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Thanks for lifting me up, and I pray that God richly blesses each of you.
As well, we could think of the many each day that might be turning to Christ, whether in prison, in hospital, in calamities of wars & earthquakes, even on their death bed, with no opportunity to have someone baptize them. What happens here? Have they responded to the Spirit in error & failed of God's Grace by not being baptized & maybe soon to face eternity? And we certainly can't make exceptions to such folk, since 'no baptism = no salvation'.
Water baptism, I understand from reading the Scriptures, was an event that took place very soon after a soul acknowledged his sin & turned to Jesus; in other words, repentance & baptism were almost a single event - if you turned to Christ you immediately were baptized by the preacher/witnessor; the convert expected to be 'dunked' as a witness of his new life. Unfortunately, that baptismal prototype has since deteriorated over the ages, some even using sprinkling & infant baptism as valid forms of it. Much more could be written on this subject, but will leave it for now since our approaches to it & understanding of the Scriptures are seriously divergent.
There is no indication Christ destroys what was built in by the beast. Watch anti-christ built it in 3 days. It seems Jesus keeps the temple Antichrist built, to the exact measurements according to Ezekiel. That's not to say it couldn't be demolished at 7th trumpet, and Christ makes another one. It may not have been important enough to explain in detail.
Each of those words have a special meaning & application to what the Psalmist deals with. But to the verse in question ( Psalm 119:175), the Psalmist mentions the word, 'judgements'. Some loosely understand this to be 'ordinances', but since this word appears elsewhere, then 'judgements' must have a specific meaning, different to 'ordinances'. Looking at the Hebrew, 'mishpat', it shows it as 'a binding law - a judicial decision' (e.g. as in Psalm 119:7).
So in this verse, the Psalmist is asking God for long life, during which time his praises will ever be lifted up to Him. However, in the second part of the verse ("and let thy judgements help me"), the Psalmist doesn't give us anymore information. So we might be free to assume that the Psalmist was under some pressure (?) from his enemies, & in his physical & mental turmoil, he sought God's 'judgements' (the Laws which God created & by which He metes out justice), to be applied against them. The Psalmist knew that unless God moved on his behalf, all hope would be lost. It's almost as if the Psalmist was seeking God's Help to survive this ordeal, so that his remaining days on Earth will be filled with praise to Him.
1 Corinthians 10:11
Now all these things happened unto them for examples: and they are written for our admonition, upon whom the ends of the world are come.
In my mind i could not deliver these, thought then of the man who was to speak that it would turn out wrong. (At this stage i did not know the Lord very well: p).
I rather found a hymn to open the meeting.
As soon as I got up to open the meeting, I got a shred in my one eye! Now i did not think much about it, but the plague in the eye did not go away. It was evening and now the eye was really tender and red. The evening came and the house calmed down but my eye bothered me. Now I began to seek God in Jesus' Name. At 3 o'clock in the morning i promised the Lord and wrote a letter to this man. I did it right away. There i very humbled explained my violation and apologized for not acting on the word as i should. He also received the word from Matthew handed down. The letter had to have a stamp on the envelope so i had to wait until the morning to post the letter. And As soon as i put the letter in the mailbox it shook my eye well! It was a real lesson. After that, I've never been wiser than the Lord! So it was not my business to condemn this person for not being able to receive this word from Matthew. In retrospect, i have thought that meeting was not a success, it was a closed and dark meeting. The meeting gave us nothing, and everyone was happy the meeting was finally over. And everything was my fault! Such is my friend that the Lord does not think like me and you. He always has thoughts of peace. Had i read the words, the person who was to speak would have been freed from something it was bound by. And we will had a meeting with freedom and joy. Hallelujah shouts and thanksgiving. After that, I know that the Holy Spirit gives me words
Yes it would have been disasterous if indeed my bible was distributed without John 3:3 in it! So I was in error and have now found it, I was looking in the wrong place!
Thank you for your reply!
Have a blessed day!
This is one of the best sentences I've read in a while. Just a beautiful, mindful way to put it.
"He had no sins so death had no right to keep Him since death is the wage of sin"
Ok so I have found John 3:3 in my Bible! It was an error completely on my part, I was looking in the wrong place!
Once agains Thank you for your reply
Have a blessed day,
Jesus had the right to be the first person to be "born again" (resurrected) as an example for us.
Jesus wasn't born again when He walked the earth, not with that fleshy body.
An amazing physical aspect of Jesus is His transfiguration, coming in full God mode to rule the world.
Dear Heavenly Father, We ask for Your protection on Katie's husband as he undergoes heart surgery. Guide the Dr. to work skillfully on Katie's husband throughout the surgery. Make his heart healthy once again. Heavenly Father we believe that You will keep Dale in the palm of Your hand. We ask these of You Father, in the name of Your Son, Jesus. Amen.
Heavenly Father, we lift up the people of Ukraine tonight and ask that You lead them to safe housing and provision for their daily needs. Gather, we ask that You will despoil the efforts of Putin to wage war on Ukraine and attempt to take Ukraine's land and resources for Russia. Cause their missiles to not discharge and for their tanks to stop working, and for the soldiers to stop killing innocent civilians, Make it so that their guns do not work when they try to shot any Ukrainians, We ask You Father, to guide America and NATO allies in their efforts to help Ukraine win this war/invasion, Father, we ask of You these things in the name of Your Son Jesus, men,
Heavenly Father, Lead Matthew in the truth of Your Word, equipping him with faith and knowledge of You and Jesus by the working of the Holy Spirit that dwells in him now. Deliver Matthew from temptation and besetting sin. Impress on him the commands of Jesus to love You with all of his heart, mind, soul, and strength. Give him determination to live a godly life in this wicked generation, that You may be glorified through his life walk.
Father, we ask these things of You in the name of Your Son Jesus. Amen.
Dear Heavenly Father, Zanele loves You and desires more zeal and a straighter walk with You, Guide her as she seeks You earnestly. Drive her to Your Word to build her up in Faith in You through Jesus. Bring her into fellowship with mature believers to help her in her desire to follow hard after You. Father, we ask these things of in the name of Your Son, Jesus, Amen.
Oh heavenly Father, draw near to T. as she begins chemo and have it be very effective for her causing the cancer to die off. Father, rescue T. from this abusive man. Make a way to force him out of the home soon and have the enforcer be someone other than T.
Father, we ask that You will reach this man's soul who claims to believe. Remind him of the great gospel of Your Son and grant him repentance unto salvation. This situation is not good for T. or this man, or the family. Get him away from T. and her family so that he can not abuse them. Place him in his own home and in that place transform him by Your Spirit of grace. We ask these of You Father, in the name of Your Son, Jesus. Amen.
David himself apparently will co-reign on earth with Christ someday and us as kings and priests ( Jeremiah 30:9
; Rev. 1:6
and others). Then; our real enemy; Satan will be confined; and eventually death itself will be abolished according to 1 Corinthians 15:55
and also mentioned in Hosea.
I can imagine today that we have this authority in Jesus' Holy Name.
God bless u and yours in Jesus name. Luke chapter 9 and 10
Every soul returns to God in heaven, Ezekiel 18:4
That is the last stop.
Even King Manasseh, even Judas, even the scribes and Pharisees, because God always taught love and forgiveness.
God bless you in Jesus name. Luke chapter 9 and 10
There is too much need, to minister the Word of God to those who have questions; which I was called to do in 1985. I had a salvation experience like Paul. One minute "killing Christians" with Astrology, and then seeing the Lord in front of me. He folded the room back, and I saw His eyes. One day serving the devil; next day, adopted into Gods family. He forgives us perfectly.
Who is on this earth is of greater importance than filling my head with weighty details of space. Someday we'll be where we can see it up close. We can see Jesus lifted up high in our praise and worship. 'Adore' is a little word, to describe emotion as huge as space seems-in Jesus. He made everything we see, and He can fold it over like a page in a book and show the other side.
We serve a very mighty God. Wonders we've never imagined. We can be as close to Him as we dare to. His blood is so holy! On the Cross his blood fell on the earth and redeemed it. I used to garden a lot, and the Holy Spirit would show these truths. I have heard the sound of Jesus's laugh. There is no other sound to compare with. He rejoices with us, in our accomplishments__like a daddy would over his toddlers attempts to pull up and stand alone.
If you seek-you will find. He doesn't put limitations on our love, adoration and exploration. We're all different because he desired it as so. So why do we not accept ourselves as the perfection He called to be?
People we deem imperfect, ugly, (and other adjectives):
In Heaven we will be in resurrection bodies, unique and perfect. In our spirits we know this to be true.
Stars and planets pale, in comparison. He made those stars and planets. Each one unique. He gave us telescopes :) to look at them now.
Evangelize people whose vision is dimmed because they are not in Christ yet. Hurry and get them in Christ NOW.
Not much time left. Forget politics, technology.
Then in 1 Corinthians 15:51-55, the Apostle Paul tells us that there will be a time coming that "we shall not all sleep", meaning that not all living on Earth at Christ's coming will have to die first. First, the dead (called 'asleep' in 1 Thessalonians 4:13) will awake out of sleep, & then those alive at that time, together with the dead, will be changed into new bodies. But these bodies that are asleep are just that: bodies in the ground, where their spirits have already returned to the Lord. 1 Thessalonians 4:14, tells us that "those who sleep in Jesus, God will bring with Him". So, at Christ's coming for His Church, the dead (those 'asleep') arise first & then those who have not died will then together go upwards to meet the Lord & forever be with Him. Some have questioned that most of the dead at Christ's coming will have little or no evidence in the ground, or even scattered or burnt, and so how are they asleep or will be resurrected? The Lord only knows what He will do - it may be that a part of the meaning of this 'resurrection' is the removal of anything of the Christian from the Earth. So if there's nothing left here, nothing is retrieved, since our spirits are already with the Lord.
I can't speak of those who've had 'near death experiences' & such encounters, but again we know that our spirits cannot be destroyed & we return to the Lord Who gave it. Though to be with the Lord, we must first know the Lord. And only those who have been washed, sanctified, justified by the Lord Jesus, will live again with Him forever ( 1 Corinthians 6:11).
Chris gave you a good explanation of what happens when we die.
I want to add: what happens when the dead in Christ will rise first? This is the resurrection of the dead spoken of by Jesus and Paul
John 6:40; 1 Corinthians Chapter 25; 1 Thessalonians 4:16
When Jesus comes back, the bodies of those believers who have died will be resurrected as glorified human body like Jesus' resurrection body. The body of those who are alive at Jesus' coming will be instantly changed into a glorified human body like Jesus' resurrection body. But the order is, Jesus returns; the dead are bodily resurrected and united with their soul and spirit; those who are still alive will then be changed, as I stated.
Jesus is fully God and fully man. He will be this way for all of eternity. He has a glorified human body in heaven that can be felt, fed, and other functions of His natural body, but not be corrupted by sin or the grave. His human body is immortal and will exist forever. Both natures (God and man) will forever reside in this body, having been united at His conception in Mary.
Our resurrection bodies will be like Jesus' resurrection body in all ways, with the exception of not having an innate God nature like Jesus does, but we will having the indwelling Holy Spirit in us for all of eternity, whom unites us to Jesus, the Father, and the Holy Spirit in an awesome, mysterious way.
Woah! that's weird. You can always use "Books of the Bible page, click on John, select chapter 3, and verse 3 and read it on here.
Whosoever hateth his brother is a murderer: and ye know that no murderer hath eternal life abiding in him.