All Discussion PAGE 1390

  • Donna - In Reply - 3 years ago
    LaTonya, I'm praying for you today
  • RichFairhurst - In Reply on 1 Kings 3:13 - 3 years ago
    1 Kings 10:27 was the verse for Solomon multiplying silver, not 1 Kings 4:27.
  • Donna - 3 years ago
    I previously requested prayer for T. Thank you for all who prayed. May the Lord bless you. She's out of surgery. A lot was removed. They found C. Please pray that they got it all. She's my sister. Thank you.

    Please pray for her thatThe Holy Spirit would comfort her and speak life into her. That He would give her peace. And that she would be truly saved, healed, and delivered.

    The Lord be magnified! His mercy endureth forever! Thank you Jesus.
  • GiGi - In Reply on Hebrews 10 - 3 years ago
    Dear Charley, I understand your holy anger for the errors promulgated by the Roman Catholic Church, and there are many, as you noted. There is also error in Protestant churches and Eastern Orthodox, so we cannot just aim our anger at the Catholic Church. If you would happen to be blessed to know some practicing Catholics, you may find that not every Catholic believes every error taught by this church. For 500 years or so, Catholics as well as Protestants have had the Bible to read in their own language and can read it for themselves or have someone read it to them if they were illiterate. The Word has a way of flushing out error for what it is. And many Catholics today read the Bible for themselves, do personal or group Bible study, not just with other Catholics, but with Protestants, too.

    We should be loving, as FREE says, and instead of seething with disgust or anger, reach out to those we know who are Catholic and invite them to pray and discover God's truth in His Word with you. You will be amazed at what God will do in such a situation, and, you also may be very amazed at how much truth Catholics do know and how some of them indeed are truly saved by grace through faith. It is rarely wise to put everyone in the same basket and judge them. We should want to build upon the truth that they already possess with more of the Word, since it is a cleansing power.
  • GiGi - In Reply on Hebrews 10 - 3 years ago
    Dear Charley, I understand your holy anger for the errors promulgated by the Roman Catholic Church, and there are many, as you noted. There is also error in Protestant churches and Eastern Orthodox, so we cannot just aim our anger at the Catholic Church. If you would happen to be blessed to know some practicing Catholics, you may find that not every Catholic believes every error taught by this church. For 500 years or so, Catholics as well as Protestants have had the Bible to read in their own language and can read it for themselves or have someone read it to them if they were illiterate. The Word has a way of flushing out error for what it is. And many Catholics today read the Bible for themselves, do personal or group Bible study, not just with other Catholics, but with Protestants, too.

    We should be loving, as FREE says, and instead of seething with disgust or anger, reach out to those we know who are Catholic and invite them to pray and discover God's truth in His Word with you. You will be amazed at what God will do in such a situation, and, you also may be very amazed at how much truth Catholics do know and how some of them indeed are truly saved by grace through faith. It is rarely wise to put everyone in the same basket and judge them. We should want to build upon the truth that they already possess with more of the Word, since it is a cleansing power.
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply on 1 Kings 3:13 - 3 years ago
    This statement is true. Nonetheless; we must remember his fall; which as is commonplace among Israel's rulers due to a PREDICTED series of events conditional with his behavior. First of all; there was a general warning in scripture about multiplying gold and silver and horses (although at present I'm not sure where it is; maybe Psalms or Proverbs). There was a specific warning of not being drawn away to foreign gods; which the 300 wives and even MORE "concubines" that his soul loved certainly moved him to do with their various pagan traditions. Ecclesiastes wrote about his vain search for knowledge; wealth; and other pleasures of life; after his folly cost him dearly so at least there is some indication that he had learned some lessons. Pride comes before a fall. Not only was his personal life compromised; but it ruined what could have been a perpetual role for Israel as a nation with its leaders. The Lord foresaw all this; of course and despite all this the lineage leading to Christ would finally result in the "Son of David" to manifest. The Babylonians were to soon take all the wealth from the Temple and the people led to exile eventually after this.

    We also need to soberly consider Lucifer's fall; with his great privileges and standing being ruined due to pride. The rich can be ensnared by the cares of this life; and there are further warnings of drowning in perdition. David himself was most harshly judged by God when he took the census of the fighting men; which was an affront to trusting God rather than horses and chariots and armies of men as God Himself had warned about. The Lord giveth; and He taketh away. A man's life consists not of His possessions. We are asked to pursue heavenly treasures; not those on earth where rust and moth corrupt. It isn't money itself; but the LOVE of money that is the root of all evil. Naked we came into the world; and naked we shall depart.

    With greatness; comes great responsibility. Food for thought
  • TalmadgeGray on Isaiah 54 - 3 years ago
    I absolutely love this verse. Next to Romans 8:28 and Ephesians 2:8-10 it is my favorite and says it all.
  • RichFairhurst - In Reply on 1 Kings 3:13 - 3 years ago
    It is also interesting to me that apart from being chosen by God and being an Israelite, in nearly all other respects Solomon didn't gain the wisdom to apply to himself Deuteronomy 17:14-20. He instead gave himself over to his earthly appetites in multiplying horses ( 1 Kings 4:26), wives ( 1 Kings 11:3), and gold ( 1 Kings 10:14) and silver ( 1 Kings 4:27)

    23. So king Solomon exceeded all the kings OF THE EARTH, for riches and for wisedome. 24. And ALL THE EARTH sought to Solomon, to heare his wisedom which God had put in his heart. ( 1 Kings 4:23-24).

    Christ has fulfilled Deuteronomy 17:14-20. He is God's true choice for king to reign over all his brethren, and rather than turning His heart or the people's heart away from God or exalting Himself above His brother's as Solomon and even more foolishly Solomon's son Rehoboam did ( 1 Kings 12:4-17), He fulfilled God's will and humbled Himself in the upper room and in His death on the cross.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Sure will Todd.

    God bless.
  • S Spencer - In Reply on Genesis 4 - 3 years ago
    Hi S Lpez.

    Either Sister or Niece. Scratch cousin.

  • Stephanie V. - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hi, Gigi!

    My appointment is this Friday; and I am asking for prayer that it will be one of the best appointments I've had so far. I am also asking for prayer that the results will be excellent. Thank you for having a willingness to pray for my prayer request as well! May God bless you!
  • Whitfield Gitens on Romans 8 - 3 years ago
    Why did it seem to anger almighty God when King David tried to do a census of the Jews?
  • Donna - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Alisa, I'm praying for you and your family as you go to be with Nanma today. You may be there now. I pray that God will send the Holy Spirit so that you can talk to her and that She would accept Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior for sure before she passes from this life.

    Precious Heavenly Fatherplease save Nanma. IJN
  • Donna - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Karen, you are not alone. We are praying for you. When you ask Jesus Christ to come into your heart in life you are part of the family! Thank you Jesus. I just want you to know that I'm praying for you today as well. Jesus loves you Karen. How are you doing today? Is there anything else we can pray for you about? Please let us know.
  • Baptiste Lafferrerie - 3 years ago
    Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,

    I pray that Rachel finds her faith, her zeal, her love, her E, her joy, that we can re-engage, remarry DQP, be attracted, receive, that the Lord re-unites families, marriages, churches! ! I pray that she will return to church and serve, sanctify and consecrate, be born again, be baptized SE, pray in tongues, and all of our loved ones!! May every F love his M!! May all men love and adore You, be interested, ask, convert, love/respect/support/listen to us!! Help us not to put ourselves LDS, never F or M, us E/E, to harden, to teach, to fast as much as possible, to loosen the bonds!! Submit to us, heal the co!! Help us with the H, DP and E, reintegrate! May our loved ones know you and be saved DQP, seek your face, read and love your word (B, C, GBU, R, N, P, P, C, M, V, LS, Q, M, F, A, SB, Ah, WU, EMCI, ADJ, H, S, DDEC, E, A, AD, J, A, M, B, L, B, L, LP, M, FH, U, R, G, LL, R, B, L, K, B, N, I, T, SL, J, C, GP, others, T, Y, T, D, P, A, E79, SS, C, E, ES, M, H, M and M, ISFEC, H, E, MR, L, M, R, B, N, V, IE, DA, E, A, L, EP, A, CNED, R, PE, D, B, Mika, E Monte, housing, IB, A, IBG, EUA, CSC, SP, SC, L, F, CL, E, CNED, A, D, G, L, management, university, employers, EP, L, C , B, W, Wes, U/R, R, M, C, B, B, D, L, N, G, BK, Mcdo, Aecm, Caef, AB, Cnef, ADD, Baptistes, GP, G/I /V, C...), heal us, help us with fear!! Help us with EDA, TV, C and D, J23, 24, flatten NV, write mail, QTLPT, always give us TP, PET, your J, your grace, your P, your L your D, your A, your B!! May all men support us and be slow to C!! Heal backs, shoulders, depressions, gout, pains, sufferings, S, others, MDT, Covid... Give us the LDE, from BN and help us with LP and LT!! Help us with the T, not to eat indigeneously / for free, to change diet, that everyone honors his p and m!! Let everyone enter into their gifts, their call/destiny!! Change times and circumstances, laws (telephone), work miracles in our lives, secularism, programs, help us with worldliness and
  • S Spencer - In Reply on Genesis 4 - 3 years ago
    Either his sister, cousin or niece.

    God bless.
  • S Spencer - In Reply on Revelation 12 - 3 years ago
    Hi Patrice.

    Revelation is a remarkable book,

    ans you will find there is several different views of the book.

    These views mostly depends on ones hermeneutics, "the study of the general principles of biblical interpretation." A method of the way we study the Bible, considering when to take it literally, allegorically or symbolic. When studying this book it's probably best to cast away our viewpoints and start afresh.

    This book is prophetic and have tons of references out of the old testament. The book of Daniel, Zechariah, Psalms, Isaiah, ect... and many more.

    Before I recruit you over to my pre Millennial views I would suggest since you already started in Revelation Ch 1 through ch 12, get you a good study reference bible and study those books taking notes, Then go to 1 Thessalonians ch 4, 2 Thessalonians ch 2, Mathews ch 24 and back to Revelation Chs 1-12.

    And feel free to ask questions.

    God bless.
  • Donna - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Have you asked Jesus Christ into your heart yet? If not, please do so as soon as possible.

    Demons have only bad intentions for you. They want to steal everything that's precious to you, destroy anything and everything concerning you, And if possible to take your very life and rob you of your eternity with God in Heaven.

    They will lie to you, telling you they will give you things and make great swelling promises to you that sound good.

    But they don't show you what they will do to you for accepting those things from them.

    Please do not talk to them. Whatever they are offering you, you don't want it! It's not worth losing your soul over.

    Please ask Jesus Christ into your heart and life. His blood will be a shield over you. To protect you from the demons. But that's not the reason to ask Jesus into your heart, it is a blessing of doing so that you can pray for.

    Heavenly Father, please be merciful to Ankah. Please deliver Ankah from the power of sin and death! And demons! Shut the mouth of the enemy and the demons that have been speaking. Demons be gone IN JESUS NAME! Amen

    Ankah, Somewhere on this site there is more information on becoming a Christian. Please scroll to the red bottom section and look through the sections. God bless and keep you.

    Please do not invite the demons back. Please DO Invite Jesus Christ into your heart and have a conversation with Him from now on! Let us know how you're doing. God bless and protect you.

    Start reading the Bible here. You can start in The book of John in the New Testament.
  • RichFairhurst - In Reply on 1 Kings 3:13 - 3 years ago
    Solomon got the earthly visible form of wisdom and all of the other things to reign over a visible people and nation of this age and in that no one will beat him.

    However, the book of Ecclesiates shows that Isaiah 40:8-9 still holds true over all that Solomon was given in this visible life.

    Jesus Christ has the heavenly invisible form of power and riches and wisdom and strength and honor and glory and blessing ( Revelation 5:12) hidden in the Old Testament scriptures that Solomon was only an earthly shadow of. Christ is the substance. Christ Himself is the Word of God that is eternal and that gives the abiding eternal life that Isaiah spoke of, but that Word is hidden from all those who only seek what is under the sun. Set your mind on Him and by faith abide in Him to bear fruit rather than setting your mind on the things Solomon got that all passed away when his life ended on earth. Being super rich in the things that pass away is nothing compared to the poorest person that has the smallest treasure in heaven that is eternal. The only thing left of Solomon that has lasted is his contribution to the scriptures that reveal and point us to Christ, and that is the only thing that will last in any generations we leave behind at the end of our earthly lives and in eternal life.

    Christ is King of kings who's reign for now is only revealed and proclaimed through a foolish nation and people as far as the men of this world and its wisdom are concerned, but we are born of the wisdom of God revealed only to those who are in Christ. Focus your prayers on how to live wisely among the people of God's Kingdom that stand on a sea of glass more than any earthly nation like the one Solomon reigned over or that you see tossed about by the waves of the sea today. What we see is passing away.
  • Doug - In Reply on Amos 8 - 3 years ago
    Dear T. Levis,

    Thank you, these are very helpful. I've not read the book of Zephaniah. Malachi and Isaiah also. After studying Ezekiel I believe I can get through Isaiah, but that is a very strong book it will take a lot of concentration. Thank you for your comments they are well met.

    Thank you, a brother through Yeshua HaMashiach,

  • Slopez on Genesis 4 - 3 years ago
    Where did Cain's wife come from? Who was she?
  • Rechell - In Reply on John 2 - 3 years ago
    Matthew 24:6
  • S Spencer - In Reply on Luke 6:12 - 3 years ago
    Amen Henry.

    if we're connected to the vine there will be some sign of life!! "You shall know them by their fruit". This fruit is "CAUSED" by the vine.

    God bless.
  • Evelyn Love-Johnson - In Reply on John 2 - 3 years ago
    Ezekiel chapter 38
  • Todd - 3 years ago
    Please pray for marital restoration for Todd and Megan.
  • Adam - In Reply on John 2 - 3 years ago
    Ezekiel 38-39

    Some think Gog and Magog may mean Russia.

    Ezekiel 38:15

    They come from the north of Israel and want to attack Israel.
  • Anna - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Lord Jesus, I come boldly to Your throne of grace, and lift up Alisa's Nanna, Margaret, and my Nanna Irene to you in prayer. We stand in Faith together

    For the blessed assurance of Salvation. And for testimonies in the midst

    of our families. Thank You Lord for all You are doing right now.

    You are mighty in battle. By Your Spirit, open the eyes and ears of their

    understanding. In Jesus' Name. Alleluia. Amen.

    By Your grace. For Your glory.

    2 Peter 3:9 kjv, Hebrews 10:19.
  • Henry on Luke 6:12 - 3 years ago
    Jesus said that you will know them by their fruits so I guess that we can also be "fruit inspectors".
  • David on Jeremiah 27 - 3 years ago
    Continued from previous post:

    The LORD SAVIOR will raise up competent GOD loving; JESUS CHRIST believers; Holy Scripture living; promise keepers; praise and worship singers; unceasing prayer warrior's; heart filled with thanksgiving Saints; sin hating; mortified, crucified, washed, and cleansed in the Precious Blood of the LORD JESUS CHRIST MOST HIGH GOD; followers of the KING of GLORY; redeemed of the LORD GOD; followers of the exalted LORD of Heaven to do HIS work.

    However, all this is only made possible because of our SAVIOR KING the LORD GOD JESUS CHRIST. We are nothing, but in HIS infinite grace the LORD extends HIS invitation to whomsoever will to be used to accomplish HIS will on earth. Praise our most loving and "only Potentate, the King of kings, and Lord of lords" is willing to offer us peace, eternal joy, and comfort in HIM. ( 1 Timothy 6:15)

    The choice before each of is simple. Are you willing to be part of this triumphant, all conquering army of GOD; or are you going to be part of the dying, unfaithful, unbelieving multitude who will be eternally separated from the Loving HOLY LORD GOD JESUS CHRIST because of a harden, unrepentant heart, darken and confused soul. 2 Corinthians 4: 3-5

    "Though the return of the prosperity of the church does not come in our time, we must not despair, for it will come in God's time." Commentary by Matthew Henry, 1710.

    The LORD Shine HIS face upon us and HIS blessings declared upon us daily.

    March 1, 2022
  • David on Jeremiah 27 - 3 years ago
    Great is the LORD and greatly to be praised. HIS counsel is righteous, true and His promises are a comfort and peace unto those who know and trust in HIM. Although HIS admonition and declaration may seem difficult and harsh; but by accepting them and following them with Godly humbleness and obedience we will be blessed. "For this is the love of GOD, that we keep HIS commandments: and HIS commandments are not grievous." 1 John 5:3

    By going willingly into captivity, shows humbleness, obedience, and trust in the LORD GOD. We can do this because we know the love of the LORD GOD unto us, and we know the message, and the messenger. But most of all we know the LORD our Savior and KING through the HOLY Scriptures. It is of our best interest to turn, obey and serve our KING and GOD. Even now we may despair for our current situation before our nation and the world: COVID19, Russia, Ukraine, China, N. Korea, inflation, inept leadership on all the highest level of our government (not all); the LORD will not leave us thus. Our captivity is that of our relationship with the LORD, we claim as our Saviour. The apostle Paul wrote "I therefore the prisoner of the LORD, beseech you that ye walk worthy of the vocation wherewith ye are called." Ephesians 4: 1

    The LORD SAVIOR will raise up competent GOD loving; JESUS CHRIST believers; Holy Scripture living; promise keepers; praise and worship singers; unceasing prayer warrior's; heart filled with thanksgiving Saints; sin hating; mortified, crucified, washed, and cleansed in the Precious Blood of the LORD JESUS CHRIST MOST HIGH GOD; followers of the KING of GLORY; redeemed of the LORD GOD; followers of the exalted LORD of Heaven to do HIS work.

    Continued ... March 1, 2022

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