Discuss Job 20

  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 1 year ago
    Hi Jesse,

    Part 1

    If I may add a few points to this subject, I know we have different understandings on this and I hope you will not be offended, these are questions I have asked myself. What does Scripture support, our soul is an immortal entity that consciously lives on after the death of the body or does it sleep in the grave until the resurrection? Is the definition of death a separation of the soul from the body or is it the end of life, a permanent cessation, and the grave is our home until we are resurrected?

    John 3:15-16 Without the belief in Jesus we will perish the Greek word apollumi means destroy utterly, to put out of the way entirely, abolish as in Psalms 37:10 Psalms 92:7 Proverbs 10:28-29 Job 20:4-7 Malachi 4:1-3 2 Peter 2:12.

    Matthew 10:28 we are to fear the one who can destroy the body and the soul in hell, the Greek word for destroy is apollumi same as perish, a permanent/absolute destruction. Hell, the Greek word is geenna the fire and smoke that goes up and burns forever that never goes out is a reference to the lake of fire. Job 17:13 the Hebrew word sheol is the same word translated as hell. Job 17:16 the word pit is the same Hebrew word.

    Our first death is sleep, Psalms 13:3 Daniel 12:2 Acts 13:36 1 Cor. 15:51. If all souls are immortal which means they have eternal life, the question must be asked, what is the gift of eternal life we see in John 3:15 John 6:54 Romans 6:23 Titus 1:2 1 John 2:25 Jude 1:21? If our soul is immortal, why do we have to put immortality on as said in 1 Corinthians 15:51-58?

    See part 2
  • Ronnette on John 16:33 - 2 years ago
    QJohn 16:12-3 But he that is spiritual judgeth all things, yet he himself is judged of no man. For who hath known the mind of the Lord, that he may instruct him? But we have the mind of Christ. 1 Corinthians 2:15-16. Grace be to you and peace from God the Father, and from our Lord Jesus Christ, Who gave himself for our sins, that he might deliver us from this present evil world, according to the will of God and our Father: To whom be glory for ever and ever. Amen. Galatians 1:3-5. All I can tell us is thismemorize your KJV Bible. Save as many as your love one's. Be patient. Listen more and speak less. Love your spouse deeply. Grow in grace and true charity 1 Corinthians 13:1-13. 1 Thessalonians 5:16-18. The time is at hand. We will see more changes and mark this day. Watch carefully. Revelation 3:2-3. There is a spiritual message in Job 20:1-29. Be careful for nothing Philippians 4:6. Hebrews 10:31, but Revelation 21:8. I comfort you with these 1 Thessalonians 4:15-18. As you walk in the Spirit of God, Proverbs 23:4-5. Those who are in Spirit understand Psalm 90:10 read the whole chapter. Our meditation be Psalms 91:1:16 memorize and our prayers today be Psalms 55:1-23. Peace.
  • Chris - In Reply on Job 20:27 - 4 years ago
    I'm have no idea what the verse reveals "for the USA & the World", but as far as an explanation of Job 20:27, in context, indicates something else. As you know from reading this Book, one of Job's 'friends', Zophar the Naamathite wanted to make his voice heard about Job's plight. His spirit & thoughts on this was burning & he couldn't resist offering his warning. He, as Job's other 'friends' put Job's sufferings onto Job himself, indicating he was at fault & suffering for it, with more torment to come.

    So to verse 27: essentially this is Zophar's word to Job that at some time, God will reveal to Job his faults/sins, indeed, the Earth itself will not keep quiet & rise up against him (maybe with further natural torments to his life & family). So I don't see this verse as indicative of present/future World events, though there are other verses, particularly in the Book of Revelation that show us the horrors of God's Wrath that are yet to be poured out in the Great Tribulation.
  • Alfred christianer on Job 20:27 - 4 years ago
    My dream, and the earth shall rise up and consume them from within, thus say lord. What does this mean for the USA and the world. This came to me which I though was a dream several months ago.
  • Alex on Job 20 - 4 years ago
    Comments by Alex on John 2 The third day there was a marriage in Cana of Galilee. But that 1st wine was Not the best wine and they ran out out that wine,The best wine was not till the 3 rd day 2 days later the 3rd day are we not in the 3rd day now. Has not 2000 years gone by. 2 days in the sight of God.At Pentacost the wedding was started they were all intoxicated with that spritual wine but the early Church ran out of that wine,God found fault with the 7 churches in Asia. Even Paul said when that which is perfect is come that which is done in part will be done away with. Paul writes to some saying i hear there is divisions among you. All thru the bible its always the 2 nd that is perfect,It was the 2 nd time that JESUS prayed for the blind man that he saw clearly, the 1st time he cd not see clearly. No body can see clearly under the 1st church doctrine, even Paul said he saw like thru a glass darkly impling a better vision is coming with the 2 nd anointing, the 2 nd wine was the best wine not the 1st wine. That image in dan. 2 was full of parts denominations etc .Tv preachers teachers tv evangelists, A CIRCUS. BEGGING FOR MONEY. All these parts answer to the gold ,the silver. bronze etc. The image had no life just like modern day christianity. The image is a perfect description of Jesus describing the ABOMINATION OF DESOLATION that was coming.Thats y Micah 5 is saying there fore shall he give them up till she that is in travail has given birth which is the woman in Rev 12 that is giving birth to the manchild that is gonna rule all nations,God so loved the world etc he is gonna pour out of his spirit on all flesh his spirit being the living word th seed of the sower, The contents of the book in the fathers right hand that is that stone cut without mans hands. Who shall abide the day of his coming,Who shall stand when he appears for he shall be as a refiners fire ( his baptism of fire w th H.G.) and fullers soap. MALACHI, Jesus tells us he will raise them up. gb
  • Alex on Job 20 - 4 years ago
    Comments by Alex on Dan. 2 kjv the great Image with the head of gold is the written word of God. All the different parts are Christianity Evangelist,Teachers, Preachers, Pastors etc When that which is Perfect is come that which is Done in PARTS WILL BE DONE AWAY WITH.When the disciples argued amongst themselves which was the greatest Jesus set a child in their mist which was symbolic of the H.G. which is the greatest,unless ya receive the kingdom of God as a lil Child, the manchild that is coming in the last days that is gonna rule all nations.The 2 legs are protestism and catholicsm. The 10 toes are the law, the 2 feet being Judah and Israel after the flesh The Stone that struck them is the seed of the sower the word of God that is gonna be sown in the hearts of every man remember Jesus said the Field was the world, God so loved the world etc. If i belifted up i will draw ALL men unto me. Paul said when that which is perfect is come that which is done in parts ( the image ) shall be done away with. i will give them a new heart and a new spirit the image is gonna become anew creature, his flesh as the chaff of the summers threshing floor. THE STONE THAT STRUCK THEM IS THE LIVING WORD OF GOD WHICH IS NOT MADE WITH HANDS LIKE THE WRITTEN WORD ,SEARCH THE SCRIPTURES ( THE WRITTEN WORDS OF GOD ) IN THEM YOU YOU THINK YOU HAVE ETERNAL.But it is them that testify of me which is the H.G. the living word, My words are spirit and life not paper and ink. 1 is God but the other is a love letter from God. This image answers to Micah 5 that said he wd give them up, ( the early church) till she that is in travail has given birth which is the woman in rev 12 that is giving birth to the manchild that is gonna rule all nations. The early church died out just like davids 1st child died but there was another child in the future that become the child that wd build the temple Solomon which was symbolic of the Comforter the H.G. THAT IS GONA BUILD IN OUR HEARTS. i will raise them again
  • Carleton - In Reply on Job 20:15 - 4 years ago
    Run your race with grace!

    Thank you, Carleton
  • Grace 16 Aug 2020 - In Reply on Job 20:15 - 4 years ago
    Hello Carleton, there is only one with evidence; it is so early, that it predates the Torah and proves God sees the end from the beginning. But it is not what you or any expect or imagine, and you might refuse to believe after unfairly admin discriminated against me, amidst the politics and territorial judgemental men here, plus it's not in your language or culture to understand, and only a few atheists have recently learned of it to hatch a lie against it because it is real evidence. So, would like to answer, but maybe you'll see it on my website one day. Goodbye
  • Carleton on Job 20:15 - 4 years ago
    Hi everyone. I am wondering who may have outside of the Bible, the earliest reference a Christian Group/Church or Minister(s) or Commentator(s) whom speak of the necessity of being born again?

  • Dan on Job 20:15 - 4 years ago
    One heaven and One earth!

    Three heaven and three earth AGES!

    The only way that there can be three heaven and earth ages is if there was a heaven and earth age before the one we are currently living in.

    The 1st heaven and earth age are mentioned in Genesis 1:1-2.

    The earth BECAME without form and void; God does not make things that way, and He does not need 6 days to fix it. God makes everything perfect the first time.

    The heaven and earth became without form and void because of the rebellion of Satan in the first earth age.

    The three heaven and earth ages are individually mentioned in 2 Peter 3:5-13.

    The flood of Noah's time is what wiped out the dinosaurs.
  • Tithes and Offerings - In Reply on Job 20:15 - 4 years ago
    2 Corinthians 9:7

    Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.

    The tithe which is 10% of your paycheck, is given to your church. If you don't have a church then send it to the minister who teaches Scripture to you and feeds you the Bread of God (Bible).

    I believe that offerings (not the tithe) are between you and God. It could be money, groceries for the needy, your own time helping others, etc. You dedicate your offering to God, in the name of Jesus. Speak it forth so it's recorded in the Book of Remembrance, Malachi 3:16.

    I don't know what you mean by wilderness, if you want you can hit the REPLY button and let me know how to pray for you.

  • Missy marcou on Job 20:15 - 4 years ago
    I have trouble understanding exactly the whole meaning and i get scared i fall short of what god wants from me, but i try. 20:15. I struggle i give my tithes but when i seen the ch i had went to the grocery store. I usuallt give someone food. I met to give but two empty bags came up missing., So i bought two more bags unfortunately he was gone. I am have gave in secret though. I have been in the wilderness and been attacked along time. God has been my saviour.
  • D,J. - In Reply on Job 20:15 - 4 years ago
    Lou Contino

    You are correct. The entire scene at the Cross is amazing.

    I could not find the Scripture in Job that you were referencing, but dust is mentioned numerous times concerning the product of physical death.

    I am under the impression that what Jesus was doing when he stated "My God, My God, why hast Thou forsaken Me" was that He was TEACHING to all that could hear.

    If you want to know what Jesus said to them, read ALL of Psalms 22; spoken 1000 years before the Cross. Now THAT is AWESOME!

    When Jesus addressed His heavenly Father He would always use the word "Father."

    The OT phrase "that He hath done this" from Psalms 22:31 is equivalent to the NT phrase "it is finished" ( John 19:30).
  • Lou Contino on Job 20:15 - 4 years ago
    Do the words of Job, from the dust of his despair, mirror the words of Jesus upon the cross when he says, "My God, My God, Why Have You Forsaken Me?" They very well may. For upon The Cross, we see Jesus, God & Man, praying to The Father in suffering the weight of The Sins of The World upon Him. And His cry is the cry in His Humanity, while His final words of "Into Your Hands I Commend My Spirit" are His Trust Reaffirmed with His Father. Well beyond my understanding for sure, but isn't it AWESOME!
  • Anne on Job 20 - 6 years ago
    The reward of the wicked is here described by Zophar.
  • AHUWA CHIAMAKA on Job 20 - 8 years ago
  • Vernell on Job 20 - 9 years ago
    i love to read the book of job 20 verse 15 it will take your faith to the next level and get you where you should be in chriest.thank you jesus, amen.
  • Robert on Job 20 - 10 years ago
    Job 20:5-29 are a prophetic dissertation on the Anti-Christ. Compare Job 15:20,22,30. Vs 15 is a tribulation reference to Israel Jer. 50:17 . Vs 17 the second advent of Christ, Anti-Christ will not see the Millenial Reign.
  • Eunice on Job 20:15 - 10 years ago
    God is more than enough and devil did not have anythig to take from us and paraventure if he has taken one thing of the other is going to vomit it since God has given us power over him . He can not win and we are on winning team alleluyah
  • Yoliswa on Job 20:15 - 10 years ago
    This gave me peace that my daughter 's cell that was stolen Sunday is going to come back, time this scripture has encouraged me, for everything that has been stolen from me and my family
  • Ujjawala noor on Job 20:15 - 10 years ago
    I thank you for the different version of this job 20 15.It cleared the my understanding of this verse.Bless you for your precious lesson.Lord Jesus Christ shower His blessings upon you.His wisdom and understanding.Amen
  • Oppong marfo on Job 20 - 11 years ago
    Notice the promise of God that all lost shall received again in His mighty name. Amen
  • George Obare on Job 20:15 - 12 years ago
    It gives me hope that nothing is ever lost. The devil does not own anything, yet steals what is ours, but God causes him to return all he stole from us; wealth, marriage, love, children, houses, etc.

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