Discuss Malachi 3 Page 14

  • Anonymous on Acts 2 - 14 years ago
    Pam's, the word Christ cannot be brought to any human being. Even if we used our common thought of understanding w/out basing the bible our God created the human being and then be brought to his creature? You will never read even one verses in the new testament that Christ is the son of Mary but so many verses you will read that Christ is the son of God. There are verses in the bible to remind us for what is God is. Read Num. 23:19, Hosea !!:9, Isaiah 43:10, Malachi 3:6, Jh. 3:6, 4:23&24, Luk. 24:39, 1Tim. 1:17. These verses are the characteristics of our God to believe, so that the Holy Spirit will enlighten us in our study. In 1Cor. 1:24, Christ is the power & wisdom of God. No human being will brought power & wisdom. In Mat. 1:21 Mary's bring forth a son name Jesus and not the name Christ because this name as I said is the power & wisdom of God. The name Jesus who of God is made unto refer to the verses, 1Cor. 1:30 & Acts 2:36. For easier understanding to our worldly knowledge the name Peter, was brought to a lady. Then, Peter became a Lawyer, so Peter be called Attorney, Peter. The word Attorney, was not brought to a lady. This is his knowledge/title & power to counsel. This wwrd Attorney is the same to the word Christ was not brought to a lady. read Mat. 1:16. Additional information the New Name of our Heavenly Father is the name Jesus Christ. In the old testament there are so many names of our God. Ex. Jealous God, I who am I, Holy God, Jehovah, Yahwee.
  • God Love on Malachi 3 - 14 years ago
    Read Hebrew's Chapter 7 Jesus is my priest FOREVER and speaks through me in the Holy Spirt!
    Tithes were of the old covenant if you believe in tithes also read Leviticus chapter 24, celebrate all the festivils, washing of hand from elbows and many other tradtions Mark 7. To be more percise it was a Jewish tax. Owed to the Jews. Yes, we should give offering in support of the Universal Church according to 1 Corinthians 16. Not to make a poor family fill obligated to pay something to just end up loosing a family of souls just like Satan wants! You must learn to read in context to the time, we use to have to offer animal sacrafices then a change was a one time PERFECT sacrafice, along with many other changes. Set me Free like Galatian 5(another change)!
  • URLoved on Malachi 3 - 14 years ago
    We must remember that even if God was refering to the priest; a priest is someone that gives the messege Of God to people saved or unsaved. With Jesus coming and the people being born again the priest of todays time are the People of God (Earthly knowledge priest or Spiritully given priest). We all have become fishers of men, and We all are to give tithes and offerings that are pleasing unto the Lord and stop robing God to pay peter or paul.
  • Eldon on Malachi 3 - 14 years ago
    In the new Testiment every born agian Christian is a priest of God. Today our giving is spiritual. As I read Malachi I see Gods people of to day robbing even more. If we would repent, what blessings we would have.
  • Auguastine on Malachi 3:9 - 14 years ago
    I think what it is saying that preist and other men of thr church has lied and stated that if we do not pay them forsome reason that we have taken from God, we take nothing from God for he has all things. the men of the lies and God says you have rob my people in my name so give ir to me all you have saved all through the hundred of years. what do God eat or drink we know not.
  • Rick on Malachi 3 - 14 years ago
    Verse 9 plainly state that ye have robbed god and even the nation - That the Priest Robbed the nation. This whole book of Mal is toward the Priest. Also read Jeremiah 31:31-36, I Corinthians 16:2. And even if tithes were a requirement Malachi Plainly states that 3:4 “Then shall the offering of Judah and Jerusalem be pleasant unto the LORD, as in the days of old, and as in former years.”… That they belong to the Jerusalem Temple and the church(s) need to send them accordingly as also noted in I Corinthians 16:2. This of the old ways. Mark 2:21 No man also seweth a piece of new cloth on an old garment:...
  • Kim on Malachi 3 - 14 years ago
    A clear reminder of how important obedience is and how important it is to tithe and give offerings. To be able to walk in God's blessing and provision is ideal. To bring Him pleasure should be our greatest achievement.
  • Sha-ron on Malachi 3 - 14 years ago
    Malichi 3:16 - I believe that it is a most beautiful thing that our GOD who created each and every one of us has the utmost ability not only to hear every word spoken about HIM, for HIM, or to HIM, or even "thought about HIM"- that is spoken with "Awe"(fear-reverence) - has it written down in a "book of remembrance". This is truly a gift that we have for HIM that HE honors, appreciates, and keeps. I do love HIM so much!

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