV.)

    3. It is estimated that the NKJV makes over 100,000 translation changes, which comes to over eighty changes per page and about three changes per verse! A great number of these changes bring the NKJV in line with the readings of such Alexandrian perversions as the NIV and the RSV. Where changes are not made in the text, subtle footnotes often give credence to the Westcott and Hort Greek Text.

    4. While passing off as being true to the Textus Receptus, the NKJV IGNORES the Receptus over 1,200 times.

    5. In the NKJV, there are 22 omissions of "hell", 23 omissions of "blood", 44 omissions of "repent", 50 omissions of "heaven", 51 omissions of "God", and 66 omissions of "Lord". The terms "devils", "damnation", "JEHOVAH", and "new testament" are completely omitted.

    6. The NKJV demotes the Lord Jesus Christ. In John 1:3, the KJV says that all things were made "by" Jesus Christ, but in the NKJV, all things were just made "through" Him. The word "Servant" replaces "Son" in Acts 3:13 and 3:26. "Servant" replaces "child" in Acts 4:27 and 4:30. The word "Jesus" is omitted from Mark 2:15, Hebrews 4:8, and Acts 7:45.

    7. The NKJV confuses people about salvation. In Hebrews 10:14 it replaces "are sanctified" with "are being sanctified", and it replaces "are saved" with "are being saved" in I Corinthians 1:18 and II Corinthians 2:15.
  • Adam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hebrews 10:26 "For if we sin wilfully after that we have received the knowledge of the truth, there remaineth no more sacrifice for sins,"

    1 Peter 1:13 "...hope to the end for the grace that is to be brought unto you at the revelation of Jesus Christ;"

    1 Peter 1:5 - "...salvation ready to be revealed in the last time."

    Joshua 24:15 "choose you this day whom ye will serve"

    John 14:15 "If ye love me, keep my commandments."

    Matthew 12:32 "...but whosoever speaketh against the Holy Ghost, it shall not be forgiven him, neither in this world, neither in the world to come."

    James 2:14-26 ", if it hath not works, is dead..."

    Jude 1:21 "KEEP YOURSELVES IN THE LOVE OF GOD, looking for the mercy of our Lord Jesus Christ unto eternal life."

    James 5:19-20 "BRETHREN, if any of YOU do ERR FROM THE TRUTH, and one convert him; Let him know, that he which converteth the sinner from the error of his way shall save a soul from death, and shall hide a multitude of sins.

    James 2:19 "Thou believest that there is one God; thou doest well: the devils also believe, and tremble."

    1 Corinthians 9:26-27 "I therefore so run, not as uncertainly; so FIGHT I, not as one that beateth the air: But I KEEP UNDER MY BODY, and BRING IT INTO SUBJECTION: lest that by any means, when I have preached to others, I myself should be a CASTAWAY."

    Hebrews 10:29

    "Of how much sorer punishment, suppose ye, shall he be thought worthy, who hath trodden under foot the Son of God, and hath counted the blood of the covenant, wherewith he was sanctified, an unholy thing, and hath done despite unto the Spirit of grace?"

    1 Cor 9:24-27 "run the race"
  • Daniel Lindenbaum - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Salvation is a gift from God. The Blood He shed on the Cross, the Faith we had to repent and received His be born again only truly happens once. You cannot undo what God has done. Only God had that power and He never says in His Word that Salvation could be removed.

    Read the words from Dr. Ray Stanford (1916-2012) and he once said, "The moment you are saved, you become a member of the body of Christ. If you could ever become unsaved, part of Christ's own body would go to hell"

    Now, what does the Holy KJV Bible say?

    We are clearly taught from God's Word that works are NOT essential to our salvation. Titus 3:5 states... "Not by works of righteousness which we have done, but according to his mercy he saved us..." And again in Ephesians 2:8,9 we are told, "For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God: Not of works, lest any man should boast." We are all Hell-deserving sinners! We do NOT have anything to do with salvation except to receive God's free gift by FAITH. Salvation is receiving, NOT giving.

    If I cannot do good works to get saved,

    then how can I do bad works to lose salvation?

    Jesus said in John 10:28, "And I give unto them eternal life; and they shall never perish, neither shall any man pluck them out of my hand.

    "These things have I written unto you that believe on the name of the Son of God; that ye may know that ye have eternal life, and that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God." - 1st John 5:13

    Some believe because Salvation is eternal...we could go back to sin without consequence. No, there are grave consequences and we do not have a sin license because we have eternal security:

    "What then? shall we sin, because we are not under the law, but under grace? God forbid." - Romans 6:15

    Be of peace, live a Holy life risen in Christ, read your Bible as they are our instructions for life and God bless you!
  • Donna - 2 years ago
    Biblically speaking, if two people decide they want to stay together and commit to one another for life do they actually have to have a marriage certificate to make it legally binding as far as God is concerned? Why?
  • Adam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Andrew, God's truth doesn't depend on our emotional feelings. Feelings change and aren't reliable indicators of truth. Truth comes from studying God's word.

    Do you consider yourself a follower and pursuer of Christ? Link

    If so, may I ask why you don't feel like you will be saved?
  • Adam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Venita, I will be praying along with you. Have you considered moving to a less expensive location in a rural area or doing a work for room and board exchange- like farm work?
  • Daniel Lindenbaum - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Amen brother Giannis. I've written an extension to this rapture study in the link and I have a separate study which outlines all Bible verses which uniquely distinguish the pre-tribulation rapture from the 2nd coming. There equally as many (if not more) verses in the Bible which pertain strictly to the 2nd coming and thus, many often get confused between the two or try placing the two together.

    jesus-is-savior. com "search 'The Rapture Explained'"

    All Bible verses used on the site are KJV only to keep in sound doctrine with

    Replacement theology has been around since about 300 A.D. but from the 1800's - early 2000's there was almost no mention of replacement theology (mid-rapture, post-trib rapture, millennial rapture, etc) until around 2012. Mainline denominations often adopt or replace common Biblical facts for substitutionary doctrine and deem the others as "old" or "incorrect." I'm trying to understand how it is that nearly all the early theologians believed in pre-tribulation rapture. They weren't ignorant of discerning the Word of God but let me put it like this: did you ever think we'd live to see mega churches telling you "god wants you to be a millionaire" "pray more for miracles & signs than simple Salvation and sanctification" "we don't need old worship with hymns, let's bring the bands of the world into the church and just change the words?" The church has fallen far from God and our only Hope is in Christ and His Holy Word brother.
  • Terry Smallwood - 2 years ago
    Once your saved are you always saved?
  • Alex N - In Reply - 2 years ago
    When i think about the GODHEAD the trinity i always think about Abraham Issac and Jacob...I think thats y God told Moses my name is Abraham Issac and Jacob....They were Father Son and GRANSON...And without this Granson Jacob there cd neva been the 12 tribes...and that Promise that Abraham wd be multiplied as the stars of heaven cd not happen without this Abrahamic trinity...And God Almighty swore by his very self that Christ was gonna be multiplied as the stars of heaven....Thus there is gonna be an ISRAEL OF GOD...Impling that God himself was gona be multiplied as the stars of heaven...As Jesus said to whom the Word came it made them Gods...When Jesus said that which is born of the Spirit is Spirit thats the H.G. the Child of Promise which is God as only God is spirit...As Isaiah speaks of a heavenly Jacob coming in the last days...The sun does not lite on them or any heat simply b/c they are Spirits...The H.G. plural as the stars of heaven in multitudes...ok lemme go someone at the DOOR...The dogs are barking
  • Daniel - In Reply on Isaiah 55 - 2 years ago
    Interesting discussion indeed my brother. I would add the following.

    During the flood of Noah, that more than likely, there were babies and children who died during this event. The thought of this happening breaks my heart as a dad and grandpa. There is no mention of Satan being granted permission to create this flood.

    Genesis 6:17 is very clear.

    "And, behold, I, even I, do bring a flood of waters upon the earth, to destroy all flesh, wherein is the breath of life, from under heaven; and every thing that is in the earth shall die."

    The creator must have processed the thoughts of what would happen to the little ones, and how scared they must have been. And then look into the future and see in the same word the following.

    Psalms 127: 3 Lo, children are an heritage of the LORD: and the fruit of the womb is his reward. 4 As arrows are in the hand of a mighty man; so are children of the youth. 5 Happy is the man that hath his quiver full of them: they shall not be ashamed, but they shall speak with the enemies in the gate.

    So, the question still remains.

    Does the creator have evil thoughts?

    I don't expect any of mankind to know this answer, for only the creator knows.

    Peace be with you brother.

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