Discuss Genesis 3 Page 9

  • WE Have Power and Authority__NOT SATAN or Evil - In Reply - 3 years ago

    We can't post links in the room. Just type this in Google but put a . Where you see DOT spelled out

    then skip to where it says "healing confessions" and click on that.

    If you press down on it, the icon of a box with an arrow pointing up may appear; you can save this pdf file to your Google desktop, which makes it easier to get to when you want to confess out loud over yourself or relatives too; anybody.

    My friend Charles Capps, who is deceased now; compiled these healing messages for anybody to share.

    My faith just launched when I heard his teaching on YouTube about, Authority of the Believer. Find that video and take lotsa notes.

    Satan stole Adams authority in the Garden, when Adam and Eve ate the fruit. God already had a plan in place to get it back: Genesis 3:15

    15 And I will put enmity between thee and the woman, and between thy seed and her seed;

    IT shall bruise thy head, and thou shalt bruise HIS heel.

    [the word IT refers to Jesus in the future on the Cross. Jesus died for our sins on the Cross. He bruised satans head (power and authority to use it), and Jesus WON BACK The Authority for His Church. We have legal power and authority to destroy satans attacks and sicknessesas in COVID, and all VARIANTS of Covid. You're going to have to fight satans illegal attempts to convince you Jesus's Name and delegated AUTHORITY, is not enough.

    That is where THE HEALING CONFESSIONS help us to keep our FAITH STRONG, as we keep our eyes on Jesus.

    A little dot of oil on your head, and ask the Holy Spirit to ANOINT you for battle. Ephesians 6.

    "Infirmity, Spirit of Lies, Pestilence and Destroyer.

    You bind their illegal work and cast them into outer darkness forever to wander, IN JESUS NAME.

    Ask the Holy Spirit to Help you and give you the names. Write them down.

    In the same way pray for others who are sick, afraid, frightened or depressed.

    Satan and evil spirits are NOT HUMAN. They have no authority! Stand on that and get rowdy
  • SquareHimself - 3 years ago
    The Bible does not teach eternal conscious torment. The consistent testimony of scripture is that "the wages of sin is death," and not eternal life. Romans 6:23; Genesis 2:17; Ezekiel 18:30-32; 1 John 5:12. It was the devil who first taught that one could sin and still have eternal life. Genesis 3:4. Jesus came to save us from perishing, and to give us eternal life, not to save us from living forever. John 3:16.

    Hellfire is something that takes place at the end of this world, and not at death. John 5:28,29; Matthew 13:40. In it, soul and body are completely destroyed. Matthew 10:28; 2 Thess 1:9. It will consume the wicked into ashes. Revelation 20:9; Malachi 4:1-3; Psalm 37:20. Even the devil will be consumed to ashes. Ezekiel 28:18,19; Isaiah 47:14.

    In the new earth, when all sin has been eradicated, there will be no more suffering or pain or death. Revelation 21:4.
  • GiGi - In Reply - 3 years ago

    The promise of salvation through the gospel of Jesus was given to all mankind in the garden of Eden ( Genesis 3:15) when God told the serpent (evil one) that about the promised Seed (Jesus) from the woman. Although he (evil one) will strike the heel of the promised Seed (Jesus), the Seed (Jesus) will crush his (evil one) head (which is defeating the dominion and authority of the evil one -the head) The promised Seed (Jesus) will have victory over Satan and all of is evil works.c

    The promise was given to Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, that all nations will be blessed through the Seed (Jesus) that comes from the lineage of Abraham.

    Therefore, at the appointed time, the eternal Son of God was conceived in Mary's virgin womb by the power of the Holy Spirit and born in human flesh while still retaining his deity, also. So the plan was for the Messiah (Jesus) to come through the Israelites, and the order was that He would go first to His people, the Jews, to preach the news of the kingdom of God, and they, as a whole rejected them. After Jesus ascended, He appeared to Saul on the way to Damascus and converted him outright and commissioned Saul/Paul to take the gospel of the God's kingdom arrival in the person of Jesus Christ, the Messiah to mankind. The Godhead intended for the gospel to be offer salvation to all in humanity who believe by faith from before the creation of the universe. So, although Jesus preached primarily to the Jews in his day before He ascended to heaven, He also ensured that the gospel be preached in all the world until He returns by the power and call of the Holy Spirit on believers to preach of Him.

    Hope this helps. By the way, Anthony, if you grew up in Burien and have a sister named Luanne, I knew you in high school. If not, I will know you in glory anyway. Blessings.
  • S Spencer - 3 years ago

    Here's a few scriptures perhaps something to help or give thought to several topics.

    1 Peter 1:19-21.

    I make this 1st Scripture a significant point of interest because if all get saved in the end regardless then that renders the word Salvation obsolete. So we righteously argue that if that was the case why spill the blood of our Precious Lord as Brother Chris has stated?

    I believe here's another factor when combining the above verse with this one.

    Hebrews 10:7.

    Psalms 40:7.

    I believe When considering all scripture it ties some way or another to the Lord's redemption plan.

    Sense the plan of salvation was drawn up before the foundation of the world and the volume of the book is written of Christ it don't only render salvation obsolete it render the volume of the book obsolete.

    We would no longer have scripture to reason with.

    Part 2.

    Also when considering the 2 trees in the Garden we must consider this redemption plan was purposed to come by Christ before either of these trees were made! And also consider the volume of the book was written of Christ. I believe that eating of the tree of life has its role in this as well! Atleast in a way to set the plan in motion.

    " My thought here is inconclusive "

    But here is why I mentioned it. Look at the results from eating of the tree.

    Genesis 3:21. I believe this significant piece of scripture is part of the volume of the book mentioned and the first blood atonement sacrifice pointing ahead to the Lord Jesus Christ.

    Search the scriptures; for in them ye think ye have eternal life: and they are they which testify of me. John 5:39.

    God bless.
  • TWO TREES IN THE GARDEN - In Reply - 3 years ago
    WHAT happened to the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil??

    Revelation 22:2

    1 And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb.

    2 In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the TREE OF LIFE which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.

    God had two trees in the Garden of Eden. The Trees were FOR A CHOICE.

    One Tree was for Eternal Life.

    One Tree was for the Knowledge of Good and Evil.

    All of the OTHER trees were given for food and enjoyment

    [The first 2 trees were forbidden to be eaten from.]

    TEMPTATION entered the Garden. Lucifer in the body of a snake. He wasn't human, so he had to borrow a body. Adam was with Eve. Lucifer approached the woman (help meet).

    See, God gives us choices. We are responsible for our choices. Eve was drawn to choose separateness from God; knowledge apart from God, leverage and personal gain. (things Lucifer was suggesting). Maybe Eve craved TO BE EQUAL to God or Adam?

    She didn't choose Eternal Life. Eternity in sin and separation. Satan was after the Dominion given to humans. He went after "the weaker vessel."

    God immediately protected the Tree of Life with a flaming sword. To protect them from spiritual death and separation. And you can read of the judgments of Adam having to cultivate and provide their own food; Eve suffering through childbirth, etc. And the history of mankind on earth, separated from God, began for all peoples.

    However, in Genesis 3:15, is told of a future day (the Cross of Jesus) of restoration of relationship to God, would be paid in blood, by Jesus Christ__who was and is, THE TREE OF LIFE.

    Revelation 22:2 (where the Tree is now).

    The tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil is inside of us. Either we CHOOSE LIFE ETERNAL; or we live until we die, separated forever, spiritually dead.
  • David - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hi ChucK Genesis 3: 19 From dust thou art and unto dust thou shalt return because we started

    Genesis 2:7 God formed man of the dust of the ground. In true science nothing is ever lost it changes state like

    when were gathered together in perfect bodies incorruptable the best state.
  • T.Levis - In Reply on Genesis 3 - 3 years ago
    Genesis 3:1,13, Revelations 1:7,8, Genesis 3:15,

    Serpent : Genesis 3:1, Revelation 12:15,

    Revelations 2:9-13, Revelations 2:24, Revelations 12:4, Revelations 12:9, Revelations 20:2, Revelations 17:18,

    Deception : Genesis 3:1,13, Genesis 3:15, Revelations 20:7-8,

    Tree of Life: Genesis 3:22,24, Revelations 2:7, Revelation 2:21-22,

    Judgement: Genesis 3:17-24, Revelations 20:10,12-15, Revelations 14:8-11, Revelations 19:15,

    GOD casting out: Genesis 3:24, Revelations 12:9, Revelations 2:5, Revelations 3:16, Revelations 12:13, Revelations 20:3, Revelations 19:20, Revelations 22:19,

    Angels, Cheribs & others obeying GOD: Revelation 8:2-13, Revelations 14:6-9,15-20, Revelations 16, Revelations 19:3-6, Revelations 4:10,

    Redemption : Revelations 18:4, Revelations 21:6,27, Revelations 22:14,17, Revelations 5:9, Revelations 7:14, Revelations 20:6, Revelations 14:1-5, Revelations 12:10, Revelations 3:5, Revelations 3:12,

    Another place of dwelling : Revelations 20:10, Revelations 21:2,

    Hopefully these help
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Genesis 3 - 3 years ago
    The "New" John? Perhaps you're asking abut Paul whose name was Saul? Acts 9:4-5,19,20, please read the Book of Acts, if you want the full account in context.

    Revelations 1:1-2, John

    Hopefully this is helpful.
  • LYN BLAINE on Genesis 3 - 3 years ago
    I need to see where in the book of revelations does it show the discipal that is the new leader on earth
  • LYN BLAINE on Genesis 3 - 3 years ago
    Please show me where in the book of revelations
  • David - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Earl They could not have knowledge of death or anything dealing with confusion fear or destruction because of

    that source the adversary. Don't think the adversary didn't know what God told them Also what's the difference

    they knew about death or not

    is if you disobey me your Father you deal with the consequences of your unbelief. Also who made Eve

    question Gods Word was it not the great liar. By the way they died in the worst way they no longer had their

    spiritual connection with God and Adam lost all authority Given him by God. That's why in Genesis 3:10 Adam

    said I was afraid, that's a bad position to be in with your father yet look who God blamed. Neither Adam nor

  • Earl - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Brother Earl,

    You said it was unbelief that caused the fall of Adam and Eve, but it doesn't say that in the Bible. The Bible already tells us exactly what they did wrong, so there is no mystery and no guessing. The answer is in this verse...

    Genesis 3:17

    "And unto Adam he said, Because thou hast hearkened unto the voice of thy wife, and hast eaten of the tree, of which I commanded thee, saying, Thou shalt not eat of it: cursed is the ground for thy sake; in sorrow shalt thou eat of it all the days of thy life;"

    God's response is in the format of: "Because" [you did this] ... [this is the consequence]

    God gave Adam and Eve a command, they disobeyed that command, and they received the consequences. It was not unbelief. You said they didn't believe God's command, but it doesn't say that in the Bible. Maybe that was just an assumption on your part? I believe that they believed God's command, and they chose to disobey anyway.

    Have you ever had a child disobey you? Is their motive 100% of the time for disobeying a child's unbelief?

    God bless...
  • Judy Ritchey on Genesis 3 - 3 years ago
    This book is by far the best book ever written. I love reading the stories about the characters in the Bible. Thanks for sharing this story about Adam and Eve and others. Have a fantastic day .
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Agree more with Glenn, because Genesis 1:26, "them" "over all the Earth"

    Rick, please read : Mark 12:27, Luke 20:36-38, Hebrews 9:14-15, Luke 9:60, Genesis 2:17,

    Genesis 3:20,

    John 3:3,5,6,

    Numbers 23:19, 2 Thessalonians 2:10-12, Leviticus,

    Nowhere, is that stated in Scripture. Colossians 2:8

    Revelations 22:19,
  • Rick - 3 years ago
    Hi Mathew Cains wife was his sister which may sound odd but your dealing with purer blood line back then,

    to this day Amish marry as close as second cousins. God's Word doesn't say Cain was afraid he was too defiant

    also every human back then were descendants of Adam and Eve because Eve is known as in Genesis 3:20 the

    mother of all living. When Adam and Eve were deceived one of the things that were affected was the

    blood i.e. sin in the blood. The genetics became contaminated and eventually the end result is death. That's the

    reason for our Saviours sacrifice he had sinless blood. The first Adam Flesh the second Adam from Heaven

    Jesus Christ. Any inhabitants of Nod would have come from Adam and Eve.
  • Cowboy - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 3 years ago

    In the beginning Adam and Eve were immortal they had no need of protein, vitamins, or minerals in their bodies. So, the fruit of the trees and the herbs of the field were enough for them, even all of the animals ate grass the lions, tigers, etc. the list goes on. But after the fall of man (taken of the forbidden fruit) Adam and Eve died to the spirit (they lost their immortality) they had to start eating meat and vegetables. The body now needed the protein and minerals to survive. Recall Genesis 3: 17, 18, & 19 God told Adam he would have to eat of the ground that includes animals that feed off the ground.

    God Bless

    stay prayed up and ready to go up

  • S Spencer - In Reply - 3 years ago
    We Do, We put it on.

    With it we're well equipped.

    If we think we can do anything more than that, We're taking it off!!

    We would fail like Peter did when the Desciples were absent of the Holyspirit.

    Redemption has been settled on the cross.

    The Armor is to do exactly what it says it does.

    Ephesians 6:11. Put on the whole armour of God, that ye may BE ABLE TO STAND AGAINST THE " WILES " ( Schemes )OF THE DEVIL.

    Satan doesn't come to you as a wolf! He comes to you as a wolf in SHEEP'S CLOTHING.

    Satan is subtil. That's how he approached Eve. " Now the serpent was more " SUBTIL " than any beast of the field which the LORD God had made. Genesis 3:1."

    But the Lords sheep don't hear his voice!!

    Jesus is the chief shepherd and those who shepherd his flock will show the fruit of the Spirit not the works of the flesh.

    "No coveting the glory in Christ victory"

    When someone is in the Spirit they want speak much of themselves, They will speak of the Work of Christ on the Cross.

    Worshipping in truth and in Spirit is CAUSED by the Holyspirit.

    Here's the only weapon we have, The word of God!!

    And it's not given to you to use to bind Demons!!

    It's given to you to minister the gospel and "IT" will divide asunder of soul and spirit, and of the joints and marrow, I believe That happens when you are QUICKENED by it..

    Our flesh is also our enemy. The flesh can become super sensual when ministering in the flesh and lacking the spirit.

    I'm Sorry but we're just going to have to agree to disagree on this one.

    1 John 4:4. Ye are of God, little children, and have overcome them: because greater is he that is in you, than he that is in the world.

    God bless
  • David - In Reply - 3 years ago
    S. Spencer It has to be it bro because in Genesis 3:20 She's called Eve the mother of all living, that's God

    establishing what he did.
  • Free - In Reply on Genesis 2 - 3 years ago
    Dear "J Parker". U have right it was many ppl on earth, and evan angels. But in the Garden Eden it was only Adam, Eve and the Lord and the serpent.

    Ill hope u see the Spirit of Jesus in there too. When u do u understand that He Is. And tell us I Am. He was with the beginning of the foundation of the earth.

    Genesis 2:15 And the LORD God took the man, and put him into the garden of Eden to dress it and to keep it.

    The confusionion are when ppl only look Adam and Eve.

    From the very beginning they are really the pedigree of Jesus, if you can see that it will be profitable for you. Please remember that Adam was made of dirt, and God blows His breath into Adam who gave Adam life. But Jesus is from the Spirit, very simple explanation.

    1 Corinthians 15:45

    And so it is written, The first man Adam was made a living soul; the last Adam was made a quickening spirit.

    Genesis 2:7 And the LORD God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul.

    Adam get the word from God.

    Genesis 3:19 "In the sweat of thy face shalt thou eat bread, till thou return unto the ground; for out of it wast thou taken: for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return."

    That was when God close the Garden for men.

    And the darkness come.

    Ill hope u get som answer on the confusion. Be blessed in the Holy Name of Jesus Christ. Please read the Holy scripts for undersanding. Not only the old testament.
  • Adam - 3 years ago
    Christians have a decision to make: whether to trust and follow God's morals or the world's morals? Christianity (folllowing Jesus) isn't a one time event, but a lifelong pursuit. 1 Corinthians 9:24. It says to run the race (effort); it doesn't say the race is already finished. Some get off course and don't care.

    Some Christians follow God's morals only to the point where it conflicts with the world's morals, then proceed with the world's morals instead. The result is following the world ( 1 John 2:15).

    Despite Acts 2:38 saying to be baptized, some say "don't" be baptized.

    Despite John 14:6 saying to go to Jesus, some say to go through a 'prophet' or pope.

    Despite James 4:17 saying to avoid sin, some claim it's bad and 'legalism' to avoid sin.

    Despite Psalm 139:13 saying unborn babies are special, some claim killing them is ok.

    Despite Ezra 7:13 saying people have freewill, some claim they "don't" have freewill.

    Despite Matthew 7:13 saying most people will go to hell, some say most will "not" go to hell.

    Despite Matthew 10:28 warning us about hell, some say "there is no hell."

    Despite 1 Timothy 2:12 saying women shouldn't teach, some say they "should."

    Despite Leviticus 20:13 saying homosexuality is a sin, some say it's "not" a sin.

    Despite John 15:10 saying to obey, some say it's ok to "not" obey.

    Despite John 1:1 saying Jesus (the Word) is God, some say Jesus is "not" God.

    Despite 1 John 5:7 saying 3 are one, some say the 3 are "not" one.

    The rationalizing pattern seems to be: "No, the Bible doesn't say [what it actually says], but says [something I'm more comfortable with]". This format seems awfully similar to Genesis 3:4 where satan says "Ye shall NOT surely die." Satan is called the father of lies for a reason and some Christians assume they are immune to it.

    Rationalizing the world's morals over God's morals seems to require ignoring scripture. Does anyone agree?

    So, should we follow God's Word or man's word (which might be satan's word)?

    God bless...
  • GiGi again - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hi Glen, Let's say that a human race was created before Adam and Eve, then these people could have lived in Nod. When Cain went there and took a wife (from them) then he mixed the seed of promise ( Genesis 3:16) with that which was not of the promise. (Like Ishmael and Esau did later). God may have done this as you said. He would have known that these humans and Cain's descendants would not survive the flood and that Noah and is family were of the seed of promise, the line of Seth.

    Either way, when the flood came, all of the humans, whether from Seth's line or Cain and the other people's line died, except for Noah and his family. So after the flood, The seed line of the promise was the only line to repopulate the earth.
  • David - In Reply on Numbers 14 - 3 years ago
    Abraham The revealed word and will of God concerning creation and mans and from Genesis 3:15 to revelation 22:21 the bringing to pass of his only begotten Son our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. It is the only book with all truth on mans redemption and what man needs to be complete body soul and spirit to Walk with God. Luke 4:4 man shall not live by bread alone but by every word that proceedeth out of the mouth of God.

    It is the only book that gives the truth about heaven, the world to come and the spiritual battle that is Going on between God and the devil or Satan. It is the only book that gives the truth on the supernatural the spiritual

    operation of God and satan. It is the only book that when you confess with your mouth and believe in your heart Romans 10:9+10 that you receive the spirit of God and get Born again. It Is Perfect and no other book in the world can make that claim, it is written by men that were told what to write by the Spirit of God 2 peter 1:20+21. It is perfect scientifically

    laws of physics mathematically all of creation is answered and penned by Gods Hand. If you choose to believe you can't really live without it!
  • Earl Bowman - 3 years ago

    Genesis 3:1 Now the SERPENT (Satan) was more subtil than any BEAST of the Field which the Lord God Had made...

    God made ALL THE BEAST of the field out of DUST, The BEAST are all made FLESH.

    1 Corinthians 15:39 Not all flesh is the same flesh: but there is one kind of flesh of man, another of beasts, another of fishes, and another of birds.

    Which of these creations of FLESH is the MOST SUBTIL, Of course it's MAN.

    Job 26:13 By his Spirit he hath garnished the heavens; His (Spirits) hand hath formed he crooked (liar and murderer, from the beginning) serpent (subtil beast).

    1 John 2:16 ..The lust of the FLESH, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life..

    Which of these creations of FLESH have the capabilities to have the pride of life, lust of the FLESH, and the lust of the eyes, of course it's MAN.

    James 2:19 thou (terrestrial FLESH) believest there is one one God, thou doest well, the devils (Satan, terrestrial FLESH) also BELIEVE, and tremble.

    Revelation 13 :8 Here is wisdom let him that hath UNDERSTANDING count the number of the BEAST (FLESH): for his number is the number of a MAN..

    Who is the ONLY beast of the field that is subtil, can lust, can BELIEVE and can buy and sell. Why of course, it's MAN, THE PRINCE(S) OF THIS WORLD.

    You BELIEVE, long before you are BORN AGAIN. Terrestrial FLESH, the carnal mind, has to BE DESTROYED (it's the process of light replacing darkness).

    1 Corinthians 5:5 To deliver such a one (terrestrial flesh) to Satan (terrestrial flesh) for the DESTRUCTION of the Flesh, that the Spirit might be SAVED in the day of the Lord.

    Isaiah 9:20 ..they shall every man EAT THE FLESH OF HIS OWN RIGHT ARM.

    Zechariah 14:12 ..their flesh shall consume away while they stand upon their feet..

    Revelation 19:18 That you may eat the flesh of kings, and he flesh of captains, and the flesh of might men..

    Romans 13:11 ..now is our salvation nearer than when we believed.


  • How Demons Get Around - In Reply on Matthew 8 - 3 years ago
    All of Gods dietary rules were for our protection. The didn't have refrigeration.

    Certainly in that scene, The Lord is showing us up close and personal, that demons can get inside of humans, pigs, to do their demonic work against the HUMANS. They were inside the man and they were able to move into the pigs. Jesus was showing us that reality. They are outlaw spirits. They do not have permission to get inside anyone.

    People yield themselves. They give anger free rule, next it invites a murder spirit to enter too. You watch porn, and later you are doing things you Know are sinful. Take a stand against it.

    Satan or Demons, principalities, powers ARE NOT HUMAN. Ephesians 6. We have armor for that: the Word of God in our mouth.

    But we must stand on the Authority of Jesus Christ and take Dominion over the demons. We have to be exercised in the kind of "fruit" they leave laying around: fear, sickness, depression, unreasonable anger, haughtiness, etc. The part of the crowd that screamed for Jesus to be crucified was demonic. Satan didn't want his head to be stomped. Genesis 3:15

    When I want to obey the posted speed limit, people act crazy. I help them go around as I pray for them. Sometimes they have fish magnets on their bumpers. :/

  • Pam Kirby - In Reply on Genesis 3 - 3 years ago
    Thank you
  • Ronald L Whittemore - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hey James,

    In Genesis 8:20-21 Noah offered burnt offerings on the altar of every clean beast and every clean fowl to God. The Burnt Offering, Olah in Hebrew, is the oldest sacrifice, we see it later the daily sacrifice, the Tamid. The burnt offering was the only offering that was entirely burned, all is given to God. Were there only two of each animal went in the ark? Genesis 7:1-3

    In Genesis 3:21 when God clothed Adam and Eve with coats of skin is a shadow of the sacrifice of Jesus and when we accept this gift we are clothed with the garment of salvation, the robe of righteousness, white and spotless. Isaiah 61:10 As God did for Adam and Eve this garment covers our sins that we may not walk naked and our shame shall be seen, Revelation 3:4 Revelation 16:15.

    God made a covenant with Noah and all living creatures that He would not destroy the world with water ever again and symbolized it with a rainbow. God gave a commandment to be fruitful and multiply and replenish the earth, we see later they did not obey (the tower of Babel). All animals and creatures would fear man.

    This is the first time in scripture where God gives the penalty for murder. The penalty for taking a life is the death of the murderer. When the life of a person is taken. God will require the punishment of death, whether the one who kills a person is a man or an animal. You will find this in Genesis 9.

    God bless,

  • T. Levis - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Genesis 2:17, Genesis 3:6-7, Genesis 3:22-24,

    Please note inbtween those scriptures GOD acts with compassion & mercy Genesis 3:21, & sacrifice of another creature to cover them.

    Romans 16:19

    Hopefully these are helpful.

    Leviticus 23:19, Hebrews 10:1-10, Ephesians 1:7
  • GiGi - In Reply on Genesis 3 - 3 years ago
    A very apt reply, Chris. Thank you. In reading your many post, I can tell that you are well taught in Christian doctrine and have a deep love for God, the Scripture, and correct thinking in our Christian walk. It is good to have brethren like you to share ideas with. Thank you.
  • Chris - In Reply on Genesis 3 - 3 years ago
    Another great write-up, GiGi. This 'serpent seed' teaching has been around for awhile, being propagated by the likes of Branham, Murray, Sun Myung Moon, etc. It wasn't taken from the Scriptures, as Genesis 4:1 clearly records the Truth, but evil men, appealing to extra-biblical sources (e.g. writings of Valentinus - 2nd Century AD & the Gospel of Philip - 4th Century AD), then re-translated the Genesis account to support their belief. And of course, British Israelism, Christian Identity Theology, KKK, & other white supremicist organizations, use it as a foundational platform to support their position of separation & hatred. So, it's good to read your comments, as others also, who clearly stay with the Word of God & not lean to fanciful theories & teachings.
  • Chris - In Reply on Genesis 3 - 3 years ago
    Thank you GiGi for that tremendous declaration & worthy thoughts. I liken the lives of Adam & Eve (pre-fall) to that of Jesus, the Son of God, the Son of Man, & called the Last Adam. Even though "the first Adam was made a living soul & the last Adam was made a quickening spirit", I sense that Adam & Eve's walk before their Creator, their spiritual perfection, & their continual communion with God, can be seen clearly in the humanity of the Word of God made flesh.

    Indeed, we don't know the answers to those questions you posed, but I don't believe they ever forgot their Creator & the miracle of life given to them to live on a beautiful Earth. They would have walked on Earth as if they would have walked if in Heaven - the Voice of God that the heavenly beings heard would have also brought the same authority & comfort to their ears on Earth. But how then could they fall for such a deception? If Satan could fall whilst in the heavenlies because of pride, it remains little wonder that man could similarly be enticed to covet all the Wisdom of God.

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