Discuss Malachi 3 Page 11

  • Brianna on Malachi 3:18 - 10 years ago
    So true! You can 't not fool Jehovah! Christianity has been brought down to nothing but a hobby in today 's world. It 's a do whatever feels good attitude with absolutely no consideration of God and his standards. However, he well knows who serves Him and who doesn 't.
  • Dan on Malachi 3:8 - 10 years ago
    Abraham tithes to Melchizedek, Gods high priest, so tithing precedes the Law. Jesus commended tithing to the Pharisees when bragged about their tithing of every herb, etc. "This you should do.. but do not neglect the weightier matters of the law. As far as Isaiah and Malachai, can we disregard the fact that "the tithe is the Lord 's, it is holy. I have never been sorry I started tithing in my 20 's. His promise is true, he has opened heaven 's windows many times, and never left us out in the cold when economies shifted. God is faithful to his promises. We cannot beat God when it comes to giving...many testimonies along this line.
  • Bornfree on Malachi 3:10 - 10 years ago
    Giving tithes is a sigh of obediance to god
  • Jody on Malachi 3:10 - 10 years ago
    I remember when I was a little girl we would store all our caned veggies in the cellar which could mean store house. So all through the winter we would have enough food in our house. well as a church we could do the same thing to feed the people but we rely on the world to do this now as a nation we are cursed with a curse cause so many people are starving because we don 't do the things we used to do. Malachi 3 9 Ye are cursed with a curse for ye have robbed me, even this whole nation. Go back to verse 8 and it asks us wherein have we robbed thee? That is not talking just about money. Go down to Malachi 15 it talks about those have worked wickedness even they who do that can be delivered if you come back to him and do the thing that you did when you were when you served the Lord God in heaven he is the only one that we should serve. when we give all of ourselves and tithes and offerings to the Lord God only then all his blessing will be poured out and our minds can not even comprehend how much that would be cause we have lived to our worldly ways for so long! If we do just support our churches with 10 money dose that really fix things to where he will pore out his blessings on us? I do not think it dose.
  • Azimi Kingsley on Malachi 3:10 - 10 years ago
    That the only to hv all sufficiecies,and even the things money can 't buy.like Peace and joy
  • Geri on Malachi 3:8 - 10 years ago
    Before the church began which was with Jesus, there was the Law it was written for Israel, they were not to break these laws and they did, this scripture is for Israel and not the Church,when we study we need to know that the Old Covenant was not ours it belonged to Israel, The Old Covenant is for our Learning.
  • Ola Mccullough on Malachi 3 - 10 years ago
    Jesus Christ Love us
  • Blessed on Malachi 3 - 10 years ago
    verse five and six gives a definite picture of who is wicked and who GOD WILL PROTECT FROM THE WICKED. I THANK AND PRAISE GOD BECAUSE HE DON 'T MAKE US CONFUSE AND WONDER whether we should serve GOD or not.
  • MockingBird on Malachi 3:10 - 10 years ago
    Tithe is what I owe God is not asking me to give Him much. It is over the tithe that you receive Blessings. Yes , I am Blessed when I give the tenth. Also I can give 10 of my time talent personal posessions and or whatever I have . The church is the body of Jesus Christ the tithe belongs to the church God has called me to be in. It supports the up keep of the church and gives the pastor his due. It pays the utility bills and materials for teaching and preaching . When you give willingly and from a pure and obedient and loving heart.
  • Victorie on Malachi 3 - 10 years ago
    I truly believe God works in miracles when u do tithe,av tested God in this am alive today,healthly strongly because of trying his words. At first I took this tithe for useless but after a certain teaching on this topic,here I am glorifying God 's faithfullness
  • Matthew IWundu on Malachi 3:10 - 10 years ago
    This verse is so wonderful. The reward comes at speed of lightening. Any threatening situation around you can be handled with this. God remains God and he makes final decision.
  • Ava t pompey on Malachi 3:8 - 10 years ago
    God owns everything in this world things are loan to us as we make our journey through life God is teaching us about giving when we do tithes The church cannot maintain itself so that s where tithes comes in but there are priest who use the tithes as there personal cash which is robbery
  • Ava t pompey on Malachi 3:6 - 10 years ago
    The Lord changes not his promises are sure
  • Elisheba on Malachi 3:10 - 10 years ago
    The tithe was for the levites They owned no property They served monotheistic believers The Almighty was their inheritance Do you know anyone like that If yes given them your money
  • Cyrus on Malachi 3 - 10 years ago
    If others have practiced Tithe and it works for them and some also testified that they don t pay it and they are living fine I CONCLUDE WITH THIS TRUE EVIDENCE THAT WE SHALL ALL REAP WHATEVER WE SOW and those who collect Tithe should spend it right not to use it to build sch and ask Tithe payers to pay sch heavy sch feed or make life difficult for Tithe payers by not providing for the needy in their folds Churches I MEAN TITHE PAYERS CHURCHES SHOULD SET UP COMMITTEES ON HOW TO BETTER D LIVES OF THEIR MEMBERS and should not use Tithe issue to place curse on the souls Christ died for but should encourage them and better there LIVES Thanks
  • Carol on Malachi 3:8 - 10 years ago
    No one should be tithing 10 of your money to anyone unless God through prayer tells you too God blessed you with health and strength each day to go out there and make it happen and then you just want to give your blessings away to most times ungodly people Pray instead God will always lead you to help the right person that needs your help The right time to give Each day look around you That person at the bus stop can you give them a ride Ask God if it s ok I promise he will answer you God knows your situation and what you are capable of Let God lead your life and get your head heart out of the way I promise you will be amazed and truly blessed Love Jesus with all your heart soul and mind He loves it
  • Stephanie on Malachi 3:10 - 11 years ago
    God is so faithful to us. You can never out give God. When know better you should do better. I was paying 10% off my net pay and when I learned that I should pay off my gross I did just that and God has not only meet the needs of my family He has given me an increase every year. I tested Him and found God to be faithful.
  • DANIEL on Malachi 3 - 11 years ago
    Either we like it or not God will not change his standard to suit our purpose. What he says stand and cannot be changed by any-one. Malachi 3 tells us about God's mind concerning our lives most especially about titheing. For example a farmer that harvest and fail to keep some will have nothing to plant the next season. It is very difficult to understand what you've not practice and believe. In a nut-shell giving out tithe is rewardable and it should be 100% and not part.
  • Bobby on Malachi 3 - 11 years ago
    Malachi I written to to Jews. Tithing isn't required of us saved christians. But I tithe my income because I love God. The Christian life is not easy, and if you give tithe's to receive blessings you are looking at it all wrong.As long as we are on this earth, we will always get sick and go through struggles. But God loves us and will reward us sometimes even though we don't deserve anything.
  • Hilary on Malachi 3:8 - 11 years ago
    I've been tithing all my christian life 3 years ago when everything got out of control about the prosperity gospel I started seeking after truth then jesus said follow me. I syop tithing 3 years ago to find out for myself if I will be curse the thing is I only learned that God is love he has great plans for us and our children will be bless by the lord. People really made God to be ugly and selfish. Pls understand Jesus paid the price once and for all my finances is restored my relationships with friends and family is beautiful now I find out for myself that when you love God others benefit from that love if you want to touch God you touch someone or love someone you see I'm doing good no curse there its not about paying or not paying but because he has made us righteous set us free from the curse in his last words TETELESTAI. IT IS FINISH
  • Gary on Malachi 3 - 11 years ago
    Where does it say in the BIBLE, that the Tithes have to be one tenth?
  • DANIELLE HAYES on Malachi 3 - 11 years ago
    Yes you have to pay tithes even on a fixed/low income. Trust in the lord with all your heart and he will meet your every need I'm a witness to that and I can say I'm disable and when I was putting my trust in the Lord and paying my tithes I can truly say I had more than enough to pay bills,eat,and buy every thing I needed for my household. faith works well with hope
  • Mary on Malachi 3 - 11 years ago
    Do a person on fixed income have to pay tenth for tithes?
  • Lynne on Malachi 3:10 - 11 years ago
    This tithes for storehouse means food for church or people.this tithes is what they used to make tracks of doctrines,and this doctrines was the food to people made from your tithes.So we don't have to stop giving tithes.
  • Anonymous on Malachi 3:6 - 11 years ago
    Man can change, visions and dreams can change decision can also change but He (GOD) can not change. With that all He said stands nomatter what.
  • Brianna on Malachi 3:10 - 11 years ago
    I was just researching this scripture today. Tithing doesn't only have to be about money. Can we give a tenth of our energy, resources, life, time, or whatever to God. How about our youth! While you still have energy and strength, give your youth to Jehovah! Perhaps serve in another country, and help their. He surely will bring a blessing until there is no more want.
  • SHAFFIN LLETA on Malachi 3 - 11 years ago
    according to verse 10,it means that,the only key to our prosperity is by giving FULL TITHES AND OFFERINGS,no sickness and poverty can be in our lives if we learn to give fully and faithfully to God......serving God is good!!
  • Mprince on Malachi 3 - 11 years ago
    @Mayo... Luke 6:38 says "Give, and it shall be given unto you; good measure, pressed down, and shaken together, and running over, shall men give into your bosom. For with the same measure that ye mete withal it shall be measured to you again."
    I personally don't believe it matters where you give. I personally believe God will direct you to where the help is most needed.
  • Mayo on Malachi 3:10 - 11 years ago
    Pls is it ok to spread ones tithe to 2 or more Churches?
  • Angel on Malachi 3 - 11 years ago
    Another point on tithing is that the operation of a church facility the same as a temple back in those days requires either the proper goods (some used to tithe by giving of supplies needed i.e. wood, material for the drapes etc) and the priests needed to be cared for since this was their full time job. The temples had no chairs because the priests were continually working (or supposed to be) all the while they were in the temple. We are to support our facilities w/funds for electric, water, permits etc. as well as full time pastors. How is that done if people don't tithe?

    Also remember we are giving unto the Lord the same as if you were putting it into His hands. What happens to the tithe once it leaves our hands we give it with the proper motivation in our hearts is between those who receive it and God.

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