Discuss Hebrews 4 Page 15

  • MockingBird on Hebrews 4:12 - 10 years ago
    The word of God will cut and the Word of God will heal. His word will also reveal to me the thoughts and intents of my heart that I do not know about as of yet. I praise God that He knows me better than I know myself. !!! Sometimes that is scary but Praise God when I allow His word to do what it is suppose to do then I will be Blessed beyond measure.
  • Blessed on Hebrews 4 - 10 years ago
    4 10 especially quickens me 'for he that is entered into his rest..... ' it brings to mind the scripture 'take my yoke upon you and learn of me and I will give you rest. ' REST when JESUS yokes you you have rest. JESUS TAKE MY YOKE UPON YOU. YOKE LET me lead and guide you. and I will give you rest. we are to labour for JESUS REST. JESUS IS THE LIVING WORD THE WORD IS POWERFUL WE ARE TO LABOUR not as the flesh but as the spirit the word of GOD FEEDS THE SPIRIT. JESUS IS THE WORD THE LIVING WORD
  • Ruthene on Hebrews 4:12 - 10 years ago
    the word is a living organism, pure and undefiled, when it reaches our heart in us it will never die.
  • Natalie on Hebrews 4 - 10 years ago
    It helps us to understand that it 's not enough to just hear, read, and know the word. We have to mix our faith with the Word. Putting total trust in God as we labour for Him in Him that we will enter into His glorious rest in Heaven when we ' ve completed our work here on earth.
  • Charles g on Hebrews 4:12 - 10 years ago
    For, the living word of God working sharper than a two mouth sword, cutting into the joints and marrow of the bones dividing the soul and spirit, discerning the thoughts and intents of the heart and laying open all our inner makeup.
  • BSP on Hebrews 4:13 - 11 years ago
    Nothing we do is hidden from Jehovah God People may do things in the dark or behind closed doors and think they will get away with it because other people don t see them God sees all though just as thoroughly as one standing naked in the open This should make us evaluate ourselves and correct any bad tendencies we may have
  • Timothy Wayne George on Hebrews 4:15 - 11 years ago
    For we have not a high Priest who cannot be touched with the feelings of our weaknesses yet He was tested in all points and did not sin Jesus knows what we are going through no matter what the temptation and His grace is sufficient to see us through to the end So come boldly before the throne of grace for mercy to help in a time of need Thank God Jesus is on the main line tell Him what you need and He will answer Happy Valentine s Day to all
  • Y.john on Hebrews 4:12 - 11 years ago
    It s real Very powerful scipture to me n i thank God
  • Annie griffith on Hebrews 4:16 - 11 years ago
    It s the believing the true faithful believers no matter what you are goning through or how bad the situation keep your eyes on Jesus
  • Doris on Hebrews 4:12 - 11 years ago
    I say yes Lord to Your word. Your word is true.
  • Jackson dumam on Hebrews 4:12 - 11 years ago
    This scripture makes me to always remembers the extra ordinary ability of the word of God.it giives me strength.
  • Niyi Amuda on Romans 14:12 - 11 years ago
    Romans 14:12 is one of the Scriptures that talks about one giving account to God. I love this verse especially because of the words used here so that even a child would understand its meaning.

    It says, 'every one' shall give account to God. When God says everyone I think He means everyone. I don't know what you think, but know from this verse that God's judgment is not only for a category of persons - I like to combine the words of Paul in 2 Corinthians 5:10, where by divine inspiration said, '...we all must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ...'

    take note beloved that it is a MUST. So, whether you believe God's Word is true or not, whether you attend church or not, whether you believe in God or not, YOU'LL STAND BEFORE GOD WHEN YOU DIE.

    Remember Hebrews 9:27? It is appointed unto man once to die and after this THE JUDGMENT. You can be living in sin now and think God isn't going to judge you. You may even assume there is no God (for that makes you a fool), you may think you get away with all your sins. You'll escape God's judgment with your intellect - forget it!

    You're wasting your time. You cannot deceive God. He will open your secret life to everyone that day and He will judge you justly according to His high standard of holiness, righteousness and truth ( Hebrews 4:13).

    Make your ways right with God lest you appear before Him unprepared and unconverted, there is no mercy on the second side of eternity. Think eternity! Think God!
  • Ijeoma jacobs on Hebrews 4:15 - 11 years ago
    Jesus had his own share of infirmities while on earth,yet he did not sin or curse his Father.l must follow his footstep when next am challenged.l must also knew that he is not ignorant of my pain, he is always there with me comforting me.
  • Janetta on Hebrews 4:12 - 11 years ago
    This scripture is very powerful. Just explains how powerful the word of God is!
  • Debra M. on Hebrews 4 - 11 years ago
    God is instructing us to keep His Sabbath day holy so we can enter into His rest. In six days God created the heavens and the earth and on the seventh
    (7th) day God rested from all His work. Were to honor God by
    entering His day of rest.
  • Liz Bio on Hebrews 4 - 11 years ago
    God is love, for you to reach the throne of grace then trust no man for all the pain , sorrow , anxiety, anger etc one is going through is because we trust man than God. Trust that God can change the unchangeable and will be happy always.
  • Anna Echols on Hebrews 4:16 - 11 years ago
    No matter what you are going through or how bad the situation, keep your eyes on the throne. not so much as the throne itself, but who is sitting on the throne. (Jesus Christ).
    Sunday morning service NMO!!!!!!!!!! Praise Godd!!!
  • Cvinceygirl on Hebrews 4 - 11 years ago
    Paul is comfirming the rest(Sabbath)in Genesis at the end of creation when God rested from all His work. It is said that we no longer need to abide by the old testament law, but God forbid. If we need not to abide by the old testament law why then do we follow the law of the land? the law of the land is an adoptation of the commandments of God except for the forth commandment. That was change by the first pope of Rome. So the rest in Hebrews 4 is the rest that God has given to man after a long work week.
  • Fred hayes on Hebrews 4:13 - 11 years ago
    Like all verses in His Law Of Love (Holy Bible) It Points To Him. Perfect God. Perfect Love. Perfectly Trustable..
  • Pastor dan ehi on Hebrews 4:15 - 11 years ago
    Jesus our High Priest sees our tears.hears our cry.knows our sorrows.feels our pains. He acts on our behalf.
  • CHRIS ALAO on Hebrews 4:12 - 11 years ago
    This ar among my favourite vs in book of Hebrew it acting fast whenever i aply this words in my prayer,power in this words motivate my soul at a time i cme across this words
  • Joanetta clardy on Hebrews 4:12 - 11 years ago
    love the word of GOD THANK YOU
  • Anonymous on Hebrews 4:10 - 11 years ago
    When God created the heavens and the earth and then he rested from his works for his works was made good and there was no sin place on earth however when man did sin due to unbelief of God's word and the belief of Satan's influence rest was no longer available but only death for the unbelieving ....for the children of Israel could not enter rest due to their unbelief when they defiled God with idolatry and other acts...now Jesus came along and did many works and through His work He took rest back from Satan and through Belief of this work for His works was made good we now can enter into rest.
  • Kim on Hebrews 4:12 - 11 years ago
    I find it interesting that god made us in His image-Body Soul and Spirit. The verse says that the sword cuts thru all to Gods bring forth Gods will. How perfect is his will. Praise the lord.
  • Leneau Crawford, Jr. on Hebrews 4:12 - 11 years ago
    Hebrews 4:12
    For the word of God is quicke and powerfull, and sharper then any two edged sword, pearcing euen to the diuiding asunder of soule and spirit, and of the ioynts and marrowe, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart. The word of God states it unequivocally.
  • Concern Sister on Matthew 10 - 11 years ago
    Oh I forgot to tell JOE V. about confession in verse 32 of Matthew 10. Perhaps this scripture will help ( I Timothy 2:5) also read ( Hebrews 4:12-16) ( I John 1:9). As for as verse 32 is concern I think here He's talking about our personal witness as a follower of Jesus Christ; we should be bold in our witness, and never ashamed of our true confession as a born again believer in our Lord Jesus Christ Amen? hope this helps. Love You with the Love of Christ!
  • Brighton manyeruke on Hebrews 4:10 - 11 years ago
    As it is writen, its true that He was finish his job & he do rest to us & entenal lyf
  • Allen Dewitt on Hebrews 4:12 - 11 years ago
    Powerful,I happen to know God and
    Jesus Christ my Lord and savior,these word pierced me years ago when the Lord delivered me form a heart attack (2002)and last year from prostate cancer(2012) totally awesome!!!
  • One on 2 Timothy 1 - 11 years ago
    Hallelujah, all praise be to God, for he is far above greatness. Proverbs 28:1 says; "The wicked flee when no man pursueth: but the righteous are bold as a lion." And Hebrews 4:16 says; "Let us therefore come boldly unto the throne of grace, that we may obtain mercy, and find grace to help in time of need." ...... So we see here saints, that Faith is the first step towards God; For FAITH breeds confidants; which cast out fear, FAITH, creates the ability to: telepathically break the laws of psychics; the spirit that God has granted us;(those that believe) is the spirit of God, and God can do anything, so why should he fear? We fear because we have not yet become one with God, but we must saints; So that we can Love with true Love, and maintain peace, and sanity, in our lives, the way God intented it. Amen
  • One on Colossians 3 - 11 years ago
    Wow! the Holy Spirit really rose up in Paul on this chapter; This chapter should definitely be read, and meditated on daily; such strong nourishment, just what we all need: clear instruction with authority. BLESS THE NAME OF THE LORD, FOR THE WORD OF GOD IS QUICK, AND POWERFUL, AND SHARPER THAN ANY TWOEDGED SWORD,PIERCING EVEN TO THE DIVIDING ASUNDER OF SOUL AND SPIRIT, AND OF THE JOINTS AND MARROW, AND IS A DISCERNER OF THE THOUGHTS, AND INTENTS OF THE HEART; WHICH IS SAID IN HEBREWS 4:12. Wow!

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