Discuss Malachi 3 Page 12

  • Angel on Malachi 3 - 11 years ago
    To answer anothers question about tithes, Jesus told us to render unto Ceasar that which is Ceasar's and unto God that which is God's. Also, we are instructed to tithe but we don't give to get and not all getting is $$. Sometimes what we receive is an answer to prayer, healing or a need that is provided. Too many teach tithing to get something. I questioned this myself but we can not manipulate God and besides if God tells us to give and He will bless us then it is a promise on HIS behalf not on us. God says He loves a cheerful giver so He wants us to give because we want to not grudgingly and not just to get something in return. Besides when we do for others we are immediately blessed in our hearts so aren't we immediatley blessed to give a portion back to God that He has blessed us with? Should we be selfish w/God's blessing us? That job, guess what, it came from God. He opens doors that we don't realize and that promotion or raise? Yep! God did that too. We tend to be too prideful and thing we do it all. God blesses us in ways we don't realize because we are too busy living life. Be thankful in all things.
  • Janis Chan on Malachi 3:10 - 11 years ago
    Abraham, Jacob gave 10%, that was before the law was given. God is trustworthy. 29 yrs ago, I, born again, a miser, homemaker, no high education, struggled b4 started giving to God. Now I own a factory, a maisonette, a condomidium, 2 cars, 2 lorries, 6 staffs & plenty of $$$$$ Go plant apple seed, what do you reap? I prefer to plant $ that's why I am reaping $$$$$,Glory to God.
  • Anonymous on 1 Samuel 13 - 11 years ago
    GOD knew what kind person King Saul was going to be before HE appointed him ,it was just that the people wanted a King so badly that HE gave Saul to them I believe that these people are just like we are today, Saul was tall and it sound like very nice looking, so they really like that,we look at what a person look like rather than pray and seek GOD for what is best for us, Saul went against GOD commandment just like allot of us when we are put in a high positions we think that we can do things the way that we want to do things and treat people any kind of way because of the position that we'er in, but we can't, GOD can not and will not bless us to go on, we see this in many of our churches today how people are pulling away just like they pulled away from Saul.people may change, things may change , but GOD word will never change. I THANK GOD that HE is not let us. Malachi 3:6 I am the LORD thy GOD and I change not.
  • Janet Adikinyi on Malachi 3:10 - 11 years ago
    Let God Himself speak to you about this, whether to give or not to give, whether still required of us or not. Personally, He has instructed me to obey, so I believe it is still required of us in the new dispensation!
  • Janet Adikinyi on Malachi 3:10 - 11 years ago
    Let God Himself speak to you about this, whether to give or not to give, whether still required of us or not. Personally, He has instructed me to obey, so I believe it is still required of us in the new dispensation!
  • Echoda Chris on Malachi 3:6 - 11 years ago
    although season changes, Government changes, human changes even knowledge changes. But I AM THAT I AM changes NOT
  • Jjr on Malachi 3:8 - 11 years ago
    In the book of Malachi I understand that God was conversing with the priests. Weren't the priests misusing the tithes and offerings effectively robbing God ? Also if I were to give my tithes to God in order to get a blessing, does that make God some kind of servant? Where I say to God, here I've paid you, now you owe me. I really don't think God was speaking to us, but to the priests, or am I wrong?
  • Edgar on Malachi 3:8 - 11 years ago
    It has always been Gods principle for us to sacrifice through giving,what is important here is obedience for it is greater than sacrifice,faith cometh by hearing and hearing / obeying the word of God .If we give tights we are activating our faith that God will in return bless us
  • Peter pailey on Malachi 3 - 11 years ago
    I consider the book of malachi to the book which remind us about God's Love.
  • Dudu.dube.376 on Malachi 3 - 11 years ago
    God help me to be a faithful tither and a cheerful giver.
  • Ishmael dzitiro on Malachi 3:10 - 11 years ago
    Help me Lord to obey your word and do as it says.
  • Anissawilliams on Malachi 3 - 11 years ago
    I know that we must give because it is the maker who gives to us and he does want us to do the same our rewards is with the almighty Amen!
  • Mark Lucas on Malachi 3:10 - 11 years ago
    Father Bless Me, so that I may be a blessing to others. Amen
  • John thairu mugo on Malachi 3:18 - 11 years ago
    The way to god.
  • Joy on Malachi 3:10 - 11 years ago
    Givers never lack. The only problem is when you give and no one receives but definitely someone must receive. The best money ritual is giving. So start giving today and your life will never remain the same.
  • WILSON MUTOKAA on Malachi 3:8 - 11 years ago
    Malachi 3:8 is about Tithing. If you don`t Tithe, then you are robbing GOD. A robber takes when the owner is looking and by force. God knows what we earn and that we are supposed to give because he gave us. Stealing is different because we take without the owner`s knowledge. so we rob GOD if we don`t follow MALACHI 3:8.
  • Takiyah on Malachi 3:8 - 11 years ago
    Malachi 3:8 is talking about giving 10% back to god. Its obeying the word of god. I have to start given my tithes and offering so I can receive my blessing. I serve a good god and I have been selfish toward him but, I'm paying for it now. Everyone lets go get our blessing because I know I'm going to get mine.
  • Julio C. Banks on Malachi 3:10 - 11 years ago
    It is true. I gave the Lord 1% and the Lord
    reduced my income to 10% of His original plan
    and told me "now that makes your 1% a tythe.
    Continue to give me 'that 10$ o f my 10% and
    I will increase it to my original 100%'

    As the Lord says:

    "let God be true, but every man a liar"
    Romans 3:4

    Julio C. Banks
  • Ben on Malachi 3:8 - 11 years ago
    It means to (mandatory)givr 10% of your earnings when you receive your earnings. Offering isn't as mandatory as tithes. But you are asked to give. Doest have to be money it can be a piece if clothing or just something that can be of service to someone else.
    I do have a question though. I was told titheing was for those of the old testament. That it is not mentioned in the new testament. That we are to live by faith Gods grace and simply obidience but as for titheing. That isn't a must in the new testament. Please give me understanding
    Thank you
  • Sumith on Malachi 3:8 - 11 years ago
    this should only be given to Levites.and only Israelites should contribute one tenth.Also through agricultural products and live stock.Nowhere in the bible says,10% of the salary should be paid to God s work, But christ has his own theory about giving to others.
  • Paulpaulpaulpaul on Malachi 3:9 - 11 years ago
    What this means is simply this, if you take or "ROB" from one of my children you will be cursed. This would follow along perfectly with what verse ten and eleven are saying. Before I was saved I had done this very thing and I was cursed for years until I came to the table.
  • Sunday on Malachi 3:6 - 11 years ago
    Malachi3:6 i change th not my love toward all mankind is unchangeable and my patience is also unchangeable in this case you are not consumed,God is the same yesterday,today,tomorrow and forever more.
  • Pamela on Malachi 3:14 - 11 years ago
    The Lord keeps laying this particular scripture on my heart and I can't quite understand why...it is certainly not how "I" feel, I mean I know and understand the importance of serving God,I know that it is NOT vain, I understand that serving Him profits us much, Serving Him allows us peace here on earth that surp***es all understanding and eternal life in the future! Any mourning we do now will turn into tears of joy in the end! So again I'm not sure why this is the scripture that keeps coming to mind during my daily bible study...Lord p,ease reveal.to me what I need to do or to get out of this verse so that I can move on...in Jesus name I pray...Amen.
  • Angless on Malachi 3:10 - 11 years ago
    What is the store house now it use to be the church and where is the church
  • Liberty on Malachi 3:10 - 11 years ago
    Tithe is not of the Mosaic law. It preceded the law. Abraham paid tithe to mechissedek. if Christ was made a priest after the order of mechiseeck then tithe payment is acceptable in Christianity.
  • Joy on Malachi 3:10 - 11 years ago
    I think we should give in order to attract God's blessings upon us.
  • Osuji uche on Malachi 3 - 11 years ago
    Tith give access to heaven
    Tith is the blessing connector
    Tith determines the future of your investment
    Tith holds the key of overflow
    tith makes nation a recognizable blessing
  • Bro. Daniel FC on Hebrews 7 - 11 years ago
    @ Reggie,
    Comments on Hebrews 7:8. You say: “The only way to pay tithes today is to witness that Jesus lives... Our life then becomes a living epistle, in honoring our Great High Priest”.
    While I like very much the idea of honoring our God by our lives, as “living epistles”, I don’t agree with your idea of not paying tithe. Here’s why: The “tithes and offerings” principle/law was established by God way before Sinai. Remember Abraham paying tithe to Melchisedec ( Genesis 14)? The tithes were supposed to take care of the “men of God”, the poor and the orphans. The tenth belonged to God before the cross, and is His today. The same Apostle Paul says: “The labourer is worthy of his reward” ( 1Timothy 5:18), and “Even so hath THE LORD ORDAINED that they which preach the gospel should live of the gospel” ( 1 Corinthians 9:14). You don’t suppose the Gospel Workers should be paid of government subsidies?! … Your reference to Romans 10:4 doesn’t apply. Here’s what bro. Malachi says: “Will a man rob God? Yet ye have robbed me. But ye say, Wherein have we robbed thee?: In tithes and offerings ( Malachi 3:8).
    But the best argument of paying tithes and offerings is made by Jesus in Matthew 25:40, “Inasmuch as ye have done it unto one of the least of these my brethren, ye have done it unto Me”. And you know what will happen to those who don’t… God bless.
  • Coop on Malachi 3:8 - 11 years ago
    i think titheing is giving ten percent. I never had done it before until a Christian friend and I had several conversations about it. I also talked to my pastor about it. He was very compassionate. I felt like I already had an understanding about what it meant but kept finding excuses to not give my ten. I was very poor at the time. That was my biggest excuse. I sometimes, even now-six years later, try to talk myself out of giving my tenth. But after I started doing it, everything changed for me. God made sure I had enough to go on, though my bank acct never really balanced. I can't explain it. He just took care of me. All this, even though my wife went from a $50,000/yr salary to nothing due to layoffs, economy, etc., and I went into ministry, and was being paid nothing. It is unbelievable, I know. God works miracles, folks. That's all I know.
  • Joyce Hutto on Malachi 3 - 11 years ago
    Tithing is not something a Christian does in order to receive from God,it is something we do to prove our devotion and our sense of worshiping Him as our Almighty King. It is not referring to money by itself. Tithing includes our love, worship and service to Him.
    Mark 12:17 states,And Jesus answering said unto them, Render to Caesar the things that are Caesar's, and to God the things that are God's. We are to render to both Caesar
    and God but if there is a contradiction,God has supremacy in our lives and in our worship.

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