I appreciate when others explain languages in Hebrew of Greek. Everything we do as Teachers gets closer scrutiny by the Lord. Not everyone is a scholar. I have 36 years of street ministry on my feet.
I think teachers and students should appreciate, not alienate. Try always to edify. If someone else is good with languages, I let them answer it later. Adios amigos .)
I thank God for this website. I also watch former Churches on YouTube, or ministers that I met in person and really like how they open the word. I stay on top of news events. I do not watch television networks at all. I visit with my elderly neighbors a few times a week. Today a disabled man who works at a dollar store, said how he needed coffee because his aunt & uncle are heavy coffee drinkers.
I'm going back tomorrow to give him my box of coffee. It hurts me to see others struggle alone. I really enjoy hours spent right here talking about the Bible. I don't come in here to make people feel worse if they're feeling dragged down or spread thin. Let us edify each other., ok. Thanks.
I believe it was a literal fruit and likely a fruit type that was native to that area. Apples, bananas, watermelon, etc. aren't native and are unlikely. Figs, dates, grapes, olives, pomegranates, for example, are native in my understanding, and seem more likely to have been the fruit tree. Of course the Garden of Eden was special and may have contained every fruit imaginable, but I just don't think it seems as likely Eve bit into a Washington-state grown Red Delicious Apple.
Did you know Thomas was also a twin? not clear to many that he was. It doesn't always lay down so clear. Have to take back to original languages sometimes. All depends on the writer and the message. Not all are given eyes to see. I plant a seed and only GOD can make it grow. It is plainly outlined what happened and it would take 2 pages. CHRIST said learn the parable of the fig tree, didn't ask HIS followers too, HE said learn it. You have good figs and bad who claim to be of Judah but are not but are the seed of Satan. physical fact and it started in the garden of Eve. If people don't understand the beginning how will they ever understand the end?
Need to get off Satan's playground =(google) and open the WORD of GOD before its too late. I always let GODS WORD speak for it self, don't use google never will! Everything I need I can get from WORD of GOD. Sounds like you are in a den of evil spirits from watching too much youtube? Flee from it before it consumes you and lost forever. It is written that those who teach truth will be ridiculed and mocked especially in these end times, soon very soon America will try to call the Bible hate speech, just as happening in other so called Christian nations. Some sites cant even post scripture for the WORD of GOD being called hate speech. People there is one coming that tempted the WORD in the flesh HIMSELF and if you don't study with understanding you don't stand a chance, get out of confusion time is short!!
I recommend creationist scientific research publications. Creationist researchers tend to expose the flaws in secular scientists' methods that give them erroneous results.
They carbon dated the bones. New ones and those in museums. They dated rocks. Recently the carbon dated bones from an animal, tiny compared to dinosaurs. They lived much longer in comparison.
Those are the CONIES that the Bible mentions. Because of where they were found, the conies lived underground. They survived and got water from roots of plants.
It's a big deal for scientists and archaeologists to agree on something. Why did God mention the Conies?
There's a whole harvest of atheists out there who need to hear that news. That and the fact that space study satellites have sent back photos of all 9 planets and some of the moons. They saw/see DRY LAKE BEDS. All planets HAD water at some time.
This is verifiable. Just got to do a lot of fancy googling to find these records. What happened to the water? Ask God. He's a master builder and only He has the plans.
I'd get saved (born again) so I could listen to the advent and demise of certain events.
Scientists are carbon dating all kinds of things. To hear them agree on anything is mind boggling. Then you leap with joy. Our God is AWESOME. He did this. He chose now to reveal it.
There's the usual atheist explanations and then you find the ones from the scientists that examine data that is VISUAL!!! Some lie, and some are telling the truth.
Doesn't that sound like "the voice of one crying out in the wilderness of unbelief?? (Reference to John the Baptist)
Let's get off our ergonomic chairs and read of these accounts. Some programs are on PBS. I feel sorry for Stephen Hawkins. I think he wanted to find God, but his body gave out. The community of scientists LIVE OFF grant money. It's hard for them. Someone pray for them to be confronted with indisputable evidence.
Go find those videos. You'll be blessed and energized. The stories are recent. God has me reading on stuff I'm not particularly interested in. Ask PBS to rerun those videos.
I do not believe Cain's physical father was Satan while Abel's physical father was Adam, with Eve giving birth to both sons at the same time because she supposedly had sex with both fathers at the same time. That whole idea is preposterous and borders on the demonic.
THE TRUTH AND THE LIES__Streetpreacher - In Reply on Genesis 3 - 2 years ago
Glistening is not in the Bible. I checked. Jesus on the Mount of Transfiguration, was described as
Your claim of Cain and Abel being twins is not recorded as one birth, two kids. It is 2 separate births.
Eve gave birth to Cain, Abel, Seth, and many others.
She did not have a child with Satan/serpent. Satan had no body. God put him into a serpent before Eden. Human body parts don't match with serpent parts.
EPHESIANS 6, says that Satan and demons are invisible. They can get inside of sinful willing humans. Jesus cast a herd of pigs possessed with demons over a cliff. The Bible clearly says the man among the tombs had a legion of demons inside of him. They're real.
They get inside of animals and living things. If the HOST dies, they have to find another body or remain invisible.
Christians have the Armor of God to fight against THE INVISIBLE evil spirits.
Have you ever Googled the Church of Satan? They get together and do evil stuff and pray for PORTALS to the dark world to be opened do more evil spirits can do evil to mankind, make people sin and Harden Their Hearts against God; mock Jesus.
My Aunt was into spiritism: she read Tarot, Did spells, pushed aliens from space, crystals, talismans, the whole show. She hooked up with a guy who was into the same stuff, but he was a HOST for wicked spirits. I made both of them furious when she tried to make my mom believe in their craft.
This is true. That night in bed on my stomach almost asleep; something invisible grabbed my forehead and chin and tried to break my neck. I was pleading the Blood of Jesus with every cell.
Something pulled it off of me. I looked and didn't see anything. Then I hear through the open window a violent fight, loud body blows (angels). Next morning my aunt and friend were gone, real early. My mom said she didn't believe in the Roswell incident book. Wicked human spirits
ITS NOT HOLLYWOOD_ITS THE END OF SIN FOREVER-Streetpreacher - In Reply on Genesis 3 - 2 years ago
In Genesis when God had finished creating, He said it was GOOD. All the trees were good for food.
Only one was forbidden to eat of it. Tree of Life.
So they disobeyed and ate of the Tree of the knowledge of GOOD AND EVIL. All of a sudden they notice they have no covering. They used fig leaves because they were there.
They were covered by purity until they sinned.
God confronted them. They confessed. God performed the first sacrifice of an animal and made them clothes.
The Tree of Life was immediately guarded by an Angel with a flaming sword. If they had eaten of that tree they would live eternally in sin without forgiveness.
One of Jesus's names is Tree of Life.
No archaeologists have been able to find where the garden of Eden was. Revelation shoes us that The Tree of Life was moved. Revelation 22:2
Also, the Ark of the Covenant is in heaven. Revelation 11:19. I believe when the Antichrist arrives at Armageddon to fight against Jesus and his army of the saints of God, on white horses: the Ark of the Testament will slay Antichrist's army. Antichrist's doom is to be thrown into hell, with the False Prophet and the Beast.
I prayed over that event. The Bride of Christ (the saints of God) aren't going to hack through a million man army, and fill the battlefield up to the horses bridles. We see violence on tv and don't even blink. True?
The Ark will slay Jesus's enemies. I believe we will be over the top with joy and victory at the end. To see our Beloved's Victory over Satan
I think "The Church" has been, for a few decades; lukewarm, deaf to Jesus's command to GO YE. Evangelize the lost and those that are blind and deaf that there is GOOD NEWS; if they will repent and grab onto Jesus. He is the Ark. Like Noah did, we gotta preach, Listen!! This is all going to BURN. Wall to wall fire. 2 PETER 3:9-11
God wrote it. He's going to do it. One asteroid caused total extinction on earth: killed all the dinosaurs.
Genesis 4:1, Genesis 4:2, Seems to clearly state these are seperate births. Twins are also seemingly clearly described within the Bible Genesis 25:22-26, Esau & Jacob being fraternal twins, Genesis 38:27, Pharez & Zarah.
The fruit was of the "tree of the knowledge of good & evil"
Genesis 2:9 " And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food, the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil"
Genesis 2:15-17, Genesis 3:22
It is symbolic, spiritual & seemingly literal. If it were an apple tree, or fig I believe it would have said. See Matthew 21:19, Genesis 1:11,
Knowledge of good and evil, yet GOD's Word says the things of evil, we shouldn't learn. Genesis 6:5, Genesis 48:16, Exodus 32:2, Numbers 13 -14, Deuteronomy 1:39, (in context Deuteronomy 1:20-40 ) Hebrews 10:22, James 1:13-27,
Long subject but will try to condense as much as possible: It is sad to this day churches teach little kids that eating an apple caused sin when the word apple is not even in the whole of Genesis. Heb-ets=fruit trees was commanded by GOD good to eat.
Gen 3:3 Hebrew =(fruit) Noun masculine=this particular instance it leads to the seed of Satan; 2 Corinthians 11:3 beguile translated-wholly seduced. Hebrew verb: (touch) = ; is a primitive root meaning to lie with a woman; fruit of the womb is the impregnation of the seed Gen 3:6 Serpent was, is most beautiful of all GODS creations that Eve nor even Adam could resist. Serpent ( Rev 12:9) more subtle than all GODS creation, which HE made the full package of beauty, might and cunningness; Eze 28:13 He was called the glistening 1 because of his shining glory. He was wise and cunning and led Eve down a dark past where the tares would be planted in the world; having twins Cain and Abel 1 bad and 1 good. Gen 4:2 (again) =Heb. yasaph = continue, she continued in labor; Cain and Abel were fraternal twins by 2 different fathers Satan and Adam both coming to the age of accountability at same time Heb 11:4. Joh 8:44 Matthew 13:27-29. Genesis 3:10 They only knew they were naked after the act of seduction; only then did they realize their private parts and felt ashamed. They didn't use leaves to cover their mouths but their privates, fig leaves at that, which leads us to learn the parable of the fig tree, Gen 3:7; Enemy of GOD sewed the seed, Satan's seed, Rev 12:9. Genesis 3:15 1st prophecy of the bible where the sons of Satan bruised CHRIST heels on the cross but CHRIST will bruise his head. Between Satan seed (tares/Kennites=sons of Cain) and the man Adams seed where the fallen angels left their 1st habitation to seduce the daughters of eth haw adam in a second attempt to corrupt the seed line from which CHRIST from umbilical cord to umbilical cord would come..
Streetpreacher on the plan of the GODHEAD - In Reply - 2 years ago
Read all of 2 Peter 3. When Adam and Eve ate the fruit, soon after they were driven out of the garden of Eden. It was protected with a flaming sword.
The Godhead (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) immediately set in motion the plan to retrieve the authority that Adam lost to Satan. Satan was never human. He was created by God. Only mankind is human. Earth was created for humans.
In Abraham obeying God, when he was to sacrifice Isaac on an altar, God was showing how painful it is to lose a son. He stopped the sacrifice and provided a lamb for the sacrifice. Jesus would someday be the Lamb of God.
In Luke 1:26,35 Mary is told by Gabriel that she's going to have a baby that would be the Son of the Highest, the Son of God. Jesus's powers were set aside to be born as a Human.
Jesus lived 30 years without spot or wrinkle; the sinless Lamb of God. In Luke 4:18, Jesus reads from the Torah, Isaiah 61:18-21. At that moment he was anointed by God for ministry. He received his power he had set aside. The people rejected him. Jesus set out to find His disciples.
When He went to the Cross, Satan still had not figured out the Godhead's plan in progress. He was happy When Jesus was nailed to the Cross. When Jesus was entombed Satan thought that was the end of that. He forgot all about that confrontation he had with Jesus when Jesus fasted 40 days.
Third day, Jesus was resurrected. He led over 500 resurrected saints from Satan's prison; with the keys in his hands. He had all power, all authority. Many saw Jesus. I'll stop here to show you this:
Jesus stumped on Satan's neck as prophesied in Genesis 3:15. Jesus restored Power and Authority to His Disciples and all those who would become His Believers
On Pentecost, The Holy Spirit came to the Upper Room to indwell the Disciples and Believers that were waiting as Jesus told them to.
Jesus's Believers today have received the same anointing, power and authority. Authority to defeat Satan!
"the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:" Genesis 3:22
God forbid them to eat from the tree of life.
Adam and Eve died a "spiritual death" in the day they ate the forbidden fruit;
and Adam did not experience "physical death" until he was around a thousand years old.
Most Christians throughout the centuries have thought that Cain married a sister, niece, or close relative. others think that Genesis 1:26-27 indicates that God created humankind and then created Adam and Eve as a special creation in Genesis 2. At this point in history, we really do not know. If science investigations can find better concrete evidence of either viewpoint, then perhaps we will know more.
Knowing for sure about this does not affect my salvation as the lineage of Adam and Eve are the only ones (Noah and family) who survived the flood and all people alive today are descended from Noah and his wife, his sons and daughter in laws. Jesus, the promised Seed in Genesis 3:15 descended from Adam and Ever through Noah, Shem, Heber, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Judah.
A number of times during His earthly ministry, Jesus responded to questions with, "It is written" (7 times in Matthew, 4 times in Mark, 5 times in Luke, 1 time in John). In the Bible, we also read of many time when Jesus quoted the truths of God from the Hebrew Scriptures.
Satan doesn't dispute whether it was written or not. He tries to redefine the word of God.
as seen here.
Genesis 3:4-5. and
Matthew 4:3-7, 10.
Notice every rebuke came from Jesus was by the written scripture.
3) And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread.
4) But he answered and said, IT IS WRITTEN, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. ( Deuteronomy 8:3.)
5) Then the devil taketh him up into the holy city, and setteth him on a pinnacle of the temple,
6) And saith unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone. ( Psalms 91:11-12.)
7) Jesus said unto him, IT IS WRITTEN again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.
( Deuteronomy 6:16.)
10) Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for IT IS WRITTEN, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. ( Deuteronomy 6:13. Deuteronomy 10:20.)
it's interesting The Lord and Satan goes back and forward over what is written.
They both took the scripture literally! The issue is how to apply it.
With Eve the Devil tactic was to misinform.
With the Lord the Devil tried to misapply scripture.
When the enemy can't remove the scripture he set tares amongst us to distort the ministry in every way possible.
The notion that there is no Hell and there is no Satan comes from the same Evil source that told Eve she shall not surely die.
NO. The woman makes a similar confession and a similar indication of the source of her temptation. She has now found out that the serpent "beguiled her." The result has not corresponded to the benefit she was led to anticipate.
There seems not to be any disingenuousness in either case. Sin does not take full possession of the will all at once. It is a slow poison. It has a growth. It requires time and frequent repetition to sink from a state of purity into a habit of inveterate sin. While it is insensibly gathering strength and subjugating the will, the original integrity of the moral nature manifests a long but fading vitality. The same line of things does not always occupy the attention. When the chain of events linked with the act of sin does not force the attention of the mind, and constrain the will to act a selfish part, another train of things comes before the mind, finds the will unaffected by personal considerations, and therefore ready to take its direction from the reason. Hence, the consciousness of a fallen soul has its lucid intervals, in which the conscience gives a verdict and guides the will. But these intervals become less frequent and less decisive as the entanglements of ever-multiplying sinful acts wind round the soul and aggravate its bondage and its blindness.
Yes, it is wrong for women and young women to wear clothing that reveals too much skin. Woman are to honor God by their actions and dress.
Genesis 3:21, "Unto Adam also and to his wife did the LORD God make coats of skins, and clothed them."
The word, "coats," as mentioned in Genesis 3:21 comes from the Hebrew word from the Bible Concordance:
kthneth, keth-o'-neth; or kuttneth; from an unused root meaning to cover (compare H3802); a shirt:-coat, garment, robe.
H3802 comes from the Hebrew word kthph, kaw-thafe'; from an unused root meaning to clothe; the shoulder (proper, i.e. upper end of the arm; as being the spot where the garments hang); figuratively, side-piece or lateral projection of anything:-arm, corner, shoulder(-piece), side, undersetter.
"And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become AS ONE OF US, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:"
I think the above "as one of us" gives you an answer.
It would apply the same today. Where it says it is a shame for women to speak in the church, it doesn't mean that she can't talk. There was something taking place in the church back then that prompted Paul to write this.
Up to this point in 1 Corinthians, we were given the procedure for the proper order in the church. From Verse 34 on, we see the principles for authority. There are seven commands that are given. The first command is in Verse 34 that says let your women keep silence in the churches. That's a command.
The word woman in scripture is also the word for wife, which meets the criteria for here. Let your women, (or wives), keep silence in the churches: Please understand that back then when they gathered together, they had men on one side of the church, and the women on the other. Men could not sit with women, and women could not sit with men.
The problem was that you would have somebody teaching, and somebody's wife is over on the other side of the church calling out to her husband across the room, and they were talking across the room and being disruptive. So Paul she's not permitted to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law.
That's back in Genesis 3:16 under the woman. Remember after they sinned, God said I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception. In sorrow you shall bring forth children and your desire shall be to your husband, and he shall rule over thee.
Second command is in Verse 35. "And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church." Notice it does not say "teach." That's covered elsewhere. So the woman was to remain silent. If she didn't understand what was being taught, she was to ask her husband at home what it meant. Also, keep in mind that the husband was responsibility to take what was being taught, and he had the responsibility to make sure that his family at home understood the teaching.
WHAT HAPPENED IN GENESIS 3 verse 15 - In Reply - 2 years ago
GENESIS 3:15 is being used by satanic cults to publish all over, that Eve had sex with Satan, and that Cain was Satans offspring.
You can Google it. "Is Lucifer Cains father"
All of the CULTS that are teaching this abomination will pop up.
If you actually believe THAT is the truth, you're salvation is false, and you are not saved. But you can be saved__if you renounce what you heard and believed.
Eves 3rd child was Seth. Through his bloodline, the Savior of the World would be born__JESUS.
Jesus is WHO IN Genesis 3:15, would stump Satans Head and rip away any authority Satan HAD stolen from Adam and Eve.
Adam and Eve never cheated on each other. God protect all of their seed (children).
ALSO, scripture says that LUCIFER/SATAN IS A CREATED BEING. Isaiah 14. He is unable to create children.
He is an EX-archangel. His future will be lived in hell, and then the Lake of Fire permanently.
His big weapon is DECEPTION.
He's not a god. If he was he would have prevented Jesus dying on the Cross for the sins of all mankind. When Jesus was resurrected, and walked out of the Tomb,
Every demon and Satan knew their end would be the Lske of Fire.
THE LINK OUT ON THE RED entry page of this website will help you to become a Believer in the TRUTH.
You've heard the Truth; now it's up to you to choose.
I think teachers and students should appreciate, not alienate. Try always to edify. If someone else is good with languages, I let them answer it later. Adios amigos .)
I'm going back tomorrow to give him my box of coffee. It hurts me to see others struggle alone. I really enjoy hours spent right here talking about the Bible. I don't come in here to make people feel worse if they're feeling dragged down or spread thin. Let us edify each other., ok. Thanks.
I believe it was a literal fruit and likely a fruit type that was native to that area. Apples, bananas, watermelon, etc. aren't native and are unlikely. Figs, dates, grapes, olives, pomegranates, for example, are native in my understanding, and seem more likely to have been the fruit tree. Of course the Garden of Eden was special and may have contained every fruit imaginable, but I just don't think it seems as likely Eve bit into a Washington-state grown Red Delicious Apple.
I recommend creationist scientific research publications. Creationist researchers tend to expose the flaws in secular scientists' methods that give them erroneous results.
Those are the CONIES that the Bible mentions. Because of where they were found, the conies lived underground. They survived and got water from roots of plants.
It's a big deal for scientists and archaeologists to agree on something. Why did God mention the Conies?
There's a whole harvest of atheists out there who need to hear that news. That and the fact that space study satellites have sent back photos of all 9 planets and some of the moons. They saw/see DRY LAKE BEDS. All planets HAD water at some time.
This is verifiable. Just got to do a lot of fancy googling to find these records. What happened to the water? Ask God. He's a master builder and only He has the plans.
I'd get saved (born again) so I could listen to the advent and demise of certain events.
Scientists are carbon dating all kinds of things. To hear them agree on anything is mind boggling. Then you leap with joy. Our God is AWESOME. He did this. He chose now to reveal it.
There's the usual atheist explanations and then you find the ones from the scientists that examine data that is VISUAL!!! Some lie, and some are telling the truth.
Doesn't that sound like "the voice of one crying out in the wilderness of unbelief?? (Reference to John the Baptist)
Let's get off our ergonomic chairs and read of these accounts. Some programs are on PBS. I feel sorry for Stephen Hawkins. I think he wanted to find God, but his body gave out. The community of scientists LIVE OFF grant money. It's hard for them. Someone pray for them to be confronted with indisputable evidence.
Go find those videos. You'll be blessed and energized. The stories are recent. God has me reading on stuff I'm not particularly interested in. Ask PBS to rerun those videos.
Dinosaurs were not killed by an asteroid impact. That theory is scientifically silly.
Your claim of Cain and Abel being twins is not recorded as one birth, two kids. It is 2 separate births.
Eve gave birth to Cain, Abel, Seth, and many others.
She did not have a child with Satan/serpent. Satan had no body. God put him into a serpent before Eden. Human body parts don't match with serpent parts.
EPHESIANS 6, says that Satan and demons are invisible. They can get inside of sinful willing humans. Jesus cast a herd of pigs possessed with demons over a cliff. The Bible clearly says the man among the tombs had a legion of demons inside of him. They're real.
They get inside of animals and living things. If the HOST dies, they have to find another body or remain invisible.
Christians have the Armor of God to fight against THE INVISIBLE evil spirits.
Have you ever Googled the Church of Satan? They get together and do evil stuff and pray for PORTALS to the dark world to be opened do more evil spirits can do evil to mankind, make people sin and Harden Their Hearts against God; mock Jesus.
My Aunt was into spiritism: she read Tarot, Did spells, pushed aliens from space, crystals, talismans, the whole show. She hooked up with a guy who was into the same stuff, but he was a HOST for wicked spirits. I made both of them furious when she tried to make my mom believe in their craft.
This is true. That night in bed on my stomach almost asleep; something invisible grabbed my forehead and chin and tried to break my neck. I was pleading the Blood of Jesus with every cell.
Something pulled it off of me. I looked and didn't see anything. Then I hear through the open window a violent fight, loud body blows (angels). Next morning my aunt and friend were gone, real early. My mom said she didn't believe in the Roswell incident book. Wicked human spirits
get inside of willing people.
Don't teach heresy.
Only one was forbidden to eat of it. Tree of Life.
So they disobeyed and ate of the Tree of the knowledge of GOOD AND EVIL. All of a sudden they notice they have no covering. They used fig leaves because they were there.
They were covered by purity until they sinned.
God confronted them. They confessed. God performed the first sacrifice of an animal and made them clothes.
The Tree of Life was immediately guarded by an Angel with a flaming sword. If they had eaten of that tree they would live eternally in sin without forgiveness.
One of Jesus's names is Tree of Life.
No archaeologists have been able to find where the garden of Eden was. Revelation shoes us that The Tree of Life was moved. Revelation 22:2
Also, the Ark of the Covenant is in heaven. Revelation 11:19. I believe when the Antichrist arrives at Armageddon to fight against Jesus and his army of the saints of God, on white horses: the Ark of the Testament will slay Antichrist's army. Antichrist's doom is to be thrown into hell, with the False Prophet and the Beast.
I prayed over that event. The Bride of Christ (the saints of God) aren't going to hack through a million man army, and fill the battlefield up to the horses bridles. We see violence on tv and don't even blink. True?
The Ark will slay Jesus's enemies. I believe we will be over the top with joy and victory at the end. To see our Beloved's Victory over Satan
I think "The Church" has been, for a few decades; lukewarm, deaf to Jesus's command to GO YE. Evangelize the lost and those that are blind and deaf that there is GOOD NEWS; if they will repent and grab onto Jesus. He is the Ark. Like Noah did, we gotta preach, Listen!! This is all going to BURN. Wall to wall fire. 2 PETER 3:9-11
God wrote it. He's going to do it. One asteroid caused total extinction on earth: killed all the dinosaurs.
Genesis 4:1, Genesis 4:2, Seems to clearly state these are seperate births. Twins are also seemingly clearly described within the Bible Genesis 25:22-26, Esau & Jacob being fraternal twins, Genesis 38:27, Pharez & Zarah.
We need to be careful not to add to scripture.
The fruit was of the "tree of the knowledge of good & evil"
Genesis 2:9 " And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food, the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil"
Genesis 2:15-17, Genesis 3:22
It is symbolic, spiritual & seemingly literal. If it were an apple tree, or fig I believe it would have said. See Matthew 21:19, Genesis 1:11,
Knowledge of good and evil, yet GOD's Word says the things of evil, we shouldn't learn. Genesis 6:5, Genesis 48:16, Exodus 32:2, Numbers 13 -14, Deuteronomy 1:39, (in context Deuteronomy 1:20-40 ) Hebrews 10:22, James 1:13-27,
Romans 16:19-20
James 1:5,
Hopefully these are all helpful
Gen 3:3 Hebrew =(fruit) Noun masculine=this particular instance it leads to the seed of Satan; 2 Corinthians 11:3 beguile translated-wholly seduced. Hebrew verb: (touch) = ; is a primitive root meaning to lie with a woman; fruit of the womb is the impregnation of the seed Gen 3:6 Serpent was, is most beautiful of all GODS creations that Eve nor even Adam could resist. Serpent ( Rev 12:9) more subtle than all GODS creation, which HE made the full package of beauty, might and cunningness; Eze 28:13 He was called the glistening 1 because of his shining glory. He was wise and cunning and led Eve down a dark past where the tares would be planted in the world; having twins Cain and Abel 1 bad and 1 good. Gen 4:2 (again) =Heb. yasaph = continue, she continued in labor; Cain and Abel were fraternal twins by 2 different fathers Satan and Adam both coming to the age of accountability at same time Heb 11:4. Joh 8:44 Matthew 13:27-29. Genesis 3:10 They only knew they were naked after the act of seduction; only then did they realize their private parts and felt ashamed. They didn't use leaves to cover their mouths but their privates, fig leaves at that, which leads us to learn the parable of the fig tree, Gen 3:7; Enemy of GOD sewed the seed, Satan's seed, Rev 12:9. Genesis 3:15 1st prophecy of the bible where the sons of Satan bruised CHRIST heels on the cross but CHRIST will bruise his head. Between Satan seed (tares/Kennites=sons of Cain) and the man Adams seed where the fallen angels left their 1st habitation to seduce the daughters of eth haw adam in a second attempt to corrupt the seed line from which CHRIST from umbilical cord to umbilical cord would come..
word fruit?
The Godhead (Father, Son, Holy Spirit) immediately set in motion the plan to retrieve the authority that Adam lost to Satan. Satan was never human. He was created by God. Only mankind is human. Earth was created for humans.
In Abraham obeying God, when he was to sacrifice Isaac on an altar, God was showing how painful it is to lose a son. He stopped the sacrifice and provided a lamb for the sacrifice. Jesus would someday be the Lamb of God.
In Luke 1:26,35 Mary is told by Gabriel that she's going to have a baby that would be the Son of the Highest, the Son of God. Jesus's powers were set aside to be born as a Human.
Jesus lived 30 years without spot or wrinkle; the sinless Lamb of God. In Luke 4:18, Jesus reads from the Torah, Isaiah 61:18-21. At that moment he was anointed by God for ministry. He received his power he had set aside. The people rejected him. Jesus set out to find His disciples.
When He went to the Cross, Satan still had not figured out the Godhead's plan in progress. He was happy When Jesus was nailed to the Cross. When Jesus was entombed Satan thought that was the end of that. He forgot all about that confrontation he had with Jesus when Jesus fasted 40 days.
Third day, Jesus was resurrected. He led over 500 resurrected saints from Satan's prison; with the keys in his hands. He had all power, all authority. Many saw Jesus. I'll stop here to show you this:
Jesus stumped on Satan's neck as prophesied in Genesis 3:15. Jesus restored Power and Authority to His Disciples and all those who would become His Believers
On Pentecost, The Holy Spirit came to the Upper Room to indwell the Disciples and Believers that were waiting as Jesus told them to.
Jesus's Believers today have received the same anointing, power and authority. Authority to defeat Satan!
Grow the Church.
"the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become as one of us, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:" Genesis 3:22
God forbid them to eat from the tree of life.
Adam and Eve died a "spiritual death" in the day they ate the forbidden fruit;
and Adam did not experience "physical death" until he was around a thousand years old.
God is LOVE; but how do you know what love is, without knowing what hate is?
God is LIGHT; but how do you know light, is without knowing what darkness is?
God is LIFE; but how do you know what life, is without knowing what death is?
God is TRUTH; but how do you know what truth, is without knowing what deception is?
God is WISDOM; but how do you know what wisdom, is without knowing what ignorance is?
The tree of KNOWLEDGE of GOOD and EVIL, are in the same TREE, when we eat the FRUIT we HAVE KNOWLEDGE of GOOD and EVIL.
Genesis 3:22 And the Lord God said, Behold they have become like ONE OF US (Gods) to KNOW GOOD and EVIL.
Psalms 82:6 I have said, Ye are gods, the children of the most high.
Romans 8:29 For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate, to be conformed to the image of his Son (God) ....
Philippians 2:5 Let this mind BE IN YOU, which was also in Christ Jesus:
Philippians 2:5 Who being in the form of God thought it not robbery to be EQUAL with GOD.
Isaiah 66:9 Shall I not bring TO BIRTH, and not cause to bring forth? ......
Isaiah 66:8 ....for as soon a Zion travailed, she brought forth her children (gods: in the AGE TO COME).
God Bless YOU!
Most Christians throughout the centuries have thought that Cain married a sister, niece, or close relative. others think that Genesis 1:26-27 indicates that God created humankind and then created Adam and Eve as a special creation in Genesis 2. At this point in history, we really do not know. If science investigations can find better concrete evidence of either viewpoint, then perhaps we will know more.
Knowing for sure about this does not affect my salvation as the lineage of Adam and Eve are the only ones (Noah and family) who survived the flood and all people alive today are descended from Noah and his wife, his sons and daughter in laws. Jesus, the promised Seed in Genesis 3:15 descended from Adam and Ever through Noah, Shem, Heber, Abraham, Isaac, Jacob and Judah.
A number of times during His earthly ministry, Jesus responded to questions with, "It is written" (7 times in Matthew, 4 times in Mark, 5 times in Luke, 1 time in John). In the Bible, we also read of many time when Jesus quoted the truths of God from the Hebrew Scriptures.
Satan doesn't dispute whether it was written or not. He tries to redefine the word of God.
as seen here.
Genesis 3:4-5. and
Matthew 4:3-7, 10.
Notice every rebuke came from Jesus was by the written scripture.
3) And when the tempter came to him, he said, If thou be the Son of God, command that these stones be made bread.
4) But he answered and said, IT IS WRITTEN, Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God. ( Deuteronomy 8:3.)
5) Then the devil taketh him up into the holy city, and setteth him on a pinnacle of the temple,
6) And saith unto him, If thou be the Son of God, cast thyself down: for it is written, He shall give his angels charge concerning thee: and in their hands they shall bear thee up, lest at any time thou dash thy foot against a stone. ( Psalms 91:11-12.)
7) Jesus said unto him, IT IS WRITTEN again, Thou shalt not tempt the Lord thy God.
( Deuteronomy 6:16.)
10) Then saith Jesus unto him, Get thee hence, Satan: for IT IS WRITTEN, Thou shalt worship the Lord thy God, and him only shalt thou serve. ( Deuteronomy 6:13. Deuteronomy 10:20.)
it's interesting The Lord and Satan goes back and forward over what is written.
They both took the scripture literally! The issue is how to apply it.
With Eve the Devil tactic was to misinform.
With the Lord the Devil tried to misapply scripture.
When the enemy can't remove the scripture he set tares amongst us to distort the ministry in every way possible.
The notion that there is no Hell and there is no Satan comes from the same Evil source that told Eve she shall not surely die.
God bless.
NO. The woman makes a similar confession and a similar indication of the source of her temptation. She has now found out that the serpent "beguiled her." The result has not corresponded to the benefit she was led to anticipate.
There seems not to be any disingenuousness in either case. Sin does not take full possession of the will all at once. It is a slow poison. It has a growth. It requires time and frequent repetition to sink from a state of purity into a habit of inveterate sin. While it is insensibly gathering strength and subjugating the will, the original integrity of the moral nature manifests a long but fading vitality. The same line of things does not always occupy the attention. When the chain of events linked with the act of sin does not force the attention of the mind, and constrain the will to act a selfish part, another train of things comes before the mind, finds the will unaffected by personal considerations, and therefore ready to take its direction from the reason. Hence, the consciousness of a fallen soul has its lucid intervals, in which the conscience gives a verdict and guides the will. But these intervals become less frequent and less decisive as the entanglements of ever-multiplying sinful acts wind round the soul and aggravate its bondage and its blindness.
M. It doesn't say Gila monster. It says serpent.
Genesis 3:21, "Unto Adam also and to his wife did the LORD God make coats of skins, and clothed them."
The word, "coats," as mentioned in Genesis 3:21 comes from the Hebrew word from the Bible Concordance:
kthneth, keth-o'-neth; or kuttneth; from an unused root meaning to cover (compare H3802); a shirt:-coat, garment, robe.
H3802 comes from the Hebrew word kthph, kaw-thafe'; from an unused root meaning to clothe; the shoulder (proper, i.e. upper end of the arm; as being the spot where the garments hang); figuratively, side-piece or lateral projection of anything:-arm, corner, shoulder(-piece), side, undersetter.
Outline of Biblical Usage per Blue letter Bible:
tunic, under-garment,
a long shirt-like garment usually of linen
"And the LORD God said, Behold, the man is become AS ONE OF US, to know good and evil: and now, lest he put forth his hand, and take also of the tree of life, and eat, and live for ever:"
I think the above "as one of us" gives you an answer.
It would apply the same today. Where it says it is a shame for women to speak in the church, it doesn't mean that she can't talk. There was something taking place in the church back then that prompted Paul to write this.
Up to this point in 1 Corinthians, we were given the procedure for the proper order in the church. From Verse 34 on, we see the principles for authority. There are seven commands that are given. The first command is in Verse 34 that says let your women keep silence in the churches. That's a command.
The word woman in scripture is also the word for wife, which meets the criteria for here. Let your women, (or wives), keep silence in the churches: Please understand that back then when they gathered together, they had men on one side of the church, and the women on the other. Men could not sit with women, and women could not sit with men.
The problem was that you would have somebody teaching, and somebody's wife is over on the other side of the church calling out to her husband across the room, and they were talking across the room and being disruptive. So Paul she's not permitted to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law.
That's back in Genesis 3:16 under the woman. Remember after they sinned, God said I will greatly multiply your sorrow and your conception. In sorrow you shall bring forth children and your desire shall be to your husband, and he shall rule over thee.
Second command is in Verse 35. "And if they will learn any thing, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church." Notice it does not say "teach." That's covered elsewhere. So the woman was to remain silent. If she didn't understand what was being taught, she was to ask her husband at home what it meant. Also, keep in mind that the husband was responsibility to take what was being taught, and he had the responsibility to make sure that his family at home understood the teaching.
Matthew 10:34, Romans 8:38-39, Ecclesiastes 3:1-11,
Genesis 3:24, 1Chronicles 21, 1Chronicles 24:16, Exodus 32:27, read in context Exodus 32, Leviticus 26, Numbers 22, Deuteronomy 13:15, Deuteronomy 20:13, Deuteronomy 32, Jeremiah 50:35-37, Amos 1:11, Amos 9:4-15,
Joshua 5:10-15 continues Joshua 6,
1Samuel 15,
2Kings 6, note 2Kings 6:22, 2Chronicles 23:21, Nehemiah 4, Esther 9, Jeremiah 43:11, Hosea 2:18, Micah 4:3,
Hope these encourage
You can Google it. "Is Lucifer Cains father"
All of the CULTS that are teaching this abomination will pop up.
If you actually believe THAT is the truth, you're salvation is false, and you are not saved. But you can be saved__if you renounce what you heard and believed.
Eves 3rd child was Seth. Through his bloodline, the Savior of the World would be born__JESUS.
Jesus is WHO IN Genesis 3:15, would stump Satans Head and rip away any authority Satan HAD stolen from Adam and Eve.
Adam and Eve never cheated on each other. God protect all of their seed (children).
ALSO, scripture says that LUCIFER/SATAN IS A CREATED BEING. Isaiah 14. He is unable to create children.
He is an EX-archangel. His future will be lived in hell, and then the Lake of Fire permanently.
His big weapon is DECEPTION.
He's not a god. If he was he would have prevented Jesus dying on the Cross for the sins of all mankind. When Jesus was resurrected, and walked out of the Tomb,
Every demon and Satan knew their end would be the Lske of Fire.
THE LINK OUT ON THE RED entry page of this website will help you to become a Believer in the TRUTH.
You've heard the Truth; now it's up to you to choose.