Discuss John 1 Page 90

  • Trina on John 1:18 - 13 years ago
    Jesus was the Godhead bodily, meaning that when you have seen Jesus you also see God bc God is the spirit that is inside of Jesus. Verse 14 says that the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us, meaning that God created Himself a body and poured the fulness of Himself into that body. That is why that body knew no sin nor did any sin. He took our sin upon Himself for our salvation.
  • Sheliah Germany on Deuteronomy 22 - 13 years ago
    I think it is very plain what the Bible means. If you are not interested in pleasing Jesus Christ, who was GOD IN THE FLESH ( 1 Tim 3:16,2 Corin. 5:19,St. John 1:10) you will listen to Hollywood and let the world tell you what the bible means. I will not take that risk!!! I choose to believe the Bible! Its not hard to do if you LOVE HIM!!!!
  • Robert A. Scott on John 1 - 13 years ago
    But the natural man receiveth not the things of the Spirit of God: for they are foolishness unto him: neither can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned.( 1 Corinthians 2:14) Only with the Spirit of God can we know God's truth.
  • Gene on John 1:1 - 13 years ago
    Scriptures I like disputing the trinity
    John 1 verse 2; John 1:14; John 20: 17; 1 John 1: 1-3; John 5: 26, 36, 37. Just a few.
    Why did God’s prophets not teach it?
    WHY, for thousands of years, did none of God’s prophets teach his people about the Trinity? At the latest, would Jesus not use his ability as the Great Teacher to make the trinity clear to his followers? Would God inspire hundreds of pages of Scripture and yet not use any of this instruction to teach the Trinity if it were the “central doctrine” of faith?

    Are Christians to believe that centuries after Christ and after having inspired the writing of the Bible, God would back the formulation of a doctrine that was unknown to his servants for thousands of years, one that is an “inscrutable mystery” “beyond the grasp of human reason,” one that admittedly had a pagan background and was “largely a matter of church politics”?

    The testimony of history is clear: The Trinity teaching is a deviation from the truth, an apostatizing from it.
  • Carla on John 1 - 13 years ago
    Commenting on Chris Boyd's Comments. God created us with the ability to think, discern, to reason from the scriptures. For thousands of years he led a nation, a group of people he made a covenant with to be their God. A nation that was dedicated to him. He promised them a messiah, that would come from Abraham's lineage. Through his prophet Daniel he gave us a time table when the messiah would appear. He later raised John up to prepare the people for this messiah. When John came and was doing certain things, the people asked him John if he was the messiah, why? because it was foretold he would come and they they were in expectation of him. At Jesus's baptism, the scripture said God's spirit came upon Jesus and a voice said "this is my beloved son in whom I approved"; John then said," I have seen it and I have borne witness that this one is the Son of God". How are we to understand that? previously in the same chapter vs 18 John said no man has seen God at any time, the son is who explain or declare him. What boggles my mind is, where is the God that had early dealings with the nation of Israel? did he just disappear or did he manifest himself as someone else? This would be misleading wouldn't you agree? What would be the purpose of God doing that if he wants us to worship him in an acceptable way? The bible said he does not do anything unless he reveals it to his servants. His word the bible is the means in which he does that. When reading, read the context of the scriptues/ surrounding verses to get the sense of what is being said. If you approach the bible looking to find something to support what you already believe you will not find truth. There cannot be 2 sets of truths if they are not in agreement. God wants us to worship him in Spirit and in Truth. He is a God of order. His goal is not to confuse us but for us to draw close to him and have a relationship with him. We can't do that unless we first come to know who he is. So, get to know your creator. Jesus said, this means everlasting life, their taking in knowledge of you the only true God and the one whom you sent forth Jesus christ. Did you cath that? knowledge leads to everlasting life.
  • Guadalupe Delgadillo on John 1 - 13 years ago
    I do think that Jesus is GOD in the flesh.would you agree.
  • Michael on John 1:1 - 13 years ago
    God is spirit, father of all spirits...Jesus is God in the flesh ,savior of all that call on his name...the spirit is power of god the spirit came out of Gods mouth ...God speeks it is power
  • Ronnie on John 1 - 13 years ago
    the chapter in 2 comment wasnt 1john but john 1 verse...sorry for miss wrote.//ronnie
  • Ronnie on John 1 - 13 years ago
    i like to read everyones opinons right or wrong in our opinons,ilove to study and it gets me to think ,i will give you all my opinons you may get good out of it maybe not, but i think we could learn from one another ....pray that we will god bless///ronnie
  • Ronnie on John 1 - 13 years ago
    i like 1john its a lot to think about but i dont think you can understand it by just taking one verse,to dottie comment i have given this a lot of thought and i have read alot of the bible / think about the verse where jesus said "that iam the bread that came down from heaven to give life, spirtal life with him. we are all one spirit in jesus. one god the father in you all by you all and though you all , the word that he said ,in the beginning was the word the word was with god and the word was god. [1 verse of 1john ] just like your word is with you /it is part of you it is how you commuacate /it is with you that is how i unstand it.but keep up your way of looking at the sqiptures ,maybe we find the truth /but i do know the bible siad God was manafiested in the flesh which was jesus .i like the word and the truth that is in it jesus said study the word ,the word testafies of jesus not so much his flesh, but his spirt . which was God
  • Chris A. Boyd on John 1 - 13 years ago
    I thank God that He pulled me out of organized religion by giving me the LOVE OF TRUTH. I wasn't aware of what God was doing, but I thought to myself: there must be something better, this religion is dead... Sure enough, about 2 years later, God had me run into a brick wall, and my only choice than was to call upon HIM, the TRUE Living GOD, repent of my straying and wanting to do my own will. I gave Him then a challenge: to show me His Truth, I didn't want any of that religious scam; to manifest Himself to me ( Jn. 14: 21), and to show me a Church of His choice where I could serve Him. GOD did all of that and much more, I found in Him a true Father, which erased the false picture I had of Him as Father, He manifested Himself in 3 different ways: by testifying His Word in sending such light, love and power when I was reading a verse concerning His Word, I almost fainted in the process; by showing me an assembly of men and women of God, soulwinners, true Bible believers; and finally, as I was having problems praying in the English language, French beeing my mother's tongue, I asked God what I should do about it, and a couple weeks later, as I was busy serving Him, inviting children to ride the bus on Sundays, around 1 PM, as a strong migraine headache came on me, I got back on the road and thought: "man, I'm going to hit the bunk as soon as I get home..." As I was in these thoughts, suffering under the pain, God spoke to me in English and said: "Take the next road to the left". I was so pleasantly surprised, and so amazed, WOW... But I said: "Lord I'm sick , I have to go to the house" In fact I wanted to hear His voice again, and sure enough, God repeated to me the same phrase, so I stood on the brakes, as I was getting very close to that road and I turned left. Then I said: "Here am I Lord" He didn't say anything else so I thought: "who do I know on this road?" I only knew one sweet old christian lady living in an old trailer. I went directly to her door and knocked, a weak voice said: "Come in, come in", so I did just that, and when she saw me she started crying of joy and said: "I've been praying for 3 days that God would someone to me". She had a bad kidney infection. I knew she was alone, no family no friends in the area, but I didn't know she had no phone, so her only alternative was to ask God to send someone. I was in the area, open to do God's work and He asked me to go visit her, and at the same time He answered my request about this language problem I had by speaking to me in English. From that time on I found it extraordinary to speak with my Lord in the English language without feeling uncomfortable. That's when I started walking with God, who was to me more real than anything I could see or touch. We talked together all day, for specific subjects I'd get on my knees and God would give me an answer soon after. It was really incredible, but I was so thankful to have met the True Living God and to live such a fulfilled life, though I was so weak, and God showed me every one of my sins so I could get forgiveness and strength to overcome, and our relation grew more and more. "...grow in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ..." There's nothing in the world as GREAT as to be in tune with the True Living God!!! Chris
  • Chris A. Boyd on John 1 - 13 years ago
    Hello everyone,
    True Believers of God, (cf. 1st comment above) are the ones who have received the True Living Word: the Lord Jesus Christ, (I Peter) who is God manifested in the flesh ( ITim. 3:16) a wonderful verse that so called scholars have corrupted. A true believer of God is certainly not one who criticizes the Word of God, or tries to diminish the meaning of any portion of it, as a way to promote his own private interpretation or what his or her organization teaches, like this dear Dottie who probably supports the teachings of the Jehovah's Witness, a man made organization which does what the Roman Catholic Church has always said: don't read the Bible alone, but trust what your priest teaches you. Jehovah says: "Cursed is the man who leans on the arm of the flesh... (who trusts man in terms of faith and salvation) But blessed is the man who puts his trust in the LORD" The Jehovah witness organization has first corrupted the Greek text of the NT, the proof is that it's one of a kind, no manuscript supports their greek version. And to top it off, they've also twisted the translations of their own manuscript in whatever language it was translated. A typical proof that it's a cult is that they believe, like the RCC, "Outside of our organization, no salvation". Seek the Lord for yourself, you will find Him, but you have to receive the LOVE OF THE TRUTH from God in order to receive the True Living Word of God, to receive the Lord Jesus Christ as your own Lord and Savior. If you're not willing to put your "organization" in doubt, whichever it may be, and to seek and trust the True Living God and HIM alone, you will bust HELL wide open, whether you believe in Hell or not, that doesn't change the fact that it's real. Don't leave an organization for another one, you'll never know if they teach the Truth or not. Go directly to the Creator, The LORD God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, who's been calling men and women for centuries, that you may seek HIM, not an organisation, come to HIM, not an organized religion, trust HIM and not mankind... "Choose ye this day whom ye will serve" YOU will have to face God Almighty, no organization will be there to usher you into Eternity, and YOU and only you can and must and take this decision. Do it with the True Living God at your side, His precious Word which He left with us, but let go all human loyalties to be free to become a child of God through the New Birth, through Christ who died for you personally, paid the price of your own SINS in His death on the cross, so you can have Eternal Life by trusting Him.
  • Dottie on John 1 - 13 years ago
    So many people take John 1:1 as Jesus is GOD. But even if the article "a" was left out of the scripture or not there at all.....with reading the rest of the scripture as it reads, just doesn't make sense!!

    John 1:1 - 1 In the beginning was the Word (Jesus), and the Word (Jesus)........was"WITH GOD", and the Word (JESUS) was God. 2 The SAME was in the beginning WITH God.
    Okay, Now who is referred to in verse 2 when it says "the same" WAS IN THE BEGINNING WITH "GOD"? So saying that Jesus is THEE GOD, When in verse 2. it is saying then that the same (Jesus God) WAS in the beginning WITH GOD (Jesus God) ? ? If Jesus is God, then how can you have someone...... with someone......WHEN BOTH DESCRIBING WORDS ARE "describing" the same person...."JESUS AS GOD"??? IT IS IMPOSSIBLE..... YOU HAVE TO THINK ABOUT THIS WITH ALL RATIONABILITY AND LOGIC. If someone is "WITH" someone, BUT that "someone" is the same person.......then the sentence wouldn't describe God as having someone "WITH" HIM ? ? ? That is where Satan is really messing up people so they don't find or listen to the "Truth" of the Bible! He knows who the TRUE worshippers are of GOD.
  • Apostle Pophet Per Einar Jensen on John 1 - 13 years ago
    I like John chapther I. God have given me revelation over his words in this capther
    I love it
  • Terry on John 1 - 13 years ago
    verse 14, and the word was made flesh and dwelt among us....the word was God,verse 1.Too simple,Jesus is God!!!
  • David on John 1 - 13 years ago
    Well as far as I can see, John, whoever he was, is entitled to his opinion but until we know who he was exactly, what his relationship to Jesus was and more importantly what events fix him historically we should remain cautious regarding his testimony. Superficially he appears to be a Jew who hated Jews whilst few Biblical scholars seem to believe that his gospel is the work of a single author. Most perplexing.
  • Nene Baxter on Acts 2 - 13 years ago
    Here is some of the mystery of God 1Tim 3:16 helps you to understand Jesus gave a great commission to the world, In the begining God lead his people out of the wilderness thru his servant Moses. But now in the end of the world he came into the world by the sacrifice of himself Hebrews 9:1-28 talking about himself coming as the second veil (meaning flesh)to put away sin Hebrews 10:5 where he talks about a body he prepaired himself so that he could shed blood for the sins of the world, because the bible says that wiithout the shedding of blood there was no remission for sins Hebrews 2:14,9:7,12-14,18-22. Being the great God that he is, he placed himself in a virgin woman called Mary (womb) to be born as a son in the flesh and as he was born the angel had already spoke to her and said his name shall be called Jesus which is the name above every name( Luke 1:27-35)The Holy Ghost is the spirit of the Lord, so he became flesh ( John 1:1-14). Jesus gave Peter the keys to the kingdom of heaven, and on the day of pentecost Peter answered the question of how to be saved when the people ask (men and brethen what shall we do ?) Please read carefully with an open heart to God's word. Whosoever obey shall be saved (Acts:1 and 2). God's Blessings!!
  • Willis on John 1 - 13 years ago
    God was human being in Jesus so that the earthly fraternity could accept him and the gospel to get space amongst the men
  • Don on John 1:5 - 13 years ago
    I believe that christians are children who walk in the light. The non believing world (in darkness) does not percieve us and we must illuminate their path, bybeing a shining examble.
  • Doug Lamb on 1 Peter 3 - 13 years ago
    After further study on baptsm I think that most people miss the point. Johin baptized with water to "manifest" Jesus Christ to Israel (they required a sign) in John 1:33 John the Baptist speaks of the "real" Baptism, which by Christ putting believers into the Body by his Holy Spirit. ( 1 Cor.12:13) So what happens today is; a lot of unsaved people are trusting in their Water Baptism. The NIV leaves out the confession of the Ethopian ( Acts 8:37)and takes the man right into the water! The confession that they use today is the confession of a demon in Luke 4:41; "Thou art Christ the Son of God."..."The devils also believe, and tremble." ( James 2:19) DGL
  • Ron Hopkins on John 1:3 - 13 years ago
    Jesus is the ONLY creator of everything that exists, and always will be. Evolutionists and "big bang" believers do not want to have to answer to a higher power.
  • Helen M Nanney on John 1 - 13 years ago
    It is a powerful chapter, as John knew, he would be the tale barrer of the coming of the Christ as prophecied in scripture. He wanted people to know the time for the Messiah was at hand.
    He was apointed before he was born to be the tale barrer of the return of salvation to earth through the promised Messiah. It is the same message for us today. The Misiah did not come before or after Christ Jesus. People will be lost from their light, that does not understand this. There is no other Messiah, then the one John introduced to the world. It is not the stars, a destroyer, a stone, a prophet, a sooth sayer, a warrorier, none of the worlds isoltry. It is the life saving Truth for the lost generations of God's children.
  • Helen M Nanney on John 1 - 13 years ago
    For the law was given by Moses, [but] grace and truth came by Jesus Christ. J-1-17

    Under the law we have the rules of self discipline, needed to live in harmony with each other, in God’s laws of perfection and protection. In this mankind, learns to be orderly, and without sin, Self respect, and respect of others purity, and holiness is law. Living under the idolatry of Adam and Eve it is a process of knowing and living the high ethical standards of the law.

    Jesus gave us the light of Truth, in order to find our way out of idolatry, through reformation, salvation, and restoration. In this we learn the Oracles of God, and are saved from idolatry. This assures us of our return to our place in the atmosphere of heaven. Where we can live under free will, and know the Love of our Father. Angels do God’s bidding, but have no free will. Jesus say’s we are higher than the angels. In this we have the privilege of being the sons and daughters of God, forever basked in His Holy presence, and blessings.
    For the law was given by Moses, [but] grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.

    Under the law we have the rules of self discipline, needed to live in harmony with each other, in God’s laws of perfection and protection. In this mankind, learns to be orderly, and without sin, Self respect, and respect of others purity, and holiness is law. Living under the idolatry of Adam and Eve it is a process of knowing and living the high ethical standards of the law.

    Jesus gave us the light of God, in order to find our way out of idolatry, through reformation, salvation, and restoration. In this we learn the Oracles of God, and are saved from idolatry. This assures us of our return to our place in the atmosphere of heaven. Where we can live under free will, and know the Love of our Father. Angels do God’s bidding, but have no free will. Jesus say’s we are higher than the angels. In this we have the privilege of being the sons and daughters of God, forever basked in His Holy presence, and blessings.
    For the law was given by Moses, [but] grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.

    Under the law we have the rules of self discipline, needed to live in harmony with each other, in God’s laws of perfection and protection. In this mankind, learns to be orderly, and without sin, Self respect, and respect of others purity, and holiness is law. Living under the idolatry of Adam and Eve it is a process of knowing and living the high ethical standards of the law.

    Jesus gave us the light of God, in order to find our way out of idolatry, through reformation, salvation, and restoration. In this we learn the Oracles of God, and are saved from idolatry. This assures us of our return to our place in the atmosphere of heaven. Where we can live under free will, and know the Love of our Father. Angels do God’s bidding, but have no free will. Jesus say’s we are higher than the angels. In this we have the privilege of being the sons and daughters of God, forever basked in His Holy presence, and blessings.
    For the law was given by Moses, [but] grace and truth came by Jesus Christ.

    Under the law we have the rules of self discipline, needed to live in harmony with each other, in God’s laws of perfection and protection. In this mankind, learns to be orderly, and without sin, Self respect, and respect of others purity, and holiness is law. Living under the idolatry of Adam and Eve it is a process of knowing and living the high ethical standards of the law.

    Jesus gave us the light of God, in order to find our way out of idolatry, through reformation, salvation, and restoration. In this we learn the Oracles of God, and are saved from idolatry. This assures us of our return to our place in the atmosphere of heaven. Where we can live under free will, and know the Love of our Father. Angels do God’s bidding, but have no free will. Jesus say’s we are higher than the angels. In this we have the privilege of being the sons and daughters of God, forever basked in His Holy presence, and blessings.
  • Cesar... Chicago baptist church on John 1 - 13 years ago
    If the bible says the word was God then the word was God....let's clear that up for those who make it hard and don't understand ...... Jesus is God. Yes ... If he wasn't he would not be sinless and take away any sin. Beside people I don't know anybody that can walk on water and raise the dead if they were not God. Besides why would we put are trust in just a man to take away are sins??? He had to be God or were in trouble!! The fact that he is God , he still to this day can change lives. See YouTube for my testimony: testimony of Julio Garcia. Thanks people for your common sence thinking
  • Hans on John 1 - 13 years ago
    Please have a look at Psalms 83:18 ... what is the name of the only true God?
  • Millard on John 1:1 - 13 years ago
    In the beginning was the Word- God the Omnipresence Spirit existed before his creation
    (Jn.4:24) God is a Spirit:- and the Word was with
    God and the Word was God. God existed before the creation. He was called the Word of God. (Jn.1:14)
    and the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us.
    God became a man. (Mat.1:23) Behold a virgin shall
    be with child, and shall bring forth a son, and they shall call his name Emmanuel being interpreted, is God with us. (Mat.1:21) And she shall bring fort a son and thou shall call his name Jesus. Jesus is the Word. Jesus is the Word that became flesh. Jesus is Emmanuel God with us.
    Jesus is the son that was brought forth. Jesus is God. Jesus is his name.
  • Charlie on John 1 - 13 years ago
    John speaks of Jesus as the creator and sustainer of all life on Earth and Heaven. It goes together with Matt 28:18- "All power in heaven and earth has been given to me." As Christians this should give us utmost confidence in this life that Jesus has all power and authority and controls all circumstances.
  • Reggie on Proverbs 8 - 13 years ago
    At the concern over gender issues of wisdom crying and putting forth "HER" voice is a pronoun of relativity. As the church is relative to Jesus -" The Bride of Christ " but to the world the church is very masculine See Eph. 6:10 tru 17. You don't get any more masculine than putting on the whole armour of God and wrestling against powers and rulers of darkness. No sane intelligent person would ascribe that to be feminine.
    But to consider Chosen Vessels comment posted 8/04/2010; I am constrained to say iv'e never heard such gobbledy gook! Jesus refered to the Holy Ghost as He over and over again in John chs. 14 tru 16. I believe it would be wisdom to agree with Jesus on this one and pray that Chosen would be delivered from confusion. To ascribe God the Father as( sub atomic darkness ), is not only unscriptural, but ignorance at best and perverting the Word of truth at worst. James 1:17 states He is the Father of Lights, with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning. There is not even a shadow much less darkness with Father God. And John states in 1 John 1:5 that God is light, and in him is NO DARKNESS!! sub-atomic or otherwise. Prov. ch 8 & vs.7 wisdom cries out "For my mouth shall speak truth" Jesus said,"I am the way, the truth, and the life." John 14:6 And no man cometh unto the Father but by me. We are not coming to (sub-atomic darkness) we are coming out of darkness into His wonderful light.A notable sign of wisdom is vs.7 "SPEAK TRUTH".
  • Ben weaver on John 1 - 13 years ago
    Was God himself in human flesh? Is God limited to being 3 persons-trinity? I suppose that we, being sons and daughters of God by faith in the divine Savior Jesus Christ, might still be trying to frame the supernatural realities to fit into our limited earthly dimentions. In Jn. 4:24, Jesus said "God is spirit". The divine Spirit can hardly be framed into our number system as being trinity, because He is actualy everywhere. Jesus, in a spirit sense, was in heaven while being here on earth. John 3:13 & 14:3 K.J.V. are buth spoken present tense. It seems that spirit realities are not limited to earth's laws. In other words, an aspect or facet of God can be wherever He chooses to be without needing to fit into our mindset.
  • Ben on John 1:18 - 13 years ago
    when reading this we are taught in the bible that the Holy Spirit, Jesus, and God are the same. So if man has seen Jesus the how can he not have seen God. I know Jesus was in the form of a human body so then was God in the form of a human body?

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