All Discussion PAGE 1279

  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi S.Spencer,

    Home now. Thanks for your prayers.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 2 years ago
    The Scriptures are profitable to make us wise unto salvation, whether we hear it spoken or read it. It is powerful because it is GOD'S truth and is given to us by Him. The Holy Spirit uses the Scriptures in the regenerative work He does to make us believers. The Holy Spirit implants faith so that we come to know Jesus, the Living Word.

    Let's not denigrate Scripture's role in a believer's life. Peter testified to Jesus, to Whom else shall we go, you have the Words of eternal life. Scriptures is the Word of Jesus. He spoke through the prophets from Moses to John on Patmos.

    Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the word of God. The more Scriptures one intakes the more one's faith will increase.

    I was just thinking the other day about my life experience, having been a believer all of my life and partaking of the Scriptures throughout my years. I was thinking how easily Scripture verses and events come to my memory at the most opportune times.

    I can tell you that I cannot quote much from any other book I have read over the course of my life, but I can easily quote Scriptures. Not just a few, but a large number. So, how is this? I think it is just that the Word of God is alive and active. They are the most important words we can encounter. They are transformative. They are profitable for life and godliness.

    I just think that God uses the His words in Scripture in our memory to recall them for us when the time and occasion is right.

    It is in the Scriptures or by the speaking of the Gospel that we come to know our Savior. And the Holy Spirit in use uses the Scriptures to build us up in our most holy faith. The aim of reading and knowing Scripture is to know God more and more as we walk with Him daily.

    Jesus said, "and this is eternal life, that You know Him who sent me and the Son."
  • Samuel - In Reply on Genesis 4 - 2 years ago
    If you're a young believer, first learn the salvation message found in the 4 gospels & The Book of Acts. In all sincerity, ask God in prayer to fill your heart with his word. (Knock & it shall be opened) listen to various sermons and follow along to fact check. Whet your appetite and the hunger will follow. Have a personal experience with God. Hold every speakers feet to the fire by checking references. Live sermons, radio, tv, personal reading. Take notes. Mark in your Bible. Highlight key verses. Pray & fast. Don't allow guilt for your imperfection discourage you. If you choose KJV, pay attention to middle English. It will soon become natural. Maybe befriend an older Christian. Join a study group and continue to ask for wisdom & knowledge of God's word. He will honor your sincere request. Once the word is in your heart, no one can take it from you. You will soon be reminded often about what the Bible has to say on multiple topics. Use what you have in your hand for specific questions. I would have enjoyed "Hey Google" in my young studies. But now that God answered my request, I can immediately bring forth a few paraphrases regarding most topics. I believe the Word is in my heart. I believe my heart helps my Brain to think. God helps my heart to be humble enough to receive His word. You can too. Develop your hunger. Feast on God's word often. Use your gifts and calling for we all have one.
  • GiGi - In Reply on 1 Thessalonians 4 - 2 years ago
    Hello Darrell, Adam and Samuel

    The Scriptures are pretty vague on this topic. This side of heaven we just do not know for sure.

    This is my take on this. In this mortal life on earth we are bound by time. So, today is 4/8/2022. But when we die, we are not bound by time any longer.

    With God, all of earth history and time has already happened in His omniscience and timelessness. Therefore, I think that when someone dies they immediately are at the point of the resurrection of the dead. the judgment, and eternal reign of Christ.

    Although to us it may seem that a person has been dead for 5, 10, or 100 years, but on the other side on death, time does hold to anyone. One goes from mortal life, to death, to the resurrection, to the forever NOW.

    I may be totally wrong on this. But it makes sense to me. We shall all see one day, won't we. And then the question will be answered.
  • Adam - In Reply on 1 Thessalonians 4 - 2 years ago
    I'd like to offer an alternative viewpoint to the absent with body present with Lord phrase.

    First, it doesn't say that in the Bible. That phrase is actually from 2 Corinthians 5:8 where Paul said he would "rather" be absent from the body, and present with the Lord. He didn't say in 100% of all cases when people die that 100% of the time they will be "immediately" with the Lord. Paul was stating his preference. It doesn't mean Hitler and other mass murderers are with the Lord right now, simply because of this one verse.

    Second, people often quote the verse about the man on the cross that Jesus said would be in "paradise" on that day as support. But Jesus didn't say 100% of all people, from this moment onward will 100% go to heaven, and zero people going to hell including Hitler? Jesus has the power to make exceptions and take people to heaven, but the word paradise is not necessarily the same as heaven. Some believe this word means a waiting area for the dead.

    Lastly, there are many more Bible verses indicating that the dead are 'sleeping' and are awaiting the Lord to meet in the air and then face judgment. It says all will be judged, not just some. So, believing people go immediately to heaven without waiting on the Lord, and skipping judgment doesn't align with the other scriptures. God bless.

    Daniel 12:2, Job 14:12, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18
  • Frank and Emilia - 2 years ago
    Please pray for my wife and I to keep our eyes on Jesus
  • Samuel - In Reply on 1 Thessalonians 4 - 2 years ago
    According to Solomon, "The dead know nothing" yet Paul writes in this letter that we in Christ are present with Him when removed from the flesh. In order to reconcile these seemingly contradictory accounts, we need to step away from our chains of time. Consider God's limitless capabilities. Not being constrained to time or space and traveling at the speed of thought in any direction, we can call upon Him and immediately, He hears. Before we ask. Consider when you fall on sleep each night. If you can sleep all night, the following is true: You close your eyes for just a blink. Then you wake. You have no notion that 8 hours have passed. If you wake early before an alarm, you must see the clock to know how much time has passed. We are unaware. When Jesus arrives to the home of the young girl he was to heal, they thought He was too late. Jesus tells them "The child sleeps"- For those in eternal rest, yes it is true they know nothing. Only those who are awake are aware of the passing of time. The next thing a "sleeping" child of God knows after nodding off is the sound of that "Alarm Clock" trumpet. Whether sleeping for 5 minutes or 1000 years, it's like a blink. Bam! With the Lord. And so for them, immediately after death, they are already walking into that glorious City of God. For the dead in Christ, the trumpet has sounded already. If you are a child of God and yet alive in your flesh, to the dead you are walking in with them. It has not manifested for you yet but... "IT IS FINISHED" Welcome Home! Remember, the Lamb was slain from the foundation of the World. I struggled with these 2 accounts until I turned the notion around in my head that Jesus knew me before the crucifixion. He made the statement, "Before Abraham was, I AM" Jesus conquered even the chains of time.

    So I came up with another question. Where was I before this body? Present with...? And if I fast & pray, put my flesh away (absent) I can get into HIS presence. No flesh will glory in God's presence.
  • ELB - In Reply on 1 Thessalonians 4 - 2 years ago
    Darrell, this is the great deception of man:

    You don't have a spirit, God is the only Spirit.

    This is part of being born INTO TRUTH.

    Ephesians 4:4 For there is ONE BODY, and ONE SPIRIT .....

    Ephesians 4:4 ONE GOD, and FATHER OF ALL ......

    Man is only the body (or vessel) of THE SPIRIT. Of yourself you can do NOTHING.

    Philippians 2:5 Let this mind (renewing your mind to TRUTH) be IN YOU, which was also in Christ Jesus

    Philippians 2:6 Who, being in the form of GOD (a body holding ONE SPIRIT), thought it not robbery to be EQUAL WITH GOD.

    There is only ONE LIFE (SPIRIT, GOD).

    You are only the vessel that holds that LIFE, when your body dies, only LIFE and TRUTH remain.

    You are instantly in the presence of God, because you HAVE been BORN AGAIN by the TRUTH of God's word.

    Philippians 2:13 For it is GOD (SPIRIT, LIFE, TRUTH) that worketh IN YOU both TO WILL and TO DO his good pleasure.

    Colossians 1:27 ... this mystery ....Christ in you .....(the body)

  • David Allen - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Thank you and May God bless you
  • Suze - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Yes ! The Word is alive and it should live in us , it's not just printed ink on paper , it lives , as does Christ , in our hearts and minds every day . We have to take the time and make the effort to read it , all of it , it is a whole living thing that we must ingest and nourish inside of us so that it becomes a part of us , who we are and what we think , feel and do . Christ is alive and is with us , right next to each of us all day every day , he's not just a story from an old book , he lives !
  • Suze - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I am very definately a 'work in progress' . For me it's important to keep my ears open and to never think that I already know everything there is to know about the Bible . Every time I read it I notice some thing new , I want my brain and heart to be active and open . If I ever think I know it all that would be a disaster for me . We will know everything in the world to come , in this life is our time to grow and to do that , we must be open to learn and change when our understanding increases . We stop growing when we stop learning and we stop learning when we think we know it all . May God continue to bless us all on here with your presence Alex ,and may God bless you with the fire of faith evermore .
  • Jernej - 2 years ago
    working job on sabbath (saturday) i don't have a job and i deninde job that is prety good offer but i would need to work on sabbath 2 times every month and becous i deninde it (i could have been my first job) parent are angry (don't belive in bible) they called i was going to far that i desroyed my mind whit bible to read our bible ( mening slovenijan but in slovenija the word sabbath is littery word saturday in sloveninja bible) and i just need some prayer to get some way of job thanks for ansewing (it's not prayer request but if you pray have blassed day and year)
  • Darrell Hill on 1 Thessalonians 4 - 2 years ago
    When are Christian dies what happens to their spirit? People say absent from the body present with the lord. Is that true right away?
  • Sam - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Please God hear this prayer request by Yhamile and myself over her marriage. I pray her husband have spiritual clarity and has personal relationship with you. You know the root cause of their martial problem. Please help both of them to focus on You Lord Jesus Christ that Your peace and love guide them to persevere through this. I pray the inferences by the devil be broken and Your Light will shine on both of them that they be a testimony for you I pray in Jesus Christ name.

    Please reflect on Psalms 51, James 1:2-4, Exodus 33:14 and Romans 8:38-39.
  • Alex N - In Reply - 2 years ago
    SD..I pray for you and your friend right now in the Name of JESUS...That he will lead you and your friend in the right direction...And give you Eternal life in his Name...SD be very careful with these guys...Pour out your heart to God asking him for direction with this relationship ...Ask Jesus to sow his seed in your heart that you might be his forever...Read your bible every day.

    ....And that other friend who is very sick i pray that God heals him and gives you and him...The gift of the H.G. and fire.

    .....AND SD I Baptise you in the Name of Jesus Right Now ....Ty Jesus....And your friends in Jesus name...OOOH thank you Jesus.

    .....What a wonderful day it is in Jesus Name....And ty Jesus for a site like this.

    and SD I pray for everybody in your family in Jesus name...
  • Giannis - In Reply on Isaiah 1 - 2 years ago
    Dear brother Isaiah.

    If you didn't believe you wouldn't be worrying, you wouldn't care at all actually. So as Emery comments you believe but you need to believe more, that is to get your faith up. As all brothers so far point out faith increases by reading and listening to the Word of God, by praying, and very important by having close communion with other christians, that is to join a church of true believers.

    And may i give a personal advice. God is experience, try Him. Ask Him to reveal Himself to you somehow. Every person is different and God acts in various ways according to the person He deals with. Ask for Him to verify His existence somehow, to give you a proof. Don't find this wrong. Apostole Paul wouldn't believe if Jesus didn't appear to him in his way to Damascus. Words didn't do any good to him. He needed to see with his own eyes. So did Cornelious, so did Sergius Paulus and many other people in the Gospel. May God show the way. God bless you. It's a very good decision to follow Jesus at that young age You will be blessed for all your life and avoid many dangers like many of us didn't and spent our best years in a meaningless life. Again God bless you.
  • Free - In Reply on 1 Corinthians 11 - 2 years ago
    Dear friend in Jesus, yes indeed, il think we never can understand it here in body earth. But in time we vill halleluja!

    God bless u and yours for another Easter under the sky.

    Love u in Christ. John chapter 6 and 7
  • Alex N - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hi Suze GBU and thanks for that kind reply....Wish there were more like you that understands the bible so well....Thanks again Suze.
  • Anna - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Lord Jesus I ask You to bless all seeds sown into the lives of our co workers.

    Open their eyes and ears to prepare them for any witness in Spirit and in truth,

    Give them a hunger to know You, the Living God. Make us bold to share Your

    Living Word. Mighty Jesus, You Long to see them receive Your free gift of

    Salvation, and so do we. Thank You Lord for all those You have quickened

    this day. Alleluia. Amen.
  • Jernej - 2 years ago
    I'm currently jobles and I think is becous of sin that i fall aging. I'm just asking to pray that I'll finde the job or work that will not go againts God and thanks to anyone who prays and have a belssed week.
  • BSP on Ephesians 6 - 2 years ago
    We must put on each suit of the spiritual armor in order to stand firm against the attacks of the Devil.
  • Anna - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Lord Jesus, thank You for all You are doing for Lisa right now.

    You know her needs, and are Faithful. I trust that You will

    provide Lisa with Your favour in her job search. You know

    precisely what is the best opportunity for her, and I ask

    You Lord, to speedily bring it to pass, Whatever is best

    for her according to Your perfect will.

    Thank You Jesus for daily strengthening her by Your

    Holy Spirit. And that Lisa will very soon have the new

    mattress she needs also. By Your grace. For Your glory.

    Alleluia. Amen. Psalm 5:12 kjv, Exodus 14:14.

    Exodus 14:14 kjv, Psalm 5:12 kjv
  • Daniel Lindenbaum - In Reply on Revelation 16 - 2 years ago
    Hell is detailed throughout the Bible. Hell is real and so are the various layers within. The Bottomless pit is a void where God keeps demons captive until they receive their judgment and punishment, also in the Lake of Fire. If you read in the following verses in Luke chapter 8 we're given an idea of the demons that were therein:

    Luke 8: 30 & 31

    "And Jesus asked him, saying, What is thy name? And he said, Legion: because many devils were entered into him. And they besought him that he would not command them to go out into the deep."
  • Daniel Lindenbaum - In Reply - 2 years ago

    The word "perfect" (teleion) is an adjective here used as a noun. It is in the NEUTER gender. If "perfect" were referring to a person, it would be masculine or feminine. Since it is in the neuter gender, it is not referring to a person, but an object-the completed Word of God.

    Now, if it also helps there a vast difference in the way the Apostle Paul explains tongues 1st Corinthians from what's read in Acts.

    Nowhere in Acts do you find the term "Baptism of the Holy Ghost" in connection with speaking in tongues.

    The baptism of the Holy Ghost is related to salvation and not tongues ( 1st Corinthians 12:13).

    There is NO command in the Bible to speak with unknown tongues.

    A person who does not have the Holy Spirit is not saved ( Romans 8:9 and 1st John 4:13).

    A wicked generation seeks a sign ( Matthew 12:39).

    The tongues movement of today is NOT Acts 2 tongues, but the CARNAL tongues of 1st Corinthians.

    The tongues of the Bible (in both Acts and 1 Corinthians) were always understandable, known, established, earthly, languages; not indiscernible sounds and utterances as used by the Charismatic Movement today in modern times.

    God always initiated the miracle of tongues in the Bible, not men ( Acts 2 and 10). In sharp contrast, men initiate the false tongues spoken in Pentecostal churches today.

    The gift of tongues in 1st Corinthians was simply the usage of known languages, which some didn't understand, so Paul told them not to speak in foreign languages in multi-lingual congregations unless an interpreter is present. Notice that the gift of tongues in 1st Corinthians is different than the miracle of tongues in Acts 2. In Acts 2 Peter spoke in Greek, but at least 16 different nations heard each man in his own language.

    If it helps...I speak in tongues daily but they're the tongues from 1st Corinthians. How? I'm multilingual. I speak English (primary), Spanish, Portuguese and Italian. Tongues meaning languages -- I speak more than one.
  • Daniel Lindenbaum - In Reply - 2 years ago
    The short answer is: Yes, tongues are biblical and that can be said one of two ways. The 1st, tongues were an outpouring of the Holy Spirit for non-believing Jews on the day of Pentecost (Acts Chapter 2). The 2nd, tongues from Greek to English simply mean languages.

    Ephesians 1:13 tell us,

    "In whom (Christ) ye also trusted, after that ye heard the word of truth, the gospel of your salvation; in whom also after that ye believed, ye were sealed with the holy Spirit of promise."

    We are sealed by the indwelling of the Holy Spirit upon the moment of belief; and we do not need to seek for any further proof of our salvation, such as the "speaking in tongues." We need no greater assurance than is found in God's Word. John 3:16 promises that if we believe in Jesus Christ we have, right now! eternal life.

    The Holy Spirit will never give anyone the gift of tongues now. They are not for today. 1 Corinthians 13:8 tells us

    "whether there be tongues, they shall cease:..."

    "Cease" is the Greek verb "pauo." It means to cease or stop completely. It is used in the perfect tense. This means that when tongues do cease, the action of ceasing will never be interrupted, but will continue forever. In plain words, once tongues cease they will never be reactivated at anytime in the future. It is also in the middle voice, denoting emphasis. The most emphatic statement in this verse is "TONGUES SHALL CEASE".

    1 Corinthians 13:10 tells us when tongues will cease.

    "But when that which is perfect is come, then that which is in part shall be done away."

    The key word in this verse is "perfect." Some say it is referring to Christ's coming.

    "Perfect" is the Greek word "teleion" and means "full grown and mature, complete." It refers to the end of a process or development. The Second Coming of Christ is not a process, but an instantaneous event. "Perfect" is never used in the New Testament for the Second Coming of Christ, the Millennium, or Eternal State.

  • Alex N - 2 years ago
    ( 2 nd Cor. 3 : 6 KJV ) ..Who has made us able ministers of the NEW TESTAMENT ...The living words not the letter the written word

    but of the living word of the Spirit....The letter killeth but the spiritual word giveth life...As Jesus said my Words are spirit and life.

    .....But there is no eternal life in the Scriptures the letter etc ....Israel was Sola Scriptura..the lettter only,...Written words only but Israel stoned most all the Prophets and rejected the Christ...

    ....If the written word cd have saved humanity then Jesus shed his blood in vain and the cross was just foolishness.

    .....The written word is like a love letter from a far away lover...But the living word is the Bridegroom,..God Almighty.

    .....Much greater then paper and ink...Ya gotta realize that God Almighty is greater then a bible...The written word..The bible is the written word the lesser light but the living word ( his voice ) is the greater light...The new testament in his blood.

    ....David said thy word is a light unto my path and lamp unto my feet...Which was the law but David stumbled..Bathsheba.

    ..Jesus said are there not 12 hours in a day,..and 12 hours in a night...But if man walk in the night he is gonna stumble...Remember the night was the lesser light...Bible only..Written words only....No living word the greater light...The H.G.

    ......Thats y Paul is saying he has made us able ministers of the New Covenant the living words not the letter the written words that is a killer...But of the living words that giveth life...Which is that New Covenant...The book of LIFE.
  • Yhamile - 2 years ago
    Prayer for Anthony and Yhamile, we are in divorce process, pray for my husband stop the case dismiss the case, and God touch his heart and we reconciliation. I dont want divorce, I want God to do one miracle in my married.

    Pray for my husband love me like Christ love his church.

    Pray for people outside stop influence in my husband mind, and the strange woman live.

    I know my husband is in struggle and he is in confuse.

    Pray to God guide him and my husband return to his wife and his house.
  • SD - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I want to help and support my friend, because he is going to a place that is supper dangerous in his country, I want to support and help him really I do, he is not one of my Christian brother's though, he had told me he liked me and said, he want me to become his girlfriend, and I told him I can't date until i'm 18. I want to just be friends with him and support him through out his journey, he has always been a good friend to me, and I want to support him when he's traveling but he wants me to be more then his friend, and I don't know what to say, I want to just be friends with those that I meet. Please pray for me, please pray for him also he is a soldier and needs prayer, he doesn't know Jesus as his Lord and savior and I want to help to know that. I tried witnessing him and he said he would think about it. But today I am going to talk to him and we are going to have a chat about this. Also I am gonna have a chat with this other friend of mine. So please pray for me at the moment I am gonna speak to him. I was playing a joke on him but when I sit down with him I am gonna have a serious talk with him. Really I don't know what to do I have a friend who was majorly sick and I don't want him to worry about it. But I will mic sure I tell him the truth.
  • Fred Scanlan - In Reply on 1 Corinthians 11 - 2 years ago
    Drinking and eating the body and blood of Jesus Christ. This is an act of unfathomable understanding. "The sacrament of the alter" How profound an act toward man!

    This act is the will toward man, that we can live and refresh ourselves, while living in the body of Christ!

    We are no longer of this world, we now live, move, and have our being In Him.

    What Jesus did the night of his betrayal, would become His eternal, everlasting, covenant with Promise toward man.

    So remarkable! How He has sealed us. Sealing us with His blood, sanctifying Cleansing us with His body. We are new creatures, living and abiding in Him!
  • Tree O - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Gen 6:4 There were giants in the earth in those day; and also after that , when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bare children to them, the same became mighty men which were of old, men of renown.

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