King James Bible
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You are correct we need to be ready because it will be horrific, this world will change as we have never seen. It will be devastating if people are looking for something that is not coming. If I may point to a few things, you may look at these seven years. The prophecy that was given to Daniel, told Israel the exact time Jesus, the Messiah would first come, and they ignored it. In vs. 24 it tells who this prophecy is determined for. It also lists 6 things that will be done.
This prophecy was determined upon Daniel's people and the holy city, Jerusalem. Will the end times be upon just Israel and Jerusalem, or will it be upon the entire world? The six things that will be done 1. finish the transgression. 2. make an end of sins. 3. make reconciliation for iniquity. 4. bring in everlasting righteousness. 5. seal up the vision and prophecy. 6. anoint the most Holy. Have these 6 things already been done, fulfilled?
If the 70-week prophecy has been fulfilled, how will that change what is taught? Can we be ready if what we are ready for is incorrect?
Just something to look at.
God bless,
The first heaven is our atmosphere, the air we breathe, where the birds fly, where the clouds float, and where we will meet Jesus at His second coming. The second heaven is space where the moon, sun, planets, and all the stars. The third heaven is where the throne of God and Jesus, angelic beings, and much more that we cannot even comprehend.
God bless,
Satan is a created being, what does he look like? Isaiah 14:12-15 morning star, translated Lucifer, the morning star/day star is the planet, Venus, it is brightest just before sunrise, 2 Corinthians 11:14 an angel of light, 1 Peter 5:8 a roaring lion, Revelation 12:3 great red dragon seven heads ten horns and seven crowns. There are many descriptions of Satan, but he is a master of disguise.
The horrific almost cartoonish description of Satan comes from the Middle Ages. If the understanding it is covering Satan, Ezekiel 28:14 says Satan was a covering cherub. There are seraphim we see in Isaiah 6:1-6 and in Revelation 4:6-9 called beasts, and cherubim, is in the bible more times, seraphim six wings, cherubim four wings. The biblical descriptions, I believe if we came face to face with, we would faint from fear.
Satan is not omnipresent; he can only be in one place at a time. There are evil spirits and evil angels he controls on this earth, we see in Daniel, battles that we cannot see, Daniel 10. The devil and his evil spirits can affect our life, and it can be vicious, Ephesians 6:12 but we far too often use that to excuse our own bad choices (the devil made me do it). Galatians 5:17
We also have been told, James 4:7 Submit yourselves therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.
God bless,
Is Israel a servant? is he a homeborn slave? why is he spoiled?
Boss: does not equal Master
Employee: does not equal Servants
Yes there was "capitalism" people traded things (value was placed on items).
"What would people do back then for work"? (this statement is just nuts).
3/4 of them are Muslim charts; or occult charts, etc
Avoid them.
Rely on what the Bible teaches.
Third Heaven
Space & planets
Earth and oceans
Hell beneath all above; is not a heaven; a place of darkness and evil.
All deceased unsaved people are in their graves.
All saved peoples, remains, are in the grave, but the soul and spirit are in Heaven with Jesus.
In Luke 1:46-47, Mary praises God with her soul and spirit. Which I believe that they ascend to heaven at death. The soul is personality and uniqueness. I do not believe we'll be soulless beings in heaven.
Revelation 13:1 Russia
Revelation 13:11 China
I read that last night.
Thank you for the exhortation it's definitely something we should keep doing.
God bless you.
The other two heavens are the earth's atmosphere (the first heaven) and outer space (the second heaven). Paul appears to be giving the order of these heavens from an earthbound perspective rather than from an order of creation perspective, since the order of these heavens would be reversed if they were numbered from the oldest to the newest.
Genesis 1:14,15,17 says "And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven ..." but in Genesis 1:20 it says God created "...fowl that may fly above the earth in the open firmament of heaven." The addition of the word "open" to the firmament of heaven the birds could fly in means there was a different firmament of heaven that was not open to birds where the lights were.
(Note, I believe Genesis 1:14-19 describes objects in outer space as being "in" the firmament of heaven created on the second day to portray them specifically as they appear to earthbound observers within that firmament who use them to measure earthbound time).
Today I ask that you give Stephanie favorable news from her appointment today. I pray that You will have all tests and results be a good report for her. Lord Jesus, You are good and Your mercies forever endure. We ask these things in Your name Jesus, Amen.
There are more involved here than just the Ukrainians and the Russians. Poland is taking in many of the millions of refugees. We can pray that the Lord increases the availability of places to house these people as well as food, and other resources. We can pray that there will be funding released to provide for these people and a way for people to give to this cause where the money will be properly spent on needed things. We can pray concerning the nuclear power plan that was hit yesterday.
We can also remember Afghanistan and the people that remain there that should have been evacuated last August as well as the Afghani people who are being oppressed by the Taliban.
I was awakened several times last night to pray. I am asking God to stop me throughout the day today to pray as He directs.
Thank you for joining me today.
The Bible does not say it is sinful to drink alcohol, but it does say that drunkenness is sinful. See Isaiah 5:11, Proverbs 20:1. Ephesians 5:18 tells us not to be drunk with wine, but to be filled with the Holy Spirit.
2 Corinthians 5:11 and Romans 13:13 and Galatians 5:21 all list drunkenness or drunkard as sinful.
By your invitation, I will share my view. I believe that Satan is an actual created spiritual being, not a name for temptation.
We are tempted by Satan or one of his fallen angels to sin. These use our weaknesses to tempt us.
James also says that we tempt ourselves.
"But each one is tempted when he is drawn away by his own desires and enticed. Then when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin, and sin, when it is full-gown, brings forth death." James 1:14-15
John also tells us that the world tempts us.
"For all that is in the world-the lust of the flesh, the list of the eyes, and the pride of life-is not of the Father but of this world."
1John 2:16
Satan was Jesus' tempter in the desert where Jesus fasted for 40 days. The two had conversations. It was not Jesus haing conversation with Himself, but a conversation between two beings.
In our hearts most know the things that God does not approve of. Choosing obedience does not involve feelings. We choose God over feelings and temptations. Choosing Him almost always brings immediate rewards.
I learned God helps us to see "the ditches", before we fall into one.
"the Three Heavens, art or charts"
Then come back to the Bible and use the SEARCH engine, and type in: first heaven, third heaven, scriptures. Read all of those to Prove the Truth.
Not all art or charts are equal.
Jesus would withdraw a ways from the group to pray and fellowship with the Father.
We have to do that too. Make quiet time to spend it with Jesus. And through Him, the gift he gave us; the Holy Spirit.
Chaos is a name of Satan. It takes effort to maintain peaceful moments in our every day lives. If you desire more of Jesus (through Holy Spirit) apart from regular church fellowship; you can create other ways to sit in his presence and listen.
Turn off the tv and phone for an hour. Open your Bible and read from Psalms and Proverbs. Read slow to pick up on the hidden pieces of gold that the Holy Spirit will show you.
The more scripture you take into your heart, the more the Holy Spirit has, to bring to your conscious mind, as He ministers to you. Holy Spirit joins you Jesus's mind. That's how it works. It is a moment of WOW, you might want to keep a journal on that for later.
I use praise music other times to bring me into His presence. God inhabits our praise. Angels hearken to the spoken or sung, Words of God. Malachi 3:16-18, an angel records our spoken praise of God in a Book.
With some shame, I'll say The Lord had ti wean me off of hard rock, disco, country beer music, etc. Praise music was hard. Someone gave me a tape of John Michael Talbot, "Troubadour of the Great King." I learned that everything in creation gives its praise to the Lord. Only man has choice to praise, or Not praise.
It depends on us. Do we desire to sit before the Lord and just praise Him; in quoting a Psalm, or in singing along in song. The more we are aware of the Living God in our lives, the more our joy grows. When our mind agrees with the Word, in meaning and and in song:
We move from glory to glory.
We are Not Limited on how much we love Jesus, or How to love Jesus. Everybody loves differently.
I chose full bore, head on. God bless you.
Thank you.
I pray that Rachel finds her faith, her zeal, her love, her E, her joy, that we can re-engage, remarry DQP, marry, be attracted, receive, that the Lord re-unites the families, weddings, churches!! I pray that she will return to church and serve, sanctify and consecrate, be born again, be baptized SE, pray in tongues, and all of our loved ones!! May every F love his M!! May all men love and adore You, be interested, ask, convert, love/respect/support/listen to us, confess TN!! Help us not to put ourselves LDS, never F or M, us E/E, to harden, to teach, to fast as much as possible, to loosen the bonds!! Subdue Us, Heal Hearts/B/O!! Help us with the H, DP and E, reintegrate! May our loved ones know you and be saved DQP, seek your face, read and love your Word / C (B, C, GBU, R, N, P, P, C, M, V, LS, Q, M, F, A, SB, Ah, WU, EMCI, ADJ, H, S, DDEC, E, A, AD, J, A, M, B, A, L, B, L, LP, M, FH, U, R, M, G, LL, FA, HA, R, B, L, K, S, U, B, N, I, T, SL, J, C, GP, others, T, Y, T, D, P, A, E79, SS, C, E, ES, M, H, M and M, Y, ISFEC, H, E, MR, L, M, R, B, N, V, IE, DA, E, A, L, EP, A, CNED, R, PE, D, B, Mika, E Monte, housing, IB, A, IBG, EUA, EDC, B, CSC, SP, SC, L, F, CL, E, CNED , A, D, G, L, F, principals, university, employers, F, H, EP, L, C, B, W, Wes, U/R, R, M, Mo, M, C, B, B , D, L, N, G, BK, Mcdo, Aecm, Caef, AB, Cnef, ADD, Baptists, GP, G/I/V, C...), heal us, help us with fear, !! Help us with EDA, TV, C and D, J23, 24, flatten NV, write mail, QTLPT, always give us DZ, TP, PET, your J, your grace, your P, your L your D, your A , your B!! May all men support us and be slow to C!! Heal backs, shoulders, D, gout, D, S, S, others, MDT, Covid... Give us the LDE, from BN and help us with LP and LT!! Help us with the T, not to eat indigeneously / for free, to change diet, that everyone honors his p and m!! Let everyone enter into their gifts, their call/destiny!! Change TELC, laws (telephone), make miracles in our lives, secularism, pr
May I suggest you reflect on John 16:33 and Philippians 4:12-13.