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  • Daniel Lindenbaum - In Reply on 1 Thessalonians 4 - 2 years ago
    This is probably the closest to a correct answer I've even seen posted this site. 1. & 1a.

    The rapture would not occur anytime after, the Biblical teachings of the rapture (over 28 verses in the Bible which relate directly to a pre-tribulation rapture). The mid-tribulation, post-tribulation, millennial rapture teachings have a relatively dark history. Two of them (I believe they're the oldest false teachings of the 3 latter mentioned) teach that the rapture has already happened and as has the tribulation. There's another one which states everything was literal in the Bible and also already came to pass. The sects that teach that also believe that state that the streets of gold Christ talks about were not Spiritual but literal streets in Jerusalem.

    This used to be a relatively clear topic in theology but modern ministries have completely polluted. As I've written in a previous post -- there's no need to speculate: will Christians endure the 7-year tribulation? Satan would have some believe that and steal your peace.

    "Because thou hast kept the word of my patience, I also will keep thee from the hour of temptation, which shall come upon all the world, to try them that dwell upon the earth." - Revelation 3:10

    I have an entire study on this which also gives historical account of members of the early church (post Revelation) who wrote about the pre-tribulation rapture and wrote about it.
  • Kay - In Reply on Luke 6:28 - 2 years ago
    Well, Gigi, we are a bit the same in some ways! I too enjoy physical work. My son always is after me to 'slow down', I'll be 69 this summer, and in his mind, I should 'take it easy'. But I'm a firm believer that we 'lose' what we do not 'use'. It's true in our spiritual lives, and in our physical. We have a wood stove, and I'm always stacking wood, or hauling wood, mowing the lawn, etc.! This (as you so well put it!) 'foo foo' stuff isn't my 'thing'. :)

    Those are GREAT skills to have, regarding the power tools. I've not delved into that area yet, but probably should. It's good for gals to know that stuff!

    My son was showing me some videos on 'wood turning' from the you tube channel, "David's Woodturning'. It's fascinating. I would LOVE to do stuff like that! If I had lots of money - I'd also love to learn pottery and have my own pottery 'shed'! I love creative things; I don't say I have a lot of talent for it, but sure like to try!

    Have a wonderful new week, Gigi!!
  • Ecco De Ttidah - In Reply - 2 years ago
    If the church will be removed before the great tribulation, whose test will be done to?

    As the Bible says, the day of the Lord won't come before the man of sin is revealed. 2nd Thessalonians 2:2-4.

    After great tribulation will come to those who believe have the FAITH of Jesus Christ and those who hold fast His commandments.
  • Rich Hiett - 2 years ago
    After an all night party, driving home my car hit a cliff and spun out then stopped The car was half on and off about 100 foot cliff. I got out to see what had happened and in my minds eye, the car went over the cliff and exploded with me in it. 2 Years later at a Church there was interpretation of the spirit and the words were exactly what happened. They were I am the GOD who saved you from that CLIFF!
  • Suze - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Gloria , I am desperate for the return of Christ . God already knows who belongs to Him and who doesn't ,, He has always known everything about everyone and He sees all the evil , all of it all day every day , what a hideous site that must be . Here are a few verses that you might find helpful in understanding how I feel . Ezekiel Ch 23 , Rev Ch 2 V 18-23 , Ezekiel Ch 18 V 32 +Ezekiel Ch 33 V 11 , 2nd Peter Ch 3 V 1-14 , Isaiah Ch 62 especially V 7 , Psalm 122 especially V 6 , Genesis Ch 49 V 10 (Shiloh being Christ ) Isaiah Ch 48 V 22 and finally Matthew Ch 6 especially V 10 . We all need the return of Christ , Christians and none Christians , only then will there be real peace and safety for all . To pray for the peace of Jerusalem is to pray for the return of Christ . May God bless you .
  • Glenda - 2 years ago
    My prayer for today is that my grandson who is almost 13 is not able to read or write. They say he has dyslexia.

    So far the school has failed him. That's a tough age to be and not be able to read or write. Other kids can be pretty mean. I pray that God will give him the gift of literacy and that he would be a wonderful reader and writer, in Jesus name.
  • Dav47 - In Reply on Isaiah 55 - 2 years ago
    We are able to control when we put on the new man in CHRIST. When a bad thought pops into ones mind command the devil to flee, don't ask command him to flee and he will run from you all in JESUS name. CHRIST gave us the power over all our enemies in HIS name. To not have bad thoughts we have to put away earthly things and let the spiritual man take over. Paul explains this in Col. 3:;

    Col 3:1 If ye then be risen with Christ, seek those things which are above, where Christ sitteth on the right hand of God.

    Col 3:2 Set your affection on things above, not on things on the earth.

    Col 3:10 And have put on the new man, which is renewed in knowledge after the image of him that created him:

    Resist the devil and he will flee from you. Quit watching tv that may put bad thoughts in your mind, quit doing things that may do the same. We have to be in the world but we don't have to be of the world. Keep studying the WORD and build up your spirit to overcome wickedness, every day in the WORD is a good day!!
  • Dav47 - In Reply on James 3 - 2 years ago
    GOD had already promised Abraham that through his son Issac's seed that would be numbered as the stars of heaven and sands of sea. Abraham knew this and to sacrifice the son that GOD had made the promise for; Abraham knew and had faith that GOD would either raise Issac or some miraculous event to fulfill the promise. The story was to show all of us what it would be like to sacrifice your only begotten son. The heartbreak that it would take to do it would be over whelming. The story was intended to lead us to what GOD Himself would have to do to save HIS creation; the blood to atone for mans sin, a perfect sacrifice for 1 and all times that those who believe shall have salvation and eternal life. Our works are the only thing we can take with us when we pass. It could be as simple as smiling to someone and giving them a simple warmth for a moment to leading by example or helping a neighbor in need. Charity covers a multitude of sins.
  • Elisheba Israel - 2 years ago
    what does kjb say about a nitpicker peers
  • Dav47 - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Men have the same number of ribs as women 12, 6 on each side, same number as tribes of Israel-another story for another time. In the Hebrew-Heb- tsela= meaning-curve The very first surgery of the Bible where GOD created Eve by causing a deep sleep on Adam and took out the curve (Helix curve-X chromosome of DNA curve)- from Adam and created female. Giving her XX chromosome. All women today have an XX chromosome while man has a XY chromosome; DNA is only needed for organic/flesh life. It is not needed in our spiritual (ruach) breath of life body only in flesh and blood.
  • Alex N - 2 years ago
    Satan is in everyone of us...Thats y we must be bornagain of an incorruptiible seed...Remember Jesus wd not commit himself to not one of them b/c he knew what was in man and needed not that any should testify of MAN...Thats y Jesus said outta of the hearts of man proceeds all manner of Evil...It was not just Judas or Peter ITS ALL OF US....We are ALL born with a carnal mind an adamic nature which is the very enemy of God... Romans 8 : 7 ..Satan is truly the God of this present world...And he is in our minds that y we lust after every thing we see.. Even Paul had this problem saying O wretched man that i am, with my mind i serve the LAW of God but with my Flesh ( Satan ) the law of Sin...And in Rev 2 : 13 John tells the angel i know where thou dwellest even where Satans seat is...Thats y we are in such a warfare, we war in the Spirit with Satan and his angels...Our Carnal minds is in rank with Satan...I know where thou dwellest even where satans seat is but holdest fast to my name and has not denied my faith,Even on those days where antipas was slain among you Where Satan dwellest....Satan was in their minds,..Kingdom against Kingdom...War in heaven meaning in the spirit...But when this corruptible puts on incorruption and this mortal puts on immortality...Satan will be destroyed ...No more WARFARE...This whole world is gonna be at REST and full of his Glory....As Isaiah and David spoke of.... Rev. 22 John saw no more curse impling no more adamic nature.. SATANS SEAT...Gbu
  • Giannis - In Reply on Isaiah 55 - 2 years ago
    Dear Daniel.

    At first Chris's answer is great.

    But I want to see it from a different angle.

    Lets go to Genesis 3: 4-5

    V4 - And the serpent said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:

    V5 - For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and ye shall be as gods, knowing good and evil.

    In that statement there a lie, a truth, and something hidden. That is really evil because people see the truth and then easily accept the lie.

    The lie is that Adam and Eve will not die.

    The truth is that Adam and Eve will know good and evil like God does.

    The hidden thing is that since people get to know evil then they cannot avoid it. They become vulnerable to it. It is not the same with God. Read James 1:13 "Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man:"

    God knowes what evil is but He is not tempted by it. His nature is invulnerable to sin. This is a huge difference between man and God.

    The lesson? There are thoughts in our minds that are ours, thoughts from God and thoughts from satan. If a thought is from God then it is about smt good. If otherwise then it may be from satan. In this case don't go to a discussion with satan when he places thoughts in your mind. You cannot win, you wiil eventually fail. Do what Jesus did when faced him in the dessert. Answered him using the Scripture, because the Scripture is the truth. Satan also tried to use himself the Scripture by twisting it but still Jesus answered back the right answer because He knew the Scripture well. Lesson for us? We have to study and learn the Scripture, what it is written, what is meant, etc. And still when a bad thought comes to your mind, nevermind if it yours or satan's, just throw it away, don't think about it, you never know where it will lead you to. There is a saying I like " We can not avoid birds sitting on a tree but we can send them away"

  • David Allen - 2 years ago
    please pray for Kristie and me and our families
  • Suze - 2 years ago
    I've just realised something about my relationship with my oldest friend . She is very definately an atheist . We love each other very much . I've just realised that a big part of the reason she loves me and that we have stayed friends for so long , despite the fact that she is a commited atheist , is because of my Christianity , my Christianity that she definately does not want to know about . She loves me because she knows that she can trust me , she can tell me anything and I won't repeat it , I don't ever judge her and she knows she can ask anything of me and if I'm able to I will give it to her or do it for her without question or desire to be repayed in any way . And yet she doesn't want to know Christ . I think there's a word for that , is it a dicotamy ? Not sure how you spell it . Any way , what I'm trying to say is that my friend doesn't want to know Christ but doesn't realise that it is Christ who has made me such a good friend to her . It's a crazy world !
  • Donna - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you for this beautiful reminder to look to the Lord. I needed to hear this.
  • Giannis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear Local ...

    To my opinion when the Scriptute says that all authorities are from God, that implies that the institution of hierarchy or of governing etc was put in men's mind by God so people have organized societies, otherwise the world would have been a jungle. Government officials, Presidents /Prime Minisstets/ Kings etc (I mean the persons themselves) are not God's choise. If they were then God violates people's free will, at least in democratic societies where people vote fot their leaders. But even in authoritarian countries we would suggest that people like Hitler, Stalin and the rest were placed by God Himself??? Antichrist too??? Doesn't make sence. It is true though that God used and still uses some specific leaders for His Own good purposes.

    With respect
  • Suze - In Reply - 2 years ago
    You are never alone my brother in Christ . I love you a lot but God and Jesus love you more than any human could . They know your heart and they are always walking next to you . Cheer up , awesome days are coming , days of peace , real lasting peace for all , days of light and love and life and righteousness and truth and justice and mercy and rejoicing for everyone . You are going to see this . Days when no one will be hungry or thirsty or afraid or depressed or feel unloved or lonely . You are going to see these awesome changes and you are going to be a part of them . You are a very special and beloved servant of God and of His Son Jesus Christ . Always and forever . So.....cheer up ! Smiley face .
  • Response - In Reply on 1 John 5 - 2 years ago
    Context is a great thing .

    I don't see it here .
  • Chris - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi JF Maddox. Ecclesiastes 12:6,7: "Or ever the silver cord be loosed, or the golden bowl be broken, or the pitcher be broken at the fountain, or the wheel broken at the cistern. Then shall the dust return to the earth as it was: and the spirit shall return unto God who gave it." These might be the verses you're thinking of.

    Or even of the hymn from the same Scripture:

    Some day the silver cord will break,

    And I no more as now shall sing;

    But, O the joy when I shall wake

    Within the presence of the King!


    And I shall see Him face to face,

    And tell the story, saved by grace:

    And I shall see Him face to face,

    And tell the story, saved by grace.

    (and 3 more verses)

    These verses in Ecclesiastes speak of the certainty of human death (of the body & its return to earth), but of the eternality of the human spirit which returns to God.
  • Bruce - In Reply - 2 years ago

    would like to extend my

    apologies for the delayed response to all participants that responded to my enquiry.

    It is humbly appreciated.

    God bless...
  • Mishael - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Sounds to me like Jesus may be calling you to evangelize? You have the burden. Pray about it.

    Try to find a Church that has an active Street Ministry and intercessory prayer group.

    The Book of Revelation, chapters 2 and 3

    Speak about the Churches on earth in the Latter Days. I think we are definitely living in the time of the Laodicean Church.

    I am a 70yr old street preacher. My feet have done some miles! Been tossed off sidewalks by "Christian Scientists" many times. With my own money, I bought tracts and made homemade sandwiches for the hungry or I bought McDonald's coupon books for handouts.

    America is more churched than any other nation on earth.

    Earth has had over 6000 years to be born again into the kingdom of God. There are TV Preachers on cable and local tv channels. The AM and FM RADIO STATIONS have 24hour a day preaching available.

    Why be upset at people who are preaching and teaching on here? We do this because we love Jesus and care enough to answer questions and overcome the barriers people have about leaving earth to live with Jesus Eternally. We need prayer warriors. Romans 1 accurately describes last days people. They turn the tv channel because they are not nervous about eternity in hell.

    If people don't know how to pray for the lost__there's a great movie named WAR ROOM that's very inspiring! It's on streaming. Look at what people feed their minds, their eyes and pollute their SOULS.

    I don't want to freak you out. We're running out of time. The nation that launches a NUKE AT ISRAEL, is going to see God snuff it out and then snuff them out. Palestinians are on YouTube preaching about the MAHDI that will come on the scene and lead them into battle to eradicate Israel and Jerusalem. They are serious. It should spur us to begin EVANGELIZING the spiritually walking dead.

    Israel is 9.5 miles wide. A nuke would kill almost everyone.

    Watch this on YouTube: BLESSON Biblical End Times Rapture
  • Chris - In Reply on Isaiah 55 - 2 years ago
    Hi Daniel. Your question appears quite philosophical which demands a similar response & I'm unsure mine will cut it - maybe others can share better.

    I understand that man & woman (in Genesis) were created in complete innocence, having pure thoughts before God, with each other, & with their surroundings. If any evil came by them, even as Satan approached them, their thoughts towards him & his words should not have been tainted with anything impure. Even Satan's promise that they wouldn't die if they ate of that tree, & their consideration of that promise, probably still did not constitute anything evil. But when those pure thoughts & holy position before God were being contested against offerings that were not in their sphere of innocence, they had the choice of withdrawing back to God's Word (as Jesus did in Matthew chapter 4) or accede to that which made appeal to the 'flesh, eyes, life's vanities'. So, Adam & Eve did become like their Creator in knowing "good & evil", except that knowledge that was held in the realm of God, became the undoing of man who was destined to fail being led to sin.

    Then what about the thoughts by the Creator? Are those thoughts from a Holy God Who could destroy masses of people or send an evil spirit to persuade a man, or even allow a test to someone to the point of breakdown, be regarded as 'evil'? Could it be that what we see as sin, fails to understand the origin & intent of the 'perpetrator'? Is there a difference when sinful man murders another and when a Holy God takes a person's life? I'm trying to, by these questions, submit that when apparent evil is seen, if it comes from a sinful man, then it is sin; if it comes from a Holy God, then His Acts are based on holiness, righteousness, & justice. So God's 'evil' thoughts are not evil, but might seem evil from a sinner's perspective. Adam & Eve were first denied such knowledge - they then succumbed to Satan - they lost their innocence - their thoughts would always be tainted.
  • Free - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Dear "JF Maddox"

    Ecclesiastes 12:6

    Stay Blessed in His Holy Name Jesus, love u in Christ. Luke 8:40-56
  • Free - In Reply on Isaiah 55 - 2 years ago
    Beloved "Daniel", as you say it is, even in a double sense. Proclaim death and depravity and it will be like this. Proclaim peace and joy and it will be. We learn to capture the thoughts so that they do not lead to sin.

    2 Corintihans 10:4-5 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strong holds;)

    5 Casting down imaginations, and every high thing that exalteth itself against the knowledge of God, and bringing into captivity every thought to the obedience of Christ;

    Yes, He also created all life forms. Revelation 4:11 Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.

    Then I think: Moray eels in the depths of the ocean, the Whale and the Snake. Elephants, Crocodiles, or Piraia. When you go into that world and see everything that has been created. We also understand that this can be a picture of what we can encounter in the Spiritual world.

    The only thing I can advise is to eat God's Word, ask for guidance. So that you get to know them all, for even then reveal those who do not want good.

    Stay blessed in Jesus Name, love u in Christ. Luke 8:40-56
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Sounds like a Poem.

    It may be a poetic writing inspired by the WORD of GOD. Resemblance to GOD's timing & mercy.

    Please see, these scripture, Matthew 24, Mark 13, whole chapters, 1Corinthians 15:52, Matthew 25:31-46, Luke 12:15-59, 2Peter 3:9

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Isaiah 55 - 2 years ago
    Romans 1:18-32, Jeremiah 19:5, Romans 11:33-34, Romans 8:7, please read all of Romans 8,

    Ephesians 4:14-32, 1Corinthians 2, Psalms 139, Colossians 3:12-17, Isaiah 26:3, Philippians 2:3,

    2Timothy 1:7,

    * Romans 12:1-2, Romans 12, Psalms 1:1

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • Free - In Reply - 2 years ago

    Stay Blessed in Jesus Name, love u in Christ.

    Luke 8:40-56
  • Free - 2 years ago
    Dear God in the name of Jesus we pray. You see everyone here on the web Jesus, You see what each and every one of us. What needs we have. I pray for all created people on this earth today Lord. All heads and those who have something they should have said and rule over other people. Like Kings and Queens, like Presidents and other powerful people. They are installed by You Lord. Bless them You Lord for then it will be good. So that the distress in their hearts will be and help those who are weaker. Those who are not born with a golden spoon in their mouth, these must have the help of the Lord.

    We pray for Peace in Jerusalem, the Knesset, and everyone in Israel. We ask Lord, that all these people will have a good position of justice and rule with. We pray especially for everyone who visits the web site, and everyone we have daily contact with, siblings, parents, children, colleagues, employees, where we sit Lord we will lift up all people to You. So that they may be saved and come to the knowledge of the truth.

    Help us also pray that we learn prayers that are heard in the High. So that all our prayer topics are answered in their time. We thank You for all the brothers and sisters in the Lord and we love them all with a sincere heart. We love Your Society Lord Jesus. You Are! Heavenly Father Thank You for Your Gifts to All of Us, One Way or the Other. Let gratitude lie in our Hearts at all times. Help us and see the good. And that we forgive one another and love one another, Always and forever.

    We thank You Lord Jesus for You explained: IT IS COMPLETE! What more can a man desire than knowing that everything belongs to the Lord Jesus, the body, the soul and the Spirit. Amen

    Luke 8:40-56
  • Isaac - In Reply on Revelation 18 - 2 years ago
    There is no other interpretation possible other than that she is the Woman Who Rides the Beast, the Prostitute Church centered in the City of seven hills who should be the bride of Christ but is not. That's what Rev 17-18 is all about. She is responsible for the blood of the saints and ALL the abominations in the earth today. America - give me a break.

    The 6th head of the beast morphed into the 7th head in 476AD when the 11th horn uprooted 3 others (Vandals, Ostrogoths and Heruli) and took control spiritually and used that power to rule all. The beast received a deadly wound in 1517 and set about destroying the Reformation using Gnosticism - humanism as implemented by Clement VII and Loyola. The RC Church became a Gnostic institution and set about making the rest of the world secular and humanistic. By 1730, Michelangelo Tambriorini, General of the Jesuits 1706-1730 "See, sir, from this chamber, I govern, not only to Paris, but to China; not only to China, but to all the world, without any one knowing how I do it". Charles Chiniquy 50 Years in the Church of Rome. Read F Tupper Saussy's book "Rulers of Evil". Only then will you understand why the world is like it is today with the revived 8th head. Of course, nobody wants to hear this, everyone has pet theories about some future Anti-Christ unaware that this theory came from a 1600 book by Jesuit Priest Ribera and picked up by cultists Irving and Darby.
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Beautifully put. I believe some misunderstand, the "Coming of The LORD, Return of The LORD, THE Day of The LORD " as I did also, as dearly loved fellowship of Believers would pray for it. Maybe by Philippians 3:20, eagerly awaiting, & Colossians 4:2, That misinterpreted.

    Then one day I read: Amos 5:18-24,

    People long for Mercy, Justice, correct judgement that may be the root of the plea, prayer.

    However Jesus instruction was pray "Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done on Earth as it is in Heaven " Matthew 6:9-13,

    Daniel 7:27, Psalms 145:13, John 17, note John 17:15-16, Luke 17:20-21,

    Proverbs 21:3, Isaiah 56:1, Psalms 82:3, Isaiah 59:4, (context Isaiah 59), Jeremiah 22:15, * Isaiah 58,

    2Samuel 8:15, 1Kings 10:9, Ezekiel 45:9, Micah 6:8,

    We even as 1 person can bring justice, mercy, truth, hope, deliverance, through faith, endurance, prayer, action & being a living example

    Romans 1:17, James 2, Hebrews 11, 2Corinthians 5:7, Mark 11:22-26,

    We are called to bring Justice, Judgement, Mercy.

    Ecclesiastes 5:8, Jeremiah 23:5, Matthew 24:3-51, Mark 13:5-37, Matthew 25:31-46, Luke 6,

    Psalms 102:17, * James 5,

    Hopefully these are helpful, please share these scriptures with those whom you feel led as a tool

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