Discuss John 1 Page 56

  • Jeanie Laborde on 1 Chronicles 2 - 5 years ago
    Under the references Seventh-day Adventist could you please add.
    Genesis 7:2
    Titus 2:11
    1 Peter 3:1-4
    John 2:6
    3 John 1:2-3
    Romans 12:1-2
    Phil. 2:4
    1 Timothy 2:9
    2 Cor. 6:14-17
    2 Cor. 10:5
  • Vanessa on John 1 - 5 years ago
    Worthy is the Lamb of God , John lead the way, but he wasn't worthy he baptized in water, Christ was the one that could baptize us with the Holy Ghost
  • Vanessa on John 1 - 5 years ago
    John was the first to lead the way to repentance by water, but Christ is the the light of the world to repentance, for he came to cleanse us from our sins and baptize us with the Holy Ghost, John could not do that. And stan phillip was the other God Bless all! Glory be to God in the highest Amen
  • Bruce on Zechariah 13 - 5 years ago
    Many People Believe They are Saved and Going to Heaven Because They Said a Prayer or baptize in Water. We are Baptized With The Holy Ghost( Mark 1:8) When The Father Calls( John 6:44) and We Ask Forgiveness( 1John 1:9) The Lord Will Wash Us in His Own Blood( Revelation 1:5) We Will be Changed( 2 Corinthians 5:17) You Will Know and Others Around You. It's Impossible Not to Know. The Change is WOW: 180
  • Ivy Johnson on John 1 - 5 years ago
    V40: Andrew is mentioned: other man name not mention: Jesus the Lamb of God: not respond to John’s words: Name would have been mentioned: What a loss. We could have been reading about him throughout the Centuries, and learn so much from him like the rest of Disciples: suffering like their Master: So many of us today are in his category, missing out on things of God. Deaf ears: Doing our own thing
  • Jessica on John 1 - 5 years ago
    Amen! , Thank you Jesus! . What a good word!
  • Kathy on John 5 - 5 years ago
    John 1:1-5 says that the Word is creator. Verse 14 backs up this Word is the one who came in the flesh to save us. Jesus. So: Definition of a blasphemer: a man who claims to be as God. Jesus as Co-creator and the Word was with God...v1 is the only person that is was flesh that can would be not guilty of claiming to be God: and the Word was God. There is one more definition of a blasphemer.
  • Ivy Johnson on John 1 - 6 years ago
    Verse 14: The Word(Jesus) made Flesh(Jesus): dwelt among us, and we beheld His Glory, the Glory as iof the Only Begotten of the Father(Jesus), full of Grace and Truth. Jesus is the LIVING WORD: The Holy Scriptures are the Written Word. Jesus Spoke the World into being, using the HOLY SCRIPTURES. There is Power in the Words of the Holy Scriptures. He made the world, yet the world knew Him not.
  • Jacob John Tucci on John 1 - 6 years ago
    I was named after the King 👑 James Version
  • Bruce on Matthew 24 - 6 years ago
    Mary Had a Body within Her( Hebrews 10:5) that was Filled With The Word(And The Word Became Flesh John 1:14, And The Word Was God: John 1:1) There are Three in Heaven The Father, The Word and The Holy Ghost and These Three are One( 1John 5:8) They are The Us in Genesis 1:26, 3:22, 11:7 / Yes He is The Son of God. His God Nature Did Not interfere with His Human Nature. He Felt Pain and Temptation
  • Anonymous on John 1 - 6 years ago
    Moses is the powerful man, but our Jesus Christ is the way and the truth
  • Lilian on John 1 - 6 years ago
    Amen thank you for your word Jesus i love you loving Father
  • Bruce on Matthew 7 - 6 years ago
    Reading, Studying with Prayer and Telling Others The Way of Salvation Will Keep You Off The Path of Sin( 2Timothy 2:4) No One Comes to Christ Until The Father Calls ( John 6:44) Ask Forgiveness( 1John 1:9) We Will be Washed in His Blood ( Revelation 1:5) We are Now Clean Enough for The Holy Ghost( Mark 1:8) The Evidence is that You're Ccompletely Changed( 2Corinthians 2:5-17) You Know Impossible Not to
  • Bruce on Romans 6 - 6 years ago
    Vanessa: All that You Post is Right and That's How It's to be, But Sometimes His Children Sin. If One Sin Sends His Children to The Lake of Fire, We All Would be There.One Bad Thought About Someone Hoping they Drop Dead or don't do so Good or anything like that. Turning On TV or The Internet etc. Not Telling Others how to be Saved.( 1John 1:9 - 2:1) If You Know One Who Sins Restore ( Galatians 6:1
  • Chuck Koontz on Genesis 1 - 6 years ago
    When considering Genesis 1 I am so very impressed by many things: God's infinite POWER, God's PLAN, and God's DELIGHT in His Creation. Then I remember John 1:3 "All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made." Jesus Christ, God's Son made it all. He is the Creator of all things! Oh, what a Savior, the Creator of the Universe loved me enough to die for me!
  • Bruce on Daniel 12 - 6 years ago
    Rev. One Must be Called:( John 6:44) Ask Forgiveness( 1JOHN 1:9) Then You are Washed by The Blood of The Lamb( Revelation 1:5) Then You are Baptized with The Holy Ghost( Mark 1:8) You Will be Changed, All Things are Become New( 2Corinthians 5:1) One Who is Saved Will Know, Impossible Not to Know. The Spirit Will Give a Love for Church, Reading The Bible, Praying, Telling Others What Christ has Done.
  • Bruce on Galatians 3 - 6 years ago
    Why did Christ Go to The Cross? Is there a Payment for Sin With Out The Blood of The Lamb? No Man Can Come to Christ Except The Father Calls( John 6:44) When We Ask Forgiveness( 1John 1:9) You are Washed by His Blood( Revelation 1:5) He Shall Baptize You with The Holy Ghost(Mark1:8) You are Saved when The Above Happens. You Will Know(2 Corinthians5:17)Impossible Not to. SomeThat Day or In The Morning
  • Stan jett on John 1 - 6 years ago
    One of the two which heard John speak, and followed him, was Andrew, Simon Peter's brother. Who was the other one?
  • Anna day on John 1 - 6 years ago
    John was a man that knew the truth, he knew that he was not the light and that he came only to witness the light, he understood that Jesus had surpassed him even though he came after him.
  • Toshia on John 1 - 6 years ago
    The Word existed way before the world existed! The word was the source of life! Through HIM God made all things, this makes me think The word, the source of life is His Son Jesus Christ. John was a messenger to give us insight on The light to come, where Christ came from
  • Kenneth w Hegler on Hebrews 1 - 6 years ago
    Jesus was made. He had no physical body until
    God made him one, but he existed in his spiritual form before the beginning of time.. read Genesis 1:26 and then read John 1:14
  • Bruce on Genesis 3 - 6 years ago
    And Take The Helmet of Salvation and The Sword of The Spirit which is The Word of God(Ephesian 6:17) For The Word of God is Quick and Powerful, Sharper than Any Twoedged Sword---( Hebrews 4:12) A Flaming Sword is The Word of God, That kept Adam and Eve out of The Garden. And The Word was Made Flesh and Dwelt Among Us ( John 1:14)
  • Bruce on Matthew 12 - 6 years ago
    Neil: Verse 24: Pharisees Said Jesus is Casting Out Devils by Beelzebub The Prince of Devils. Verses 31-32: Speaking Blasphemy Against The Holy Ghost Will not be Forgiven, Never/ Not Believing is Not Blasphemy Against The Holy Ghost. All are Non-believers.Only When The Father Calls( John 6:44) Ask Forgiveness( 1John 1:9) Washed by His Blood( Revelation 1:5) Baptized with The Holy Ghost( Mark 1:8)
  • LYLE R SHORT on John 1 - 6 years ago
    This verse relates to Matthew 15:24. Israel belonged to him and most of them did not receive him as who he is, their Messiah. One needs to read on in John to get the complete message. Jesus was not here to minister to Gentiles during his earthly life, but he later sent Paul for that purpose.
  • Bruce on Genesis 1 - 6 years ago
    A Mighty Wind Filled The House--They were All Filled with The Holy Ghost(Acts1-4) No Seed /If Christ does not Go Away The Comforter Can Not Come( John 16:7) There are Three in Heaven Father, Word, Holy Ghost. The Word Entered The Body of Christ(The Word was Made Flesh( John 1:14)No Seed. Where's The Verse That Says:The Holy Ghost Comes Out of The Loins of Christ or is this A Private interpretation?
  • To show on John 1 - 6 years ago
    Jesus is God controversy has been ongoing for centuries. It is mostly based on Greek translations of words that John had no idea that they would be misconstrued and subsequently cause so much division in orthodoxy. Understanding a Greek word in English can lead the reader down a slippery slope of what the true meaning really is. Once you get the correct meanings everything falls into place.
  • Bruce on 1 Corinthians 12 - 6 years ago
    And The Word was Made Flesh( John 1:14) The Angel Said(to Mary)The Holy Ghost Shall Come Upon Thee and The Power of The Highest Shall overshadow Thee----He Shall be Called The Son of God( Matthew 1:35) Christ is The Word, The Son of God. The Holy Ghost is The Comforter( John 14:16,26)Christ is Not The Father(This is My Beloved Son in Whom I am Well Pleased) Read Mark 3:29. Pray About it.
  • Bruce on Psalms 91 - 6 years ago
    There's is a Way Which Seemeth Right Unto Man But The End thereof are The Ways of Death. The Only Protection is By The Blood of The Lamb. Reading The Same Few Verses Two Hours Everyday? You are Losing a lot of Time Believing Falsely. When You Feel The Father Tugging on Your Heart, Ask Forgiveness, If He Enters, You Will Know You Will Have a New Heart( John 6:44, 1John 1:9, Revelation 1:5, Mark 1:8
  • Alex on John 1 - 6 years ago
  • Mj pautler on John 1 - 6 years ago
    Can there be possible cross reference for John 1:12-13 in old testament?

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