The power in the name of Jesus is mind boggling. I wonder for the sake of the miracles, why would Christ still be rejected? We have been promised to do even greater things and we do not realize what things can be done. Thank God for the power of the Blood.
Chapter 16 shows us many things, we have authority in his name, that no matter what situation we find ourselves, let us PRAISE HIM! and trust that he is always with us, never leaves or forsakes us. And that we are his witnesses no matter where we are,
Same as we run the race of life,we will come to a halt where stoms of life tries to have us in bondage getting down and sad with wordly affairs our bonds are loose by praising God through the good and the bad.never cease praying.
@ Graham Please read 1 Corinthians 7:14 14 For the unbelieving husband is sanctified by the wife, and the unbelieving wife is sanctified by the husband: else were your children unclean; but now are they holy.
I have often heard people quote only part of verse 31 saying believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved. I have also seen signs and posters quoting the same. But if we read all of verse 31 it reads They said, believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and thou shalt be saved and thy house. Are we to think that the jailor could believe and save not just himself, but his house as well? Obviously a person can believe only for themselves. I believe that the apostles were speaking under the anointing of the Holy Spirit (how else could they have known the jailor had a family?) telling the jailor that if he trusts in the message of Jesus that later that morning him and his household would end up being saved. (meaning future tense.) If we look at the following verses, we see that they spoke to the jailor and his entire family the word of God. Only after hearing the word of God were the jailor and his entire family saved.
I think people WATCH what Christians do/how they live and treat others before they LISTEN to what we have to say. It also spoke to me that God can use us to witness no matter WHERE we are!
By the power of Jesus this was done and Paul also believed that it could be done through Christ (Paul's belief in Christ). We pray and believe that God will cure, heal, destroy diseases,addictions, or whatever is overtaking us. We know we can't do these things in our own power (or we would have already), so we believe that God in his divinity will do these things for us because of our belief that He can.
OH! How important it is for us to remember to right ourselves in Christ Jesus when we find ourselves in a tough situation in this world. People are constantly watching Christians and how they respond to those situations in action and word! Are we a stumbling block to others by our action and word? We don't know who God has chosen to listen and learn from our faith in Christ Jesus. Though we as Christians may stumble daily, prayer and that dependance on Christ Jesus to help us through will prevail in his time not ours. Remember, our actions and words, even though we may not be aware of God's plan around us, may be an uplifting step to others in faith in Christ Jesus. My prayer for all is patience in Christ with joy and peace in your lives within your family. Only Christ, always in faith.
v.14...we have, one of the operations of the HOLY SPIRIT.Observe...which worshipped GOD...and what is worship? It is meditating on Him,searching for Him by prayer and reading HIS WORD....heard..."faith cometh by hearing the word of GOD"...attended...that she analyzed attentively...whose heart the LORD opened..."he is a rewarder of those that diligently seek him".
With a clean and unadulterated heart with correct worship, it is only then that the LORD will "open the scriptures" to us.
it talks about proclaiming the Good News and its not easy because God calls you out of your comfort zone there are many challenges that we meet but in doing this the holy spirit is always with us
This portion of scripture show us what the devil does in the night. While men are weak and vulnerable, he, the enemy, takes delight in ruining the destiny of people especially believers who spent the whole night sleeping. As Christians, who are not fighting against flesh and blood, (Eph.6:12), we must make the night hour a time of war fare, less the enemy,( 1 Peter 5:8) would come and sow tares. Paul and Silas worship and prayed to God at midnight. ( Acts 16:25). Many evil you see in the lives of people around you are being done in the night, "While men slept..." Oh that we would arise and fight the midnight battle, then our day would be battle-free.
It a nice thing to praise God, through it we will have many benefit, giving thanks to God. In the book of Acts 16:20-21, when Paul and Silas praise God, God delivered them. In Joshua 6:20, the children of Israel praised God, and the wall of Jericho fell down, we should praise God all the time. GOD BLESS US ALL.
If anyone has even gotten a welt from being beaten then you will understand the amount of suffering the Paul and Silas must have felt in their bodies. I think it took some time to heal from that affliction. I don't know if we ponder the suffering of others who are suffering for the faith. I am sorry Lord for taking You lightly and for not thinking of other Christians.
I believe it asks one of the most important questions. "What must I do to be saved?" The next verse answers "Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you shall be saved!!!!"
RE: verse 9 on 9/23/2011, 8:46am. To complete my answer I began
The answer lies in the latter part of the 9th. And the 10 th. Verses., which reads: 9 And a vision appeared to Paul in the night; There stood a man of Macedonia, and prayed him, saying,
Come over into Macedonia, and help us.
10 And after he had seen the vision, immediately we endeavoured to go into Macedonia, assuredly gathering that the Lord had
Please forgive me I forgot to post my e-mail add. Thank You, Jean
Re: verse 9 on 9/23/2011, 8:46am
9 And a vision appeared to Paul in the night; There stood a man of Macedonia, and prayed him, saying, Come over into Macedonia, and help us.
Ac 16:10 We endeavored to go into Macedonia. Sought to find a ship to carry them across. There is no intimation that they preached at this time of Troas, but a few years later we find here a church (Ac 20:6-12). Here, first, the writer of Acts speaks of himself as one of the company and adopts the style of an eye witness. It is supposed that Luke joined the missionary band at Troas.- People's Bible
Ac 16:9 A vision appeared. Like Peter's vision at Joppa, it was a revelation. Like Peter's, it called him to labor in fields before unentered. A man of Macedonia. Macedonia proper lies to the north of the Aegean Sea, within a few hours sail of Troas. This ancient kingdom, under Philip and Alexander, had first absorbed all Greece, then conquered Persia and spread the Grecian language and customs over all western Asia. In turn it had fallen before the Romans, and was now a Roman province. It had a number of large cities, but Thessalonica was the Roman capital.
- People's Bible
10 And after he had seen the vision, immediately we endeavoured to go into Macedonia, assuredly gathering that the Lord had called us for to preach the gospel unto them.
Ac 16:10 We endeavored to go into Macedonia. Sought to find a ship to carry them across. There is no intimation that they preached at this time of Troas, but a few years later we find here a church (Ac 20:6-12). Here, first, the writer of Acts speaks of himself as one of the company and adopts the style of an eye witness. It is supposed that Luke joined the missionary band at Troas.
- People's Bible
this is a missionary call to Paul to go to a specific place, as the Lord had prepared hearts in this place, so salvation shown to these people
would magnify the Lords Name and His glory.
Also showing the Lord loves to reach the unsaved
and make His Son the Lord Jesus known for His
sacrifice to fallen man
plus information on acts 16:25
With a clean and unadulterated heart with correct worship, it is only then that the LORD will "open the scriptures" to us.
The answer lies in the latter part of the 9th. And the 10 th. Verses., which reads: 9 And a vision appeared to Paul in the night; There stood a man of Macedonia, and prayed him, saying,
Come over into Macedonia, and help us.
10 And after he had seen the vision, immediately we endeavoured to go into Macedonia, assuredly gathering that the Lord had
called us for to preach the gospel unto them.
Re: verse 9 on 9/23/2011, 8:46am
9 And a vision appeared to Paul in the night; There stood a man of Macedonia, and prayed him, saying, Come over into Macedonia, and help us.
Ac 16:10 We endeavored to go into Macedonia. Sought to find a ship to carry them across. There is no intimation that they preached at this time of Troas, but a few years later we find here a church (Ac 20:6-12). Here, first, the writer of Acts speaks of himself as one of the company and adopts the style of an eye witness. It is supposed that Luke joined the missionary band at Troas.- People's Bible
Ac 16:9 A vision appeared. Like Peter's vision at Joppa, it was a revelation. Like Peter's, it called him to labor in fields before unentered. A man of Macedonia. Macedonia proper lies to the north of the Aegean Sea, within a few hours sail of Troas. This ancient kingdom, under Philip and Alexander, had first absorbed all Greece, then conquered Persia and spread the Grecian language and customs over all western Asia. In turn it had fallen before the Romans, and was now a Roman province. It had a number of large cities, but Thessalonica was the Roman capital.
- People's Bible
10 And after he had seen the vision, immediately we endeavoured to go into Macedonia, assuredly gathering that the Lord had called us for to preach the gospel unto them.
Ac 16:10 We endeavored to go into Macedonia. Sought to find a ship to carry them across. There is no intimation that they preached at this time of Troas, but a few years later we find here a church (Ac 20:6-12). Here, first, the writer of Acts speaks of himself as one of the company and adopts the style of an eye witness. It is supposed that Luke joined the missionary band at Troas.
- People's Bible
would magnify the Lords Name and His glory.
Also showing the Lord loves to reach the unsaved
and make His Son the Lord Jesus known for His
sacrifice to fallen man