All Discussion PAGE 1379

  • Richard H Priday - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 3 years ago
    The verse where Paul asks in 1 Tim. 5:23 where Paul gives instruction to Timothy to drink a little wine clearly shows that there are medicinal purposes that can be recommended. It was used as an anaesthetic until recent times; and as with any other substance it can be abused.

    There are multiple issues here that need to be addressed. First; there is our own history and whether it involved any substance abuse. Obviously for an alcoholic; drinking is not an option-the world knows this even if they don't follow that advice or are incapable of doing so. Secondly; careful introspection shows that there are few who would drink without once desiring the relaxed state it produces. With a meal; and with a family member (as in the wedding at Cana) it certainly could be permitted.

    A bigger issue is that we should not do anything to cause a brother (or anyone else) to fall into sin. If we are in any group of people it is likely someone there is an alcoholic or prone to sin with drinking. It is probably unusual and difficult in our own families to ensure that everyone there doesn't have that issue.

    I don't know much about wine; although I have tasted "non alcoholic" beer and can't tell the difference. We should note that those with diabetes also have to be careful. Beer in particular with it's carbohydrates leading to spikes in sugar levels aren't going to stay healthy drinking a lot. Clearly; if we can drink it is in small amounts and drunkenness is always a sin.
  • RichFairhurst - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Christ is the fulfillment of Noah on a much larger scale if Noah actually was "that "preacher of righteousness", or the evangelist, who preached to others & urged the only ones who believed & worthy to be saved, to avail themselves of God's salvation Plan: by water, being lifted up & away from the anger & destruction of the Lord."

    How does Christ and baptism into Him by water and the Holy Spirit not fulfill that for you? He certainly fulfills that for me. He alone is the Word preached that leads to righteousness, salvation and eternal life in this age, and before He sent out any Apostles He Himself preached that very message. The great commission is God's salvation plan.

    He is the head of the only household God will save in these latter days and these "days of Noah". He is the door of the Arc and the sheepfold. All must go through Him to be saved. If anyone tries to claim they can fulfill Noah's role for anyone in this age apart from preaching Christ, they are a thief and a robber that the sheep will not hear and run from.

    So try again. How exactly is Noah not a type of Christ?
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Ecclesiastes 3:21 indicates that the soul (or breath) of an animal descents downward to the earth; whereas of man it ascends upward (as man dies once and goes to judgment Heb. 9:27). This is; as far as I can see the only verse that indicates what happens after an animal dies.

    One could infer that with "all creation travailing" ( Romans 8:22) that death has caused all of His creation; designed to live eternally to be interrupted from that purpose. There is no specific verse that would indicate a Resurrection of an animal; but with a new heaven and earth it certainly can't be ruled out.

    Humans; as the scriptures show were created with "eternity in their hearts." ( Ecclesiastes 3:11). We also have some understanding of good and evil; hence unlike animals we are sinners (see Romans 1; Psalm 19). With Christ; we have His Spirit living in us; and praise God He will never leave nor forsake us. Without Christ; as the Psalms state we are as brute beasts; and we surely have no hope.

    God did; however allow the serpent in the garden to be used as a conduit for Satan. This apparently caused the species to have to crawl in the dirt rather than stand upright after that event. It would seem somehow that the serpent itself was cursed as though it had some affinity for evil. That raises questions I can't fully answer. The case of Balaam and the talking donkey in Numbers 22 shows how an animal spoke; and surely showed proper reverence for God; as well as showing how an animal can see into the spiritual dimension when man is too dumb and blinded himself to do this. There is another example in Kings where a lion stood next to a donkey after mauling the disobedient prophet. There were also verses where lions were kept from mauling David; but afterwards God had them maul His enemies. God surely provides as He does for the birds in their great feast in Armageddon; even creatures in the burning fringes of hell in other verses. There is a master plan for all creation.
  • Donna - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Lord God, please help Francisco. In Jesus name. Amen
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hi Brother Chris.

    This is very interesting, I've always pictured as the second Adam but knew he was the Last. But yet he's both being that there's only two.

    However each way you term it there is a difference.

    That is something I missed!

    The conclusion is we are in one or the other, and terming Jesus as the Last makes a significant difference considering our everlasting Identification.

    "The first a living soul, The last a quickening spirit."

    Considering Adam was made a living soul before he sinned, it seems there were changes needed to be made in man before he could enter heaven. "Even before Adam sinned, being he wasn't made incapable of sin.

    Those changes came by way of the last Adam. "quickening spirit".

    One day we will have a sinless body.

    1 Corinthians 15:46-51. Howbeit that was not first which is spiritual, but that which is natural; and afterward that which is spiritual.

    The first man is of the earth, earthy: the second man is the Lord from heaven.

    As is the earthy, such are they also that are earthy: and as is the heavenly, such are they also that are heavenly.

    And as we have borne the image of the earthy, we shall also bear the image of the heavenly.

    Now this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God; neither doth corruption inherit incorruption.

    Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed.

    God bless.
  • Donna - In Reply on 1 Corinthians 10 - 3 years ago
    Amen. Good lesson. God bless you. We all need this reminder.
  • Richard H Priday on Numbers 13 - 3 years ago
    This chapter involves the initial searching out of the land of Canaan by one person designated from each of the tribes. This went on for forty days. Apparently; there was indeed the abundance of "milk and honey" (v. 27); with the abundance of fruit demonstrated to be found in verses 23-26. Among the nationalities represented there were the "children of Anak" (v. 28; 32-33). These were giants; descendants of the hybrid races of fallen angels with women-just one group of many who were throughout the area the Lord had given to Israel as their possession.

    None of this; of course was any surprise to God. Caleb along with Joshua were the ONLY two recorded of the WHOLE multitude that had departed from Egypt 40 years prior that had survived the wilderness because of the iniquity-this was despite God's providence for that WHOLE time of the manna; AND the shoes never wearing out despite the arid and hot conditions in the desert. Trusting the Lord clearly gave Caleb a completely different perspective where he stated that they were WELL able to overcome it; that is take over. When the Lord devotes something to destruction it is a done deal. He would fight for His children; as He had demonstrated before against Pharaoh and his armies.

    The consequences of half-heartedness resulted in a further delay in the conquest; in fact the whole area promised to Israel has yet to this day not been taken over; that will be complete in the Millennium; although perhaps the Psalm 83 war may further facilitate this process in the meantime. Time and time again it was idolotry and sin that caused the Jewish nation to live in unbelief. Despite all this; He is faithful. Praise the Lord for that.
  • Donna - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Thank you :-). Amen

    I love you, body of Christ

    Love God

    Love one another

  • Richard H Priday on Numbers 12 - 3 years ago
    This chapter once again demonstrates as in earlier chapters with Abraham that the Lord takes a marriage covenant seriously as the "marriage bed is undefiled" ( Hebrews 13:4). The fact that this woman was Ethiopian is even more intriguing (verse 1). It is likely with intermarriage of course that Israelites would have assimilated with other nations and would have a more Middle East complexion. Obviously; Moses' wife may have had a much more African dark skinned appearance. Another issue they may have had is that they considered their nationality somehow superior as to the traditional place where the true God was worshipped. It is clear from historical records and even recent years with migration back to Israel that indeed Jews have one major population residing in Ethiopia.

    In any event; Moses' character and unique relationship with the Lord was brought forth to Miriam and Aaron. The assail on his character and the marriage covenant was once again; as threatened in Genesis to those who had been told Abraham's wife was his sister were at risk of being cursed. In this case; AMONG His people leprosy broke out on Miriam. Aaron was the chief priest and it should also be noted in verse 9 and 10 that the Lord departed from the tabernacle; hence He was no longer there to guide the comings and goings. As always;

    Moses interceded and she only had to remain outside the camp in this condition for seven days.

    This passage of scripture once again shows how quickly pride can cause a fall. No one is immune if we are not careful. Praise God for His faithfulness that He ever intercedes for us in heaven as our High Priest. ( Hebrews 7:25; 4:14; etc)
  • Chuck Gettis - 3 years ago
    It's easy to equate the 7 years to the tribulation but there are problems there on is the the tribulation is Jacob's trouble it's a time of wars and rumors of wars. So how can Israel bury bodies and burn weapons for seven years while they seemly are under attacks or war?
  • Donna - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Dear God, please give Jennifer extra grace at work. She longs for Your presence to be with her and walk with her, strengthen and protect her. In Jesus name. Amen

  • Jeanette Hughes on Habakkuk 1 - 3 years ago
    God is love
  • Alex N - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Amen Grae...well said
  • Suze - 3 years ago
    It has just occurred to me that maybe Carleton Earl and Sacha may not post on here because of something that was said to them on here . That literally breaks my heart , I love those guys , I'm sure somewhere Jesus said he that gathers not with me ,scatters , or something like that .
  • David Allen - 3 years ago
    please pray for Kristie and me today , please pray for my family and pray for my lost coworkers
  • Grae - 3 years ago
    I do not believe that we should limit God's Holy Spirit . God uses whomever He sees fit to get His message across . We may not always agree with the posts on here , I know I don't and I'm sure plenty of people don't always agree with me , but I don't believe we have the right to pour cold water on anyone elses love and passion for the Truth . I believe in live and let live on here , if I don't feel as if I don't have much in common with someone I just don't read their posts but I usually try to read everything as I recognise that I have plenty still to learn and this seems like a great place to come for encouragement and refreshing my mind in the Word . Please try to remember these scriptures before getting annoyed or dismayed by what u read and jumping to conclusions : Luke Ch 9 V 49+50 , Mark Ch 9 V 36-40 , Matthew Ch 21 V 15+16 and 1st Samuel Ch 10 V 9-12 . If any of us on here honestly thinks that they know all about the Bible and that they can't learn something from others on here then I believe that they would b wrong about that and u don't learn from others by discouraging or disparaging them . God uses us all to teach and help each other , He wouldn't have brought us all together on here right now if He didn't want us to learn from each other . That's why we r here ! Because He wants us to b ! We must respect His judgement and each others existence on here as His will . Give God the glory and let's thank Him for each other . We r not all perfect yet ! One day soon I hope , we shall all b like Him .
  • Grae - In Reply - 3 years ago
    There r and have been very many different denominations over the last two thousand years and I imagine that if they all taught the same thing then there wouldnt b any need for so many different denominations . U often mention church doctrines and for me to fully appreciate what u mean by that it would b helpful for me to know which church u r talking about so maybe I can research their doctrines and understand u better . I don't have the time or energy to research them all and even if I did I wouldn't want to try to second guess u and figure out which one u r refering to . It would defo help me to understand your posts better if u just told me which church u r talking about . Thanks in anticipation .
  • Free - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 3 years ago
    Dear "Rick Castleberry", Your soul is unique and you share your spirit with God.

    1 Thessalonians 5:23 And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    Galatians 6:2 Bear ye one another's burdens, and so fulfil the law of Christ.

    If a Christian has tried this. Then we know that when one confesses a cause, sin or distress of some kind. Then that person experiences a liberation. This can be explained by the fact that we carry each other's burdens in the spirit sometimes. And know what a person going through.

    Stay blessed and be glad that our Lord is Jesus forever. Love u in Christ.
  • Free - In Reply on Acts 16 - 3 years ago
    Dear "Felicia phillips" The devil and his companions were cast out of heaven. God has not love for those who exalted, He has created everything after all. So a place in God must also have a picture of them, at least from the beginning. That is, hatred is probably not, but Must Endure those conditions.

    Proverbs 16:18 Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall.

    Proverbs 18:12 12 Before destruction the heart of man is haughty, and before honour is humility.

    Ezekiel 28:11-19

    God Is Unique. Good luck and be glad, am sure u find word :D. Stay blessed in Jesus holy name. Love u in Christ
  • Chris - In Reply on Matthew 7 - 3 years ago
    Hello Sara. Are you enquiring about the date of writing of the Gospel of Matthew? No correct date or year can be given as no such records have been kept. However, somewhere in the 60s AD is generally the years given for the writing of that Gospel by Matthew; some even give it an earlier date. And the Gospels would have been available to the Church & Church Fellowships farther away, some time later, but within the 1st & 2nd centuries. Luke 1:1-4; Acts 1:1,2.
  • Free - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Dear "MAR", it is impossible to simulate God, because You can not lie to Him. Therefore after having known His mighty power and looked miracles and not only in my life but in many. Then I'm sure of my case. We have only one God and to come to Him we must believe in Jesus Christ, today we live in His Holy Spirit. Who is with me all the time.

    Especially when i pray (its a gift) He Is with me. James 1:17 Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning.

    I have never regretted, on the contrary, i regret that i did not give up my self before. So that i could have known of the kingdom of heaven before in my life. It had saved me too much pain.

    Be glad and repend u will se Him and He will never leave u. Amen Love u in Christ and werry much welcome.
  • RichFairhurst - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Actually Now that I think about it we should say Christ is both the second and last Adam, not one or the other only. If we just say Christ is the last Adam, someone could say He is the last of 50 Adams and get our attention wasted on the 48 new Adams that person wants to talk about. Paul says both things about Christ, so that means there is only one Adam before Him, the original, and no Adam after Him. I think you can agree with me that is what Paul means. It is certainly what I mean to say. Christ is uniquely our Savior and no one else is worthy to be compared to Him.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hi S. Spencer,

    I hope you have had a good day. I have and God was faithful in reminding me to be prayerful today as I posted. I try to be everyday, but since I sought partners in prayer, I wanted to be extra faithful.

    I was thinking this today. I read in Exodus 14 the account of the Israelite crossing of the Sea. The part that was brough to my mind today was where the Angel of the LORD and the pillar moved to the back of the Israelites to fight the Egyptians. It said that the LORD caused the wheels to come off of the chariots and the Egyptians began to flee back out of the seabed. So, I began praying asking God to cause the Russian machines to malfunction and be ineffective just like He disabled the Egyptian "war machines". That insight helped me in my prayers today.
  • Sam - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Please God I ask in Jesus Christ name with humility that Your Healing Hand will be on Sabrina with her affliction. You are Master Physician and know the heart of Sabrina. Please Holy Spirit guide Sabrina in biblical scriptures that will strengthen her through this adversity I pray in Jesus Christ name

    Please consider reflection on James 5:16, John16:13, Psalm 118:8.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Understood Suze,

    God Bless You to tonight. Thanks for your contribution to the discussion on here. I am always helped by what others have to say. I may not always concur, and may voice this and say why, but I believe that that is allowed according to the guidelines.

    Have a restful night's sleep and I'll "see" you tomorrow or so.
  • Donna - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Please save Mark tonight. Thank You God for hearing our prayers tonight. Please save all of our lost loved ones. We all have them Lord. Please be merciful tonight and divinely order their steps leading them to the foot of the Cross. May they find salvation tonight Lord in Jesus name amen
  • RichFairhurst - In Reply - 3 years ago
    I can accept that the last Adam is the better term for the reasons you said. The second Adam is still a true statement, but doesn't close the door on their being another. In any case, I assume we are agreed that Adam is a type of Christ in the way Paul has described him.

    I am going to give real consideration to your view on 1 Peter and Noah as something I need to meditate on more. Baptism does correspond to the water of the flood, but I think there is more of Christ being prefigured than your allowing, given that Christ Himself is brought forward by Peter when he talks about the Resurrection. I also feel the union between Christ and a believer is such that I believe we are always meant to see Christ through their faith when they consistently prevail in obedience as Noah did. All grace is empowered with Christ always being the substance of the likeness they are being conformed to. To the extent that You or I actually live out the Christian life from the heart, that is what is at work in us, never our abilities unsupported by grace or without Christ's likeness being revealed.

    Noah's failure with the wine gives the first glimpse of when his obedience fails. The theme of Old Testament characters starting strong until they get a great victory and then suddenly failing as soon as the pressure is off or they seem to think God isn't watching shows how much God's grace enabled them. Adam fits this pattern and as far as I can recall to varying degrees so does everyone else until Christ fulfills all of the patterns prefigured without failure. But Adam is the template for gaining insight from the Holy Spirit. Still one of the challenges of correctly applying typology is that there are always similarities and dissimilarities at work, some subtle (Able and Joseph) and others swinging between extremes on both sides (Sampson and David).

    Anyway, we are not meant to be duplicates of each other. We can both gain something from each other honestly stating our views.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 3 years ago

    Are you asking me this question?

    If so, I am talking about the consistent teaching of the Christian church through the centuries. But you can always study this topic for yourself to see what has been considered orthodox Christian teachings within the Christian Church.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 3 years ago

    With respect to you and love in the Lord, in your reply to me you judged me and spoke derogatorily about my views. But I am not personally offended by you in this.

    I only point out the error of your teaching because I think it is very grievous and offends against teaching the Word of God.

    I guess that I am probably not the first nor only person to point this out to you on this forum. I think it is very unliving to NOT speak to someone about serious error. That is why I reply to you this way. I am also concerned about those who read your erroneous viewpoint over and over again as you post it in almost every post you submit. I do not reply to every one of these posts by you, but do at intervals for the sake of readers who may be vulnerable to error and for your sake.

    I am well aware of the guidelines for posting. It does not say we cannot disagree with another poster. But I will reread them so I can be sure I am respecting them. People are always free to criticize what I post. I do not consider that person as making this site their personal judgment hall. Usually a person would say that in order to silence another person. For me, I do not wish to discourage anyone from posting their views. But I do think that anyone posting on this public forum should realize that in doing so they place themselves in a position for their viewpoints to be evaluated, questioned, or criticized. I realize that I am a strong person in many ways. And this can bother another person. But I know that I never intend to be hurtful or unloving to anyone. I work hard at addressing viewpoints, ideas, interpretations of Scripture, and methodology for interpreting Scripture and not the character of another. I do not think I have questioned your character or defamed you here. But if you think I have, please tell me specifically what I posted that would qualify as that. I wish you well and extend the love of Christ to you in everything I say to you. I hope you can receive that from me.
  • Donna - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Dear Lord God, in the mighty name of Jesus Christ let no weapon formed against this family prosper! Let it fail and fall to the ground in utter disrepair! That they would glorify You. And testify of Your great goodness toward Your children. In Jesus name I pray, Amen!

    John 16:23

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