Discuss Matthew 2 Page 11

  • Igene Orhen on Matthew 2 - 11 years ago
    God preserves Jesus and his earthly parents lives so as to fulfill the scripture.
  • Alade Aniwapele on Matthew 2 - 11 years ago
    These are the days of the manifestations of the Sons of God- and that is because the Kingdom of this World has become the kingdom of our LORD Jesus Christ. Hence, as children of the most High God, we should give immense attention to the Word of God – and that refers to the raw Word from the Holy Writ and also the preached Word. Why is that? It is because,the just shall live by faith- and also that, faith cometh by hearing and hearing through the Word of God.
  • Ray on Matthew 2 - 11 years ago
    I agree with what stephen said in a comment OBEY GODS commandments and sumit your whole to god. AND WHAT CAN MAN DO TO YOU----------Praise the lord
  • Diamond on Matthew 2 - 11 years ago
    forgive me lord i want to be more like you please help me to be more like you i want the chains to break off so i can worship you more lord forgive me please i love you and wanna be more like you and a preach the word in your name please for give me
  • LLoyd Samuel on Matthew 2 - 11 years ago
    Hi, Please help me in prayer as I can only see myself in disobedience. Please pray for me that I will be restored in Lord Jesus from my sins. So may I be able to bring Glory to the Lord.
  • Timothy Schmid on Matthew 2 - 12 years ago
    I always wondered what kind of warning God gave to Joseph to go back to Israel. There is a lesson to be learned here, and that is that people should not stray from God's commandment and to always have faith! Also, take charge of God's commandments and the challenges in life will be alright. Here is another lesson that comes into mind because someone was afraid to do what God commanded: The story of Barrack and Deborah.... God wanted Barrack to lead the Judge Deborah's army to kill the Caananites but hesitated because he was afraid against overwhelming odds.... So, Deborah said because of the lack of his faith, the victory over the Caananites would go to a woman. So, Barack missed out on God's glory forever! So, don't be timid and glory shall be yours!
  • Peter on Matthew 2 - 12 years ago
    This scripture teaches that we need stay connected to GOD and he will guide us in everything we do. Further, it is important to learn that with God there is nothing that happens by accident, you will notice that though Joseph was fleeing but wherever he went prophecy was fulfilled.
  • StephendeRafael on Matthew 2 - 12 years ago
    Good and evil exist in this world, sometimes in the same person. No man has seen the Father. He does not make himself visible to human eyes. Jesus, sent from Heaven knew the Father. Abraham was His friend, and Moses his servant. I believe Jesus became what he was, through perfect obedience, perfect faith based on his study and adherence to the Torah, and the prophets. Joseph, his stepfather may have been clueless. We don't know but Mary knew and exalted God, or magnified Him. The mercy and grace of the Father is freely given to those who seek him, obey his commandments and have the faith of Jesus. That is what the Scriptures say.
  • Mark on Matthew 2 - 12 years ago
    Though strange connection, it reminds me of the hidden agenda in the Universal Healthcare Bill. It speaks of children age 2 and under with defects or disabilities will be denied coverage because they will be a burden on society and the government for their lifetime.
  • Jay on Luke 3 - 12 years ago
    On the lineage of Jesus:
    1. Mathew writes of Jesus as king of the Jews ( Matthew 2:20);
    2. So the lineage here in Mathew is from Joseph (step father of Jesus) back to Abraham (the father of the Jewish people) is to validate Joseph being chosen to be the step father of Jesus;
    3. Luke writes of Jesus as a man and being the only human part of Jesus (who was conceived by the holy ghost in a virgin ( Luke 1:22-35). God gives the lineage of Mary (through Mary's father Heli ( Luke 3:23). Heli is Joseph's father in law;
    4. Because in the Jewish customs set up by God from the beginning the lineage is always through the man;
    5. This is to validate Mary as being chosen to be the mother of the son of God;
    6. Note: Mark writes of Jesus as a servant and servants do not have a lineage, so no lineage is given in Mark. John writes of Jesus as God and God does not have a lineage, so no lineage is given in John;
    7. Both lineages are given to validate Jesus to the Jews that he is the Messiah as foretold in the scriptures that the Jews have been waiting for;
    8. These lineages are called the messianic line of Christ (anointed one chosen by God to be the son of God and to be the saviour of his people). Do not be confused on the term (son of) this term used by the Jews and God can be used in a blood related lineage or marriage related lineage. Also used in this age as a spiritual son as in the case of Paul's relation to Timothy ( 1 Timothy 1:2).
  • Robert Soukup on Matthew 2:18 - 12 years ago
    When first I heard of the tragedy in CT, this came to mind.
  • Jay on Matthew 25 - 12 years ago
    Matthew 25 can be a difficult chapter so we must remember some of the basic rules of interpretation:
    1. Matthew is a book about the king of the Jews ( Matthew 2:2);
    2. Until the cross they are under the law;
    3. Jesus first came to save his people the Jews ( Matthew 1:21);
    4. Much of Matthew is prophetic given to the Jews for the future, knowing that the Jews were going to reject Jesus as their Messiah. The titles of each book are clues to whom that book is directed at, Jewish title or gentile title. In chapter 25, if a person stumbles over the doctrinal intent then, it will be difficult understanding the spiritual intent. I believe that this chapter 25 is mainly given to the Jews in the tribulation age. Trying to place this chapter in the church age will not work and here is why.
    a. Kingdom of heaven is a Jewish term;
    b. Virgins = 144,000 Jews from Revelation 7:4 3;
    c. The church is always without exception referred as singular (never plural);
    d. Oil = holy spirit and it can never be purchased but given when asked for in church age;
    e. The wise virgins trimmed their lamps = good works;
    f. The foolish virgins did not trim their lamps = no works;
    g. In church age we are saved by grace not by works;
    h. The 5 virgins go out to meet the bridegroom (church age saints are caught up to be with him);
    i. I believe there will be a tribulation rapture ( Revelation 11:12) and the 5 wise virgins that took oil, (in church age we receive oil (holy spirit)) go up with Christ in the tribulation rapture ( Revelation 14:12-16) and the 5 foolish virgins that did not trim their lamps go into the millennial age after second advent of Christ.
  • Jay on Matthew 2 - 12 years ago
    Mr doubting Thomas, you may be confused about trying to reconcile the two genealogies from Matthew and Luke, when they are not meant to be reconciled.
    1. In Matthew the holy spirit is begating and in Luke the holy spirit is the son of Joseph father is Jacob in Matthew.
    2. In Luke Heli is father-in-law to Joseph. Heli is father to Mary. God always comes through the man's genealogy and in order to do this he must use the women's father to make the connection.
  • Timothy Wayne George on Matthew 2 - 12 years ago
    Herod lied to the wise men about his motives, but God knows the heart, and that is why He warned the wise men not to go back to Herod, but another way to their country. Joseph is warned in a dream to take Mary, and the Lord Jesus to Egypt so that prophecy would be fulfilled, out of Egypt, I have called my Son. When Herod dies, God tells Joseph to take Mary, and Jesus to Galilee, then after Herod's son is king, God tells him to take Jesus to Nazareth, for it was told He shall be called a Nazarene. God's word is true, and all of the prophecy concerning the birth of Christ was fulfilled.
  • Jah on Matthew 2 - 12 years ago
    This chapter of the book tells me Christ was a threat to Herod’s national security??? One minute, he wants to worship him then the next he wants to kill him. Thank God for dreams. It also tells me that Christ was obviously at war from day one… Everyone in those days knew the Messiah would come, when he did, some people wanted him dead. How evil is that? Will leaders of nations hand over power of their countries to Christ or God when they arrive? Or will they turn to Herod’s method and try kill them? Do leaders kill children today? Of course they do. So what has changed?
  • Sue Barker on Matthew 2 - 12 years ago
    I am a firm believer in Jesus Christ and the fulfillment of prophecy in the Bible and all that good stories. I have read this passage of scripture this morning and I am a bit confused. If someone can explain it to make complete sense I would be more than blessed by your knowledge. From verses 19-23, it explains that an Angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph after Herod's death and told him to take to young child and his mother and go into the land of Israel, Joseph obeyed and rose up and proceeded to take the young child and his mother as the Angel had said. BUT, when he heard that Herod's son was now in Herod's position, he was AFRAID to go there NOTWITHSTANDING being forewarned of God in a dream, he TURNED ASIDE into the parts of Galilee. He lived in a city called Nazareth, which was a prophecy fulfillment in itself as it was written that Jesus would be called a Nazarene. Now my questions: 1. Was Judaea, Galilee and Nazareth all in Israel? 2. Why did Joseph become AFRAID when he heard that Archelaus was in his father's place. We know that fear is not of God. If Joseph had the Angel of the Lord appear to him in a dream and he had Baby Jesus himself in his care, why then be afraid? 3. Did Joseph disobey the Angel of God in spite of being forewarned in a dream whereby "turned aside into the parts of Galilee"? Someone would do well to explain please. I know what would make sense here but I want to see if anyone is thinking along the same lines or if maybe I am wrong. Thank You and have a blessed day in Jesus' Mighty name!
  • Merwin Krish on Hebrews 5 - 12 years ago
    My dear brothers and sisters, let us have a look from the prompt.. JESUS is of the tribe of Judah in Genesis 49:10, Micah 5:2, Matthew 2:6. He is Melchizedek in Hebrews 7 ( Genesis 14:18). What does it mean? Read Hebrews 7:2, he is a priest without being from the tribe of Levi.. but if you count any priest in the bible, all are by the tribe of Levi.. So what is the link in between Psalms 110:4 and Hebrews 5:10... both didn't come from the tribe of Levi. Therefore what should be the consequence? Read Hebrews 7:11-18.. So we should be aware of this simple oracle.. as in Hebrews 5:12.
  • Bill short on Revelation 12:6 - 12 years ago
    Matthew 2:13 And when they were departed, behold, the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream, saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and be thou there until I bring thee word: for Herod will seek the young child to destroy him.
  • Shirley on Matthew 2 - 12 years ago
    My brother we can not give you answers that we do not have why the differents, only because we were not there when it was written. No matter where he was born nor what race he is he did a great thing for us thats enough for me to say thank you Lord for all you've done for me. The bible say's in 2 Timothy 2:15 study to show thy self approved unto God a workman that needeth not be ashame rightly dividing the word of truth.
  • Doubting Thomas on Matthew 2 - 12 years ago
    But why don't these two birth narratives (the only ones that we have) match? They are totally different. They cannot be logically reconciled. If you harmonize these two Gospels, then you have created your own gospel, which would be a heresy.

    The author's of the Gospel of Luke and Matthew (hint, they were not disciples) birth narratives contradict.

    Why is that? Maybe if the authors of the Gospels could keep their stories from contradicting there wouldn't be doubters.
  • Shirley on Matthew 2 - 12 years ago
    We could never give a greater gift then God gave us. He sent his son Jesus so that we may have a chance at the tree of life everlasting life. The only gift that we can give is to give or surrender or lives to him. There was a song writter that wrote a song there is no gift no greater then God. In Matthew God appears to Joseph in a dream. And in that dream he told him to take his wife and child and go to Egypt until Herod was dead because they were plotting to kill baby Jesus. Then an angle appeared before Joseph and told him to go to Israel That was where Joseph was from. Then they traveled to Bethleham where Jesus was born
  • Kennygross on Matthew 2 - 12 years ago
    Those who doubt Gods Word; Must read James1:2-10.
    Instead of doubting Gods Word. If you pray and ask God to give you wisdom and understanding.
    Looking through spiritual eyes which comes from the heart. That is where the Holy Spirit lives inside you heart. And then once you have accomplished this your doubting will be turned into observing. Only then the mystery of your doubts will be revealed. As the bible reads in Matthew6:33. Seek ye first the kingdom of God,and his righteousness;and all these things shall be added unto you. And this is my prayer for all doubters. God bless.
  • Doubting Thomas on Matthew 2 - 12 years ago
    Luke says that Joseph and Mary traveled to Bethlehem (being great with child). Matthew says that they already lived in Bethlehem. Which story is correct?

    The Shepherds appear in Luke and in Matthew it’s the Magi. Which is story correct?

    In Matthew, Joseph takes his family to Egypt and in Luke they go to Jerusalem and then return to Galilee. Which story is correct?

    Matthew and Luke are the only Gospels with the birth narrative. They do not agree. Why would that be?

    Isn’t the Bible supposed to be inerrant?
  • Kennygross on Matthew 2 - 12 years ago
    Matthew2; reads about the greatest event ever told. The Lord Jesus Christ coming down to earth
    in a form a baby. As prophecy unfolds through out
    bible history. Num24:17 There shall come a Star out of Jacob, and Is60:2 The Lord shall arise upon
    thee, and his glory shall be upon thee. GOD the creator of all things. The perfect and awsome
    designer he was put it all together. From the beginning to ending. Genesis 1 to Revelations 22. The greatest miracle ever seen by man is to see the son of God to asend down from heaven to be born in the flesh. To become Emmanuel, which means God with us. Here on earth, walking around preaching the gospel. And many other miracles.
  • Akins on Matthew 2 - 12 years ago
    What we give to him shows who he is to us
  • Akins on Matthew 2 - 12 years ago
    3 gift was given by 3 wise men to a child living by the holyspirit in the Father-the significant of these gifts were to authenticate his personality
  • Bishop L. Jackson on Matthew 2 - 12 years ago
    Isaiah 7;14 Therefore the lord himself shall give a sign; Behold,a virgin shall conceive,and bear a son,and shall call his name Immanuel.This mean that God;Prophets;WAS hereing from heaven;400 YEAR LATER;The prophecies came to pass.THANK GOD FOR PROPHECIES;
  • Olawuni mathew on Matthew 2 - 12 years ago
    Mathew chapter 2 talks about the birth of our lord Jesus. The holy ghost is at work just as was in the day of virgin mary.
  • DONNA on Matthew 2 - 12 years ago
    Wow. sometime we can miss alot in God word. it was three . Matthew 2:8-13 (man-talking about one)
    (Men) can mean more then one. as you read it say. when they. --which they saw, they departed . went befor them. Vs 10. when they. they rejoiced Vs 11 and when they were they saw the young child and when they had open their treasures they presented , unto him. the number mean alot to God. he do alot in numbers three is the Father the Son and the holy spirit . so they were presented the the gifts to all in one. ( my Thought) is Sometime we can be it is about us, Lets look at it like this, NO one can say well I gave him two gift to your one. or my gift was better then your gift. each wise men gave him a gift.
  • Unity on Matthew 2 - 12 years ago
    Regular girl hello to you. Respectfully, what are you thinking. Where is this information you are writing coming from.

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