King James Bible
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Here's what I interpret out of the verses you have given. When I look at Revelation 14:1. I take this to be the same 144,000 mentioned in Revelation 7:4. "And I heard the number of them which were sealed: and there were sealed an hundred and forty and four thousand of all the tribes of the children of Israel."
This group here is 144,000 out of Israel being sealed for service.
And Revelation 7:5-8, reaffirms that these are all Israelites. "No Gentiles"
The group in Rev. 5.9. is said to be the redeemed out of EVERY Nation of all sorts of people of the earth.
Revelation 5:9. And they sung a new song, saying, Thou art worthy to take the book, and to open the seals thereof: for thou wast slain, and hast redeemed us to God by thy blood OUT OF EVERY KINDRED, AND TONGUE, AND PEOPLE, AND NATION; " This group is unnumbered "
Also the locations are different.
In Revelation 5 they're around the throne of God,
In Revelation 14:1. They're on mount zion. "Jerusalem. Psalms 2:6.
You said,
"(God said he chose )only 144,000 to reign."
I'm sorry but I don't see where " HE SAID HE CHOSE only "144,000 to reign on earth or in Heaven.
I see that you have a different view.
I just wanted to share mine.
God bless.
They were punished seven times = 7 x 360 = 2,520 years
Israel was taken by Assyria in 721 BC +2,520 = 1799 (Ephraim = British)
Judah was taken by Babylon in 604 BC + 2,520 years = 1917 (Judah Balfour Declaration)
Those dates correspond with both houses of Israel; they are significant to understanding who they are.
If I may add something else these verses point to. On the tenth day of the month, they were to put up a lamb, and on the fourteenth day of the same month, Passover Day sacrifice the lamb and place the blood on the side and upper posts of the door. Jesus, the Lamb of God rode into Jerusalem on the tenth day of Nisan, and He was crucified on the fourteenth day, Passover Day. He gave up the ghost at the same time as they were sacrificing the Passover lambs.
Jesus is the door and if we enter that door we will be saved as the children of Israel on that night, the first Passover, but His door has His blood on the posts, and we will be saved. We are in Him, and He is in us.
God bless,
"We hold these truths to be self evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, "
..."the Laws of Nature & Nature's GOD entitled them"._._.a "Duty" to stand & abolish a tyrannical governing body after a "long train of abuses & usurpations, " "duty to throw off such government"
Government / Governors in biblical example would rightfully punish evildoers & protect. 1Peter 2:13-25, 2Peter 2:14,
v1: the first formed father = Adam
v3: the unrighteous = Cain
v3: his brother = Abel
v4: the righteous in a piece of wood of small value = Noah's ark
v5: the righteous = Abraham
v5: his son = Isaac
v6: the righteous man = Lot
v7: pillar of salt/unbelieving soul = Lot's wife
v10: the righteous = Jacob
v10: his brother = Esau
v13: the righteous = Joseph
v15: the righteous people = Israel
v15: the nation that oppressed them = Egypt
v16: the servant of the Lord = Moses
v16: the righteous = Israel
v19: their enemies = Egyptians
v20: the righteous = Israel
v20: the ungodly = Canaanites, etc.
You're correct, there were different 'anointings' mentioned in Scripture, & specifically in the NT, in reference to the Holy Spirit and also combined with prayer for healing ( James 5:14). The 1 John 2:27 reference alludes to Jesus' Words about the future coming of the Holy Spirit to the apostles ( John 14:16,17): "And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you for ever; Even the Spirit of truth; whom the world cannot receive, because it seeth him not, neither knoweth him: but ye know him; for he dwelleth with you, and shall be in you."
In that passage, Jesus speaks of the time when He will leave this Earth & leave His beloved friends & disciples. But they should not despair as He would still be with them by His Spirit that He will send to them. So, not only will the Spirit "abide with them forever", but also 'dwell with them & be in them'. This is an intensely descriptive message of Love by Jesus, that at no time will His disciples (& us, by extension), would ever be without His loving, comforting, & guiding Presence. They would never be in this world of darkness & evil without the Lord's watchful care. Then at Pentecost, that Presence came & they were anointed with the Spirit & filled with His Presence to be children of God serving Him in joy, power, & hope. And that same anointing comes to each one who confesses their sin & truly believes in Jesus & His Power to save them.
John 14:23, "If a man love me, he will keep my words: and my Father will love him, and we will come unto him, and make our abode with him", is Jesus' Promise to us.
How do we relate these rules to modern day living?
Genesis 12:1-3, the Covenant made. But of this Covenant, several 'expansions' to it were made to fully express it. And they are:
Genesis 15:18, God ratifies that Covenant in a national perspective.
Genesis 17:4-6,16, God ratifies that Covenant in an international perspective.
Genesis 17:7, God ratifies that Covenant as an Everlasting Covenant.
Genesis 17:10-14, God ratifies that Covenant by an act of circumcision (also in Stephen's message in Acts 7:8).
So, if you're thinking of these 'aspects' of the Covenant, then one can see & appreciate several Covenants. However, I believe most would deduce that only one Covenant was made with Abram, which composed of these four separate parts of the One.
We do well as a nation to study these verses on Israel. In some sense; we are still held under the statement "I will bless those who bless you, and whoever curses you I will curse; and all the peoples on earth will be blessed through you." ( Gen. 12:3). God judges the nations as He pleases (and does all things as He pleases according to Psalm 115:3; 135:6-etc.) All calamities are at least indirectly related to sin; whether our own personal ones; or society at large in a fallen world. We can't always attribute a particular event as a proof of this; however; as Christ's comment on the falling of the tower of Siloam and the blood mixed with the sacrifices indicated in Luke 13:4. There are plenty of things here and in Deuteronomy; however which are usually specific toward Israel; then directed toward other nations in later prophetic scriptures when the end comes such as Isaiah; Jeremiah; and Daniel. This; of course reaches its climax in Revelation. Once again; we see the importance of covenants. We have eternal promises that He will remain with us forever in the New Testament; provided of course that He has chosen us and evidence of good fruit
I'm so sorry to hear you are experiencing the pain, I too have had times of daily pain, and it can begin to feel like the new 'normal'. May God have mercy on you and bless you. Jesus loves you and knows what you are going through, and all you have need of.
Please consider listening to the song on Youtube - 'Jeff & Sheri Easter, Charlotte Ritchie - Praise His Name' - which can be very encouraging through difficult trials.
I pray that the Lord will heal you swiftly, bringing rest to your body and may Jesus comfort your body, emotions and precious soul. To God be the glory.
Hopefully these are helpful
1 Pet 1:6-7 makes it clear these Christians are in a season of being tempted and tried by persecution. The first three chapters give numerous encouragements and exhortations to perseverance in both character and faith in Christ. They connect the rejection these believers were facing with the rejection Christ endured and their need to show the same purity of character and patience Christ showed in the face of false accusations. They are warned against practicing the deeds they are being accused of or that their accusers do, since suffering for that is not blessed but rather is deserved, but suffering as Christ did is blessed and will be vindicated.
The vindication of the sufferings of Christ and those who believe in Him and the long-suffering patience of God in withholding His judgement on the deserving disobedient until the appointed time are all in view in 1 Pet 3:19-20. All of it is like the time of Noah, when wicked men brought on God's judgement, but Noah had to maintain both His character and his faith in preparing the Arc while they mocked and spoke evil of Him, prompted by demonic activity, until Noah's salvation was ready and God sent the flood.
The spirits imprisoned as a result of the flood are either the disobedient men or demons of Noah's time. I'm fine either way. Christ, quickened by the Spirit, preached to them (God's full vindication) after He died and before He rose.
Ezekiel 38 and 39 speak about these peoples who come against Israel in war.
KJV definition of child: Exodus 21:22, starts in womb, 1Kings 3:7-10, Matthew 2:1, Psalms 131:2, Ecclesiastes 4:13, Hosea 11:1,
A child has to trust for every provision
Hopefully these are helpful
Dear Lord Jesus, Sally and I bring before You this marriage and Felix in particular. Bring healing to this marriage so that it can continue in love and respect. Bring Felix to see his need for You and salvation from his sins. Cause him to cry out to You and find You faithful to save all who call on You. May Sally and Felix grow in love for You together as You repair the brokenness between them. We ask for these things in Your name Jesus. Amen.
I am so sorry for your loss and the discord that is happening as a result. I will pray for you today.
Dear Lord Jesus,
We ask you today to bring comfort and healing to Victoria and the families of this grandson. We ask that those in the family who are being insensitive and selfish will be convicted of their error in this and ask for forgiveness and seek the mending of the family relationships. We ask that You will cause the judge to make the best decision in this case. We ask that You will assist Victoria in her grief and the trauma of seeing this horrible slaying of her grandson. Lord Jesus, we pray in your name, Amen.
May I suggest you reflect on 1 Chronicle 4:10.