To Jennifer, "they" in verse 34 relates to all of us. When Jesus said father forgive them for the know not what they do, he was thinking of all of mankind, because it was our sin that he was forgiving by dying on the cross. Since we have been forgiven, we should forgive others who sin toward us. Peter ask the Lord how many times should I forgive my brother up to seven? Jesus said not seven, but seventy times seven. If you are struggling with unforgiveness, then go to the cross, and there you will see all of your sin that Jesus forgave, when he said father forgive them for they know not what they do.
"And the same day Pilate and Herod were made friends together: for before they were at enmity between themselves." ( Luke 23:12)
What precedes wars and fightings? As Karl von Clausewitz analyzed war, his observations can be carried over into that which is beyond military combat.
His definition of war is "war therefore is an act of violence to compel our opponent to fulfill our will." He says, "War is always a serious means for a serious object."
James says, "From whence come wars and fightings among you? come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members? Ye lust, and have not, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war,yet ye have not, because ye ask not. Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts." ( James 4:1-3)
James speaks of lust, Clausewitz said, "Everything which appears an advantage may be the object of a combat..."
The heart manifests lust, envy, hostility, and hatred unto war.
Have quickly hostility can manifest in the heart. A close examination of one's heart could show hostility. Hostility towards a comment made, or an action committed or omitted. It may not manifest itself into an open battle, but the hostility can remain in the heart. A polarity [Clausewitz] now exists (whether hidden in the heart, or openly manifested). Enemies are made.
Now enemies (polar opposites) with hostile hearts, war is declared (whether verbal or silent). You don't like that person, that person does not like you. The hostility can burn and enflame into hatred and the desire to kill. (whether with words, actions, or the desire for supremacy).
There may be many battles; many words and actions that convey hostility.
Sometimes action in the war can be suspended, without the war ending: circumstances may dictate an inaction. [Cluasewitz] Maybe you don't want someone to see or hear your hostility so you take it underground for awhile. Maybe you decide the place or time is not advantageous for you to get the advantage so you wait for a more advantageous moment. But, the hostility is still there; it's just being put on hold.
You may feel hostility, but recognize the person has superior power that could do you harm; so you hold off attacking; but, not because the hostility is gone; but, because you access the situation is not to your advantage.
Hostility remains in the heart.
Clausewitz speaks of "reciprocal action." Also, reciprocal action of reciprocal action. One hostility begats another hostility...."Thus a continuance of action will ensue which will advance towards a climax."
If war is "a continuation of policy by other means", to have war there must be two or more opposing policies. If there are ten people sitting at a table and all ten have ten different policies (things they believe) anyone who speaks differently could be viewed hostilely. Everyone can be seeking to hold their policy, and hold their position as superior with hostility towards anyone who does not submit to their view.
Now as toward truth, we know we are to obey God (His policy). We are to speak the truth in love; but, even then, Jesus has said, "If they hated me, they will hate you." There will be those who do not want Jesus to be over them. They will not want to obey His Words (policy). They will be hostile toward Him, toward His Word, and toward His servants. They are hostile toward God, and at war with Him.
But, we who are the Lord's, if not careful, can harbor hostility in our hearts. We are admonished to "Keep thy heart with all diligence..." ( Proverbs 4:23)
We are to "follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord: looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled..." ( Hebrews 12:14-15)
Cain, Esau, Pharisees, scorners, etc. manifested hostile hearts.
John says, "...whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother." ( I John 3:10)
Our hearts will either condemn us or commend us. If the heart manifests hostility, that hostility must be in opposition to something. If hostility remains, murder can be its climax.
Cain rose up against Abel in the field and slew him; why? because Cains works were evil and Abel's were righteous. Cain was hostile toward God and toward his brother. His hostility continued unto hatred and murder.
Has any research been done on the punctuatiohn of this verse. Jesus did appear later to many people? Also, did Jesus go to hades which some say is Hell?
Nimrod Christ Nimrod, Ph.D. on Psalms 23 - 14 years ago
(The 23rd Psalm) Again Alica, Jesus did not die on the cursed cross for your sins. Jesus Conquered death on that cursed cross for your sins. The Greek term for Jesus' so-called death is "Thanatos" which means a spirital separation from the body. The last thing Jesus said on that cursed cross was: "And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, He said, Father, into Thy Hands I commend My Spirit: and having said thus, He gave up His Spirit" ( Luke 23:46). Jesus dismissed His Spirit into the Hands of His Father. Jesus actually came fully alive when He went back to His Father, back to where He came from. Jesus was not buried in the tomb. His Body was buried. That is the happy ending you should teach your children Alicia and not the bloody horror that has been taught to you. Your choice! God loves you Alicia and your children and so do I. Sincerely, God's son, servant and friend King Nimrod ( Gen. 10:8-10).
Luke 23:46
And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost.
Let no man deceive you. Jesus told us don't follow no one. Anti-christ means instead of jesus. Daniel tells us in chapter 10,11, Of his book that satan comes in peace speaking flatteries. Looks just like the lamb but speaks as the dragon. When you see the great Apostascy, a falling away, people leaving there Religions and chasing after antichrist who looks just like Our Christ,then you`ll know. Its a 5 month period. Shorten for the elect. Revelation 9. Satan comes in peace to deceive the world.the time was shorten. The seals and the program remains. God said in Ezekiel 13 of the K.J.V. He`s against them that teach His children to fly away to save their souls. Don't read the N.I.V. it missleads God`s plan, birds was replaced. 1st seal, satan comes with a fake crown and a poison bow. His sword is his lies to deceive. How else could he get the world to follow him. What is the opposit of war,its peace. Wars and rumours of wars don't be toubled. Peace is when you worry. Matthew 24: 4 first seal,first warning, let no man deceive you. 5. Yea, a lot of bad Bible teachers but satan brings a pit full of locust priest, Revelation 9:7 horses is power, with fake crowns,faces of men because they are, hair like a woman, so soft spoken and sweet, come to jesus and turn over them to the son of perdition[ death ] our little rock. Their teeth of lions to tare your soul away.9:9 breastplates of iron. Not our Breastplates our Priest wear with the 12 stones that are our tribes as worn in the old days. The sound of their chariots, check Ezekiel chapter one that may be the transportation they use to get here in. The dead that you read of in Revelation is the spirituall death. Smoke,fire,brimstone, Lies! When you read 666 its in your brain, read the IN! And on the hand, is nursing the system along wkth buying and sellin. Luke 23:29 Blessed are the barren, Cause we are not going to be deceived, the wombs that never bare and paps which never gave suck. Don't whore after the first one that comes as a lamb this time and wants you to fly away with him. Our Lord returns as a Lion,not a Lamb. When the money changes and the one world system is in place because that man of sin shows up and heals that deadly wound and the rest of the world whores after him, turn away. Pray to God above for direction. He loves you, we are His children.
Actually to me, the “task” wasn’t fulfilled at the point of him talking to the thief... people will tell you “Jesus died on the cross for our sins” then they use this to say “ha! All you have to do is believe just like he did” well.. Sorry... Not true... because that was before the new testament… CAUSE JESUS HASN’T DIED YET… Look at verse 46… then you read in the other gospels where it talks about them “piercing” his side and the BLOOD and WATER... * John 19:34* then in *19:36* it says so the scripture was fulfilled … THAT’S when the LAMB was sacrificed… the LAMB being Jesus... the blood being the CLEANSING… that’s when the New Testament begins… MY BLOOD AND FLESH… so that should answer your question
I had tostop i themiddle of reading Mathew Henry's commentary to post my wonder and appreciation of his ministry and loving words that openour hearts to God's grace through our Saviour. He calls the action between the dying thief and Jesus , a monument to God's mercy. This is what sinners must focus on, the Lord's loving kindness regarding his forgivenes. As sinners, we sometimes need a monument, and Matthew Henrys inspiring words to come to know the Lord and his love.
I believe that it mean that it wasn't the physical beatings that killed Jesus he did not die from weakness and did not die until the holy ghost said he could die he spoke the words father into thy hands i command my spirit then he gave up the ghost.the work that the Father God had commissioned for Jesus to do was now completed.because of Christ shedding his blood on calvary,when we accept Christ as our personal saviour we are no longer God's enemy Christ death reconciled every believer back to God.he's our father and as we begin to do his will we are no longer caste away.Jesus is the way for all mankind to go to God thru the holies of holies and to heaven.we don't have to slay a lamb anymore Jesus is the perfect sacrafice we don't need anything else.animal sacrafice was a ritual act and could not remove sin but the blood of Jesus Christ wash away our sins.Thank God for Jesus.
What precedes wars and fightings? As Karl von Clausewitz analyzed war, his observations can be carried over into that which is beyond military combat.
His definition of war is "war therefore is an act of violence to compel our opponent to fulfill our will." He says, "War is always a serious means for a serious object."
James says, "From whence come wars and fightings among you? come they not hence, even of your lusts that war in your members? Ye lust, and have not, and cannot obtain: ye fight and war,yet ye have not, because ye ask not. Ye ask, and receive not, because ye ask amiss, that ye may consume it upon your lusts." ( James 4:1-3)
James speaks of lust, Clausewitz said, "Everything which appears an advantage may be the object of a combat..."
The heart manifests lust, envy, hostility, and hatred unto war.
Have quickly hostility can manifest in the heart. A close examination of one's heart could show hostility. Hostility towards a comment made, or an action committed or omitted. It may not manifest itself into an open battle, but the hostility can remain in the heart. A polarity [Clausewitz] now exists (whether hidden in the heart, or openly manifested). Enemies are made.
Now enemies (polar opposites) with hostile hearts, war is declared (whether verbal or silent). You don't like that person, that person does not like you. The hostility can burn and enflame into hatred and the desire to kill. (whether with words, actions, or the desire for supremacy).
There may be many battles; many words and actions that convey hostility.
Sometimes action in the war can be suspended, without the war ending: circumstances may dictate an inaction. [Cluasewitz] Maybe you don't want someone to see or hear your hostility so you take it underground for awhile. Maybe you decide the place or time is not advantageous for you to get the advantage so you wait for a more advantageous moment. But, the hostility is still there; it's just being put on hold.
You may feel hostility, but recognize the person has superior power that could do you harm; so you hold off attacking; but, not because the hostility is gone; but, because you access the situation is not to your advantage.
Hostility remains in the heart.
Clausewitz speaks of "reciprocal action." Also, reciprocal action of reciprocal action. One hostility begats another hostility...."Thus a continuance of action will ensue which will advance towards a climax."
If war is "a continuation of policy by other means", to have war there must be two or more opposing policies. If there are ten people sitting at a table and all ten have ten different policies (things they believe) anyone who speaks differently could be viewed hostilely. Everyone can be seeking to hold their policy, and hold their position as superior with hostility towards anyone who does not submit to their view.
Now as toward truth, we know we are to obey God (His policy). We are to speak the truth in love; but, even then, Jesus has said, "If they hated me, they will hate you." There will be those who do not want Jesus to be over them. They will not want to obey His Words (policy). They will be hostile toward Him, toward His Word, and toward His servants. They are hostile toward God, and at war with Him.
But, we who are the Lord's, if not careful, can harbor hostility in our hearts. We are admonished to "Keep thy heart with all diligence..." ( Proverbs 4:23)
We are to "follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord: looking diligently lest any man fail of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up trouble you, and thereby many be defiled..." ( Hebrews 12:14-15)
Cain, Esau, Pharisees, scorners, etc. manifested hostile hearts.
John says, "...whosoever doeth not righteousness is not of God, neither he that loveth not his brother." ( I John 3:10)
Our hearts will either condemn us or commend us. If the heart manifests hostility, that hostility must be in opposition to something. If hostility remains, murder can be its climax.
Cain rose up against Abel in the field and slew him; why? because Cains works were evil and Abel's were righteous. Cain was hostile toward God and toward his brother. His hostility continued unto hatred and murder.
The heart of the matter is the heart.
Luke 23:46
And when Jesus had cried with a loud voice, he said, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit: and having said thus, he gave up the ghost.
Greek word σήμερον Greek pronoun “semeron” means on last day for Christ's 2nd coming?