Discuss Malachi 3 Page 8

  • Marvin Overstreet on Malachi 3 - 6 years ago
    The closer we get to God, the more we realize just how true Malachi 3:6 is and with That we also desire to be unchangable just as God is uncchangable.
  • Sylvia on Malachi 3 - 6 years ago
    The first death is physical and is separation of the body from the spirit.
    The second death, unbelievers are cast into the lake of fire and eternally separated from God.
    Genesis 16-17; 5:5
  • A disciple on Malachi 3 - 7 years ago
    Anonymous Mike; I thought what you wrote was wonderful. But why did you conclude by writing, "I only say, never do this unless ur church isn't doing right." ??? Any time we want we can be kind and help others! No one needs to wait and see if their church is doing it first! No church is gonna stand up to answer for you before the Judgment Seat. What about when you're at work or at home?
  • Savyon Hamrick on Malachi 3 - 7 years ago
    I think this is the best book in the bible talking about what the church needs to do.😇
  • BSP on Malachi 3 - 7 years ago
    Verse 6: This shows that Jehovah God's standards do not change.
  • ALEX on Malachi 3 - 7 years ago
    Disciple ty my man but you are not understanding there are 2 of everything in the bible. 2 kinds of GRAVES 2 kinds of death, 2 kinds of life, Jesus said let the dead bury their dead which is spritual death, John said in her was found human life the souls of men which is a spritual grave which answers to religion,Babylon, HE TELLS THE PHARISEES N SCRIBES YOU ARE AS GRAVES THAT APPEAR NOT. GBU
  • A disciple on Malachi 3 - 7 years ago
    Like I wrote to you before; You have to wait for God to give you understanding of the Scriptures, through proving over time and continuing faithful, learning from Jesus who is meek and lowly in heart. The Lake of Fire IS NOT FOR REFINING AND PURIFYING; but for everlasting destruction of those who will be forever rejected as worthless and bad! The Lake of Fire is for those whom God NO LONGER LOVES!
  • Alex on Malachi 3 - 7 years ago
    Jesus said i come to bring fire on the earth meaning on humanity and he said every sacrifice has to be salted with fire which is his baptism of fire that we soo need and every liar ( sinner ) will have their part in the LAKE OF FIRE AND HIS FIRE IS HIS WORD AS JEREMIAH SAID I WILL MAKE THE WORDS IN YOUR MOUTH AS FIRE AND THIS PPL THE WOOD,We be th red heifer that is gonna be consumed to ashes GBU
  • Alex on Malachi 3 - 7 years ago
    Imo the LAKE OF FIRE is his Judgement more importantly his love for humanity,even in the natural we chastise our kids b/c we love em Ya gotta realize that our God is consuming fire that is gonna consume our evil Adamic nature Mal 3 says who shall abide the day of his coming, who shall stand when he appears HE SHALL BE AS A REFINERS FIRE AND FULLERS SOAP, i.e his baptism of fire,his love/judgement.
  • Anonymous Mike on Malachi 3 - 7 years ago
    Years ago I decided to take the tithe and give directly to people who were in obvious need, like people whose husbands were killed, kids who were going hungry or malnourished, houses for those with fire losses, people looking for work hitching (2day a car = shoes r camel) so as I did so God caused everything I did to explode in success. I only say, never do this unless ur church isn't doing right.
  • Geraldine Cole on Malachi 3 - 7 years ago
    About malachi 3 . Agree this chapter has been use by some bishop and pastor for them to get rich I say some because all are not robbing the people we must understand when God said bring meat in the storehouse what he as spaking of is giving and taking care of the needed when u help people in need thats tithing if your church help people ok if not don't tithe most churches help no one Amen
  • A disciple on Malachi 3 - 7 years ago
    Hi Ann; You have sure got that right! But you know? Birds of a feather flock together! How is it that some of us can feel it immediately and are totally convicted to Run for our lives whenever we get around those kinds? while others don't seem to care a thing for ANYTHING that you're talking about! God separates His own from those who are NOT! The times are made by the kind of people of that time.
  • Ann on Malachi 3 - 7 years ago
    Not all who are teaching or preaching and not all who prophecy, are called to do so by God.
    I do believe whomever God calls to do his work, He will be provided for.
    A lot of these pastors are taxing their congregation to meet personal needs and the needs of the church building. They are not helping the orphan, the captive, the widow, the fatherless, etc.
    for some self ordained church=quick money
  • A disciple on Malachi 3 - 7 years ago
    Linus; This is one of the most misused Scriptures in the church world today: "Take heed, and beware of covetousness; for a man's life consists not in the abundance of things he possesses." It would be better to take the position Paul took, and rather work for one's living! 1 Cor. 9:12 "..Nevertheless we have not used this power; but suffer all things, lest we should hinder the gospel of Christ."
  • Bro. Bob on Malachi 3 - 7 years ago
    Unfortunately, many of the brethren today misunderstand his rebuke. To help you understand, Malachi was not addressing the Christians of today. He was rebuking the House of Israel in his generation for not honoring God's Law. The law of tithing in Malachi's day was sacrificing 10% of their increase,(animals, money, herds and flocks) to be given in support of the families of Aaron and Levi.
  • Lane on Malachi 3 - 7 years ago
    Hello Saints,

    I know church folks, who never pay tithes. I wonder what happens to people who go on home to heaven, who never paid tithes? Do you think their may be some laundry to do in heaven?
  • Irene123 on Malachi 3 - 7 years ago
    V.3, " ... the sons of Levi" refers to the pastors of HIS churches. V.5 , " ... to turn away the stranger from his right ... " refers to false teachers teaching lies about God's word and turning these to false beliefs. A 'stranger' is also a gentile, as opposed to a Christian. God has ALWAYS loved strangers, gentiles; He leads us to His truth - to accept or reject.
  • Irene123 on Malachi 3 - 7 years ago
    Philip. 3:5 - " ... God will reveal even that unto you." God is a revealer of men's secrets that NEED to be revealed. If a pastor or the treasurer or the Elders that collect the tithe is skimming them - the church needs to pray for enlightenment from the Lord Jesus, unless it is known who it is. Prayer - WORKS.
  • Irene123 on Malachi 3 - 7 years ago
    V. 16 - " ... and that th'ot upon His name." To 'think' upon His name is to DO everything in His name. Whenever we converse with others by letter, phone, our work, etc. to ask God in Jesus name to bless it. Even some sinners know this as is shown in Acts 19:13. And, of course, baptizing in water is 'doing' something, Acts 2:38.
  • Irene123 on Malachi 3 - 7 years ago
    V. 8-11'; bring ye ALL the tithe (10 percent) into the storehouse..."; the store house is the type of the church of today. It says right there it's for the Levites (who have no land to till to feed themselves and their families). The 'Levites' today are the pastors, ministers. They can't work at worldly jobs; their duty is to God - hosp., home, evangelistic work. cont.
  • Irene123 on Deuteronomy 14 - 7 years ago
    To C. Kalu - you need to read Malachi 3:10-12. If we will be faithful in our tithing AND freewill offering, God WILL bless us; I give 10 per cent every week and He's never failed to bless me. It's not always in money, it's also answered prayer for healing or for salvation of others, or a car or repairs to something or whatever HE sees the need for.
  • Brianna on Malachi 3 - 8 years ago
    Vs. 18 brings out that there is a clear distinction between those who serve God and those who who do not. t will radiate from our personality, speech, and behavior. Therefore, we should strive to apply the Bible's direction on our life. We can not live a double life. God knows those who belong to him.
  • Bruce on James 2 - 8 years ago
    G-W: Helping others in need is a good thing,but stealing from God is not! Malachi 3:8-11. Helping others usually gives a warm fuzzy feeling,are we again taken something that's not ours? A tithe,the glory,a lie:using money or things that belong to someone else is not us helping the needy.
    Sin upon sin will it ever end?Thanks be to God. 1 John1:6-9,2:1. (All of 1 John) the best help "salvation"
  • Oregonanabaptist.com on Daniel 9 - 8 years ago
    70 weeks have been fulfilled. "He" in the 27th verse is the Messiah. This prophecy and vision is about the Messiah, and the time determined upon Daniel's people, City and Temple. After He was cut off, the covenant kept being confirmed by apostles and disciples by the Spirit of Christ to the circumcision until Acts 7. Romans 15:8 Galatians 3:17 Malachi 3:1, Micah 7:19-20, Luke 1:68-74, Acts 7.
  • Lionell Brooks on Malachi 3 - 8 years ago
    Exodus 30:16
    And you shall take the atonement money of the children of Israel, and shall appoint it for the service of the tabernacle of meeting; that it may be a memorial unto the children of Israel before the LORD, to make an atonement for your souls.
  • Helen on Daniel 12 - 8 years ago
    Just like this chapter,is your name written in the Book of Life.Imagine the Book being opened n my Name read,Just feel the Love of God.l Will Live for this JEHOVAH,GOD OF DANIEL.This chapter really an encouragement to me n alot of Hope to see God.its wonderful to Trust in God n love him by doing His will.Praise be the Name of God. Malachi 3:16-19.tells it all too.
  • All galatians chapter 6 on Malachi 3 - 8 years ago
    @Michael C... verse 6 speaks volumes
  • Michael C. on Malachi 3 - 8 years ago
    Answering Galatians 2:20: The second greatest commandment; after loving the LORD our God with all our heart, soul, mind, and strength; is to love our neighbor as ourselves. When the King sits upon His throne, and all are gathered before Him for eternal judgment; it is how we cared for His poor and needy, His sick and strangers and imprisoned, that will set us either on His right hand, or His left.
  • Michael C. on Malachi 3 - 8 years ago
    v 8: Abraham gave one tenth of the spoils to Melchizedek, but took not so much as a shoelace from the king of Sodom; for he had lift up his hand to the LORD. Rendering to the LORD the beginning of our strength, is a sign of the grace of Christ in our heart; which is shown by love. It is better for the Lord's servants to pay their own way, than to give occasion to the adversaries to speak evil.
  • Michael C. on Malachi 3 - 8 years ago
    BSP; I like verse 16 also! The one thing the devil and his seed can't stand, is our election of God. Its interesting how when we start to speak of wisdom and righteousness and judgment, the hostility rears up its head and strikes like a viper! The Law of our God is in our heart; none of our steps shall slide: but they that seek our souls to destroy them, shall go into the lower parts of the earth.

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