King James Bible
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I did not take what you posted as judging. May the Spirit of truth leed and guide us.
God bless,
Matt 10:29 talks about the sparrow, and how God cares for them.
I hope C J better.
Amen. Greetings in Christ JESUS
Honestly, I'm not discussing, my point is to search Truth, for me what matters and prevails is the Truth, our GOD is the Truth, the Word is GOD, self-executing.
You commented: Leviticus 7:20-27>>>.... even the SOUL that eateth the fat of the beast .... even that SOUL it shall be CUT OFF (done away with) .... Prophecy ... This flesh (and blood) is going to be done away with: only the Spirit (God) will remain.
Can blood eat the fat or the beast?
Thank you for your response. I'm certainly not judging you personally. That's God's business, not ours in anyway.
When I read all of the verses that apply to the nature of our salvation, what it means, to be born again, and all the passages that speak of Christ's return, and the Rapture of the Last Day, I can't make what you're saying fit.
So I'm just going to leave it there With the hope that God will lead us both into truth, as we continue to compare scripture with scripture.
Greetings in Christ JESUS
Thank you for your reply, I really enjoyed your post and hearing from you.
The subject is very profound evidently, however, as Paul Apostle did say, "our faith should not stand in the wisdom of men, but in the power of GOD; we speak the wisdom of GOD in a mystery, even the hidden wisdom, which GOD ordained before the world unto our glory- 1 Corinthians 2:5&7. Our Lord JESUS promised saying: Unto every one that has shall be given, and he shall have abundance: ...
I like to meditate deeply in the Word of GOD-the Word is GOD( John 1:1), and to deceipher the biblical enigmas. The psalmist said: I will bend my ear to a parable, with a lyre(harp) I will solve my riddle.
In my view, Genesis is a GOD's Plan of RESTORATION of all things( Acts 3:18-26), revealed to Moses around 2500 years after Adam, or after two and half GOD's Days working in His creation. By the way, around 4000 years after Adam(end of fourth Day), our GOD was still working:JESUS, the EXPRESS IMAGE of GOD, said:My Father worketh hitherto, and I work- John 5:17KJV. What was the work of JESUS? To fulfill LITERALLY Gen.1:26-27:
26 And GOD said, Let US make man(MANY) in OUR image, after OUR likeness: and let THEM have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over the cattle, and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing UPON the earth.---> By the way, compare with Revelation 11:15 to 18 Here, our Lord JESUS still was in the BOSOM of the Father- John 1:18The question, you know, is that our GOD "calleth those things which be not as though they were"- Romans 4:17. Only now has the sixth GOD's Day arrived, so, only from now on will Genesis 1:26-27 be fulfilled LITERALLY( Luke 20:35-36) AS A PROPHECY. Romans 8:18-25 explain better. In my understand, Adam is a human gender.
This is y Jesus said unless you receive the Kingdom of God as a lil Child you will in no wise enter there in.....Which is the New Birth of Christ in us.....She brought forth a man child that is gonna rule all nations....And her Child was caught up to God and to his Throne.....If we don't bring forth fruit unto God which is the H.G....The Child of PROMISE...We will not enter the Kingdom of God,
This Child of Promise is gonna be born in us that hears his words his good seeds.....Who is my Mother and brethren them that hears my words and keeps them...Today if you will hear his voice (his good seed) harden not your hearts...Thats what Faith is a spiritual pregnancy.....B/c of his seeds the words of the book...That New Covenant in his blood at Calvary the living word....The Child is the H.G. and is alive...And is in essence Christ in us.....This New Covenant is an intimacy that is gonna result in a birth of a Child in everyone... Jeremiah 31:34 I will KNOW them ALL from the least to the greatest....This knowledge is gonna cover the earth as the waters cover the seas.... Isaiah 11:9.....There will be no more seas of humanity that have not been washed in his blood....I will stain ALL MY RAIMENT....Tho your sins be as scarlet they shall be white as snow....As there is no fuller on this earth that can whiten us like his blood.....Its only the manchild the H.G. that spirit of truth that can reprove this world of sin and righteousness and Judgement.....Thats y Jesus mentions the babes and sucklings an Israel of God on th Horizon.
Yes, its been a slow progression of learning the Cross, denying self, & dying daily. 2Cor 4:11. I've come to know in personal experience the spiritual warfare of Jeremiah 17:9, & the childhood Hebs 12:11; separating me from my servanthood of sin. I've been so dull of hearing & slow of heart to believe all that Holy Spirit ever spoke to me. God has been very gracious & His longsuffering love extended exceedingly toward me, blessing & honor to Him alone of what He has accomplish thus far within me. You see, like you I had a very similar experience with God in 82, reading your testimony, I said to myself, he had the same spiritual encounter with God that I had, with the same response. & I wondered; whether it was to the same purpose, for at that moment in life, I was in such deep & gross darkness, that if God hadn't intervene, I would have never made out of my twenties alive, Selah.
Gen 2:17; Rom 5:12-14;
The death spoken of here is a spiritual death separating them / us from partaking of the life of God, the fellowship with Him, the cause disobedience & effect spiritual death. For truly they died spiritually that moment they transgress God commandment, & their eyes were open to the carnal part of their creation, & they loss in spirit the spiritual consciousness of the spiritual part, that image they were created in. Now it was just a memory of past experiences, instead of an abiding habitation with God in Spirit. The must of the new birth; Jn 3:3,5,6,7; that we may again partake of Him, Ephesian 2:22; 1Jn 1,2,3; this speaks of His spiritual appearances within our heart, for he states in verse 1Jn 1:5 God is Light in the face of Jesus Christ 2Cor 4:6 ..
From the comment I would say the poker poke is the covid shot.
God bless you
..The salvation that Jesus offers is redemption from the sinful nature that resulted from the fall of Adam; Hebs 10:22 denotes cleansing of our conscience & bodies too! How can we draw near to Him as stated here if not possess here? its confirm by Rom 12:1; 1 Timothy 3:9 Paul had; Hebs 9:14 the dead works are our transgressions. It appears to me that all who reply to my original question, thinks that the body in & of itself is evil, when it's just a tabernacle, a vessel animated by the spirit & souls. Become born again by His Spirit & transformed by the renewing of our minds, meaning Philippians 2:5; 1 Cor 2:16 & everyone that has this hope, 1Jn 3:3 becomes a certainty, by the operations of the Grace of God, 1 Cor 12:7
Rom 6:23 refer to being spiritually dead, as the whole of Rom 6 speaks of being dead unto sin & alive unto Christ. Your implying that all the writers of the Scriptures are hypocrites, pretending to be something their not, Scriptures declares otherwise 2 Pet 1:21 Do you really believe Holy Spirit would contradict Himself from commanding us to "sin not" God forbid, sin shall not have dominion over you, then in chapter 7, to continue in sin? This is not 2 Tim 2:15;
Paul here is relating his struggles in the operations of sanctification of the Spirit unto obedience, he comes to the end of his rope of self efforts in which he walk in under the law, "blameless"! & now is learning the spiritual warfare of Ephesians 6:12; 2Cor 10:3-6, for mankind was overcome spiritually & must be redeem spiritually. He receive the revelation of the righteousness that is by faith, Rom 7:24; The Light; 2 Cor 4:6,7: The Word, Rom 10:8; The Law, Rom 8:2; The Spirit, Rom 8:11-13, John 16:13; & is not a lie. 1 John 2:27
I am sorry you are puzzled, many people believe when we die our souls are immortal and go to heaven or hell and some like me believe our soul is not immortal and that we sleep in death in the grave, and As you said you believe unsaved people's soul dies with the body. Remember all will be judged saved and unsaved. What we think happens to us when we die does not change how we are saved and how we live our lives whether we walk in the Spirit or the world.
Like me, my understanding is there is no knowledge or time in death so when I die, it will be like waking up from sleep in my bed, but I will have a new glorified body.
2 Cor. 5:7-9 my understanding is we are buried in this body and will not be absent from it until the resurrection. Our faith in Jesus we know, Jesus died and rose from the dead, His promise is we will also rise in our new body like His and we will then be with Him and our obedience is evidence of our faith, we will be accepted of Him.
We are mortal/earthy 1 Cor. 15:42-47 When we are baptized with the Holy Spirit, our soul does not become immortal we receive an earnest, that is a downpayment until the redemption of the purchased possession, the resurrection Eph. 1:13-14 2 Cor. 5:4-9 This is when we will put on immortality 1 Cor. 15:51-55 we sleep in death until that day when we put on immortality. 1 Thess 4:13-15 This is about the resurrection of those who are asleep/dead.
This is a small example of my understanding please don't be puzzled, study for your understanding. Our different understanding of this does not change how we are saved, hope this helps.
God bless,
The great work of regeneration & renewing, picking up the Cross, the Power of God unto salvation, the dying daily, Gal 2:20; Paul knew John 8:32;. You quoted Philippians 3:12 read further :15 the word for mature is also translated "perfect" in the NKJV. (& by the way, I DON'T advocate anyone to the studying of the letter by natural arts of Hebrew/Greek etc; the different language begin at Babel, meaning confusion, & that's just what has happen, there' over 45,000 different sect's of Christianity worldwide, each proclaiming "here is Christ," When Christianity was first birth & brought forth by His Spirit, Act 4:32; Ephesians 4:5; is that the case today? Its more like Judges 21:25; God's words are Spirit & is only understood & possess by the Spirit which gave them forth. 2Cor 2:11,12; Gal 3:2 the Spirit is received by faith, which comes by hearing the Word of God in our heart, not the letter, for the letter kills, the Spirit alone gives us the very life of God, to be manifested in our mortal bodies, to the destroying ALL, ALL, ALL the works of the devil & conform us to Christ, Rom 8:39; Luke 6:40; The letter cannot do this, Scripture plainly points & instructs us in this, "he that hath ears to hear, let him hear what the Spirit has to say.) Sanctification "making holy" is on this side of the grave, the work of Titus 2:11,12 & its includes the whole man, spirit, soul & body. Titus 2:14 cleansing us from ALL iniquity, that we may Col 1:22. The faith y'all are promoting is 2 Timothy 3:5; Gal 5:8,9
The angel proclaimed Matt 1:21; His Name declares His works "He shall saved them from their sins, not in their sins"
There's much more that could be brought forth here; Rom 6 -8
The Spirit prayer in Ephesians 1:17-21 "not only in this world, but that which is to come" Thy Kingdom come, here on earth as it is in heaven.
hope all will seriously consider & weigh these words. 2 Cor 3:5,6
In Love & Truth
Frankie J
I am going to scold you a little, but purely in LOVE.
You say things; but I don't think, you believe what you say is relevant for us in the present.
You said; and what you said is true, WE, as BELIEVERS, have been (a completed work) DELIVERED from SIN and DEATH; yet you don't believe what you say, if we HAVE BEEN DELIVERED, then it's not the future, BUT NOW.
You said Adam and Eve were sinless; if they were sinless, they would not have sinned.
Romans 8:29 For the creature WAS MADE (not created) subject to VANITY .... all creation from Adam WAS MADE subject to vanity, just a little enticement and they SIN ....
The RESURRECTION CREATED man in the image of God, as in Adam (shadow of Christ) all men DIE, and all men are made ALIVE by the Spirit of resurrection; sin and death were DESTROYED, on the cross; ONLY CHRIST arose, and we AS JOINT HEIRS, the image of Christ, predestinated from the foundations of the world.
I am the FIRST (of creation, the work of the cross) and I am the LAST of creation; creation was RAISED as joint HEIRS.
Ephesians 4:4 .... one body (Christ) .... one Spirit ....
Ephesians 4:6 ..... one God ....and Father of all (including Christ) ...... above ALL .... through ALL .... IN YOU ALL ...
.... this mystery .... Christ in you ..... hid from the ages
God bless you!
The word CANNOT contradict itself:
Leviticus 7 is talking about the flesh; the body, not the blood.
Leviticus 7:20-27
.... even the SOUL that eateth the fat of the beast .... even that SOUL it shall be CUT OFF (done away with) .... Prophecy ... This flesh (and blood) is going to be done away with: only the Spirit (God) will remain.
You are correct; the life of the flesh, is the blood: but the blood is not the soul ..... the Spirit of God has raised Christ: the life is no longer the blood; but Spirit (God).
Can blood eat the fat or the beast?
God bless you
Interesting interpretation.
I don't think we will fully understand what is meant be God creating man int he image of God until we are resurrected and in the eternal state where we see God fully in Jesus.
I do not think that Scripture states that Jesus as the Father's Son was ever created. The Son of God had eternal existence just as the Father and the Spirit. Genesis 1 shows us the trinity in the Father creating all things through the Word His Son) an the Spirit hovering over the act of creation.
Jesus has eternally been the exact image of the Godhead. What that truly means is for us to find out in the future eternal state.
Yes, God is Spirit, but He can create however He wills, either spiritual realities and beings or physical realities or beings.
Since He is eternally a Spirit, then His image in us must be a non-physical image. Many say it is that we have a will, mind, emotions, soul, which make up this image of God in us.
I do not believe that an evil usurper implanted any seed into the human race or made us corrupted by sin. Adam and Eve sinned an the result was moral and physical corruption for all humans who came after them. This corruption came through the acts of free will that Adam and Eve made. They were sinless in their creation, but we made capable of sinning, which they chose on their own. The evil one did tempt them, but that was all he could do to (as that was lll God allowed him to do at that time). From the time after the first sin of Adam and Eve until the second coming of Cbrist, the evil one is at work in the world to deceive, robe, kill, and destroy humanity as he continues to tempt people to do wrong to one another and continues to deceive people with his evil ways.
We, as believer, have been delivered from the kingdom of darkness (sin and death) and placed into Christ's kingdom of light (righteousness and holiness). We are part of our Lord's kingdom now and will receive the fullness of our salvation when He returns.
Dear heavenly Father, we ask that You will brin swift healing to Joleen's brother now. We ask that You take away the chillds and other symptoms that show there is an infection going on in him. Help him get to the doctor and receive proper diagnosis and treatment. We ask this in the name of Jesus, our Lord, Amen.
Joleen, please encourage your brother to go to the doctor for this. Chills, fever, can indicate a serious infections that may warrant antibiotics. Drive him to the doctor because he may be too weak to drive himself. I hope he can be seen soon. Let us know how things go for him. We are concerned.
Always glad to hear from you.
I agree, we should study the Scriptures for understanding, not necessarily for date setting or calculation purposes. It is the FAther who knows all things and will work everything out for the benefit of His elect and His glory. He knows how all the prophecies fit together and especially all the dates and times yet in the future.
I think that it can be difficult to grasp all of what prophecy means until it is fulfilled. In Jesus' time He spoke about the immediate future events of His death and resurrection, about the coming of the Spirit in power, about the apostles being witnesses of Him, spreading the gospel throughout the known world at that time, of the persecution of the church, the martyrdom of some of the apostles and saints, of the destruction of Jerusalem and the Temple, of the taking away of the kingdom from the Jews and having it given to another people. The apostles were witnesses to all of these events in the years after Jesus' ascension. They did not understand all of what Jesus said would happen until it did occur. Then they understood fully with the help of the Holy Spirit living in them.
We, too, can read of all the prophecies in the Bible and try to understand how and when they have been or will be fulfilled. However, it will be after the time that Jesus does come again in all of His glory that we will fully understand these prophecies as we witness them actually occurring in the time before His return and in the time after His return. We can study the Scriptures and gain some knowledge, but full knowledge will not come until the prophecies that God ordained for the end times actually occur.
God bless you today, FREE.
And light shined into darkness.
God bless You
You have said numerous time that God's WORD is often a parable, study the first chapters of Genesis, it a parable, and a prophesy, you were CREATED at the resurrection.
Adam was put in a deep sleep (death on the cross) Adam was raised from the death to life and the WOMAN; Christ wife, came out of HIM, his flesh and bone: they became ONE.
God bless you
I am going to let the word of God answer the questions you ask.
You ask: Did the apostle Paul commit sin after he was saved.
1 John 3:9 Whosoever is BORN of GOD doeth not commit sin, for his (GOD'S) SEED remaineth in him: and he CANNOT sin because he is BORN of God.
You ask: in 100 years will I be alive in physical body? YES!
John 11:26 Whosoever liveth and believeth in me (the SEED) shall NEVER DIE, believest thou this?
Luke 20:36 Neither can they (the SEED) DIE ANYMORE (they died with Christ on the cross): for they are EQUAL unto the ANGELS (angles have Christ's resurrected body); and are the children (SONS, like Christ) of God, being the children (SEED) of the resurrection.
1 Corinthians 15:38 But God giveth it (Christ's SEED) a body as it has pleased him, to every SEED his (Christ's) OWN BODY.
You ask: do I every commit sin. NO!
Galatians 2:20 .....I am DEAD, nonetheless I LIVE, YET NOT I, but Christ LIVETH IN ME .... ALL creation DIED on the cross ....ONLY ONE SEED (Christ) arose ....
You ask: What does it mean to be born again.
To believe the WORD's Of GOD.
You can not be BORN again until you BELIEVE YOUR DEAD, only Christ is alive.
You ask: Where is Paul living and in what form:
Luke 20:36 ...EQUAL to the angles .... the IMAGE of CHRIST ...... Christ is the ANGEL of GOD ......
Isaiah 63:8 .... and the ANGEL of his (God's) presence SAVED them ..... Paul is living IN and BY the presence of Christ, in the body of Christ ...
Colossians 1:27 ..... this mystery ..... Christ in you .....
1 Corinthians 12:27 ... ye are the BODY of Christ ....
God bless YOU!
Revelation 4:1
1 After this I looked, and, behold, a door was opened in heaven: and the first voice which I heard was as it were of a Trumpet talking with me; which said, Come up hither, ...
Revelation 11:15 to 18KJV
15 And the seventh angel sounded; and there were great voices in heaven, saying, The kingdoms OF THIS WORLD are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever.
16 And the four and twenty elders(will be they the authors of the OT???), which sat before GOD on their seats, fell upon their faces, and worshipped GOD,
17 Saying, We give thee thanks, O Lord GOD Almighty -JESUS- , which art, and wast, and art to come; because thou hast taken to thee thy great power, and hast reigned.
18 And the NATIONS were (will be) angry, and thy wrath is come, and the time of the dead, that they should be Judged( Daniel 7:26-27), and that thou shouldest give reward unto thy servants the prophets, and to the saints, and them that fear thy name, small and great; and shouldest DESTROY them which destroy the earth.
18 For I reckon that the sufferings of this present time are not worthy to be compared with the glory which shall be REVEALED in us.
19 For the earnest expectation of the creature waiteth for the MANIFESTATION of the sons of GOD. (When? In this current millennium.)
20 For the creature was made subject to vanity, not willingly, but by reason of him who hath subjected the same in hope,
21 Because the creature itself also SHALL BE DELIVERED from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of GOD.
Ant to the Church of Corinthians, Paul wrote saying: 1 Corinthians 15:51 to 55KJV
51 Behold, I shew you a mystery; We shall not all sleep, but we shall all be changed,
52 In a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last Trump( Revelation 11:15 to 18): for the Trumpet shall SOUND, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we shall be CHANGED. (How? Acording Luke 20:35-36KJV combined with Acts 3:19-21)
53 For this corruptible must put on incorruption, and this mortal must put on immortality.
54 So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.
55 O death, where is thy sting? O grave, where is thy victory?
May our Lrd GOD bless and keep us, and give us His protection
I don't think you totally understand the Kingdom of God.
You don't exist; you DIED on the cross, Christ ONLY arose.
Galatians 2:20 I am (was) CRUCIFIED with Christ, nevertheless I LIVE, YET NO I, but CHRIST IN ME ..... the NEW CREATION .....
Psalms 116:15 Precious in the sight of the Lord is the DEATH of his saints (SEED).
Abraham was PROMISED a SEED, only ONE SEED, the promised SEED ---- CHRIST ----
CHRIST, the promised SEED AROSE, all creation were joint heirs of that resurrection, making them the SEED of Christ.
Isaiah 59:21 .... this is my covenant with them (Christ's SEED) , My Spirit that is upon thee (Christ), and the words that are in thy (Christ's) mouth, shall not depart out of thy (Christ's) mouth, nor out of the mouth of thy (Christ's) SEED, nor out of the mouth of thy (Christ's) SEED'S SEED, from henceforth and forever
What you are saying is not what the Bible teaches.
Mankind was created with both a BODY and a SOUL. Our Body is flesh and bones and blood. Our Soul is the spirit essence that dwells within our physical body. Animals do not have a Soul; they have the breath of life as does mankind, but they do not have a Soul, only mankind does. While our Our Body and our Soul are very distinct elements, they combine to make up who we are as a complete personality while we are still living in our Body.
Adam and Eve were created with a Body and a Soul and in the "Image" of God. They were created sinless but with the capacity to sin, that is to disobey God. They were created with eternal life, but that life was CONDITIONAL. Had they not disobeyed God, they would be alive today, both in Body and Soul. But they DID DISOBEY God; and at that moment they DIED SPIRITUALLY. And they were then guilty of breaking the Law of God and became subject to the penalty for breaking the Law; and that penalty is Eternal Death.
So from the moment of their sin, Adam and Eve were judged by the Law of God, found Guilty and sentenced to Eternal Death both in Body and Soul. Furthermore, because every Human Being was in the loins of Adam, we are infected by sin from the moment of our conception and birth; WE ARE BORN SPIRITUALLY DEAD BOTH IN BODY AND SOUL; and subject to the Law of God and under the penalty of that Law not only because of our condition at birth but for every sin that we would ever commit while we are living. So therefore there is no Hope for mankind unless we can find a way to satisfy the Law of God and come out at the other end. And of course mankind cannot do this since the sentence for breaking the Law is Eternal Death in Body and Soul.
But God in His Mercy and at an incomprehensible price to Himself, paid the full penalty demanded by the Law for those dirty rotten sinners whom He chose to save. And He did this to show His Glory, His Justice and His Mercy.
To be cont.
... "for the soul of any flesh is its blood" ...
In my understanding, the Word of GOD never contradicts itself, agree?