Discuss John 20 Page 13

  • Cayetano lirazan on John 20 - 11 years ago
    Is it true that when Jesus died,his spirit went down into the depth and preached the spirits down there?can someone give me the verse?i just heard it and i want to know the truth..thanks and GOD BLESS..
  • Henriette on Matthew 15 - 11 years ago
    My comment is on the whole of Matthew. Son of Man is mentioned some 42 times in this gospel. Son of David at least 12 times and Son of God at least 12 times. What stands out is Jesus lineage as "Son of Man" Too many believe the apostacy that Jesus is God. He was both. He inherited mortality from his human Mother Mary but gained immortality as "the wages of sin is death (Mary) As Jesus in "all points was tempted as we are, yet without sin", death had no hold on him hence he became the first fruits of the ressurrection thus showing us the way through him to God his Father and God ( John 20:17)
  • Henriette on John 20:17 - 11 years ago
    verse 28 Blows the co-equal/co-eternal doctrine right out of the water!
  • Dromjo 10 on John 20 - 11 years ago
    verse 17 it cleary mentioned that he deny's divinity. Do i uderstand correct him
  • Michele on John 20:31 - 11 years ago
    I think that the word may and might says a lot about salvation. Jesus came that we "may or might" eneter into His rest. Seems salvation is a condition on not willfully sinning
  • Vincent Aja on Matthew 15 - 12 years ago
    I do believe that we are still taking the words of God out of their contexts simply because we do approach the Bible with our minds already made up with denominational doctrines. Otherwise something written in a plain English text shows that the Lord Jesus` accepting to be worshipped proved Him to be God ( John 20:28, Revelation 1:17-18). Another truth that this passage has also displayed is that the Jews were the FIRST CHURCH ( Acts 7:38), and that the Kingdom of God belongs to them because of the “Covenants” that God had made with their father, and again what the Syrophenician woman displayed here is that through faith the Gentiles will receive mercy and be part of the Kingdom of God. It is very wrong for anybody to teach that God has taken the Kingdom away from the Jews and gave it to the Gentiles. The only way that we can harmonize the Word of God is when we begin to crosscheck what was said in one place with another; and not apply theories to the words of God. For example what the Lord Jesus said here was in agreement with John 4: 22 where He says that, salvation is of the Jews, and in the same manner the Apostle Paul had followed Him with that tone. He disapproved every theory that the Kingdom was taken from the Jews for he always said, of the Jews first then the Gentiles Romans 1:16, etc.
  • Jay on Luke 24 - 12 years ago
    1. The 2 men in white linen are angels ( John 20:12), the scriptures do not give any indication of where the angels went;
    2. The 2 men on the way to Emmaus are sad because they believe the body of Jesus was missing, that was under the impression that Jesus was going to rid Israel of the Roman Empire ( Luke 24:21), they did not understand what was really happening ( Luke 24:25,26), their spiritual eyes have not yet been opened until verse 31;
    3. It was most likely on the third day Jesus ascended into heaven to place his sinless perfect pure blood on the mercy seat for the atonement for the sins for all, especially to them that believe ( I Timothy 4:10);
    4. Mary Magdalene was the first person to see and talk to Jesus after he arose from the tomb ( John 20:14-17).
  • Edwin munyua on 1 John 5:11 - 12 years ago
    I believe that God has given us new life which is in his son. Paul says we are a new creation in Christ Jesus, 2 Corinthians 5:17. That means we are totally transformed to be a new creature. Life is in the blood, so when you receive Christ, you become his child not born by the will of man but by his spirit. When God created man he breathed into him. When man sinned, the life of God in him left. During Pentecost, God breathed again to give each one of us his life through Christ. How we receive it is only by faith. In John 20:9-20, Jesus did it again to his fellows and said receive the holy spirit and breathed on them. Thank you and God bless you.
  • James Kirby on John 20:26 - 12 years ago
    By Biblical reckoning of counting days this second appearance of the risen Messiah took place on a Monday... not on Sunday. The word -After- means you start counting -after- the first day He appeared which was a Sunday. For the proper way to understand -after- see Leviticus 23:16. You start counting the 50 days -after- the Sabbath, which means you start on the next day which was a Sunday and that lands you on Sunday... 50 days -after- a Sabbath, which was a Saturday. Therefore we start counting the 8 days the day -after- the first appearance, which was a Sunday and we end up on a Monday.
  • Albee on John 20 - 12 years ago
    Verse 31- Jesus is the SON OF GOD...this among numerous other scriptures that DISPROVE the Doctrine of Trinity. By the way, the word Trinity isn't even in the Bible.
  • Aggie on John 20 - 12 years ago
    When doors were locked up, Jesus was able to enter the room where his disciples had gathered for fear of the Jews verse 19 and 26. This shows that everywhere you are if you are a Christian and a disciple Lord, Jesus will be there. Hurray! We have ever-present God amongst us every time.
  • Sister Linda Susan on John 10 - 12 years ago
    A strong thought here why would God talk to himself, Jesus was not crazy, God is not neither. He did not have a split personality. Jesus said the father is greater than I. Greater means plural more than one great greater. Please open your bible to John 14:28 and help me understand this reasoning that Jesus is his father first born. God and Jesus do not play games, they have no split personality sicknesses. John 5:36 he said the father sent him here. I am thinking Jesus said clearly his father sent him. God can do anything, God does not have to pretend he is Jesus and act like a split personality like a sibling. God and Jesus do not talk to themselves and confuse people. We must understand the devil knows the scriptures inside out. In John 20:17, Jesus was talking to a person there, Jesus does not lie. Jesus saith unto her touch me not for I am not yet ascended to my father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my father, and your father: and to my God, and your God. Does everyone think Jesus was crazy? Jesus told the people in John 14:10, Jesus said the father is in him and he is in the father, but here again Jesus says I speak not of myself: but the father that dwelleth in me. Jesus takes no credit for the things he did but said the father doeth the works, the holy spirit speaks, comes in people but they are not the holy spirit. I cover this message with the blood of Jesus. Amen.
  • Barbara on John 20 - 12 years ago
    Christmas is just here around the corner. I see where John had to have the proof to believe that Jesus was real and alive after death. Just as we ourselves, wants some kind of sign. How GREAT it is to know Jesus by his holy spirit, that our eyes don’t have to see, but our Heart is Jesus. He walks with us daily, in our heart. And when we sin, our body greaves, because our body is part of his. When we repent, we have a great Joy, and we are ok with our Lord. I’m glad I believe without seeing. But I feel Jesus in my heart. God Bless. Sister Barbara from Cleveland Ohio.
  • Mas on John 19 - 12 years ago
    What you have raised is a profound study in the Bible. And just one book (John) is not enough to provide all truths that the study entails.
    It has to start from the Old Testament, where one can learn the institution of Jews Passover with Moses, all events, lawful and customary that surrounded that Passover.
    Yes, there were two Sabbaths involved in the events that surrounded the death and resurrection of our lord and savior Jesus Christ.
    1. One is the Sabbath of Preparation of the Jews Passover in John 19:31,42. That Sabbath had nothing to do with weekdays, it was just a public holiday ( Leviticus 23);
    2. The second is a weekly Sabbath, spoken of in John 20:1 in the first day of the next week.
    So there were 2 Sabbaths involved, and they were successive the holy proclamation (public holiday) and the normal weekly Sabbath. And resurrection took place early on the first day of the week.
    I could recommend a study by Victor Paul Wierwille “Jesus Christ our Passover”.
    Great to notice the accuracy of word of God.
    God bless you.
  • Sharon on Luke 23:43 - 12 years ago
    It appears from the comments that reasoning persons are wondering whether the meaning of the word 'today' and/or the punctuation, may have been lost in translation. The answer is that there was no punctuation in the original Greek Bible manuscripts. Further, 'today' could not have meant that very day, since Jesus himself was not raised up until the third day and during that three-day period, he was not in heaven, because following his resurrection he told Mary Magdalene: "I have not yet ascended to the Father." ( John 20:17). It was 40 days later that he ascended. Jesus was preaching the hope of resurrection. The book of Revelation, written about 63 years after the statements in Luke were made, indicates that these events, including the resurrection, were still in the future. For more information, please contact your local congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses.
  • André on John 20 - 12 years ago

    With regard to verse 17:
    ‘’Jesus saith unto her, Touch me not; for I am not yet ascended to my Father: but go to my brethren, and say unto them, I ascend unto my Father, and your Father; and to my God, and your God.’’
    That most relates to
    Hebrews 9:12 ‘’Neither by the blood of goats and calves, but by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place, having obtained eternal redemption for us.’’
    Jesus as an high priest, went in the temple with his own blood he presented as a sacrifice to God.
    That he did just after resurrection.
    God bless you.
  • Paul on John 20:17 - 12 years ago
    I am trying to understand this phrase in relation to when Thomas touched Jesus wound. Did Jesus ascend to Heaven shortly after rising then return to be with his apostles
  • Walt on John 20 - 12 years ago
    Jesus came to fulfill the LAW & to minister to the Jews only (Icame to the house of Isreal only)Christs sacrificial blood atonement and resurection for the sins of all mankind was unkown to the Jews until after the resurrection. Acts and The Pauleen Epistles reveals Gentiles & Jews salvation program especially in Eph 2:8-9. We Gentiles were out in the cold until after the Cross. Eph 11-12 Now we are to unify!
  • DJ on John 20:23 - 12 years ago
    I think that this verse proves the Catholics are right. Forgiveness is granted by the Priest when we step into a confessional and say "Father forgive me for I have sinned". Christ gave the apostles the power and authority to grant forgiveness, and today absolution can only come through a Priest. Christ clearly authorized the Church Fathers to retain or remit sin, and Christ will not redeem a sinner unless a Priest permits it.
  • Kennedy mulenga on John 20:22 - 12 years ago
  • JoPee on John 20 - 12 years ago
    How sad it is that most people only call on GOD when they're in trouble.GOD, who deserves tons of respect and thanks,receives very little. I look forward to the day I can see HIM face to face so I can thank HIM personally.HE is sooooo good to us. much thanks LORD!!!
  • Saul on Psalms 83 - 12 years ago
    jehova names has been remove because they want to make trinity doctrine true wich ist not true jehova is the only true GOD and jesus is his son the first born pleased peoples way up look at this and see that there its not trinity colossians 1:15 and isaih 42:8 john 20:17 revelation 3:11,12 filemon 2:5,6 act 7:55,56 and the hole bilbe says God jehova and jesus the lamb of God
  • Marlon on Psalms 83 - 12 years ago
    hi, i think other blible descriptions they remove jehova name just to try that there its a trinity doctrine which its not true ,, jehova its the only true GOD and jesus first born colossians 1:15 isaiah 42:8 philemon 2:5 first timothy 2:2,6 john 20:17 revelation 3:11,12
  • Eve on John 20 - 12 years ago
    In general, we all sons of God, but most of us has lost the Father (GOD) to this world and become sons and daughters of the father/prince of this world (satan) as we attend to evil acts. However, to be a Son of God you have to be like Jesus, He was a fully qualified Son of God, in terms of him displaying the qualities of God, with no stain of sin. Indeed, if you see it this way he is the Son of God. Nevertheless, we can all once again become Sons of God if we give up this world with its sins. I believe Jesus to be a perfect example of what God what’s us to do and follow in order to gain him back close toward fellow human bins, after all we all brothers and sisters.
    How can a true loving mother and father hate one and love another… impossible. In Gods eye we all his sons and daughters, so next time you think of hurting someone or gossiping and causing any form of evil in your heart against someone, remember that it is your sister or brother you hurting and your or mom and dad ( in other way God) won’t be please about that.
    So my advice is stop all the dogma (most of it at the end is confusing for most) and rather do as Jesus did. Being nice to people, helping where you can, giving a had to the need ( each moth put aside little cash from what you earn ,give it to someone how as nothing, maybe a Christmas present for homeless boy in your street.
    Remember : Its natural to be good you don’t have to wonder your mind about it
    Remember: Satan is the other of confusion. Forget dogmas, just be good, that’s your part to do, and if you do it sincerely, God will come closer to you and show you the way.

    Lots of love from AFRICA, from and African sister to you all.
  • Hazel on John 20 - 12 years ago
    I worship under the Hebrew faith, but will never stop believing that Jesus died and was risen from the dead. Also that he is the Son of God. I love Jesus and will always love him, and thank him for all he done here on earth.
  • Samuel Bonaya Buya on Acts 2 - 12 years ago
    In Luke 24:45-49 Jesus reminded his disciples of what is written of him concerning his suffering, death and ressurection; that repentance and remission of sins would be preached in his name beginning from Jerusalem. They were to wait in Jerusalem for the Holy Ghost to come upon them in order to witness the word ( Acts 1:7-8). Before his crucifiction Jesus had told his disciples that it was not them that would speak but the Holy Ghost ( Mark 13:11). They were to preach the the Gospel with the Holy Ghost sent down from heaven ( 1 Peter 1:12). On the day of pentecost they heard the infallible Holy Ghost speak through the mouth of Peter ( Acts 2:33). In Acts 10:44 it says to him give all prophets witness that through his name whosover believers shall receive remission of sins. On this day of pentecost, after death burial, ressurection and ascension of Jesus, the Holy Ghost witnessed, beginning from Jerusalem, commanding the people to repent and be baptised in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of their sins and they would receive the gift of the Holy Spirit ( Acts 2:38). God is His own interprater, interpreting the Name of the Father, Son and the Holy Ghost; for he says in Zechariah 14:9 : And the Lord shall be King over all the earth: in that day shall there be one Lord and his name one. Thomas called him My Lord and my God ( John 20:28). On this day of Pentecost the Holy Ghost bore witness of His Holy child whom He annointed( Mathew 1:18, Acts 4: 27). Who can add or subtract from what God had began? What He began in the day of pentectost and Jerusalem restores in the Last days: Baptism in the Name of Jesus Christ for remission of Sin. The Holy Ghost Church will stay with the command of the Holy Ghost for they know the Apostles were sent the Holy Ghost (13:4) and spake these words at His command.
  • Samuel B. Buya on Matthew 1 - 12 years ago
    Jesus was God manifested in the the flesh ( 1 Timothy 3:16). God is a Spirit( Holy Spirit) - John 4: 24; God was manifested in the flesh to take away the sin of the world. God purchased his church by his own blood ( acts 20:28). Isaiah 9:6 says unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given and his name shall be called wonderful, counsellor, the mighty God, the everlasting father. Notice hear it didnt say names but name. All the titles applied to Jesus in Isaiah 9:6 refer to the self same person. He was God above us in the old testament and Immanuel (God with us) when he was manifested in the flesh. In John 14:6-11 Jesus says, he that hath seen me hath seen the Father. Thomas in John 20:28 called him my Lord and God. In Titus 2:11-14, Jesus is refered to as the Great God and saviour. In 1 John 5:20 He is refered to as the true God and eternal life.
  • Elizabeth on John 20 - 12 years ago
    Barbara- it's possible; however, Jesus IS GOD, so when he breathed on them, he was giving them the Holy Spirit. A pastor is NOT God. IF the pastor has the Holy Spirit, and God so wills, the pastor laying hands upon or breathing on those who have received Christ CAN be the method God uses to Give the Holy Spirit to them. (If you read Acts; the apostles laid hands on people and the people received the Holy Spirit) Acts 8:14-17 - 14 Now when the apostles which were at Jerusalem heard that Samaria had received the word of God, they sent unto them Peter and John:

    15 Who, when they were come down, prayed for them, that they might receive the Holy Ghost:

    16 (For as yet he was fallen upon none of them: only they were baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus.)

    17 Then laid they their hands on them, and they received the Holy Ghost.
  • Cheryl Rakestraw on John 20 - 12 years ago
    John Chapter 20 is awesome...without the death of Jesus we would not have eternal life......
    We have the Spirit of Christ that lives in us......and the Holly Spirit lives in us how awesome is that.......Thank You God
  • John hicks on John 20:17 - 12 years ago
    jesus went to the father and his body was glorify and he came back

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