King James Version (KJV)
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For I am the LORD, I change not; therefore ye sons of Jacob are not consumed.
John 8:47
He that is of God heareth God's words: you therefore hear them not, because you are not of God.
Romans 1:28
And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient;
God does not change His mind about His Word; Jesus or the Bible.
People/priests however do change Gods word and are subject to what is written at the end of Revelation 22. They do it to themselves and hurt others by saying their decisions are right.
By knowing the Bible we can avoid pitfalls to our faith in God. If your church is political and makes changes politically, you have a responsibility to separate yourself from that church; seek one teaching the WHOLE BIBLE and not omitting or adding to "the Bible".
There is no "wiggle" room on these matters. Jesus said, FOLLOW ME. You bear the responsibility to change your Church Affiliation. Period.
Jesus is returning soon and there isn't another 100 years to flesh out the problems of religious political issues. They just want your financial support. Find a real Bible teaching Church. Not those that mix in philosophy, how to be happy happy in your life without change; marriage counselors, and subjects that are not scripturally based.
Super Churches are not able to give one on one, encouragement to their parishioners.
Bottom line: Follow Jesus. We are HIS DISCIPLES on this earth.
1 Corinthians 9:1-18.
Apostle Paul clearly states that God gave the right who they teach the Gospel to live from the Gospel. But Paul denied that privilege and worked with his own hands to meet his and his accompanions' needs although sometimes he accepted help from the churches he established. i.e Thessalonians.
Acts 20:32-35
During the meeting with the elders from Ephesus he suggests that they follow his example.
So yes the right to live from the church is given by God (but nowhere in the New Testament that right is defined as 10%, on the contrary everybody may give anything he wants, 2 Corinthians 9:7) but the best thing is to follow Paul's example.
In the congregation i attend, the bishop, the elders and the deacons have a job to live from and get nothing from the church. The members of the church give every Sunday anything they want and can to meet church's expences. 2 Corinthians 9:7
Finally being a bishop IS NOT AND SHOULD NOT BE A PROFFESION just like all the other ones to live from.
Isaiah 6:12 And the LORD have removed men far away, and there be a great forsaking in the land.
Isaiah 6:13 Yet in it (the land) shall be a TENTH, and it (the TENTH) shall return (with Christ), and shall be eaten: as a teil tree, an as an oak, whose (Christ) substance is in them (the TENTH), when they (the TENTH) cast their leaves: so the HOLY SEED (Christ) shall be the substance thereof.
Revelation 22:2 In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bear twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month, and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations.
Ezekiel 20:49 Then said I (Ezekiel),Ah Lord GOD! they(scriptures) say of me (Christ) Doth he (Christ) not speak parables?
Matthew 13:34 All these things spake Jesus unto the multitudes in parables; and without a parable he spake not unto them:
If you read the previous chapters you will see they were tithing, but they were bringing the sick and lame and spoiled grains unto the priest as their tithe. The priest had no land inheritance, therefore the tenth of the harvest, the VERY BEST OF THE HARVEST, was theirs.
Only products of the land were tithed, salaries and works of man's hands were not tithed.
All of this was done as a shadow of the TRUE.
Christ is calling out the tithe or first fruits of the harvest now, in this age.
Malachi 3:3 And he (Christ) shall sit as a refiner and purifier of silver, and he (Christ) shall purify the sons of Levi (the priest), and purge them as gold and silver, that they (the priest) may make offer into the Lord an offering of righteousness.
1 Peter 2:9 But ye are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood .....
1 Corinthians 15:23 But every man in his (God's) own order: Christ the firstfruits; afterwards they that are Christ's at his coming (CHRIST IN YOU).
Romans 8:23 ....which have the firstfruits of the Spirit ....
Revelation 14:4 ....being the firstfruits unto God an to the Lamb.
2 Corinthians 9:7
"Every man according as he purposeth in his heart, so let him give; not grudgingly, or of necessity: for God loveth a cheerful giver.", And in
1Peter 5:2-3 2 Feed the flock of God which is among you, taking the oversight thereof, not by constraint, but willingly; not for filthy lucre, but of a ready mind; 3 Neither as being lords over God's heritage, but being examples to the flock.
Exodus 20:10, Leviticus 25:6, Deuteronomy 5:14, Amos 8:4-7,
Matthew 25:31-46, James 1:27, Jeremiah 5:28-29, Jeremiah 7:5-7, Jeremiah 22:3, Malachi 3:5,
Deuteronomy 14:28-29, Deuteronomy 16:10-14, Deuteronomy 24:17-21, Deuteronomy 26:10-19, Leviticus 23,
Isaiah 56, Matthew 12,
Hopefully these are helpful in your seeking of GOD's will & your walk
Daniel 1:4, the children taken capacity,
Daniel 1:5-16, Leviticus, Deuteronomy, & some of Exodus covers the foods that Jewish children were by GOD's Laws not suppose to eat, it was wisdom
Daniel 1:17-21 stood before the king, seems to say they stood by the king in service & advisers.
Daniel 2,
1st let's look at threat Daniel 2:5, if he had made all the young boys eunuchs & Jeremiah 52, would have caused fear.
Daniel 2:1-13, just like Daniel 1:20, shows that king was seeking every type of teaching but they all fail
Daniel 2:14-24, GOD ALMIGHTY is Awesome & amazing!! Psalms 44:22,
Daniel 2:25-26, sad reminder that Daniel was of the captives of Judah, also the king had changed his name. (significantly there are Babylonian records with that name so it's interesting it's noted in Bible)
Daniel 2:27-30 :to GOD be the Glory
Daniel 2:31-45 the dream of the king & interpretation , with much symbolism
Daniel 2:46,48, different later, Daniel tells that king's son, no: Daniel 5:17,
Daniel 2:47 Glory to GOD
Daniel 2:49, interesting note of favor also seen in chapter 1,
Daniel 3, looks like the king misunderstood or took that "gold" interpretation out of context from symbolic "golden head" from dream Daniel 2:31,32,38,
Daniel 3:6 threats again, & rage Daniel 3:13,19,20,21,22,23
Daniel 3:8,12,16,17,18 just like Daniel 1, didn't want to turn from GOD's Laws
Daniel 3:24-27 GOD's amazing deliverance
Daniel 3:28 to GOD be Glory
Yet threats again of brutal violence Daniel 3:29,
Daniel 3:30 promotion again, through obedience to GOD
Daniel 4, told through that king when GOD humbled him,
Daniel 4:18,19, used name he gave Daniel
Jesus would withdraw a ways from the group to pray and fellowship with the Father.
We have to do that too. Make quiet time to spend it with Jesus. And through Him, the gift he gave us; the Holy Spirit.
Chaos is a name of Satan. It takes effort to maintain peaceful moments in our every day lives. If you desire more of Jesus (through Holy Spirit) apart from regular church fellowship; you can create other ways to sit in his presence and listen.
Turn off the tv and phone for an hour. Open your Bible and read from Psalms and Proverbs. Read slow to pick up on the hidden pieces of gold that the Holy Spirit will show you.
The more scripture you take into your heart, the more the Holy Spirit has, to bring to your conscious mind, as He ministers to you. Holy Spirit joins you Jesus's mind. That's how it works. It is a moment of WOW, you might want to keep a journal on that for later.
I use praise music other times to bring me into His presence. God inhabits our praise. Angels hearken to the spoken or sung, Words of God. Malachi 3:16-18, an angel records our spoken praise of God in a Book.
With some shame, I'll say The Lord had ti wean me off of hard rock, disco, country beer music, etc. Praise music was hard. Someone gave me a tape of John Michael Talbot, "Troubadour of the Great King." I learned that everything in creation gives its praise to the Lord. Only man has choice to praise, or Not praise.
It depends on us. Do we desire to sit before the Lord and just praise Him; in quoting a Psalm, or in singing along in song. The more we are aware of the Living God in our lives, the more our joy grows. When our mind agrees with the Word, in meaning and and in song:
We move from glory to glory.
We are Not Limited on how much we love Jesus, or How to love Jesus. Everybody loves differently.
I chose full bore, head on. God bless you.
When you have come there my friend you can try to see,
But does it only mean the materialistic things, does it not also mean Give room to the Lord in your / our lives?
Acts 8-9 chapter God bless un in Jesus Name.
I knew a guy named Cecil at Myrtle Beach Air Force Base. He adopted a 6month old baby girl that had been horrificly abused. I read your post several times. I closed the ap. Had to pray a little & think on your post. I haven't heard from our friend Cecil since I was a teenager. The MBAFB shut down shortly after those days & everyone moved away.
Cecil, GOD is Just. Have you heard of Moses? In Genesis, Abraham was promised several amazing things, a son from his 'wife', in their old age, etc. Gen. 12:2,3,7, but also that those heirs would be servant in strange land & afflicted 400 yrs. Genesis 15:12-13, if you read in depth you can find GOD's justice. Genesis 12:10-17, Genesis 16:1-16, Genesis 21:9-19 = it was in Egypt, Abraham's children of Sarah's son Isaac's offspring were afflicted.
Genesis 18, shows great mercy of GOD that if 10 righteous were in that land (Sodom & Gomorrah) it would've been spared. That's his Nephew Lot's friends & family. ?, Right here is proof the GOD interecedes on People's behalf when they obey HIM.
GOD's ways are not our ways, Isaiah 55:8,9,
We cannot blame GOD for wickedness of man = Genesis 6:5-6,
Yet GOD shows us mercy & unimaginable love, John 3:16-17, salvation through sacrifice, Psalms 18:25-27,
GOD is merciful, true & Just. If you read the books that go alongside Isaiah you'll get a clearer picture: 2Chronicles 36, Jeremiah 29, Jeremiah 51, Exodus 22:22, Isaiah 1:17, Isaiah 1:23, Jeremiah 7:6, Jeremiah 22:3, Ezekiel 22:7, Malachi 3:5, Zechariah 7:10, you can start with those verses because that's most of what GOD asked of Israel & Judah. Then please read the Books & chapters.
Then Babylon: 2Kings 20:12-18,19, Daniel 1, 2Kings 25:8-9, I stopped there because that's enough about the evil.
Hopefully these are helpful if you are trying to search for truth & understanding. You can also ask for wisdom James 1:5-6,21,
Job 38:1-41, James 4:12,
* Hebrews 7:25,
Ezekiel 24:2 Jeremiah, Isaiah & other Prophets warned Israel & Judah that if they didn't do away with oppression, holding back wages of hired, justice, judgement for widows & fatherless children then they would be captured by Babylon.
Exodus 22:22, Deuteronomy 24:17, Isaiah 1:11-25, Jeremiah 7:3-7, Jeremiah 22:3-22, Ezekiel 22:7, Zechariah 7:8-11, Malachi 3:5-
& to stop worship of other false gods: Jeremiah 7:18, Isaiah 58,
Jeremiah 34:7-22,
During this GOD talking with Ezekiel, Ezekiel 24:1-14,
Ezekiel 24:15-19, GOD tells HIS Prophets to do very difficult things at times. "tire = headress, turban ' then explains why & what that meant : Ezekiel 24:20-25
Ezekiel 24:26-27 is amazing because from, Ezekiel 3:26-27, Jeremiah seems to be unable to speak, until chapter 6. & possibly from & apparently from Ezekiel 24:27, until Ezekiel 33:21-22, therefore fulfilling the Prophecy.
Sometimes studying much reveals much & more difficult questions sometimes take longer for understanding.
Hopefully this is helpful.
Mark 1:1-5 : Exodus 15:2, Isaiah 40:3, Malachi 3:1, Matthew 3:3, Matthew 11:10, Luke 1:76, Luke 3:4, Luke 7:27,
Vrs 6.- compare: Jeremiah 13:1-11, 2Kings 1:8,
Mark 1:13, : Psalms 106:14, Matthew 4:1, Luke 4:2,
Mark 1:14, : Luke 3,
Mark 1:44, : Leviticus 10:10, Leviticus 13,
Isaiah 11:1-4,
Then the book of Luke, begins when Jesus was born. Matthew=teaching on Joseph's contact by an Angel; and Jesus's Geneology.
A special blessing for you: Malachi 3:16-18
All of the gospels to learn what Jesus is like because we are his followers.
Some of the greatest lessons are on how to spend time in prayer away from distractions. How to praise in song (psalms) like King David did; and to worship our Father.
Ask the Holy Spirit to be your Teacher; to anoint you for reading of the Word.
God will not listen to our prayers.
If we walk in forgiveness and receive Gods son, Jesus as our Saviour_ God will help us through poverty, trials, losses, illness, etc. We have to follow What the Bible teaches us. We can't reject things because of reasons we think are good ones.
It's scriptural to ask for what you NEED. A job, a better house, a vehicle, a marriage partner (flee sexual sins), favor with all people you daily deal with; help reading the Bible and understanding it.
From me: talk with God every day, all day long if you desire to do so. Talking and Praying. The angels put our words about God, in a Book of Remembrance. Malachi 3:16-18 And the Lord reads it.
Most people don't know this, but Satan can hurt people, cities, farmlands with rain, disasters. I truly believe one Christian on their face before a Holy God, can ask for a storm to change course. I've seen it happen. If we ASK and do not DOUBT, anything is possible. Don't brag. Worship God.
Communication happens between us and our Heavenly Father. He is praised by angels In Heaven_ but I believe our voices of praise can join theirs too.
Rather than spend all night worrying about my teenager; I prayed for God to send an Angel to keep them from harm and bad decisions. Remember to thank Him when they come home safe. :)
"Complacent" is an evil spirit, that tries to stop us from giving attention and love to God.
May we be quick to forgive and fast to bend a knee and thank God for his Mercy, Grace and Favor.
There were actually three different tithes also. The Families, widows, the orphans, and the poor and foreigners, were included in the tithes. Today it is mammon, mammon, mammon. Many churches today are not transparent. There has to be clarity about where God's money is going.
In Luke 6:38 many preachers and evangelist use that scripture to get people to give money. That scripture is not about money. It is about mercy. They tell the people not to take scripture out of context and yet do so themselves. I hope that was helpful.
I was reading in Genesis, the Holy Spirit stops me on verse 1. He said the 4 things
TIME: in the beginning__God set TIME ticking
FORCE: The Godhead created. (Father, The Word ( John 1:1) and Holy Spirit
ACTION: and the Spirit of God MOVED over
MATTER: earth, waters, atoms
God purposed, Word spoke: Light Be, and there was Light. (Purpose Spoke Light)
Carbon dating proves earth is around 2-3 billion years. SATAN was around but he's a created being. He cannot create dinosaurs, cavemen or anything other than chaos.
My personal theory is: Romans 1:19-20. God put the artifacts in earth for us to find; oil for our cars, coal to be warm, fresh water for us and salted water for creatures.
We have to pray for scientists to see the Book of Romans. It's an occupation, as is archaeology, bio science, medicine. We are without excuse if we refuse to acknowledge The Godhead.
I caution you, not to teach your ideas to Gods baby Christians.
There are many, many more scriptures all over the Bible about creation; not just in Genesis.
I think we're all going to be in heaven watching God restore earth to BEFORE mankind messed it up. 2 Peter 3; Malachi 4:1
I've always thought some of the best stories are in chronicles, Kings, Samuel__Nehemiah. There's lots in Jeremiah. We just can't seem to like ALL parts of the Bible. Revelation 22 is key.
I don't want to show up in heaven, and meet Habakkuk and have to say: "sorry man, I never got to your book" :/
See, if you teach that man existed before Adam; that's called OLD EARTH THEORY. It's heresy.
Let's all remember that Malachi 3:16-18. God has a Book of Remembrance that writes down what we think and say about Him. How wonderful to bless His Holy Name!
It is true when you say today we give from the heart, but this is not the case when you are being told Malachi 3:8-10 God will curse you if you do not tithe. Why do people not understand that in Malachi, God wanted meat in his house, not money, as Leviticus, Numbers and Deuteronomy all testify that tithing has nothing to do with money, it is always about fruits, vegetables and animals, and a man must eat his tithe with his wife, children, slaves, and a Levitical priest, once every year. The freedom you spoke of is an illusion for many who do not know the bible, that tithing was for Israel alone, and it was destroyed with all the other laws of Moses from the Old Testament. Now do I really care about tithing, no, I care about people not obeying one Old Testament law, otherwise they will be cursed to obey all the 613 laws from the Old Testament. Galatians 3:10 % Galatians 5:1-4
but i'm not buying that the son of perdition or the Antichrist or the tribulation times are happening now.
Is it building up without question but we the believers in the body of Christ making intercession is the only
thing from the enemy cutting loose in my scriptural understanding. Also scripturally 2 Thessalonians 2:12
that they all who believed not can't include the saints or believers in the Body of Christ.
Malachi 3:16. Then they that feared the LORD spake often one to another: and the LORD hearkened, and heard it, and a book of remembrance WAS WRITTEN BEFORE HIM FOR THEM THAT FEARED THE LORD, AND THAT THOUGHT UPON HIS NAME.
When you put it context with verses 1-15 you see the proud and wicked of Jacob "Israel" tempt God and think that they could get by with it.
Malachi 3:1-15.
Here in verse 16 I think you have a remnant that feared the LORD and thought/Considered the LORD in service.
16) Then they that feared the LORD spake often one to another: and the LORD hearkened, and heard it.....
And a book of remembrance was written of them.
God bless
I like the "Bible study tools" link
God has a book of Remembrance in which it is recorded what believers talk about. Our conversations which each other will please, or be a displeasure.
It reminds ME to take control of what comes out of my mouth. Faith or Faithlessness; condemnation or prayer that situations will improve, if I be patient and wait on God, etc.
If I speak negative, I hear it with spiritual ears; and I counter that with truth and words of faith.
Angels are writing in the Book. Wouldn't it be great to read a book someone wrote about us_ saying and doing things that bless and do not curse?
Sometimes I am my worst critic.
I feel sick watching someone eat a steak barely warm and real bloody, yuck.
I don't like over processed foods with too many additives. I make my own breads. Who wants bleach in their flour?
The baking soda neutralizes acid and the stomach becomes more alkaline.
Adding a little table sugar to tomato sauces; gas producing vegetables (raw carrots, raw peppers), gets rid of the gas and bloating. I put a half tsp sugar in my ketchup.
Lemon water helps kidneys not make stones or gravel. Good for diabetics too.
My real real old doc (allergy doc) said anything that upsets your stomach badly, you are probably allergic to it. That way you can avoid skin testing for allergies.
Cinnamon toast is medicinal :D
all believers in God endured, but there's coming a time the tribulation period where the age of grace will end
and that time frame will not be pretty.
of God made the righteousness of God in Christ. According to 1 Corinthians 15:51-54 we are going to be changed
in an instant and have incorruptible bodies like His. Also our sins are forgiven because of the payment of Jesus Christ.
In the book of Revelation the places where saints are mentioned is in reference to the ones separated by holiness and
all positive. We by Gods deliverance through Jesus Christ have been redeemed or bought back by God called to be His
sons and daughters and BORN AGAIN OF INCORRUPTiBLE SEED, His Word when we believed. Since the book of
revelation deals with Jesus Christ return to JUDGE mankind and condemn all unrighteousness the central theme is not
the Church of God. The opening in revelation says to his servants which is what Israel was called to serve God, we in the
church serve our brothers and sisters in Christ and mankind but out relationship spiritually is as sone and daughters. Just
stating the scripture.