All Discussion PAGE 1377

  • Francisco Sigrah - 3 years ago
    Can you explain more on Psalm 23:5
  • Alex N - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Chris ya need to read Hebrews 9 : 14 ...Its only by the blood of the lamb Christ Jesus,..That New Covenant the CROSS that can purge your Conscience...not by water baptism....lest our lord shed his blood in vain...In the O.T. it was by the blood of animals but now its by the Blood of Christ Jesus...ok...Actually Chris it wd be a good idea to read the whole book of Hebrews...Keeping in mine the CROSS WAS A New Covenant in his Blood...When i was young i tried to memorize the whole book of HEBREWS...but it was just too many words but i did manage to memorize the whole 11 th chapter...the faith Chapter...ok GBU Chris
  • David Allen - 3 years ago
    Please pray for Kristie and Me today, please remember my family and all my lost co workers
  • Roman - In Reply on Matthew 24 - 3 years ago
    Because they are wrong, and have been wrong for centuries. The Lord has kept them in the dark because they preach their opinion over what was written.

    There is nothing worse that a foolish preacher. If you witness this, challenge it, and stop it before it grows.
  • Free - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hi dear. In Norway and other country now, the state church itself goes and contradicts its own words. That all must be preached the word! Idolatry with shame, I say this has entered our society and then through those who should have held back. And work against those who want to go out with the word! But then they have also come to the cult of the flesh that allows gays and marriages. And these get to adopt.

    We must never become so humane that everything is allowed. For should the Love of God be about what we abhor, no one is to be spared.

    With the last remnant of my voice I want to say man and man, woman and woman are an abomination unparalleled. They should never be parents. For the care of other people is lukewarm in such. How can they teach when they are unable to teach themselves?

    God bless you all who want to live right with Almighty God in Jesus name, love you in Christ. Philemon 1-25
  • Free - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Philemon 1-7

    Every day i thank you all here on the web. It has become so important for me to share my heart with you. Live well and take care of yourself. And remember if we are not seen in this world, we will be seen in the coming :) i thank Him for the new life He has given in the Kingdom of the Holy Spirit.

    Hallelujah praised be the Lord Jesus Christ who was and who is and who is to come. My Spirit rejoices this Sunday with joy and praise to Him who has finished everything for us!
  • Free - In Reply on 1 Peter 3 - 3 years ago
    Hi and thanks for the nice words. there was nothing stopping me from reading and understanding what you wrote. It was a good angle to put it that way. Never thought of that before. But water baptism has been in a light of necessity for me all my life and is important. To be on the safe side. :)

    Good luck and be blessed with word from Philemon 1:1-7
  • Chris - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Thank you Rich. I only saw this comment of yours after replying to the later one from you.
  • Chris - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Indeed brother S. Spencer, Amen. Christ was indeed the second Adam, but more importantly, I feel, the last Adam, i.e. there could be no further attempt by the Father to give any better than the best He gave in Jesus, His Word.

    That is why I sense that Paul quoted the first part of 1 Corinthians 15:45, "And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul" referring to Genesis 2:7. But the latter part, "the last Adam was made a quickening spirit", to which there was no direct OT reference in terms of 'another Adam', was Paul's belief that Jesus too had to come in perfection just as the first Adam, if there was to be any hope for us. But now, with the failure of the first & sin's consequences upon all, the Last would effect a Work that not only showed His perpetual purity but also be the God-given means of giving new life (resurrection) to dead souls through His Life & Death.
  • Chris - In Reply - 3 years ago
    I fully agree with what you have written, Rich. One can certainly use the Ark, its door, the man Noah, possibly even the dove (if one tries hard), to find references to the Person & Work of Christ for mankind's salvation.

    However, since you quoted 1 Peter 3:18-22 & then wrote, ""By like figure" is Peter's way of saying baptism and the resurrection of Christ is the antitype of Noah and his household being saved in the Arc", I then wrote that the 1st Peter reference wasn't directed to Christ being the antitype of Noah, but to the 'water'. That is, the "like figure" that Peter mentioned looks back to the flood of water & not to Noah, to which Peter then talks of water baptism: that any salvific component in it was not for the cleansing of the flesh but of imputing a pure conscience of the baptizee towards God. As said earlier, Noah & other aspects of this account can help us to see some glimpses of Christ, but I don't believe that Peter intended that in his passage.
  • David on Jeremiah 36 - 3 years ago
    The WORD of the Lord will endure forever. Thank you Father for your love for us and blessings you give us that we may be a blessing unto others.

    May we be faithful in our prayers for the leadership of the USA as well as for your hand of mercy unto the conflict in Ukraine.

    March 6, 2022
  • Donna - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Jesus is the best life in this world and in the world to come. Jesus will never leave you or forsake you.

    Praying for you tonight Genesis.
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Matthew 24 - 3 years ago
    Possibly out of tradition.

    In these several years of difficulty personally longer & even for " traditional American churches" it has given many of us opportunity to look deeper into scripture, understanding & " tradition " within the fellowships & to ask why, are they doing this, & that. I hope, pray & believe through these trials a better, more biblical, believing Church will come forth.
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Job 38 - 3 years ago
    Online : is the brightest star in Northern celestial hemisphere, fourth brightest in night sky, called a bright red giant star,

    Hopefully helpful
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Continued : the cruel things that made the king's threats feared also include 2Kings 25:7-9, 2Chronicles 36:6

    That king apparently named his son & Daniel the same referenced from Daniel 1,

    Daniel 5, this next king appears to be the son of the king mentioned in Daniel 1,2,3,4, please note: Daniel 5:2,10,11,18,

    Daniel 5:1-21,

    Important Daniel 5:22,

    Daniel 5:23,

    Daniel 5:24-30,

    Also prophecy fulfilled, about Babylon's defeat,

    References to the treasure taken 2Kings 25:13-17, 2Chronicles 36:7,10,18, & other places in scripture

    Daniel 6, Daniel lives through another king, supernaturally

    Daniel 7, & 8, Daniel has a dream & visions, that are referred to as prophecy,

    Both Daniel 7 & 8, take place during Daniel 5, or beforehand, while that same king was in rule.

    Daniel 9, is during reign of Darius, note: Daniel 5:31, Daniel 9:1,

    Daniel 9:2, the prophecy of punishment for Israel was at time of completion

    Daniel 9:3-19, Daniel humbled himself

    Daniel 9:20-27, divine intervention also prophecy explained

    Daniel 9:24-26 Jesus CHRIST the MESSIAH,

    Daniel 10,11, & 12 continue, Daniel 10, Cyrus king, another divine intervention & prophecy followed by Daniel fasting & prayer

    Please notice Daniel 10:10-14, Daniel 10:18-21 continues through Daniel 11:1, he also strengthened Darius, note how it starts as a finishing thought & Darius was the king that was tricked into throwing Daniel into the lions, Daniel 6, distressed, alienated possibly then was he supernaturally confirmed & strengthened.

    Daniel 11:2-45 continues prophecy from previous, into Daniel 12, all three chapters are following through.

    Hopefully this was helpful
  • RichFairhurst on 1 Peter 3 - 3 years ago
    (Not duplicate-all duplicate posts removed)

    I believe that 1 Peter 3:19-22 is a chiasm (inverted parallelism) which is common in the Psalms and Hebrew expressions that are intended to be memorized / memorable. He is addressing suffering Christians and wants to encourage them to patiently endure that suffering by likening their experience to what God did with Noah, but shows that it happens in an inverted order. Here is how I see it laid out.

    The like figure whereunto

    (Salvation of a chosen few from a wicked generation by water)

    wherein few, that is, eight souls were saved by water.

    even baptism doth also now save us


    while the ark was a preparing,

    (not the putting away of the filth of the flesh, but the answer of a good conscience toward God,) by the resurrection

    (God's patience based on a chosen one)

    when once the longsuffering of God waited in the days of Noah,

    of Jesus Christ: Who is gone into heaven, and is on the right hand of God;


    By which also he went and preached unto the spirits in prison; Which sometime were disobedient,

    angels and authorities and powers being made subject unto him.

    I believe Peter's audience needed to endure through days that he wanted to liken to the days of Noah for encouragement. Baptism is a source of encouragement and the easiest parallel to draw from the passage, but I believe he intended his audience to draw more encouragement than just that. If you don't agree and think I'm pushing this text beyond what it is meant to say, or if you think I've grouped things illogically, lets discuss it.
  • Mishael - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Aw you're so sweet. I hope you'll stick with us through those days we all have sometimes. You have to go forward with the Light that the Holy Spirit shows you about scriptures. Some things are new to me, then someone else with more light comments even more info. I'll be like WOW, I never saw it that way.

    We're all trying to help others with the hard sayings.

    I actually enjoy the Gospels more. When I see the differences in the disciples, it helps you see that God knows we have really good stuff inside of us. There is always info someone can benefit from some one on one. All you have to do is invite Holy Spirit to teach you what something means, to you for today. Say it every day.

    I been in street evangelism and my perspective is geared more in that direction. Humbly, I don't know all of the history of other cultures and countries. But there are people in here who do, and would share it with seekers.

    All are welcome at Jesus's Table. We dine on the Bible and pass it along to those who want more. I like those passages of Jesus eating with the Disciples. We can still do that :D. There is no limitation on APPETITE.
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Daniel 1:1-3, as promised in Jeremiah, & other Old Testament books, if Israel didn't turn from : Exodus 22:22, Jeremiah 7:6, Jeremiah 23:3, Zechariah 7:10-14, Isaiah 1:17, warned & warned & warned by GOD through HIS prophets, Malachi 3:5, 2Kings 20:17-18, promised it would happen. Jeremiah 52:26-34,

    Daniel 1:4, the children taken capacity,

    Daniel 1:5-16, Leviticus, Deuteronomy, & some of Exodus covers the foods that Jewish children were by GOD's Laws not suppose to eat, it was wisdom

    Daniel 1:17-21 stood before the king, seems to say they stood by the king in service & advisers.

    Daniel 2,

    1st let's look at threat Daniel 2:5, if he had made all the young boys eunuchs & Jeremiah 52, would have caused fear.

    Daniel 2:1-13, just like Daniel 1:20, shows that king was seeking every type of teaching but they all fail

    Daniel 2:14-24, GOD ALMIGHTY is Awesome & amazing!! Psalms 44:22,

    Daniel 2:25-26, sad reminder that Daniel was of the captives of Judah, also the king had changed his name. (significantly there are Babylonian records with that name so it's interesting it's noted in Bible)

    Daniel 2:27-30 :to GOD be the Glory

    Daniel 2:31-45 the dream of the king & interpretation , with much symbolism

    Daniel 2:46,48, different later, Daniel tells that king's son, no: Daniel 5:17,

    Daniel 2:47 Glory to GOD

    Daniel 2:49, interesting note of favor also seen in chapter 1,

    Daniel 3, looks like the king misunderstood or took that "gold" interpretation out of context from symbolic "golden head" from dream Daniel 2:31,32,38,

    Daniel 3:6 threats again, & rage Daniel 3:13,19,20,21,22,23

    Daniel 3:8,12,16,17,18 just like Daniel 1, didn't want to turn from GOD's Laws

    Daniel 3:24-27 GOD's amazing deliverance

    Daniel 3:28 to GOD be Glory

    Yet threats again of brutal violence Daniel 3:29,

    Daniel 3:30 promotion again, through obedience to GOD

    Daniel 4, told through that king when GOD humbled him,

    Daniel 4:18,19, used name he gave Daniel
  • Moi on Job 38 - 3 years ago
    Job 38:32

    Who is Arcturus and his sons?
  • Adam - In Reply on Revelation 1 - 3 years ago
    That's pretty funny how interpreting this verse that way means Adam could have been 334.8 million years old.

    Noah enduring the 40 days of rain could have been over 109 years of rain, or 1 hour.
  • Bill A - In Reply on Revelation 1 - 3 years ago
    Where is it stated I found it in 2 Peter 3:8. It is says 1 day for God is equal to a thousand years on earth. To get a good grasp of this read the entire chapter of 2 Peter 3.
  • Bear De Mel - In Reply on Romans 12 - 3 years ago
    Thank you for taking the time and trouble to reply to my question .

    May God bless you and your work

    Bear de Mel
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 3 years ago
    I didn't read the scripture you posted because I personally didn't feel GOD leading me towards those.

    GOD promises us wisdom if we ask: James 1:5-8, Matthew 7:7,

    Test also 1John 4, Matthew 4, Mark 1:13 -, Luke 4,
  • Ashley CR - 3 years ago
    In Jesus Name my oldest child Ashley is delivered from every evil and is healthy, happy and protected, praying Ashley Immediately, joyfully and permanently gets over her cheating ex boyfriend and moves on to her good and faithful husband, whoever he may be, God willing, please also pray Ashley is delivered from angry behavior and that God fills Ashley with self control, understanding, worth, happiness, faith, hope and love, praying Ashley does well in her university math course and passes with an A, send helpers to Ashley Lord, help her in her new job, relationships, and in every way, keep Ashley healthy and safe, grant her wisdom, keep CS and J blocked from her in every way possible, no weapon formed against her shall prosper, in Jesus Name, Amen! Thank You God in advance!!!
  • Sarah R. - 3 years ago
    In Jesus Name pray my daughter Sarah has excellent doctor reports and normal results confirming her excellent Health. Pray whatever is causing her irregular menstruation and other issue is purged out at the root, and that Sarah is healed, please pray that her menstruation starts immediately and continues to be regular and healthy, please also pray that this year is the year that God sent her a Godly and kind spouse, pray that all curses are broken off of her, and that she is healthy and strong, happy and prospered, and protected in every way, shape, and form, get behind us sa/tan in Jesus Mighty and Powerful name we pray all this for Sarah, and more, Amen and Hallelujah!!!
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 3 years ago
    If you look back before Christmas time Sasha had her friend post for her, saying she was banned for 30 days from posting. But wanted to wise us all a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays._.. I asked several questions but didn't get response. Be anxious for nothing.

    There were many times in my life already that I had thought I would never see or hear from a friend again. GOD with HIS amazing Love & compassion several times gave me my heart's desire by letting me encounter them again even over 2,000 miles away. Etc. Multiple times. Trust in The LORD GOD ALMIGHTY, HE is faithful & Trustworthy!! Always! :) If you feel burden in your heart for them, maybe GOD is calling you specialy to pray for them. Sometimes I or someone else will get a specific burden for someone & their concerns will sometimes be familiar to things specificly with more understanding, compassion ect. Hopefully that makes sense
  • Erin Scarbrough - 3 years ago
    I literally gave my 2 week notice before getting another job, praying that this is the bold move the Lord has been guiding me to. I need to be closer to my kids asap. Trying to find a rental or buy a home, and looking for a job that sustains me and my kids this time. I am scared. Did I make the right decision? Will the Lord lead me to the right place, job, etc? I have faith. But I also believe in the power of prayer. I need God now more than ever.Thank you for the prayers!
  • Jamie nichols on Matthew 24 - 3 years ago
    Why do preachers preach that the church will be gone during tribulation when the bible does not say that.
  • S Spencer - In Reply on Revelation 1 - 3 years ago
    Hi Don Kauffman.

    I agree with Brother Adam.

    We have to be consistent with scripture, There is no where in scripture where they calculates days as a thousand years. If so Adam would be 1000 x 360 x 930. Wow! Those would be very long days. Adam would have been 334,800,000. years old when he died.

    But we can't ignore the second half of 2 Peter 3:8.

    "and a thousand years as one day."

    That takes us in the opposite direction! Which makes a thousand years very short.

    Adam probably would be a few seconds old when he died.

    So which half of 2 Peter 3:8 do we use?

    So let's examine that scripture again and put it in its context taking it from verse 3 on to verse 9. and you will see the emphasis is on Gods patience, and longsuffering, Not the length of days.

    2 Peter 3:3-9. Knowing this first, that there shall come in the last days scoffers, walking after their own lusts,

    And saying, Where is the promise of his coming? for since the fathers fell asleep, all things continue as they were from the beginning of the creation.

    For this they willingly are ignorant of, that by the word of God the heavens were of old, and the earth standing out of the water and in the water:

    Whereby the world that then was, being overflowed with water, perished:

    But the heavens and the earth, which are now, by the same word are kept in store, reserved unto fire against the day of judgment and perdition of ungodly men.

    But, beloved, be not ignorant of this one thing, that one day is with the Lord as a thousand years, and a thousand years as one day.

    The Lord is not slack concerning his promise, as some men count slackness; BUT IS LONGSUFFERING TO US-WARD, NOT WILLING THAT ANY SHOULD PERISH, BUT THAT ALL SHOULD COME TO REPENTANCE.

    I hope this helps.

    God bless.
  • S Spencer - In Reply on Revelation 1 - 3 years ago
    Amen Brother Adam.

    Well stated.

    God bless.

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