All Discussion PAGE 1380

  • Donna - 3 years ago
    I'm lifting up every prayer request on the boards tonight.

    Dear precious Heavenly Father of the great lights, I glorify You tonight! Oh, Maker of Heaven and Earth. I thank You Jesus for saving us! For giving Your life for us and showing us the way. You ARE The Way, The Truth, and The Life, and no man comes to The Father but through You! Thank You for Your body that was broken for us for Your blood that was shed on our behalf at Calvary. Thank You for never leaving us! Please hear our prayers here tonight. And our prayers for the lost, globally. Save lost souls Jesus. Whatever it takes Lord. The hour is late. We lift up our authorities that rule over us. Please give them wisdom, repentance, and conviction. Help them to do the right thing according to Your will and Your Word. All authorities globally.

    Help us to dig into Your Word. To share some scripture and a prayer of faith with anyone in need. I pray please send Your Angels to fight our battles along side of us. Bind up our enemy, heal sickness and wounds, comfort the afflicted.

    I lift up every request on all prayer boards to You. That You answer and it be done according to Thy will and not unto the lust of the flesh. On Earth as it is in Heaven. For the Kingdom. In Jesus mighty name Amen.
  • Donna - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Dear Shahana, I'm lifting up your precious momma to the Lord of Hosts tonight! We serve a mighty God! He is able to do all things, only believe!

    Heavenly Father, we thank You tonight Lord that we can come to you in our time of need and we lift up Shahana's mom to You and we ask you Lord to heal her body to help her in the name of Jesus I pray God that these diseases will leave her body in Jesus mighty name that You would bind it up and cast it out hallelujah in Jesus mighty name! Give her healing and victory amen!
  • Donna - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Amen Sister Elizabeth! I believe that as well. Lord help us to take up our crosses and serve You Heavenly Father. We are blessed if we suffer persecution for Him. Always remember that. Count it all joy! God bless you Sister.
  • Adrian Masuca on 1 Corinthians 10 - 3 years ago
    1 Corinthians 10:13

    "There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it."

    Just a reminder that our God is an understanding God. We beat ourselves up, and we at times find it very difficult to accept the forgiveness and mercy of God. We harbor unforgiveness and we forget that most important lesson Jesus taught to his disciples, that unless we forgive, our heavenly Father will not forgive us. May God never allow us to forget this most important lesson. May God never allow us to become a victim of deception in believing we can go on with unforgiveness, and bitterness in our hearts.
  • Donna - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Dear Sister Sabrina, I'm praying for you tonight. Here's a scripture you need to memorize and hang on your walls and mirrors!

    Psalms 50:15

    Heavenly Father, help Sabrina tonight. Please give her peace so she KNOWS that she's loved. Comfort her and heal her of ALL her diseases. Bless her. Lord I plead the Blood of Jesus over this potential illness. We bind and rebuke this potential illness. Turn this TEST into a TESTimony! In Jesus mighty name. Amen. Lord we glorify You. And thank You Mighty God that we can come to You in our time of need and You have not left us or abandoned us. Nor will You. For that we rejoice!
  • Chris - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hi Rich. I enjoy reading your comments as you have much to offer readers of God's Word & those who want to meditate further on it. But I want to address Adam's question to you which I believe is a fair one.

    I understand you were happy to accept both phrases, 'the second Adam & the last Adam' as being applicable. I understand that the 'last Adam' phrase is significant because of the Plan of God to physically intrude into humanity for the purposes of effecting His Salvation. If Jesus was to be referred to as the 'second Adam', there would leave room for a third or a fourth Adam (i.e. other salvific efforts by God to correct any failed attempts by the previous ones). Therefore, the 'last Adam' should speak to us that as the first Adam failed in dealing with the onslaught of sin upon him, the last Adam was God's One & Only Plan to correct that failure by rejecting any dart of sin against Him. Had Jesus failed, there would be no other 'Adam' available for fallen man - we would remain condemned & doomed to eternal punishment - Why? That God gave it His all, His Best, Himself.

    And in reference to 1 Peter 3:18-22, I sense that this passage doesn't speak of Noah being the antitype of Christ, but the 'water' & by extension, the Ark that the water bore. As Peter writes, "The like figure whereunto even baptism doth also now save us...", the 'figure' being that which is likened to, is the water (i.e. "eight souls were saved by water"). I agree that through Noah's obedience to God, his family were saved; but I actually see Noah as that "preacher of righteousness", or the evangelist, who preached to others & urged the only ones who believed & worthy to be saved, to avail themselves of God's salvation Plan: by water, being lifted up & away from the anger & destruction of the Lord. A sidenote, the Rapture of Church is clearly evident here & I would say, that the events around the Flood typifies that which God will do for His Church, saving her from His Wrath to come on all.
  • RichFairhurst - In Reply - 3 years ago
    I personally am not stumbled over the days chosen to celebrate the birth of Christ or the Resurrection. These two events can be celebrated every day in my personal life, but I want a time of year to celebrate them in church with others. Reading the passages of scripture that describe these events and singing songs about them with others is not a cause to break fellowship in my view, no matter what date you chose. I can celebrate by faith without a weak conscience, and I have confidence God won't judge me for loving people that love these two events. If you can't do that I won't judge you, but you are not in a position to judge me either. As long as it is Christ we do it for, let's respect each other and God's grace.

    The date is much less important than that we agree Christ was born of a virgin, died for our sins and rose again for our salvation according to scripture. That is true every day and largely the reason I go to church year round.

    Christian fellowship is something we should maintain with a Bible preaching church if at all possible. If you are always alone trying to fulfill Christ's command to love one another as He has loved us, you will have a really hard time doing it right. You have to be with other Christians to fulfill that command. You're a sinner and I'm a sinner, but if we gather in His name He is in our midst. That is transformative. And He truly is glorified when we actually love one another.
  • Landon - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Ecclesiastes 3:21
  • Landon - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Ecclesiastes 3:21
  • Landon - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Matthew 8:23-27
  • Sara Oberle on Matthew 7 - 3 years ago
    I am wondering when the original work for Matthew 7:1 was published?

    Thank you,

  • Karen mcswain - 3 years ago
    who had little faith in the bible
  • Donna - 3 years ago
    Please pray for me. God is so good. I praise Him and bow down before Him. He is God Almighty and The Lord Jesus Christ is the only mediator between us and God. 1Timothy 2:5 Amen.
  • RichFairhurst - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Typology in Christian theology and biblical exegesis is a doctrine or theory concerning the relationship of the Old Testament to the New Testament. Events, persons, or statements in the Old Testament are seen as types prefiguring or superseded by antitypes, events or aspects of Christ or his revelation described in the New Testament.

    Jesus told the Pharisees in John 5:39-40,45-46:

    39. Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. 40. And ye will not come to me, that ye might have life.

    45. Do not think that I will accuse you to the Father: there is one that accuseth you, even Moses, in whom ye trust. 46. For had ye believed Moses, ye would have believed me: for he wrote of me.

    So if you or I read Moses and we don't see Jesus in what he wrote, Moses will accuse us of missing the whole point of what he wrote that was supposed to lead us to eternal life. I can't afford to do that. Can you?

    For Adam as a type of Christ

    1 Corinthians 15:45-49

    Christ as the last Adam. Adam is the first man and Christ is the second man. I think this verse gives me the latitude to say Christ is the second Adam, bit if you disagree read my post with the words last Adam instead.

    1 Corinthians 15:21-22

    Romans 5:12-19

    Both of these passages show either by contrast or by similarity to how Christ's uniquely fulfills the role that Adam was supposed to fulfill, but failed at. Christ is the antitype of Adam according to Paul's teaching.

    For Noah as a type of Christ

    1 Peter 3:18-22

    "By like figure" is Peter's way of saying baptism and the resurrection of Christ is the antitype of Noah and his household being saved in the Arc.

    The bronze serpent Moses lifted in the wilderness is a type of Christ on the cross. Numbers 21:6-9. John 3:14-15

    Sarah and Hagar are types of the Old Covenant of the Law and the New Covenant of grace. Galatians 4:21-31. Paul calls this an allegory, but he uses it extensively for his doctrine.
  • Adam - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hi Rich,

    You are saying some things I don't hear very often like "Christ is the second Adam" and "Noah is a type of Christ."

    I'm sure your intent is to help answer a question, but I question whether those statements are true because I've never read those in the Bible, have you? If you believe you have can you please share your verses supporting these ideas?
  • RichFairhurst - In Reply - 3 years ago
    As proof that the creature suffered the consequences of the fall, God sent the flood to kill all animals with the breath of life outside the Ark in addition to all unbelievers. However, God saved Noah and his household along with pairs of all unclean animals and sevens of clean animals in the Arc.

    Noah is a type of Christ, and Christ will always be magnified and glorified over any of the Old Testament types that prefigure Him, like Adam and Able. Christ will resurrect and deliver far more than 7 other people through the salvation He has brought us. We can expect he will exceed Noah in terms of what He ultimately accomplishes for the other creatures that God places in His care that have the breath of life.

    At the same time, not only did the wicked line of Cain perish in the flood, all descendants in Seth's family tree outside of Noah's household were deemed wicked and died in the flood as well. So like Noah in the case of the flood that came, salvation can only be found in Jesus Christ from God's judgement that is coming. A wife or husband can't know if they will save their unbelieving husband or wife. So we have to be prepared to glorify God as just and true no matter what He ultimately decides to do with our pets and cling to Christ for salvation. They and us were all created for God's pleasure and glory much more than for ours.
  • Grae - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Haha , those r the exact words I would use to describe u !
  • Genesis - 3 years ago
    i wanna have a better life
  • Tracy Kwasnik - 3 years ago
    Pray for our family to be delivered and set free from all our enemies. There is a crime family along with evil so called friends that have committed past crimes and crimes today against us. Please pray extremely serious for us today and tomorrow and also weekly. Thank you all so very much. Tracy , Joshua and Johnathan Kwasnik is our names.
  • Alex N - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Grea thanks for all your words of Wisdom...ty I needed to hear that...GBU...You are like a breath of fresh air..
  • RichFairhurst - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Romans 8:15-23

    The purpose of this passage is to explore what is promised by the Spirit of adoption, whereby we cry Abba, Father. The promise goes far beyond our souls and the glorious redemption of our bodies. It encompasses all aspects of the creation God gave Adam and Eve dominion over.

    Since Adam did possess a soul and was put over all creatures, the consequence of his fall and the curse placed on Eve, Adam and the Serpent has affected far more than humanity. The creatures remained subject to Adam and Eve have been subjected to the fall and curse with them.

    Fortunately for them and us, Christ is the second Adam, and the redemption God will bring about through Him won't merely equal the fall and curse in it effects, it will far exceed them. As a result, the creatures also share in the reign of Christ and the fulfillment of the promised hope of His Spirit of adoption in us.

    So do animals need a soul to benefit from Christ? No. Is there a future for them in God's plan in Christ? Yes.
  • Alex N - In Reply - 3 years ago
    GI Gi...I have asked you on several occasions...lets Plz abide by the Guidelines of this Forum...This is not your personal judgement hall..This forum is only a place we can come and make comments about the KJV BIBLE...I cd not care less about what your Church teaches...I only care what the bible teaches the KJV...Everyday in big bold letters we read Plz abide by the Guidelines BEFORE posting...But you continue to make derogatory remarks about my Post...Only God can make righteous Judgement not any of US...So plz do not address me again unless its in a kindler tone...But i do still want to be your friend...I still love you, but we cannot make this forum into a Church judgement hall...So plz abide by the guidelines of this forum...GBU..Alex N
  • Suze - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Thank you for that encouragement . You are absolutely correct .
  • Grae - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Three years is not a very long time to b a Christian . Dreams r a normal part of being human and so is sexuality . Make sure u read your Bible every day and I always say a prayer before I go to sleep , just to say thankyou to God for the passing day . Sometimes I find it hard to pray on a day when I'm very conscious of my own sinfulness . Then I remember that I should always thank God for His blessings and mercy towards me . So that's what I do , even when I'm thoroughly ashamed of myself I always pray and just say thankyou to God for all His kindness towards me . That's how I start my prayer and then , before I realise it I have been talking to Him for twenty minutes . Never stop talking to your Heavenly Father . He knows all your sins , He remembers all of those in the past and He already knows all your future sins . That doesn't stop Him from loving u . All relationships require effort and communication or they shrivel up and die and u suddenly realise that u haven't read your Bible or spoken to your Heavenly Father for a week . If that happens u need to start up again , never give up on Him , He is just a thought away and He never gives up on u . Being a Christian doesn't mean that u stop being a human .
  • Francisco Garcia - 3 years ago
    Pray for me so that daily I'm conformed to the image of Jesus Christ,so that I don't lose my faith in Jesus Christ during tribulation and persecution,and for me to read GODS word more and disciple to people.
  • Felicia phillips on Acts 16 - 3 years ago
    Do God loves the devil even though the devil is the father of lies and sin.

    My son Moses asked me this question and I didn't know how to answer it.

    I know we are taught to love everyone.

    But God is the ruler of everything.
  • Grae - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hi Alex , I think it's important for us all to remember that God has given us the Bible so that we , as individuals can find these things out for ourselves . Over many centuries the so called church has done many extremely evil things that directly contradict what the Bible says and they still do . God wants us , our hearts and minds and He appeals to us on an individual level , He knows us all individualy . We don't need to rely on what any church tells us as we can read it all for ourselves . Many people on this site talk about how the Spirit guides them , helps them to understand things etc , so , who do I go with ? The church or the Spirit ? If I have church doctrines why do I need the Spirit to help me understand things ? If I have the Spirit why should I go with church doctrines ,and , which church ? So many have very different views . I think that it's very important to read the whole Bible with an open mind and heart . God is speaking to us as individuals when we read the Bible . We r connecting directly with Him and that's what He wants us to do . He knows exactly how to teach us what He wants us to know and when He wants us to know it . It's been my experience that many do not spend enough time just reading and enjoying the Bible every day . That's what it takes . Read it every day . It's not a sprint , it's a life long relationship and as such it takes time and patience and determination to get the best out of it . I always enjoy your posts and hope to read more of them . May God continue to bless you . And us with your presence on this site .
  • Adam - In Reply - 3 years ago

    The Bible doesn't specifically address this, but I personally don't believe animals have souls. Human beings are very different from other animals as we are made in the image of God. We make moral decisions of right and wrong among other unique qualities we have.

    Most people ask this because they love their dog and want to be with their dog in heaven. The Bible doesn't address this. But I wonder what the real question is. If the question is is heaven worth it, someone can read Revelation 21 for what it may be like. Someone can also read about the alternative of rejecting our creator.

    If the question is will you feel loved and happy and fulfilled in every way in heaven, the answer is yes times a million, beyond anyone's wildest dreams. But even if there was something like regret in heaven, which I don't think there will, but if anything, I would think the higher regret would be about your loved ones rejecting Christ and not entering heaven. Maybe we'll wonder if we we could have done more to help. I would think this would have a much heavier weight than if you have your pet nearby. But it's possible some dogs will be heaven.

    I don't think someone's feeling of entitlement will be allowed to interfere with others though. When I was at the airport, someone had a dog on a leash extended in a crowded area and the dog darted and interfering with travelers, nearly tripping people including frail elderly travelers, and became a real nuisance. Sometimes dogs carry ticks, disease, and leave inconveniences on the floor for others to step in. Some people have been attacked and killed by dogs so not everyone would have the same fondness toward such animals in heaven. Regardless it will be an amazing place.
  • Suze - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Thank you Alex , your passion for the Word is infectious and I always enjoy your insight .
  • Grae - In Reply - 3 years ago
    May I ask , when u refer to the church , which church r u refering to please ?

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