King James Bible
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Have you ever wondered why Jesus referred to Himself as the Son of Man (Humanity or Mankind) when the scriptures say that He was born of a woman? How does this fit together? We are often puzzled when two statements seemingly don't fit together, but as we grow in spiritual knowledge we marvel at the wisdom of God, the unity of the scriptures, and the unity that is ours in the Spirit!
Our first image of God is in the earthy, natural sense. We can only get a true image of God in Christ. In the gospel of John, we find many instances where Jesus described His spiritual being by using the personal pronoun "I". He said, "I am the way, and the truth, and the lifeI am the door of the sheepI am the good shepherdI am the bread of lifeI am the resurrection and the lifeI am the true vineI am the light of the world. I am from above." ( Jn. 14:6; 10: 7; 10:11,14; 6:35; 11:25; 15;1; 8:12; 8:23) By saying, "I am," He introduced and emphasized the true essence of His being. He was not in the process of becoming - this is who He always has been and is and will be. These characteristics also describe the very essence of the being of God. Since God does not change, all these facets of His being are in perfection in Him. There cannot be any increase or decrease; there is no corruption in Him; His life always is, and it never changes. Since Christ's life was a perfect representation of God's invisible life, He is also called the Son of God.
God bless you.
Many thanks
Best regards
Thank you for your reply and yes most helpfull
God will still love you and heal you even when you seem that he is far from you or you dont deserve it because you backslide. Lay hold unto his promises and his unmeasuarable love for us.
Recieve what he offers freely.
I will be praying for you tomorrow. Is your appt. in the morning or afternoon?
Keep me updated about your grandma.
To be "confirmed" in the Anglican or other churches means that one has been instructed in biblical beliefs concerning salvation by Jesus. This instruction also entails learning basic beliefs of the Christian faith. Upon completion of these classes one is asked to make to profess faith in God and salvation through Jesus. those who choose to confess are considered confirmed in the faith.
If you grandma was 30, she was at an age to really consider the beliefs taught to her. So, our hope is that she indeed did desire to know about the Christian faith and in so doing, she learned of Jesus and believed.
Did you get a chance to see her or speak with her yet?
I pray that Rachel finds her faith, her zeal, her love, her E, her joy, that we can re-engage, remarry DQP, be attracted, receive, that the Lord re-unites families, marriages, churches! ! I pray that she will return to church and serve, sanctify and consecrate, be born again, be baptized SE, pray in tongues, and all of our loved ones!! May every F love his M!! May all men love and adore You, be interested, ask, convert, love/respect/support/listen to us, confess TN!! Help us not to put ourselves LDS, never F or M, us E/E, to harden, to teach, to fast as much as possible, to loosen the bonds!! Subdue Us, Heal Hearts/B/O!! Help us with the H, DP and E, reintegrate! May our loved ones know you and be saved DQP, seek your face, read and love your Word / C (B, C, GBU, R, N, P, P, C, M, V, LS, Q, M, F, A, SB, Ah, WU, EMCI, ADJ, H, S, DDEC, E, A, AD, J, A, M, B, A, L, B, L, LP, M, FH, U, R, G, LL, R, B, L, K, S, U, B, N, I, T, SL, J, C, GP, others, T, Y, T, D, P, A, E79, SS, C, E, ES, M, H, M and M, Y, ISFEC, H, E, MR, L, M, R, B, N, V, IE, DA, E, A, L, EP, A, CNED, R, PE, D, B, Mika, E Monte, housing, IB, A, IBG, EUA, CSC, SP, SC, L, F, CL, E, CNED, A, D, G, L, directions , university, employers, F, H, EP, L, C, B, W, Wes, U/R, R, M, M, C, B, B, D, L, N, G, BK, Mcdo, Aecm , Caef, AB, Cnef, ADD, Baptists, GP, G/I/V, C...), heal us, help us with fear!! Help us with EDA, TV, C and D, J23, 24, flatten NV, write mail, QTLPT, always give us DZ, TP, PET, your J, your grace, your P, your L your D, your A , your B!! May all men support us and be slow to C!! Heal backs, shoulders, D, gout, D, S, S, others, MDT, Covid... Give us the LDE, from BN and help us with LP and LT!! Help us with the T, not to eat indigeneously / for free, to change diet, that everyone honors his p and m!! Let everyone enter into their gifts, their call/destiny!! Change times and circumstances, laws (telephone), work miracles in our lives, secularism, programs, help us wi
Now that I put that out there ; um the question is this; how do I pray after a nightmare? ..I have had nightmares but they don't come a lot like they used to when I was just a child..right now as in my adult years I didn't get them like that - they completely stopped to decress as years passed by, me reading the king James Bible, listening to folks like Paul washer, living waters, etc..trying to stick to Christians that know of the walk to preaching it as well..- I have stumbled upon too many catholics - just basically lukewarm..that it got a bit hard for me to know some things, I would love to rely on the Bible but I am not good at finding such questions being answered in the Bible; at times i need to search them up or ask my sibling since he knows more then me a bit on such topics I am ignorant on with the Bible.
But yeah..I have been having either 1 out of the blue lustful dreams - just i cannot tell how many all i know is that it's less not like hard-core and some are just strange dreams that i don't get it..not like bad just weirdo dreams lol. Then comes the concerning one's that I have as well as the lustful dreams uh there the ones that I think I get it? But don't and those are like ones in which something is with me in my dream..I know this because this thing shows up, and I just usually say "nope, bye" xD..but it's not much like it used to randomly pop when I was child.
Are you saying that there are three things you leaned about creation? If so, what did you learn about creation?
If you are asking others what they learned about creation, please let us know so that we can reply better to your post.
God bless!
Yes, the power comes through the Holy Spirit in Jesus' name, Evil spirits are not something one who has not the Holy Spirit should deal with. They can do horrific mental and physical harm. We see in Matthew Jesus gave the power to the disciples against them. We also see in Acts 19:13-16 what can happen and even worse to those who are not strong in their faith and have not the Holy Spirit. Believe me, it is something you do not want to deal with.
God bless,
I believe that it is God alone who casts out demons. For believers, it is in Jesus' name that demons are cast out not by our efforts or personal faith. In Luke 1:1-2 Jesus gave his disciples power and authority to cast out demons and cure diseases when He sent out the 12 to preach the kingdom.
When Jesus sent out the 70 disciples in Luke 10 they returned to Jesus and rejoiced, saying. "Lord, even the demons are subject to us in Your name". (verse 17). I suggest reading this chapter. In verse 19-20 Jesus gives the disciple the authority to trample the enemy, but goes on to say "Nevertheless do not rejoice in tis, that the spirits are subject to you, but rather rejoice because your names are written in heaven."
It is certainly a praiseworthy event when someone is released from demonic control or healed from a disease because the person delivered has been set free and now enjoys relief and blessing from God. But Jesus says that it is more important and blessed to be heaven bound than to have this authority to cast out demons or heal the sick. The proclamation of the gospel and the reception of the gospel are higher things, but certainly relieving a person of demonic possession, influence, and oppression or healing someone who is ill are worthy things to do in Jesus' name. They bring glory to Him and also provide an avenue for the gospel to reach these people and for them to respond positively to it for their salvation.
It seems that Lucifer was extremely splendid in appearance and musicality and wisdom. He let all of this "go to his head" and became proud, envious of God being better than himself, and coveted what was only God's to have (worship, pre-emminence, power, authority, rulership) He wanted to be top dog and thought he could attain it. He used his wisdom to seduce the other angels to follow hi rather than God. How long God allowed him to pursue this course before stripping him of his position, duties, and place in heaven is unkown. We do not know if God admonished him and urged him to repent or not. But obviously there was a period of time since he needed to convince other holy angels to forsake God and follow him. When God thought that Lucifer's time in heaven was up and his sin was beyond repair, He judged Lucifer and cast him to earth.
Whether this happened before or after the creation narrative of Genesis 1:3 and beyond is unknown.
Thank you for your testimony. I have been a believer all of my life and I am now 65. Last night I was thinking about my testimony being a boring one in comparison to others who lived many years in unbelief. I don't have knowledge nor experience of being far from God in rebellion and unbelief and then coming to faith. But as I thought more about this, I just have to admit that I have had a blessed life to be called to Jesus at so young of an age. I grew up in a believing home and was taught who Jesus was and what He did for my salvation as early as I can remember. I embraced this truth eagerly and believed in Jesus deeply as a child and this faith remained in me throughout my life. I am thankful for how God called me to Him. He spared me a lot of grief.
In response to your post, I just want to say that I do not think that God liked mankind less and less the more they sinned before the flood nor after. Our sin grieved Him and He hated our sins, but the Bible clearly tells us across the pages of Scripture, that God loves mankind and it never changes. Yet some will receive His salvation through His grace and mercy and believe in Jesus, and many more will reject Him. But He still loves each person He creates the same. The difference to us is that those who do not believe in Him will be recipients of His holy wrath in the judgment, spending eternity without Him, and those who believe will receive His favor in redemption and spend eternity with Him.
But God's love for mankind does not lesson because we sin. Our fellowship with Him is impaired when we sin, but that is our doing, a lack of love for Him on our part, not a reduction of love to us from Him on His part.
Hope this helps.