Discuss Matthew 2 Page 3

  • Phyllis E Quick on Matthew 2 - 3 years ago
    What verses in the bible help someone to deal with the death of loved ones, a child and a mother?
  • Denika on Matthew 2 - 3 years ago
    Its not heels its herod and its not he its ye
  • Denika on Matthew 2 - 3 years ago
    Oh why did king heels want to kill jesus. Herod: Go he forth for I dear want to know where thou art the king is born. (HERODS MIND) I WANT TO KILL HIM....
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Matthew 2 - 3 years ago
    It was tragic & horrible like at the time Moses was born. Exodus 1:1-22, Matthew 2:2,3, Matthew 2:16, fear, insult, hatred, motivated them perhaps the most.
  • English Sacha - In Reply on Matthew 2 - 3 years ago
    Yes Mabylissa ,you got it right ! Enjoy .
  • Mabylissa dutra on Matthew 2 - 3 years ago
    My question is.... Wy King Herod wanted kill everything children what born boy , because knew what any boy once the messiah?
  • T. Levis - In Reply on Psalms 68 - 3 years ago
    Chris as I've been studying prophecy I've realized it was given in times when it was needed, either for correction or for hope, direction, protection. If things were obvious it wouldn't be needed. I am referring to all prophetic here. Matthew 2:12,13, Matthew 16:22-27, Luke 13:33,34, Luke 2:26, Daniel 10:1-3, 1 Samuel 3-1,9,10,11,12,13,14, it's also for revelation, exposure: when a person thinks they've hidden something from others or GOD= 1 Samuel 15:10-29, 2 Samuel 11 & 12, 2 Chronicles 20:20, There are many examples in scripture.

    Those two examples you've given wouldn't seem to me prophetic but foresight if it didn't edify the Church, encouraged, give direction, revelation etc., In line with GOD & HIS Words we could reflect on. Ezekiel is an example of very strange exhibited behavior probably to get the attention of "a stubborn people" so even if someone seems weird that might not be a reason not to listen. So, in the examples you gave on the surface it seems irrelevant to us.

    Let me give an example. Yesterday we were discussing Australia. Amanda Grace has given prophetic 'Words' regarding Australia saying things like "GOD hasn't forgotten you Australia" she said several things about leadership & GOD knowing the wrong that some leadership were doing. I think she said an earthquake would be a sign, there was a large earthquake very soon after then a few political things happened with people stepping down. Then just recently a Pro.Life Premier was elected. Looks to reflect in line with GOD's will. Her blog has her written prophectic Words Amanda Grace Ark of Grace.

    Even with accurate 'Words' 1 Kings 13:11-34, Deuteronomy 13:1-5, serve GOD only. Hopefully this helps
  • Matthew 2 Herods Efforts to kill Jesus - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Matthew 2:8

    Herod wanted to murder Jesus

    [The three wise men]

    12 And being Warned of God in a dream that they should not return to Herod, they departed into their own country another way.

    13 And when they were departed, behold, the angel of the Lord appeareth to Joseph in a dream, saying, Arise, and take the young child and his mother, and flee into Egypt, and be thou there until I bring thee word: for Herod will seek the young child to murder him.
  • Earl Bowman - In Reply - 3 years ago
    Brother Mishael, may CHRIST IN US grace us with HIS wisdom and HIS understanding.

    Revelation 16:12 .... that the way of the kings of the east be prepared.

    Revelation is the REVEALING of JESUS CHRIST.

    I BELIEVE the kings of the east represents the BORN AGAIN.

    Revelation 5:10 And hath made us unto our God KINGS ....

    Matthew 2:1 ....and there came KINGS from the EAST (to worship) ...

    It's hard to apply countries to Revelation, because in the last two thousand years anyone living at any given time could make Revelation fit their TIME.

    Look at Revelation how it FITS CHRIST.

    Food for thought, SPIRIT reveals.
  • LEOLA CURRY on Matthew 2 - 3 years ago
    forgetting those things that are behind me, I am pressing towards the mark of the calling of the highest in Jesus christ
  • John Boger - In Reply on Matthew 2 - 3 years ago
    Hi. Thank you for your response. Melville is dense. Another wonderful work by his is called Bartleby, a Story of Wallstreet. Many such biblical references therein. A great work.
  • English sacha - In Reply on Matthew 2 - 3 years ago
    Hi John , I too have read Moby Dick , it was hard work and I shan't read it again , you are so right , I read a lot , mostly older classics and the human stories in the Bible have influenced many good writers and helped them to write some awesome books .
  • John Boger on Matthew 2 - 3 years ago
    Verse 18 mentions Rachel and that she wept because her children were killed. Melville referenced this in the last chapter of Moby Dick. The Pequod was sunk and Ishmael is clinging to Quequeeg's coffin. Along comes another whaler, The Rachel, whose captain is criss-crossing the ocean because his son was lost in pursuit of a whale. Matthew has had such a profound impact on literature.
  • Dianne - In Reply on Matthew 2 - 3 years ago
    Jesse This ones for you the shepherds were told they would find a babe wrapped in swaddling clothes lying in a manger look up eastern culture and why that is a big deal, thought you would get blessed on that one.
  • Dianne - In Reply on Matthew 2 - 3 years ago
    Gaome You will not find the names of the Magoi but the reason they came so far with a literal caravan was because they saw an astronomical event that wasn't just a star it was actually a massing of planets, they were persian astronomers not astrology first one is science of the planets second one worship of the planets. They saw a planetary conjunction that's why they said to Herod where is He born King of the Jews, also they never a baby they saw a young child, the shephards were told to go see a babe wrapped in swaddling close. The reason the swaddling clothes was so important a sign in the east a child was wrapped in swaddling clothes indicated royalty and His words would always be pure.
  • Jesse - In Reply on Matthew 2 - 3 years ago
    Gaone Mothibi,

    The Bible never says there were three wise men. The literal Greek word is the word MAGOI for wise men. It's where we get our English word magic and magician from. They were sorcerers.

    They had come from the east. And in tracing back in history, and in tracing out the magi which they're called in English, back in the book of Daniel, as well as the book of Numbers, the magi were from the Mesopotamian area.

    They never traveled in a small group, so it's unlikely that there were just three of them. People come up with the number three because of the three gifts that were presented but the Bible never says three wise men. We don't know how many there were that came, and we don't know their names.

    They were actually a cast of Persian priests who were involved both as priests, as well as in the science field. They carried both aspects about them because they were involved in astrology and astronomy. In their priesthood in Persia, they relied on the stars, they relied on magic, and they relied on sorcery to gain their messages and to perform their function.

    They believed that when a great person was born upon the face of the earth that a cataclysmic event would happen in the stars which is kind of interesting. They believed that this great man's angel is up in the stars and this cataclysmic event will happen right before he is born.

    They literally predicted the birth of Alexander the great because they saw the cataclysmic events that happened in the stars and they knew that a great man had been born.

    Why would the event cause them to come to Jerusalem? Well, in the Mesopotamian area, back in the days of Balaam, if you remember when Balaam prophesied, in fact, in Numbers 24:17, Balaam prophesied and said a star would come out of Jerusalem.

    This was the same area that these priests came from. They had Balaam's prophesies. The Jews should have know the exact day that their Messiah would come. They missed it. But the magi knew!
  • Gaone Mothibi on Matthew 2 - 3 years ago
    Atually i want the names of the three wise man that saw the star that reveled the birth of the child Jesus
  • Dianne - In Reply on Matthew 2 - 3 years ago
    Ronald thats good stuff.
  • Ronald L Whittemore - In Reply on Matthew 2 - 3 years ago
    Joanne David

    The lost sheep of Israel ( Jeremiah 50:6)

    Jesus came to fulfill the law, the first covenant, flesh had to live a sinless life under the law of Moses given by God before it was considered an executed contract (fulfilled). The prophets, all prophecy pointing to the coming of their Messiah had to be fulfilled. These two things had to be completed before God could make a new covenant. The first covenant was made with the house of Israel and the second was offered to the house of Israel first but they rejected Jesus as their Messiah.

    We see in ( Matthew 10:5-8) that Jesus told the twelve, to go only to the house of Israel and not to go by the way of Gentiles. God even told them when the Messiah would come, ( Daniel 9:25) and in ( Ezekiel 34:23-24) they were told a Shepard was coming. but they did not want to give up their authority and wealth they were enjoying, meaning the Sadducees and Pharisees.

    Even when Jesus was born, they heard that it was in Bethlehem they were troubled ( Matthew 2:3) they did not even want to go see if it was their King/Messiah. We see in Acts when they totally said they reject Jesus and the new covenant, when they killed Stephen.

    Acts 7:57 Then they cried out with a loud voice, and stopped their ears, and ran upon him with one accord,

    The Apostles continued to confirm the new covenant to the house of Israel until Peter had his dream and Paul was converted and what God told Abraham came to be, and the mystery was revealed and confirming to the house of Israel stopped. The branch was broken off so we may be grafted in.

    Genesis 18:18 Seeing that Abraham shall surely become a great and mighty nation, and all the nations of the earth shall be blessed in him?

    Colossians 1:27 To whom God would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory:

    God bless,

  • Dianne - In Reply on Matthew 2 - 3 years ago
    Just another perspective when he healed the womans child he was astonished that she even asked because anyone outside of Judean tribe were considered dogs, He healed here because she knew and believed who He was, many individuals came to Him not of Isreal and were healed because of there believing, I.E. centurions servant who jesus Christ said I have not found so great faith in all Israel, this guy said all he needs to do is say He's healed .and I'll believe it. Most people say if you show me a sign I'll believe. But originally he Came for the lost sheep of the house of Israel, when they didn't believe and rejected He went from their messiah to our Saviour and messiah. Thank God
  • Dianne - In Reply on Matthew 2 - 3 years ago
    Joanne If the House of israel would have not rejected the messiah we would not have the priviledge to be christians now but God knew they were going to reject His Son They never believed He Is the Son of God they to this day believe he was just a prophet.
  • Chris - In Reply on Matthew 2 - 3 years ago
    Hello Joanne. Matthew 15:24: "But he answered and said, I am not sent but unto the lost sheep of the house of Israel."

    Jesus had gone to the coastal towns of Tyre & Sidon which are in Phoenicia. He went to minister to the Jews there (you might remember that the tribe of Asher had inherited some of that portion of the Land of Canaan back in the days of Joshua). So, we're not told what type of ministry Jesus was already doing there, when a Canaanitish woman approached Him to heal her demon-possessed daughter. Jesus didn't want to expand His Work to all people, so initially He refused her, saying that His Mission was to "the lost sheep of Israel", or the Jews who were perishing/in darkness for lack of Truth. Some could interpret Jesus' phrase as 'to the Jews who were scattered in these far off parts', but I think the emphasis on their 'spiritual needs' was what Jesus was referring to here. If Jesse sees this, he could clarify it better than me.

    But because of this woman's great faith, Jesus just gave the Word of healing, for we read that her daughter was healed in that hour, or in that moment. And Jesus did touch the lives of non-Jews from time to time (e.g. you can look up Matthew 8:5-13; John 4:1-42; Mark 5:1-17) but His Mission was primarily to the "lost sheep of Israel".
  • Joanne David on Matthew 2 - 3 years ago
    What does this particular part of scripture means: CHRIST was sent to the lost sheep of the house of Israel .
  • Is The Bible Written For Whosoever - In Reply on Revelation 6 - 3 years ago
    Matthew 2:1

    1 Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem,

    The Bible is the inspired Word of God, to all people.

    To rightly understand it and be able to live it daily: we must be born again, as Jesus tells Nicodemas in the Book of John, Chapter 3.

    This website has a link page. Below the link you used to come in here, is a link named: Become a Christian. It tells you how to become a Believer in Jesus. To understand all spiritual truths.

  • James Dunn on Matthew 2 - 3 years ago
    This Question is for the Jewish Rabbi's, per the Jewish Scriptures, What was the timeframe and year of the Comet that fell for 70 days?

    Was it 5 BCE or another year?
  • Carleton on Matthew 2 - 3 years ago
    What foundation can we go back to as brother's in Christ? Can we justify our relationship to this foundation only by scripture or is there other evidence? What is accountability? Does the Holy Ghost remind us of our foundation and what it cost? Did we sell everything to know the foundation? Do we remain on the foundation or is there temptation to wander off? Can we/you teach the Gospel or reprove for the Gospel's sake if we are not on the foundation? Who is our brother, who is our sister? On the true foundation do we remain teachable? God leads to repentance and faith in Jesus Christ, do we know Him?

    morning meditation.
  • Cherryl jordan jones on Matthew 2 - 3 years ago
    It was really awesome to see that even though out of fear joseph decided not to go to israel, God had another prophecy for him taking jesus to Nazareth. It gives hope to those who would have felt that chances were lost by decisions they would have made. God never give up on us and continues to journey with us until we arrive at that place.
  • Ken on Matthew 2 - 3 years ago
    Matthew 2:4

    KJV 1611 reads "where Christ" referring to Herod asking where the Christ is to be born. The Greek reads

    "where the Christ" with the definite article. Christ was not Jesus's surname. The NKJV has the definite article, having corrected this error in the KJV.
  • Paul Goldberg on Genesis 3 - 4 years ago
    In Matthew 2:19 King Herod dies. But in Acts 12:23 it states that King Herod died. Is this the same King Herod or two different King Herods?
  • S Spencer - In Reply on Matthew 2 - 4 years ago
    God gave some unconditional promises to Israel, Those promises depend on Gods faithfulness not Israel's.

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