Discuss Luke 9 Page 4

  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Hey Linda,

    If I may give another understanding of why Jesus told Peter "Get the behind me Satan". We find this in Matthew 16:23 and Mark 8:33. It may seem that Satan was influencing Peter, but Satan wanted Jesus to be killed because that would stop Jesus the Messiah from setting up the kingdom on earth, God's plan was hidden, even from the disciples.

    Everyone and the disciples thought when the Messiah came, He would set up the Kingdom and set up the new world order. Jesus told them several times He would be killed and be resurrected, Matthew 16:21 Matthew 17:22-23 Mark 8:31 Mark 9:31-32 Mark 10:32-34. In Luke 9:44-45 it was hidden from them until He was resurrected Luke 24:6-8, and later the Holy Spirit would bring all remembrance to them, John 14:26.

    The understanding of those sayings was hidden, and Peter took Jesus aside and was saying surely God would have mercy and not let this happen. Jesus turned away and when He said what He did all the disciples heard what He said. The word Satan was originally a common noun meaning adversary.

    The disciples were amazed Jesus was going to Jerusalem and they were afraid Mark 10:32. Even though they were told what was going to happen it was hidden they did not have a clue, they were still looking for Jesus to overthrow the Romans and set up the kingdom. That was the reason they all scattered when Jesus was arrested and Peter's denial, they all were devastated and shocked because the Messiah when He came was to set up the kingdom not to be killed.

    Jesus' response to Peter and the disciples was drastic but it was a message relevant to them all, a message they all needed to hear to get them through what was shortly to happen. One other thing, when Jesus came it was for the lost sheep of Israel only, even after Pentecost it was still for the house of Israel until the mystery of the gospel of grace was revealed.

    Jesus only lost one, Judas who He called the son of perdition, John 17:12.

    Hope this helps

    God bless,

  • MOUNT OF TRANSFIGURATION - In Reply on 1 John 5 - 2 years ago
    Matthew 16:18

    And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock

    I WILL BUILD my church; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. 1 Corinthians 10:4

    [ Luke 9: the account of Jesus's Transfiguration]

    28-29 And it came to pass about an eight days after these sayings, Jesus took Peter and John and James, and went up into a mountain to pray.

    And as Jesus prayed, the fashion of his countenance was altered, and his raiment was white and glistering.

    Verses 33-35

    And it came to pass, as they departed from him, Peter said unto Jesus, Master, it is good for us to be here: and let us make three (CHURCHES) tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias: NOT knowing what he said.

    While he thus spake, there came a cloud, and overshadowed them: and they feared as they entered into the cloud.

    And there came a voice out of the cloud, saying, This is my beloved Son: HEAR HIM.

    Mishael comment: it was the wrong time to start planning 3 Churches. In the verse from Matthew, it's clear that Jesus will build His Church. A church not made with hands.
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Luke 9 - 2 years ago
    Please read them again He didn't tell them not to follow Him. This was after John the Baptist was killed, they were already trying to kill Jesus. Time was upon them & it wasn't with fine accommodations. Luke 9:22, Luke 9:51-53,

    Luke 9:57-58,

    Luke 9:59,60,

    Luke 9:61-62,

    Look in Luke 10, Luke 10:2, He said the labourers are few, two guys had excuses, one guy Jesus gave him facts of hardship. It's interesting that after that Jesus said the labourers are few.

    It doesn't say they didn't follow Him.

    Hopefully this is helpful
  • Being in the Presence of God - In Reply on Luke 9 - 2 years ago
    Luke 9:29

    And as he prayed, the fashion of his countenance was altered, and his raiment was white and glistering.

    1 Chronicles 29:2

    Now I have prepared with all my might for the house of my God the gold for things to be made of gold, and the silver for things of silver, and the brass for things of brass, the iron for things of iron, and wood for things of wood; onyx stones, and stones to be set, glistering stones, and of divers colours, and all manner of precious stones, and marble stones in abundance.

    Comment: It wasn't a good moment for the disciples to go into "building program mode".

    If Jesus, Elijah, Moses, and the Father are together; it's a good time to be on your face worshipping.

    Stii, Jesus didn't scold them.

  • Dgjot - In Reply on Genesis 19 - 2 years ago
    "......His wife sort of represents the parable where Jesus said that

    he who turned his back on the plow was unworthy ( Luke 9:62)....

    Those who are caught up with the cares of this life; and ensnared by riches will never produce fruit and therefore are unsaved according to the parable of the sower. "

    Define "unsaved". Do you mean someone who heard the Gospel and rejected it right away or heard it and blew it off or are you talking about people who knew the truth and then totally chucked it and went back to their old, sinful ways?

    Many "christians" have the appearance of Godliness (like going to Church every Sunday, or going to/having Bible studies,

    or bragging about how much they fast and pray, or do good deeds to be seen by men, or get a high by "speaking in tongues"

    or ......)

    Matthew 7:20-23

    20 Wherefore by their fruits ye shall know them.

    21 Not every one that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven.

    22 Many will say to me in that day, Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in thy name? and in thy name have cast out devils? and in thy name done many wonderful works?

    23 And then will I profess unto them, I never knew you: depart from me, ye that work iniquity.

    Just what is, "doing the will of my Father which is in heaven."??

    I'm confused.
  • Richard H Priday - In Reply on Genesis 19 - 2 years ago
    There is an excellent tract called "Remember Lot's Wife" in the Chapel Library series. Well worth reading. 2 Peter 2:7-8 indicates that Lot was righteous; even if he wasn't at the maturity level of Abraham listed in Hebrews 11. Clearly; Lot was compromised offering his own daughters to appease those who wanted to molest the angels (who appeared as men). He and his wife; no doubt were enticed by the fertile land of the valley as opposed to where Abraham ended up in tents. He was hesitant leaving; and after the angels finally prodded him; he left town but wanted to stop short of the mountains. Finally; after God's patience was demonstrated-the event occurred and then he was afraid to remain where he originally requested and fled to the mountains.

    His wife sort of represents the parable where Jesus said that he who turned his back on the plow was unworthy ( Luke 9:62). Those who are caught up with the cares of this life; and ensnared by riches will never produce fruit and therefore are unsaved according to the parable of the sower. As to her eternal fate; I am not entirely sure it can be determined.

    As to the daughters; their fear was that perhaps the whole world was destroyed. They got their father drunk; which wasn't exactly the same as seducing them out of fear of no offspring. It is possible at that time also there was no rule set about having such relations; if it is a sin it is not on the level with their son in laws who likely were engaged to them only at the time and disgracefully acted like the angels were mocking them. It should also be remembered that the rampant sexual behavior probably made eligible men a rarity in that region.

    In any case; this incident shows us that some escape as through the fire and others are wise enough to be taken out as Enoch and Elijah. May we be the same at the rapture. God knows what He is doing; thankfully all those who are in Him will be saved. Let us be careful not to lose our rewards- Rev. 3:11
  • Mark Tampow on Luke 9 - 2 years ago
    Three guys to follow but god turned them down?
  • Free - In Reply on Luke 6:28 - 2 years ago
    Dear "Leigh" and Gigi, we must forgive if we do not also our unforgivable mind will be held fast and we ourselves will not be forgiven by God. That is what Jesus Himself says. Mark 11:25-26

    We have also received help from the Holy Spirit who will guide us if we ask Him. John 16:13-15

    Personally, i pray to got a gentle spirit, so that i do not overwhelm others with my claim in such moments. The disciples asked Jesus one day. Luke 9:54-55

    So much injustice has been done to me, but i rarely take it up. That is, if i can refer to God's Word, i will gladly do so. :) Be happy dear friends, we have conquered the world in the Name of Jesus. He will never leave us. He does not first give a gift and take it back, as we humans can often do!

    But on the other hand, we have a thief, a devil, a cunning liar who constantly tries and steals our gifts. That is why it is especially important to be vigilant, especially when we talk about forgiveness. For with unforgiveness also comes bitterness and hatred. This things are not in the kingdom of God, at all! So take back up gift of grace you received, so that you reveal all that does not come from the Lord. 2 Timothy1:6-8

    Stay blessed in His holy Name Jesus, love u all in Christ. Matthew 25:14-30
  • Doug - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I have wondered how believing in the "finished work" of Christ is a doctrine of the Bible. When Christ died and said "it is finished" he could have meant a lot of things (his life was ended, his suffering was over, the sacrifice for sin was done etc.), but the Bible doesn't teach us just to believe in the "finished work". Since we live in an entitlement society I fear that we use that phrase to apply to us that we no longer have to labor in his kindgom. I listed a few of the teachings and promises of the Bible that apply to our response to his death on cross. Romans 6:5 For if we have been planted together in the likeness of his death, we shall be also in the likeness of his resurrection: Romans 6:6 Knowing this, that our old man is crucified with him, that the body of sin might be destroyed, that henceforth we should not serve sin. Luke 14:33 So likewise, whosoever he be of you that forsaketh not all that he hath, he cannot be my disciple. Luke 9:23 And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me. John 15:10 If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love; even as I have kept my Father's commandments, and abide in his love. 1 John 2:4 He that saith, I know him, and keepeth not his commandments, is a liar, and the truth is not in him. We are justified by faith (a total belief in what God has said, commanded, done etc.). Hebrews 11 the faith chapter talks of faith having a response. James 2:14 What doth it profit, my brethren, though a man say he hath faith, and have not works? can faith save him? James 2:24 Ye see then how that by works a man is justified, and not by faith only. Mat. 25 has several examples of people that were lost at the end of time because they didn't do God's work even though they had a certain knowledge of Him. Faith obviously has to precede anything we do, but if time allows us to labor God expects that of us. Let's all be "wise virgins".
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply on Matthew 28 - 2 years ago
    Hey Raymond,

    We see this in Matthew 17:1-9 Mark 9:2-10 and Luke 9:28-36, some may believe Moses and Elijah were in heaven and came and appeared, Jesus took Peter, James, and John up to the mountain, He was transfigured before them and Moses and Elijah appeared talking to Jesus.

    If we take note of what Matthew writes, "And Jesus came and touched them, and said, Arise, and be not afraid. 8 And when they had lifted up their eyes, they saw no man, save Jesus only. 9And as they came down from the mountain, Jesus charged them, saying, Tell the vision to no man, until the Son of man be risen again from the dead"

    It was a vision and a confirmation from God to these three that Jesus is the Son of God and the Law and Prophets will be fulfilled with the death and resurrection of Jesus. Mark 9:10 another place that shows things were hidden from the apostles until the Holy Spirit brought remembrance to them of what things Jesus had told them, John 14:26.

    One other thing, Jesus is the Firstfruits of them that slept, 1 Corinthians 15:20. Jesus was the first to be raised from death Acts 2:24. No one has ascended to heaven, John 3:13 and no one will overcome death until Jesus returns on the day of redemption, Ephesians 4:30.

    In my understanding of scripture to us today, Moses and Elijah are awaiting the resurrection, with no knowledge or time in death, to them, it has already come.

    God bless,

  • Richard H Priday - In Reply on Luke 24 - 2 years ago
    We need to carefully assess what Peter was told when He confessed Christ as the "Son of God." ( Matthew 16:15-16). Only God could have revealed this to him; that was the Lord's answer.

    For the entire 3 1/2 years of Christ's ministry; they had never had a moment to doubt His victory over any circumtance; and had seen a few who were raised from the dead (Lazarus being only a week or so before Christ's crucifixion.) After Christ's repeated warnings "let this saying sink into your ears" ( Luke 9:44) where He predicted His crucifixion; AND all the related prophecies of the 'man of sorrows" from Isaiah 53; Psalm 22; and numerous other passages; they simply weren't prepared for the sudden letdown of His being arrested; tortured and killed. In human strength; during His agonies at Gethsemene; they simply fell asleep. When He was crucified; they simply were too emotionally spent to conceive that somehow He would be resurrected. Therefore they didn't even believe when the women reported the angels and the stone removed from the tomb.

    It could be surmised that their betrayal in their minds led to Christ's death as though somehow it wasn't in the plan of redemption. After He came to them "incognito" in Luke 24; they finally got it only after he chastised their unbelief.

    Up until this point; perhaps they weren't themselves prepared or having the strength to die themselves and to fulfill the Great Commission themselves. Christ in the flesh was all they knew; but after Pentecost; they were given what was promised from above with the Spirit indwelling after He had ascended to heaven; was seated in heavenly places; and ever interceding for us ( Hebrews 7:25).
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    1Peter 3:14, Mark 8:35, Luke 9:24, Matthew 5:11-22, 1Corinthians 6:19,20, 1Corinthians 3:17, Matthew 6, Romans 14:22-23,
  • Free - In Reply on Luke 9 - 2 years ago
    Dear "Dwight" yes really, In the preface to Luke we learn: Explained to me today that Luke is a disciple of Paul. Until now, I have believed and perceived Luke as Jesus' disciple. Gonna tell you things become obvious in their time! Good luck with the reading, and notice that the Words stay in you. God bless you and yours. Stay in the Word and the Word stays in you, Jesus loves you. Be blessed in His Holy Name, love you in Christ. Chapter 1 Luke
  • Dwight on Luke 9 - 2 years ago
    A word from God everyday
  • Kay - 2 years ago
    My sister just wrote something to me in an e-mail that is such a nugget from heaven, I just have to share it with you all. She wrote:

    "Then my thoughts went to how some people who have a place of prominence; people we might see on TV who are supposedly Christians; wear necklaces with crosses on them.

    And immediately The Lord put this in my heart....We are to be CARRYING our crosses; not WEARING them.

    Simple; but so true.....

    We LIKE to make that cross teeny and tiny and manageable, a VERY RELIGIOUS thing to do; because it gives us and others THE IMPRESSION that we are 'carrying' and mindful of the cross; but our crosses are MUCH BIGGER than a little piece that can be worn as jewelry. Selah."

    Luke 9:23 :

    And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.
  • Free - In Reply on Psalms 92 - 2 years ago
    Hi dear "MoniqueJ", first of all: All the gifts of God are good. In Forgiveness, in the Lord's prayer, for example, we ask and leave our debtors. It is healing. And in the Light that has cast out all darkness, there is healing in it. Jesus Is the Light of the World. Imagine when the Apostles received the Holy Spirit on Pentecost: Acts 2:4, Ephesians 3:14-21 Then they all got a huge extra power. They all understood that. Jesus had said to them: Luke 9:1 Then he called his twelve disciples together, and gave them power and authority over all devils, and to cure diseases. It is not so of the human heart, but of the Holy Spirit who moved in by faith in Jesus.

    Believe for your own sake, John 14:11 Believe me that I am in the Father, and the Father in me: or else believe me for the very works' sake.

    12 Verily, verily, I say unto you, He that believeth on me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do; because I go unto my Father.

    Imagine the grace we have experienced and begin to know the Lord here on Earth! It constantly overwhelms me
  • Free - 2 years ago
    Hi dear "Lindachitty, maybe it's about laziness, and apologies, it's not true faith. Faith is a gift we have received. If we are to believe without works. Becomes Grace easy. No apostles had it easy!

    Let's say we get a nice gift from our parents. A brand new BMW. But since we expect it to run by itself, it will be left in the garage instead. It is a faith without works.

    Thus faith becomes without power. God's kingdom is staggering and the car will not start because the hand will not turn the key.

    Just a few thoughts in the early morning hours. Sends with greetings from Luke 9:57-62

    Stay blessed in His Name Jesus, love u in Christ.
  • Jesse - In Reply - 2 years ago

    In Luke 9:51, it says "And it came to pass, when the time was come that he should be received up, he stedfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem,"

    Jesus steadfastly set his face to go to Jerusalem! The word steadfastly means a fixed established position. When it was time to go and die, He was fixed to go to Jerusalem. You couldn't get Him off track.

    This is probably where Paul got his ministry. In Philippians, when he strives for the high calling in Christ Jesus, he has got one thing in mind, one direction in where he heads, and that is the mission for which Christ has sent him for.

    Even if a Christian doesn't know what special ministry, or kind of ministry, or even what area God will have you work in, you only have one thing to be fixed on, and that is to grow in the grace and knowledge of your Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. Period! Nothing else! It is an established fixed position.

    In Daniel 1:8, we have the same phrases used for Daniel's decision, that he had fixed and established in his heart that he would not defile himself by eating the food of the Babylonians.

    He is a Jew! He was not going to violate the Jewish food laws. And he just determined, he fixed it in his heart. He said I am just not going to do that. It is a determination.

    So like you say, Jesus knew His purpose. He knew it was time for Him to go to Jerusalem. And He set His face toward Jerusalem and nothing was going to stop Him!
  • Arguing the Sabbath - 2 years ago
    Matthew 16:18

    And I say also unto thee, That thou art Peter, and upon this rock I will build MY CHURCH; and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it. 1 Corinthians 10:4

    [ Luke 9: the account of Jesus's Transfiguration]

    28-29 And it came to pass about an eight days after these sayings, Jesus took Peter and John and James, and went up into a mountain to pray.

    And as Jesus prayed, the fashion of his countenance was altered, and his raiment was white and glistering.

    Verses 33-35

    And it came to pass, as they departed from him, Peter said unto Jesus, Master, it is good for us to be here: and let us make three (CHURCHES) tabernacles; one for thee, and one for Moses, and one for Elias: NOT knowing what he said.

    While he thus spake, there came a cloud, and overshadowed them: and they feared as they entered into the cloud.

    And there came a voice out of the cloud, saying, This is my beloved Son: HEAR HIM!!

    Here is my reply on Sabbath arguments: God doesn't care about our rituals, buildings or projects, which day of the week, etc.

    It causes strife, arguing, anger and Chaos. WHO is the god of Chaos? Satan laughs at us!

    When the doors are open for services and communion, attend. It's that simple. What God said, is the bottom line. It was Jesus's custom to attend church when he was in town. He is the Church. If his life is inside of us, we are a member of that Church.

    I have church in my home often. I turn off tv, internet, the phone-put on simple praise music

    And enter into worship. It's Jesus's Church. We are IN CHRIST. This is what God meant. Hear Jesus.

    We are mobile Churches. We are his hands, his feet, we carry his Word within us. Go Ye into the community.

    We know "who" is the originator of anger, disgust, rebellion. His TIME is short. He's advancing on Jesus's Church. Resist it in Jesus Name. Let Jesus love flow out instead. It's a daily choice.

    I love you
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    I'm not sure what you're saying, but it seems to me you have so much disputting around you, you feel it's spiritual attack "jump on" you.

    1st , Matthew 5:10-16, Luke 12:52,53, * 1Peter 4,

    2nd, Ephesians 6:11-18, Matthew 10:1, Mark 9:28,29, Matthew 17:21,

    3rd Matthew 10:8-42, Matthew 12:30, Matthew 26:55,59, Matthew 27:1, Mark 3:6, Mark 13:9-13,

    4tu, Mark 6:11, Luke 9:5, Psalms 37,

    5th, Mark 11:25, Matthew 6:47-49, Luke 17:3,4,

    Even Jesus had to stop disputes with believers : John 12:7,
  • Chris - In Reply on Luke 9 - 2 years ago
    Hello Brenda. In this passage, three different men approach Jesus, no doubt they have been hearing His Words in past encounters with Jesus & sensing that they would like to be a part of His Ministry. My understanding of this is:

    The first man (described as a scribe in Matthew 8:19) wanted to be a part of Jesus' team. But as was Jesus' Knowledge of people & the workings of their hearts, He spoke to the man that the life of discipleship can come with hardship & uncertainty. This ought to have been no problem to a faithful follower of Jesus, knowing that no hardship was too great to prevent service to the Master. But this man, as supposed, approached Jesus with a wrong heart, hoping for riches & recognition in Jesus' Kingdom. Jesus gave him a simple example that discipleship could mean not even an assurance of a roof over his head, let alone any other comfort or gain. The man turned away, maybe dejected that this life with Jesus was not what he expected.

    The second man was a distant disciple of Jesus (i.e. not of the twelve disciples - Matthew 8:21). Jesus urged him to join them in their travels but he seemed to be happy to be a casual disciple without a commitment. So he excused himself by saying that he would follow Jesus after his father died & his responsibilities to him ceased. Jesus said that the message of the Kingdom was far more important, to leave his father & eventual burial arrangements to those who don't believe in Jesus or committed to Him.

    And the third man gave a similar response to Jesus: that he wanted to follow Him but needed to say his farewells first. Again Jesus saw this man's heart & character; that he would be persuaded to remain at home for a longer time or even be persuaded not to be foolish & pursue such a life with no certainties. One who is committed to serve as a follower/believer ("putting the hand to the plough"), & then looks back (or, has second thoughts or easily distracted by others), is unfit for Kingdom life & service.
  • RichFairhurst - In Reply - 2 years ago
    According to Strongs Exhaustive Concordance of the KJV Bible there are three variant Greek words translated devils.

    The root word in his Greek dictionary of the New Testament is:


    Transliteration daimn (Key)

    Pronunciation dah'-ee-mown

    Part of Speech masculine/feminine noun

    Root Word (Etymology) From daio (to distribute fortunes)

    a daemon or super-natural spirit (of a bad nature); - devil.

    Matthew 8:31; Mark 5:12; Revelation 16:14; Revelation 18:2.


    Transliteration daimonizomai (Key)

    Pronunciation dahee-mon-id'-zom-ahee

    Part of Speech verb

    Root Word (Etymology) Middle voice from (G1142)

    to be exercised by a daemon;-have a (be vexed with, be possessed with) devil (-s).

    Matthew 4:24; Matthew 8:16; Matthew 8:28; Mark 1:32; Luke 4:36


    Transliteration daimonion (Key)

    Pronunciation dahee-mon'-ee-on

    Part of Speech neuter noun

    Root Word (Etymology) Neuter of a derivative of (G1142)

    a demonic being; by extension a diety:-devil, god.

    Matthew 7:22; Matthew 9:34; Matthew 10:8; Matthew 12:24,27,28; Mark 1:34,39; Mark 3:15,22; Mark 6:13; Mark 9:38; Mark 16:9,17; Luke 4:41; Luke 8:2,27,30,33,35,38; Luke 9:1,49; Luke 10:17; Luke 12:15,18,19,20; Luke 13:32; 1 Corinthians 10:20-21; 1 Timothy 4:1; James 2:19; Revelation 9:20.

    demon - The Modern English word demon derives from the Middle English demon: from medieval Latin demon, from Latin daemon, from Greek daimn 'deity, genius'; in demon; also from Latin daemonium 'lesser or evil spirit', from Greek daemonion, diminutive of daimn.

    devils - The Modern English word devil derives from the Middle English devel, from the Old English dofol, that in turn represents an early Germanic borrowing of the Latin diabolus.

    The KJV translation is not a word for word or uniquely and infallible inspired representation of the Greek New Testament, and we should be cautious in choosing which English words in it we want to make our hills to die on without first consulting the Greek.
  • Brenda lowery on Luke 9 - 2 years ago
    Explain luke 9 57-62
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 2 years ago
    Mary Ann Knight,

    You ever notice after a wedding difference people will focus details on certain aspects of things? Sometimes it's things that you yourself didn't notice or didn't seem as significant as something else. Some talk about the cake, another about the people that attended, another can't get over how white the dress was, others saw the doves released.

    There's also differences in personalities It may be one of reasons that Jesus chose the varying difference in people that wrote the Gospels. Knowing each would have a unique perspective & emphasis on different details.

    Matthew speaks much about angels, major significant events pertaining angels. Matthew 4:6,11, Matthew 13:39,41,49, Matthew 18:10, Matthew 22:30, Matthew 24:31,36, Matthew 25:31-46, Matthew 26:53, in context: Matthew 26,

    Mark 1:13, Mark 8:38, these following 3 Matthew & Mark both discuss: Mark 12:25, Mark 13:27,32,

    Luke has emphasise on several events others do not mention: Luke 1, Luke 2, but, like Matthew & Mark mention Luke 4:10,

    Luke 9:26, mentioned by atleast 1 other. Luke 12:8,9,

    You asked also if the others were present or witnessed the angels, it looks like Luke 24:23, testifies to that question. & John 20:12, testifies to angels being present.

    John also notes John 20:30-31, John 21:25,

    Hopefully this is helpful
  • T. Levis - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Deuteronomy 28, note: Deuteronomy 28:58, Deuteronomy 28:15, Deuteronomy 28:28, Matthew 15:22-28, Matthew 17:14-21, Mark 5:2-13, Mark 7:27-30, Luke 4:33-43, Luke 8:26-40, Luke 9:35-50, Acts 10:38, James 4:7, 1John 3:8, Jude 1:9,

    Deuteronomy 28:1-14, Exodus 23:25, Matthew 4:23,

    Luke 9:55-56,

    Jeremiah 32:27, Jeremiah 32:17, Luke 1:37,

    Hopefully these are helpful
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Revelation 19 - 3 years ago
    Please see these references: Mark 9:1-7, Matthew 17:2, Matthew 28:3, Luke 9:29, Revelation 19:11-16, Revelation 1:14, Mark 16:5, John 20:12, Acts 1:10, Ecclesiastes 9:8, Revelation 3:4,5, Revelation 7:9-17, Revelation 20:11, Isaiah 1:18, Revelation 6:2,11, Revelation 9:18, Daniel 11:35, Revelation 4:4, Daniel 7:9, Revelation 2:17, Daniel 12:10,

    John 4:35,

    But Also : Genesis 40:16-23, Joel 1:7, Leviticus 13, Revelation 15:6,

    Hopefully these are helpful.
  • Ronald Whittemore - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Hi Donaldg,

    This is interesting and edifying if studied, Matthew 17:1-13 Mark 9:1-13 and Luke 9:28-37. Your question did they see it or were they asleep? They went up to a high mountain and they were gone for a least a day maybe more and in Luke 9:32 they were asleep, but they awakened, and it says they saw. In Mark 9:4 it says they appeared unto them and nothing about sleep.

    In all three Jesus transfigured before them and they were awake, and in all three Jesus tells them not to tell anyone about this until He was raised from the dead. This they did not understand because that part was hidden from them, Mark 9:10 Luke 18:31-34, His death and other things were hidden from them until He appeared to them after His resurrection, Luke 24:44-45.

    You asked were they asleep or did they see, the answer is in Matthew 17:9, it was a vision, horama, spiritual seeing, a supernatural apparition, same as John, when he was given the Revelation of Jesus Christ. There is a lot in these verses, like Mark 9:1 before Jesus took Peter, James and John to the mountain.

    God bless,

  • T Levis - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Healing scriptures: Deuteronomy 32:39, 2Kings 20:5, 2Chronicles 7:14, James 5:14, Hosea 6:1, Matthew 10:1-8, Mark 3:14-15, Luke 4:18, Luke 9:2, Mark 1:15, Mark 9:23, Mark 11:23,24,

    Luke 4:40, Mark 16:17-18,

    Luke 10:9, Jeremiah 17:14,

    Here are some, hope they help
  • Chris - In Reply on Luke 9 - 3 years ago
    Hi Cassandra. Yes, they most certainly do, if they have recognized Jesus as their Messiah, turned to Him in faith, confessing their sins & being born again of His Spirit. When once they had trusted in keeping the Laws & their special heritage from God to be eternally secure, if they now realize that obedience to the Law, which only brings death, is of absolutely no worth when compared to the obedience to Christ & His Spirit Who gives eternal life, then they like all others who confess Jesus will go to be with the Lord (see Romans 7:9,10; Romans 2:28,29; 2 Corinthians 3:6-8; Romans 8:8-10).

    Jews who have recognized Jesus as the true Messiah, often refer to themselves as Messianic Jews: acknowledging that their longed for Messiah has indeed come & first brought salvation & new birth within the sinner (both Jew & Gentile), & then will one day come in Glory to bring salvation from their enemies & a new government raised & governed in righteousness.
  • T Levis - In Reply on Luke 9 - 3 years ago
    Yes, Revelation 7, Acts 21:20, 1 John 5:13, Acts 14:1, 2 Chronicles 20:20, here are a few scriptures, hopefully these are helpful.

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