Discuss Genesis 3

  • S Spencer - In Reply - 8 months ago
    Hi Tdianne.

    We are dealing with two things here when concerning dinosaurs.

    1) When were they created.

    2) When did they die.

    By the scriptures we know that the Lord created everything that was created. John 1:3. All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

    Also, by the scriptures we know that death came into the world by Adam's sin.

    Romans 5:12Wherefore, as by one man sin entered into the world, and death by sin; and so death passed upon all men, for that all have sinned:

    By Scriptures we know that that extends to all creation, even the very ground we walk on! Genesis 3:17. and

    Romans 8:22 For we know that the whole creation groaneth and travaileth in pain together until now.

    The whole world groans and is waiting on a redemption, meaning restored to its formal intentions.

    So, this may atleast help us with the "when" the dinosaurs could have died.

    certainly not before Adam and Eve because death had not entered the world yet. (Possibly the flood)

    Some hold the view of a gap theory between verses 1 and 2 in Genesis 1:1-2. as a possibility when dinosaurs may have been created.

    Would you like for me to get into that?

    God bless
  • Ronald Whittemore - 8 months ago
    The most important thing, Jesus, the Son of God.

    Jesus was conceived of the Holy Ghost, Matthew 1:20 of the seed of a woman/Mary, Genesis 3:15, and born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God, John 1:13. Jesus grew up the same way that we do, Luke 2:40.

    He was subject to the pulls of the flesh. He was tempted and influenced by Satan, Luke 4:1-2. He had a will and human desires, Luke 22:41-42. Although Jesus was filled without measure with the power of the Holy Ghost, and gave all things into his hand, John 3:34-35 Jesus humbled Himself and was obedient unto death, Philippians 2:5-11.

    To be the payment for sins of man and to be the Savior of mankind and destroy the works of the devil, Jesus had to be a human, Hebrews 2:14-18, the promise God made was to Abraham and his seed, that was Jesus the Messiah/Christ, Galatians 3:16.

    Jesus the last Adam came into this world sinless as the first Adam and had to be laden with what we are as humans. The man Jesus, Romans 5:15, had to endure and overcome sin and rise above the influences of Satan to become the payment for the sins and this atonement made way for our deliverance from Satan's bondage, Romans 3:21-26.

    He also was prepared to be a merciful and faithful High Priest, Hebrews 4:14-16. God sent His own Son to condemn sin in the flesh that the law could not do that the righteousness of the law might be fulfilled, Romans 8:3-4.

    Jesus the Son of God a human being had to deal with life as we do. He lived in the same time, space, and constraints as we do. He was born under the law, He became tired, He became hungry, He was subject to persecution, subject to pain, subject to the Roman rulers, He had to deal with all the things the same way we do, and all was the for the will of the Father, not His, Matthew 26:42.

    Only in the name of Jesus Christ of Nazareth do we have hope, and are saved, Acts 4:12.

    We are to hold fast in our faith to the end.

    God bless,

  • Oseas - In Reply - 9 months ago
    Greetings Ecalarese

    Be careful with AI , it links only in one edge of the Sword, I mean in the letter of the Holy Scripture, this one edge of the Sword of GOD only kills the souls- Genesis 3:1 combined with Matthew 16:22-23. Satan only uses the letter of the Holy Scriptures- John 8:44. The life in the Holy Scripture is the Spirit of GOD- John 4:24 combined with John 6:63, it is in the other edge of the Sword, and AI will never be linked to the Spirit of GOD, but to the spirit of Devil.

    Satan uses the letter, the writings, of the Bible, to deceive listeners or readers of the Scriptures. Take care.

    What I tell you I tell to all

    Hbrews 4:12-13

    12 For the word of God is quick, and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

    13 Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in his sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of him with whom we have to render an account.

    GOD bless
  • Richard H Priday - 9 months ago
    Scripture reading: Concluding thoughts

    I have often kidded around about having someone memorize the first 6 or 7 chapters of 1 Chronicles. Genealogies aren't to be obsessed over ( 1 Tim. 1:4); however they are vital in seeing the lineage of God's people. The beginning of Matthew; for instance gives us the lineage from Abraham to Joseph; and Luke from Mary's lineage all the way back to Adam. This of course goes back to Genesis 3:15 and the "seed of the woman" prophecy. These two lineages probably are enough to know in themselves from the whole Bible in regard to that subject. If we go deeper into meanings of names particularly in the first generations it appears there is a prophetic indication of Christ to come if we list the names and their meanings in order in Hebrew. There are no doubt patterns of equidistant letters that are unique in scripture pointing to certain events. Again; like genealogies; they are best not obsessed over; for we already know Christ is the living Word so we don't need hidden clues as to who He is. We can look to past events; and I have stated that Michael Drosnin's prediction of Rabin's assassination in 1996 may have been something the Lord allowed so others wouldn't meet the same fate. Since we are now still in the Church Age; we are not in the time of Revelation when prophets once again are on the earth in that role and there is a known 7 year template for all the judgments to occur. God has ultimate truths that must come to pass; but some things are conditional which only He knows that prayer and action now can possibly delay judgment; as we see with the example of Nineveh.

    We can look to history and scientific facts as authenticated from the Bible; with more coming all the time. For the skeptic who God chooses to enlighten it may be a good witnessing tool; but we shouldn't make such methods are only talking points for apologetics. First we must see if someone is serious about wanting to hear the truths of the Word
  • Richard H Priday - 10 months ago
    Scripture Interpretation: Part 2 on introduction to the law and differences in Old and New Testaments

    A general concept as pointed out in my last post is that the Old Testament law and sacrifices had temporal methods and sufficiency and were based on behaviors of Israel as to whether blessings or cursings resulted. The Spirit of God was more transient and was no guarantee of salvation such as seen in the example of Saul's prophesying as well as Baalam's repeated attempts to curse Israel and being overtaken to make proclamations under the influence of the Holy Spirit. David even asked God not to remove His Holy Spirit as apparently happened with Saul who needed David to play music for a temporary "fix" to his bizarre disorders.

    John 16:8 essentially gives indication of permanent residence of the Father and Son in a believer and thus sealing them until the Day of Redemption. What we cannot do is glibly assume we are saved without testing ourselves to see if we are in the faith; and certain behaviors especially illustrated in Corinthians show the result of sickness and death with communion taken unworthily and the case of the man sleeping with his father's wife. There is always hope of repentance if someone is alive; but we cannot continue a LIFESTYLE of sin and be presumptuous thinking God will overlook our sin as an exception to His rule for the rest of mankind.

    Matthew 5:17 states that Christ came not to abolish but fulfill the law and the prophets. This is a segway into the second theme in this introduction: Prophecy...


    Prophecy begins with Genesis 3:15 in the garden with the serpent being told that he would receive a deadly wound and that Christ would recieve a wound on the heel (the seed of the woman representing the virgin Birth and the wound that of His piercing on the cross). Jesus was the end of Prophecy as THE Prophet; but in real time we still see Him as the Alpha and Omega in Revelation 1; and we still see 2 Prophets in Rev. 11.
  • Richard H Priday - 10 months ago
    Why man can't love a good God

    When surveying the different dispensations (or eras for those who don't like that term) we see the same God granting grace and forgiveness even with different roles of the Holy Spirit; different methods of worship based on the old or new covenant(s) and in general a frequent transition from times of relative peace to turbulent wars; famines; and pestilences. One of the great mysteries is how man couldn't sin when in Eden before the fall; and yet how we can't go back to that state but must go through the cross and the "second Adam" in order to obtain righteousness and good standing once again with the Lord ( 1 Cor. 15:45).

    The origin of sin itself came with what some may call "esoteric" knowledge (knowing the difference between good and evil). Violence and murder were to come quickly with Cain and it necessitated the first death of an animal in order to cover Adam and Eve. If all of nature was as it is stated in Isaiah 11 (focusing on verses 6-9) which is the description of the Millennium on God's Holy Mountain then death and slaying something would not be anywhere on earth before that time. This of course pointed to Christ's sacrifice and the prophecy of Genesis 3:15 was to come immediately after man's fall as well.

    We see again during the Millennium period a time with man learning the art of war no more ( Isaiah 2:4); and of course Satan is said to be bound in that period according to Revelation 20. At the end of that time; however he is loosed as Revelation 21 states to deceive the WHOLE WORLD. This shows the utter hoplelessness of unregenerate man even with Christ ruling and reigning on earth at that time with the glorified saints (us). There are many instances of men in their distress calling out to the Lord in Psalms; etc. so God often can get men's attention that way; but there are times He will not respond and destruction and death commences. We dare not play with God thinking we can wait to the end to repent.
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 10 months ago

    Part 2 Trinity discussion

    Did Jesus exist before creation? Did the Holy Spirit exist before creation?

    Jesus existed in God's plan, Jesus is the beginning of creation Rev. 3:14 and by Him were all things created Col. 1:16 my understanding is Jesus, was the first in God's plan of creation and everything was created by God, in and through the plan and purpose of Jesus. My understanding Jesus did not physically exist until the fullness of time. Ephesians 1:10 He was born of Mary the Son of God. the seed of woman. Genesis 3:15 Matthew 1:20

    My understanding is the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God, not a person, Genesis 1:2. We see all the greetings are from God our Father, and the Lord Jesus Christ. Romans 1:7 1 Corinthians 1:3 2 Corinthians 1:2 Galatians 1:3 Ephesians 1:2 Ephesians 6:23 Philippians 1:2 Colossians 1:2 and 6 more. The Holy Spirit not being included is a good clue the Holy Spirit was not considered a person by Paul and others at that time.

    If so, who were they in relation to the Father?

    I believe the above answers this.

    How did the Father, the Son, and the Spirit all create all that is, seen or unseen?

    My understanding is God the Father created all, Genesis 1:1 Genesis 1:31 Proverbs 16:4 Isaiah 45:18 Nehemiah 9:6.

    Does Scripture teach that God is only one person who manifests in three forms, but all these manifestations are only one person?

    Scripture does not support Modalism I have never considered this and do not know anything about it.

    See part 3.
  • Oseas - In Reply - 11 months ago

    You say "JESUS used the NAMES you have listed here in your prior posts speaking with His disciples or the people", but it is not true, it's fake of course. Actually you are stealthy preaching a false interpretation, your preaching is not different such it occurred in ancient event- Genesis 3:1-,a stumbling block for them which unfortunatelly may come to "eat" from you false testimony- Matthew 15:19.

    The Word of GOD says not what you are saying. Now, now, the Word is GOD Himself, and He has only one NAME, ONLY AND ONLY ONE NAME,and His only NAME is not any of those which you have surreptitiously listed here as NAMES of GOD. Your thinking is from a human perspective, a stumblingblock- Genesis 3:1-, not from GOD's perspective- Matthew 16:23.


    41 - The Jews said unto JESUS: We be not born of fornication; we have one Father, even God.

    42-44 -> 42 -JESUS said to the Jews:- If GOD were your Father ye would love me: for I proceeded forth and came from God;neither came I of myself, but he sent me. (If??? hum!)

    43 - JESUS said to the Jews: Why do ye not understand my speech? 44- JESUS openly and emphaticaly said to the Jews: Ye are of your father the Devil.

    Every names you have listed are NAMES of the God of the Jews, NAMES od their father (as they said he is- John 8:41). But JESUS claried unto them their father is the Devil, whose NAMES you listed before:

    By the way, in Re.12:9, JESUS said:And the great Dragon(the red Dragon)was (will be)cast out, that old serpent,called the Devil,and Satan,which deceiveth the whole world:he was cast out into the earth,and his messengers were cast out with him.

    By the way,"red Dragon" is the new name of the Devil in this current time of Apocalypse.

    Isa.9:6-For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given: and the government shall be upon His shoulder: and His NAME shall be called THE MIGHTY GOD -JESUS-, Wonderful, Counsellor, The everlasting FATHER, The Prince of Peace.
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 12 months ago
    Hey S Spencer,

    Thank you for your reply, yes, Genesis 3:15 tells us He will come by the seed of a woman, and that is exactly what we see happen in Mary. My understanding of John 1:1-5 is John's prolog at the start of his gospel like Genesis 1:1 is a prolog to the rest of Genesis 1. John starts with, In the beginning.

    I see this beginning as the coming of the Messiah/Christ the beginning of Jesus's ministry because in John 1:6, John goes to John the Baptist as the witness of the one who was to come, the Light that darkness did not comprehend. This is the start of Jesus's ministry when Jesus was anointed with the Holy Ghost/Spirit and God made Him the Messiah/Christ, Acts 2:36.

    Jesus was sent for the lost sheep of Israel, Matthew 15:24, His role or ministry was to fulfill the law and the prophets in confirming the new covenant by His death and resurrection from the dead to pay the price for our sins. Daniel 9:27 is also about the 3.5 years of Jesus ministry but that is another topic. Jesus was the Messiah that was prophesied to come in Daniel. As I have discussed with Chris my understanding is Jesus was the beginning of the plan of God and like John 1:10 it is through Him not by Him.

    Jesus, God' Son is first in God's plan of creation, and everything was created in and through Him and Jesus was begotten in the fullness of time. Ephesians 1:10 That in the dispensation of the fulness of times he might gather together in one all things in Christ, both which are in heaven, and which are on earth; even in him: Colossians 1:20. I know you may also not agree with that but that is how I understand, it is God the Father who is the creator.

    The light was the word of God that dwelt in Jesus, the glory of the Father that dwelt in Jesus, 2 Corinthians 4:6.

    God bless,

  • S Spencer - In Reply - 12 months ago
    Hi Ronald.

    I have followed you and others on this great discussion!

    Thanks for giving your understanding.

    You stated the "beginning" in John 1:1-10 refers to Christ earthly ministry.

    I believe we should ask ourselves "What was Christ role in those 3 years?

    We know that Jesus's death brought in the new covenant that was Prophesied to come in the OT, ( Jeremiah 31:31) "also other verses". but what was his ministry or Role during those 3 years?

    During Jesus 3-year ministry he sought out the ( lost sheep of Israel ).

    John is identifying Jesus as "the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God. And as the "true Light, which lighteth (every man) that cometh into the world". Here John is not talking about Jesus earthly ministry, the lost sheep of Israel or his role.


    Jesus as savior was announced in Genesis 3:15.

    In John 5:39 Jesus said "Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. Jesus's ministry as savior was performed in the Old Testament in types, JOHN IS NOT ADDRESSING THE BEGINNING OF NEITHER OF THOSE.

    I would like to highlight something in John 1:1-10.

    We see Jesus as the word, as God, as life, as light and as the "creator in verse 10",

    Jesus is called the light, and that light didn't begin at Christ earthly ministry according to verse 9

    This light is also mentioned in 1 John 1:1-7. God is also referenced as that light!

    We see the Trinity in the light as the Father and the light as the Son as the same in these passages.

    You have the father the son and the Holy Spirit exhibited in John 1:1-10 and 1 John 1:1-7.

    God bless.
  • S Spencer - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Alexis.

    Adam and Eve were Saved by the cross the same way all that were saved in the OT.

    I Would suggest forgiveness for Adam and Eve was granted before they were created.

    I don't believe Adam and Eve surprised God by their disobedience in the Garden.

    Christ was foreordained as the Lamb of God that take away the sins of the world "BEFORE" the foundation of the world, 1 Peter 1:18-20. Revelation 13:8.

    Jesus' death on the cross was not an after thought by God after the event of mankind falling into sin.

    God covering of Coats of skin for Adam and Eve suggest that there was a shedding of blood to cover their nakedness.

    I'm sure the fig leaves mentioned in Genesis 3:7 covered there outwardly exposed bodies but not the inward exposed nakedness guilt caused by their transgression.

    Besides, this was the work of their own hands.

    Only the blood of Christ can take away sin

    and those OT sacrifices pointed forward to Christ.

    Leviticus 17:11 For the life of a creature is in the blood, and I have given it to you to make atonement for yourselves on the altar; it is the blood that makes atonement for one's life.

    God has all along been revealing the "lamb of God slain from the foundation of the world through these OT sacrifices.

    See Hebrews 9:7-14.

    I hope this helps.

    God bless.
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    The hidden Christ

    Mark 8:30 is one of several verses indicating Christ told people including the Disciples NOT to tell anyone who He was (namely; the Son of God). He spoke in Parables to hide things from all except those called and chosen (see Matthew 13:10).

    When we survey the narrative of the Gospels it leaves us dumbfounded as to how anyone could not realize who Christ was. After all John the Baptist after baptizing a large amount of the entire population including the Pharisees warning them of who was to come identified Christ ( John 1:32 and recorded in Luke 3:22 as being accompanied by a voice from heaven). Only the Spirit could reveal this truth as we see in Matthew 16:17.

    There are several reasons for this blindness. One is the god of this world who is mentioned as blinding men to the truth as illustrated in 2 Corinthians 4:4. The second was in the hidden counsels of God more than likely (See Deut. 29:29). If the wicked knew who He was they would have stopped it because it would have led to their guilt in the act and He would inevitably be Resurrected. Satan also may have not been involved because it would mean His defeat as prophesied in Genesis 3:15 (although he is insane enough to ignore what he probably should have known). Israel should have recognized that the suffering servant would also come back as conquering king. They would have waited until He established that Kingdom on earth without having a heart to truly worship Him; reminiscent of the group who finally rebels at the end of the Millennium period.

    We need to squarely face this fact in terms of how the unregenerate view Christ. Any affinity one may have for Jesus apart from the grace of God bringing repentance is from a false Christ in our imaginations which inevitably brings a works based attempt at salvation or considering Him a great teacher or Prophet as was the case of those in Matthew 16:14. Church is the congregation of the Holy not a social club for comfort.
  • Oseas - In Reply - 1 year ago

    Didn't you understand yet? Around 4000 years after Adam GOD still was working, don't you learn this yet, or don't you believe in the Word of GOD? JOHN 5:17 - Jesus said to the keepers of Sabbath day: My Father worketh hitherto, and I work. By the way, when my Lord JESUS said that to the Jews, it laready was the beginning of the fith GOD's Day, don't you know of this? Why GOD the Father still was working in the turn from the fourth to the fifth GOD's Day? Now, now, it because GOD the Father had established for He Himself, since the beginning, to work 6 Days and to rest in the seventh Day. Now, now, the seventh GOD's Day is now, even now, from now on, understand? From Adam until this current time have passed around 6000 years complete. So, you and everyone who thinks like you, must understand that only now, even now, from now on, will GOD the Father rest from His works. Again: It was still the fourth Day, so, understand, JESUS, the Greater Light, said to the Jews: My Father worketh hitherto, and I work. Of course, GOD and my Lord JESUS was working in the fourth Day, GOD the Father and JESUS are One, dispite being two distincts Persons- Hebrews 1:1-3- , and as you know, "without my Lord JESUS was not any thing made that was made"- John 1:3.

    Be sure that GOD the Father rests only now in the seventh and last Day, and my Lord JESUS takes command of the Universe and History, in Time and Space, now from this seventh Day onwards. And in the kingdom of GOD- Revelation 11:15 combined with Luke 20:35-36- , which will be established now in the seventh GOD's Day , no seventh-day keeper will come in with his deceptive doctrine, whose doctrine was invented by the seducing spirit of Devil - Genesis 3:1- , and it was sowed through those which departed from the faith- Galatians 3:11, giving heed to doctrines of devils.

    Be careful or then get ready

    The Word is GOD, what matters and prevails is the Word of GOD, understand? There shall be weeping and gnashing of teeth.
  • Oseas - 1 year ago

    The theory or doctrine of the Law was invented and was sowed by those which interpreted the Law from a human perspective, in fact a stumbling block- Genesis 3:1, not from GOD's perspective- Matthew 16:23.

    JESUS said: John 7:38-He that believes on me,as the Scripture has said,out of his belly shall flow rivers of living water.

    Thus, about Sababath,for the understanding of all of us here,I would ask for you: Do you believe in the Word made flesh,Lord JESUS? You know that The Word is GOD,right?The Word made flesh-Lord JESUS-,He Himself preached,saying:Mat.11:17-All the prophets and the Law prophesied until John,period.Therefore,GOD Himself established the Law to last 1500 years,from Moses until JESUS,no more,no more than this.

    See,JESUS was not abolishing the Law His Father gave to Moses,it's evident: JESUS and the Father are One,although be two distincts Persons- Hebrews 1:3 & 8-, so,in fact,JESUS was only clarifying the period of validity of the Law given to Moses by His Father. GOD the Father had established The Law by His own power, the period of validity or prevalence of the Law lasted from Moses until JESUS specifically, understand?And JESUS only preached what GOD commanded Him to say to the people.JESUS said:Jo.12:49-I have not spoken of myself;but the Father which sent me,He gave me a commandment,what I should say,and what I should speak.

    That said, keeping the Sabbath day over time after grace came, i.e.after JESUS came,these people do not do this by the Spirit of Christ,but by the letter written in the stone,according OT,the letter kills,and also they keep Sabbath day according to the calendar created and developed by devilish/satanic worshipers of the Beast of sea-Revevelation 13:1-10.

    The true followers of my Lord JESUS do not fight against the Law of GOD given to Moses,but against seducing spirits,and doctrines of devils,speaking lies in hypocrisy;having their conscience seared with a hot iron.

    Be careful- 2Peter 3:7&11-12 & Isaiah 33:10-14
  • Richard H Priday - 1 year ago
    Matthew 2:18

    The statement of weeping in Ramah is echoed here from the passage in the Old Testament in Jeremiah. This signifies another one of Satan's attempts to wipe out the godly seed; reflecting the age old battle started in Genesis 3:15.

    When we see the story of Christ from His birth to His death Satan was given license to come within inches of his goal; in the former situation killing every male child through Herod's persecution except for that of Joseph and Mary which was thwarted by supernatural intervention ( Matt. 2:13-23) after the Magi were warned previously to return to their homeland by a different route whence they came. No doubt at His death Satan thought he was granted total success in killing the Son of God at the cross but Judas Iscariot at least realized that he had been part of killing a just man; sadly it was worldly sorrow rather than godly sorrow leading to repentance in this case. Satan and the demons; unlike man KNOW who Christ is; as James states the demons believe and tremble ( James 2:19). The forces of evil should have known that a member of the Godhead is indeed invincible; even over death; certainly Satan's defeat echoing the prophecy in Genesis about his head being destroyed was at least partially fulfilled; I would argue in Revelation comes another fulfillment; with the deadly wound healed of Antichrist Satan's agent; then the destruction of Antichrist and later Satan Himself in Revelation 19 through 22.

    Time after time in the history of the Word we see nearly complete attempts to wipe out man; Satan corrupted men (I would argue through the Nephilim and their offspring) so that only Noah and his small family were saved out of it; the attempt to destroy God's lineage was also repeated with the attempted massacre of all the Jews in Esther's time; the Holocaust; and throughout history until today. During the Tribulation again he will fall short (see Zechariah 13:8 for example).

    May we rejoice that His victory is assured.
  • Oseas - 1 year ago
    JESUS warned: At midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh; go ye out TO MEET him- Matthew 25:6. Who's going?

    See, IT'S NOT ENOUGH to just have lamp-the Word of GOD-a lamp for the feet- Psalm 119:105; It's necessary also to have oil, otherwise the lamp will go out. Unfortunately, the lamp of many people has already gone out for good, but at midnight? In full darkness and terrors by night? Terrible, very terrible.

    Understand, MIDNIGHT as the Lord said, it is indicating the END of a Day (end of a millennium) and the beginning of a new Day (beginning of a new millennium) simultaneously. It is necessary to understand that GOD's clock does not stop, yeah, never stop, to every thousand years passed there is a turn of Day at GOD's clock, understand? We are living the TURN FROM THE SIXTH TO THE SEVENTH MILLENNIUM. On GOD's clock it's already past midnight,minutes of course,but don't forget that 1000 years is as a Day (1000x360x24) in our Christian calendar, just 23 years, how many minutes have already passed?) Note: I'm not a mathematician.

    As it happened in Eden- Genesis 3:8-10-and GOD found Adam and Eve completely naked-, the clothe they made from the FigTree,one among other trees in the Garden,it was not enough to cover them from their nakedness. GOD needed to make an appropriate garment for that purpose. By the way, JESUS said through the book of Revelation, chap. 16: v.15: Behold, I come as a thief, Blessed is he that watches, and keeps his garments, lest he WALK NAKED, and they see his shame.

    At midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh;

    Get ready

    OTOH, to buy oil out of time, it's a total waste of time.Both those who will buy and those who will offer and selling oil(Pastors, Bishops, Evangelists,among others)will lose their souls forever,for all Eternity. It's like the CURSE of the FigTree:JESUS CURSED it never to bear fruit again,and the sentence was and is LITERALLY fulfilled. The Word is GOD, self-executing, understand?
  • Oseas - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Jema

    Thank you for your reply. What I must say for you and all, is that that is not the good and true allegoric interpretation of the verse 3. We must be careful with him that is in Genesis 3:1, i.e. since the beginning.

    Ezekiel 29:2-3 say: -->2Son of man, set thy face against Pharaoh king of Egypt, and prophesy against him, and against all Egypt: 3 Speak,and say, Thus saith the Lord GOD;Behold,I am against thee,Pharaoh king of Egypt,the GREAT DRAGON ( Revelation 12:9), (who)lieth in the midst of his rivers(now,even now,in the current time,it is as a sea/so,now the GREAT DRAGON lies in the midst of the sea), (who)hath SAID, My river is mine own(now it is as the sea), and I have made it(now made the sea, i.e. peoples, and nations, and multitudes of all tongues)for myself(for himself).

    Remember:The letter kills(it is mortal),but the Spirit gives life.GOD is Spirit and is Life.By the way, GOD is in occult under the letter of the Bible(twoedged Sword),as said John the Baptist,the angel of the Lord,saying:"No man hath seen GOD at any time, the only begotten Son, which is in the bosom of the Father, He hath declared Him- John 1:18. And our beloved Lord JESUS revealed, saying: "... no MAN knoweth the Son, but the Father; neither knoweth any MAN the Father, save the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal Him. Hallelujaaah!!!

    GOD BLESS and stand on the Rock, Amen.And get ready for the great battle of the END of the time between the body of the Lord JESUS-His Church, and the body of the GREAT DRAGON-his devilish Church-of 7 heads, 10 horns and a terrible TAIL. Revelation 13:4 says: And they worshipped (will worship) the Dragon which gave power unto the Beast(unto the MAN Beast of sea- Revelation 13:2): and they worshipped (will worship) the Beast, saying, Who is like unto the Beast? who is able to make war with him?

    Revelation 11:15-18

    15 The kingdoms OF THIS WORLD are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever

  • S Spencer - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Amen Gigi I agree.

    If salvation was to the wicked whether you accept Christ or not and we all "including the wicked" will be ce gods whether we accept Christ or not, there is no need for righteous living.

    And God's display of love in offering his only begotten Son on the cross was pointless and cruel.

    That is not the Gospel of Christ!

    Here is who's Gospel it is.

    Genesis 3:4-5.

    And the SERPENT said unto the woman, Ye shall not surely die:

    For God doth know that in the day ye eat thereof, then your eyes shall be opened, and YE SHALL BE AS GODS, knowing good and evil.

    Isaiah 12:14

    How art thou fallen from heaven, O LUCIFER, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations!

    For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north:

    I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High.

    This origin is of Satan.

    For such are false apostles, deceitful workers, transforming themselves into the apostles of Christ.

    And no marvel; for Satan himself is transformed into an angel of light.

    Therefore it is no great thing if his ministers also be transformed as the ministers of righteousness; whose end shall be according to their works.

    2 Corinthians 11:13-15.


    Just because there is two opposing views on the deity of Christ.

    If either side hates the other view, how is it possible join sides and to usher in this view or any other heresy to attack the Gospel and say that you are a child of God.

  • Oseas - In Reply - 1 year ago
    S Sspencer

    S Spencer

    You commented Ecclesiastes 9:3-5

    Ok.My point is what my Lord JESUS said.Follow me;and let the dead bury their dead-Mat.8:22.In JESUS is life;the LIFE is the light of men, the LIGHT shineth in darkness;and the darkness comprehend it not- John 1:4-5.

    Speaking of dog,what matters and prevails is what is written in Isaiah 56:10-11: 10 His watchmen are blind:they are all ignorant,they are all dumb dogs,they cannot bark;sleeping,lying down,loving to slumber.

    11Yea,they are greedy dogs which can never have enough,and they are SHEPHERDS(Pastors)that cannot understand:they all look to their own way,every one for his gain,from his quarter.

    And my Lord JESUS warned:Re.22:15-For without are dogs,and sorcerers,and whoremongers,and murderers,and idolaters,and whosoever loveth and maketh a lie.

    And Paul warned:Beware of dogs... Philippians 3:2

    JESUS said:Out of the heart proceed evil thoughts,murders, adulteries,fornications,thefts,false witness,blasphemies-Mat.15:19

    Their throat is an open sepulchre;with their tongues they have used deceit;the poison of asps is under their lips-Ro.3:13:

    Death and life are in the power of the tongue:and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof.

    GOD warned Adam:Gen.2:17 But of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil( Genesis 3:1),thou shalt not eat of it:for in the day that thou eatest thereof thou shalt surely die.

    Daniel prophesied:Many that sleep in the dust of the earth shall awake,some to everlasting life,and some to shame and everlasting contempt.

    It because dust is the food of the Serpent-Gen.3:17

    The King shall say unto them on His right hand,Come, ye blessed of my Fathe
  • Jordyn - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Lee the Follower:

    2 Peter 1:20 No PROPHECY of the scripture is (in and of itself it's) OWN private interpretation.

    2 Corinthians 13:1 ...in the mouth of two or three witnesses shall every word be established .....

    Genesis 3:4 And the serpent said unto the woman, ye shall surely not DIE:

    Genesis 3:5 FOR GOD DOTH KNOW that in the day you thereof, then your EYES SHALL BE OPENED, and ye shall be as gods, KNOWING GOOD and EVIL.

    This is ALL PROPHECY.

    Genesis 3:22 And the Lord God SAID, Behold, the man HAS BECOME AS ONE OF US, to KNOW good and evil.....

    The FRUIT was KNOWLEDGE of good and evil, the KNOWLEDGE of gods.

    John 10:34 Jesus answered them, Is it not WRITTEN in your LAW, ye are gods

    John 10:35 If he called them gods, unto whom the WORD the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken.

    Psalms 82:6

    Deuteronomy 10:17 your God is a God of gods, and Lord of Lords ....

    Psalms 136:6 Give thanks unto the God of gods, for his mercy endureth for ever.

    Now, Eve was a prophecy of the coming bride of Christ by HIS RESURRECTION, and what happened she was resurrected with her husband to never DIE.

    The gift of God is eternal life.

    God can even use Satan to speak prophecy, what did Satan say, Ye shall never DIE.

    Luke 20:36 Neither can THEY DIE ANYMORE, Adam (Christ) took of the fruit and did eat with his wife and Christ and his wife (creation) DIED, and the spirit of the Father RAISED them as ONE FLESH), for they are equal unto the angels, and are the children of God, being the CHILDREN of the RESURRECTION.

    Philippians 2:5 Let this MIND BE IN YOU, which also was in Christ Jesus:

    Philippians 2:6 Who, being in the form of God, though it not robbery to be equal with God.

    God Bless YOU!
  • Chris - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello Bmccaugh58. The answers to your questions are actually found throughout the Bible (from Genesis to Revelation), because the Bible essentially shows us how far mankind has fallen away from his Creator (because of sin), the repercussions we face from living in such a sinful state, & what God has done to offer correction & help, or else, judgement. So, one merely has to read through the Bible (even in your daily devotions/readings) & will see how people, yes all of us, have done wrong towards God & man & what subsequently entails from that. Some will learn & be corrected & then restored - others will persist in their evil ways & face God's Judgement.

    So, here are some passages to start you off, but in your reading of the Bible, God's Spirit will alert you to what you seek or even where some action needs to be taken in your own life.

    For "Consequences", see: Genesis 2:15-17; Genesis 3:16-19; Deuteronomy 28:1,2,15; 1 Kings 11:9-11; Job 4:8,9; Isaiah 59:2; Jeremiah 17:9,10; Matthew 27:3-5; Romans 6:23; Romans 13:4; Galatians 6:7,8; 1 Timothy 5:8; James 2:10; Revelation 20:12-15.

    For "Correction", see: Proverbs 22:6; Proverbs 29:15; 2 Corinthians 5:10; Galatians 6:1; Ephesians 6:4; 2 Timothy 4:2; Hebrews 12:5-11; Revelation 3:19.

    These are just a very few Scriptures, reminding us that there will always be consequences for our actions, not just in our dealings with each other, but more importantly, as we stand before God. But this God of Love always gives sinful wayward man an escape route, from a life of sin to a life of holiness & love - and His Name is Jesus.
  • Lee the Follower - In Reply - 1 year ago
    S Spencer

    Greetings and grace to you in Jesus name.

    I sincerely hope and pray that is not what Jordyn is preaching, if so then he has only deceived himself and needs our prayers. Even I understand that was the second lie that the serpent spoke. "Ye shall be as gods" Genesis 3:5

    Although I trust in and believe God's words, It's myself I have doubt with. I take everything to heart and sometimes take it as literal which I know this can be silly.

    Jesus spoke of a narrow road but I feel like I am treading on a thread of a spider web, having to watch my back from false teachers and doctrines etc. I do know this though, Jesus came in the flesh to save me from my sins and now that my eyes have been opened to that truth I cannot and will not return to the old me.

    I guess I will just continue to pick up my cross everyday and pray that someday God will give me understanding.

    I just want to be a lighthouse on a hill shining out to the sea of people for Jesus, if you get my meaning.

    I love Jesus!

    I thank you for your time in contacting me.

    May God bless you with peace and love to you in Jesus name.
  • Oseas - In Reply on Matthew 24 - 1 year ago
    Ronald Whittemore

    OK, Ronald, but having read your reply I see it deserves or even requires an important clarification not only for you, but for everyone's knowledge here, as follow:

    I highlight your point and I must consider it very important to "have a heart of love towards others as brothers and sisters" as you said in your reply. But it is important to highlight also this desirable behavior only exists and happens when the Truth is spoken, GOD is the Truth; Then, when someone speaks out having a heart of love as Peter in Matthew 16:22-23(take a look), that kind of "love" manifestation actually is a stumbling block, and it creates a deadly environment, as can be seen in Genesis 3:1&5.

    That said, it is essential to discern the spirit(s) as JESUS discerned in- Matthew 16:22-23- , in order not to fall into the Devil's trap.

    Be careful or then get ready

    On the other hand, I don't bellit people, neither I feel superior, as you suggest in your reply, and who Judges is the Word of GOD, not me, the Word is GOD, understand? By the way, the Word of GOD is quick -the Word is GOD- , and powerful, and sharper than any twoedged Sword, piercing even to the dividing asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, and is a DISCERNER of the thoughts and intents of the heart. Neither is there any creature that is not manifest in His sight: but all things are naked and opened unto the eyes of Him with whom we must give an account.

    By the way, my Lord JESUS left very clear, saying: "out of the heart proceed evil thoughts, false witness, blasphemies, murders, adulteries, fornications, thefts: These are the things which defile a man- Matthew 15:19-20

    1 Corinthians 6:2-3

    2 Do ye not know that the saints shall Judge the world?

    3 Know ye not that we shall judge angels? (angels of the Churches)

    The Word is GOD, self-executing.
  • Jema - In Reply on Genesis 3 - 1 year ago
    That word be why Christ is referred to as the begining of the creation of God in Revelation Ch 3 , V 14.
  • Jordyn - In Reply on Genesis 3 - 1 year ago

    God was right there when Adam and Eve ate the FRUIT.

    What was that single TREE?

    The tree of KNOWLEDGE of good and evil.

    So when they ate the FUITH that were GIVEN KNOWLEDGE of GOOD and EVIL.

    God himself placed Satan there in the garden to CAUSE Adam and Eve to partake of the FRUIT.

    Why was this so important for them to consume the fruit of the tree of KNOWLEDGE of good and evil.

    God word tells why it was so important.

    Genesis 3:22 ....behold they have BECOME LIKE ONE US, to KNOW good and evil....

    Genesis 1:27 ... so created he them in his OWN IMAGE .....

    You CAN NOT be the IMAGE of GOD without having the KNOWLEDGE of God, good and evil.

    Man's teaching distort the teachings of God's word, man was never made perfect in the beginning.

    Romans 8:29 For man was MADE subject to vanity.

    Man only became perfect, when He and Christ were RAISED as ONE FLESH, at Christ's resurrection.

    God BLESS YOU!
  • Bonnergy on Genesis 3 - 1 year ago
    where was God when Satan entered the garden and deceived the woman.? Since we believe that God is all-knowing and omnipresent. I don't just get it, He should have used His power to stop and prevent Satan from entering the garden in the first place.

    I think there is a correlation between the life of Adam and Eve before they eat the forbidden fruit and the life of a young baby, pure clean, innocent, ''blind'' naked, and never ashamed.
  • Oseas - In Reply - 1 year ago

    You are saying"a thousand years is symbolic" by ignorance,Peter Apostle previously warned to be not ignorant as you manifest yourself be. To speak of the Word of GOD -the Word is GOD - , first of all it is necessary to have the Spirit of GOD, understand? The natural man receives not the things of the Spirit of GOD, neither CAN HE KNOW THEM,because they are spiritually discerned.

    You said"one day could also be as a million years",but according to the Word of GOD what you said it is FAKE,a misleading interpretation contradicting what the Holy Spirit said by Peter Apostole- 2Peter 3:8, and also contradicting what Moses said in his pray to the Lord GOD- Psalm 90:4- ,saying:"a THOUSAND YEARS in thy sight are but as yesterday when it is past".Yeah, the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of GOD:neither can he know them,because they are spiritually discerned.

    Your thinking is from a human perspective,a stumblingblock, not from GOD's perspective.Your interpretation and misleading message is similar or even the same as Genesis 3:1,and is good for nothing,if not for it exclusively be burned with everlasting fire.

    The kingdoms of THIS CURRENT DEVIL' s WORLD are become the Kingdoms of our Lord, and of His Christ, - Revelation 11:15- , and the dragon, that old serpent,which is the Devil and Satan,he will be chained,and will be cast down,even in this current millennium,into the bottomless pit for a thousand years,that he should deceive the nations no more,till the thousand years should be fulfilled.

    I saw thrones,and Judgment was given unto them that were sat upon the thrones:I saw the souls of them that were beheaded for the witness of JESUS,and for the Word of GOD,and they will live and reign with Christ a THOUSAND YEARS.The rest of the dead will not live again until the thousand years be finished.And when the thousand years expire,Satan shall be loosed out of his prison,and shall go out to deceive the nations which are in the four quarters of the earth.
  • Oseas - In Reply - 1 year ago

    You said that my posts "seem to approach literally while you have another approach to the Bible", actually my posts/messages reflect a spiritual interpretation of the Holy Scriptures, in fact the Holy Spirit is my Preceptor, Tutor as you said, but it seems you do not discern what is spiritual, it's due to lack of the gift of discernment, thus you know only and only what is literal, like the killers of souls, the letter kills, only the Spirit gives life. The believers know that the Word is Spirit, the Word is GOD, self-executing.

    Having read the circumlocution of your replyes, or mere verbiage, I would say opinions is good for nothing, what matters and prevails is the Word of GOD, the Word is GOD, self-executing, understand? John1:1. Your thinking is from a human perspective, a stumblingblock, not from GOD's perspective. Your interpretations of the Word of GOD differ not of the interpreter of Genesis 3:1. The one who is from the earth belongs to the earth, and speaks as one from the earth, the one who comes from above is above all- John 3:31.

    Revelation 20:2-3 explains:

    The dragon will be laid hold, and bound/chained, and cast into the bottomless pit, he will be threw into the Abyss (in this current millennium), and he will be shut up, a seal will be set on/over him in this current millennium, seventh and last millennium, that he should deceive the nations no more.

    Be careful, or then get ready
  • Oseas - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hello Jesse

    It's a pleasure to hear from you,brother.

    As I quoted in my prior post,JESUS shewed unto His disciples His HANDS and His FEET- Luke 24:40.

    You think that "Scripture does not give us that", but remember that our GOD said to the Serpent-> GEnesis 3:13-15 combined with Job 13:27:

    13And the Lord GOD said unto the woman,What is this that thou hast done?And the woman said,The serpent beguiled me,and I did eat(i.e.the woman believed in the interpretation of the Word of GOD by the man of sin,son of perdition,called Serpent in Genesis.Today, i.e.in this time of Apocalypse,he is called red Dragon- Revelation 12).

    14And the Lord GOD said unto the serpent,Because thou hast done this, thou art cursed...and dust shalt thou eat all the days of thy life: (man was made of the dust",so once man fell deceived by the woman deceived by the man of sin,and still is until this current time, who is the son of perdition,in the beginning called Serpent.

    In fact,all mankind was made/produced into the belly of the Serpent, EXCEPT JESUS,of course,my oldest brother,the firstborn among many brethren- Romans 8:29.By the way, GOD has a lot and countless sons,but there are two who are lawful GOD's sons,not by adoption-JESUS and the Comfort,the Paraclete,the Ancient of days.

    15And I-GOD- will put enmity between thee and the woman(now the Church-the body of Christ-,and between thy seed(sons of Devil) and her seed(sons of GOD, true believers);it shall bruise thy head,and thou shalt bruise His heel.

    Remember,JESUS said- Luke 20:35-36:

    35 But they which shall be accounted worthy to obtain that world(the next world-the millennial GOD's Kingdom- Revelation 11:15-18),and the resurrection from the dead(dead? Colossians 3:3-7.Take a look), neither marry,nor are given in marriage:

    36 Neither can they die any more:for they are equal unto the angels; and are the children of God,being the children of the resurrection ( Colossians 3:3-7 combined with 1Thessalonians 4:17 and 1Corinthians 15:51-55).
  • Oseas - In Reply - 1 year ago

    Your thinking is from human perspective, a stumblingblock, not from GOD's perspective- Matthew 16:23-23.

    In Romans 5:9 Paul was speaking of the salvation of the wrath, NOT of the salvation of the tribulation. It seems you don't know to distinghish between WRATH and TRIBULATION. When Paul, author of Romans, returned to Lystra, and Iconium and Antioch- Acts 14:22-, he said to the believers to exhort the disciples to continue in the faith, because we must through much tribulation enter into the kingdom of GOD(as is written in Revelation 11:15-18 and 1 Cor.15:24-26).

    Furthermore, you repetidly say in your post the Father WRATHED against His Son, the Christ, the Messiah, what you are preaching will NEVER happended, GOD the Father NEVER wrathed against His Son, so what you wrote is devilish, in fact is satanic. As was revealed to Isaiah "Surely he -JESUS, the Messiah- hath borne our griefs and carried our sorrows, He was WOUNDED for our transgressions, He was bruised for our iniquities: the CHASTISEMENT WAS UPON HIM (NOT THE WRATH OF THE FATHER AS YOU IN MALIGN SENSE WROTE) and with His stripes we are healed. Yeah, GOD NEVER wrathed against His own Son. By the way, your evil post is a confirmation of what is written the Word of GOD: "he that is of the earth is earthly, and speaketh of the earth"- John 3:31:

    Your interpretation of Scriptures is not different of the man of sin, son of perdition- Genesis 3:1, but equal. GOD forbid us.

    Well, in fact "no man knoweth the Son, but the Father; neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal Him- Matthew 11:27. It's it.

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