Discuss Matthew 5 Page 33

  • MockingBird on Matthew 5:44 - 9 years ago
    When I went to work in my early 30 's .The place where I worked for the first ten years I was ridiculed greatly every day : I wore dresses and I gave testimony of my Lord Jesus Christ : With Holy Spirit help I was able to face it every day. It was very rough. I was to get up and seek the face of God for every day before I went to work. God came through every day. Little by little God removed those people from me and I was promoted to a higher place in work and able to make money. You stick with God and He will stick with you. It was ROUGH : God is Faithful.
  • Joanna Banji on Joel 2:25 - 9 years ago
    Matthew 5:18 For truly, I say to you, until heaven and earth pass away, not an iota, not a dot, will pass from the Law until all is accomplished. All is accomplish in my life, this is the kind of God that I serve.
  • Jessie on Matthew 5 - 9 years ago
    I would like to know just what chapter that says that sunday is the first day of the week and that saturday must be sabbath day please let me know because going to church on saturday is the right thing to do. thank you and god bless you
  • Mark Aubart on Matthew 5:17 - 9 years ago
    As has been written, Christ came to offer salvation through grace, but the salvation from sin is an offer. People can take the offer and become part of the Church of Christ, which by its nature will obey God and his commandments. Or refuse the offer and follow man aka satan, lucifer, the world . I believe the 10 Commandments were for Jews Gentiles alike, the other laws Torah were specifically for the Jews, and pertained to the time before Christ B.C. . The 4th Commandment specifically, regarding the Sabbath, predates the 10-Commandments and was never abolished and never changed by God. Lucifer man religion changed it in order to demonstrate how inept and evil man is and to fool mankind when they read: Genesis 2:2 And on the seventh day God ended his work which he had made and he rested on the seventh day from all his work which he had made. Mark 2:27 And he said unto them, The sabbath was made for man, and not man for the sabbath: Mark 2:28 Therefore the Son of man is Lord also of the sabbath. Now people will ask without thinking: "But which day is the 7th day? " But God did not allow man to change the days of the week, Sunday is the first day of the week on every calendar, in every language, in every country in the world. Those that wish to believe otherwise want to be deceived, and in fact are preferring to follow the world and not Christ, not God.
  • Anonymous on Matthew 5:15 - 9 years ago
  • Joseph Wheh on Matthew 5:28 - 9 years ago
    I am still contemplating on this verse and desiring more Spiritual.Please send me additional l lessons to enable me develop purity OOF heart and mind
  • Ephraim t Hagos on Matthew 5:14 - 9 years ago
    This is as long as you get the holy ghost we have to tell the word following signs and wonders, and not to be quite while others r getting lost
  • Ray ortiz on Matthew 5:14 - 9 years ago
    Good verse, if a city is built on a hill, that means everyone can see it. As a child of God, we are always being watched by everyone. We must follow Jesus steps.
  • Blessed on Matthew 5 - 9 years ago
    I am not that perfect I confess that if someone does something to me I am not that perfect to keep letting them do it to. I do believe to pray and forgive I do believe to tell them right from wrong. I do believe GOD delivers the word say agreed with the advisory and flee. Its is to be delivered.
  • Angie Wilkiams on Matthew 5 - 9 years ago
    Love it!
  • Larry Zaney on Matthew 5:8 - 9 years ago
    In that everything you are comes out of a pure heart, whatsoever you think is pure, and from that everything you do.
  • Joseph on Matthew 5:1 - 9 years ago
    Jesus went up the mountain and prayed all night according to Luke 6:12 After Jesus got done praying He waited for the ones who had listened to Him pray How else would His disciples know were to find Him? .
  • Geraldine cole on Matthew 5 - 9 years ago
    I would like to speak on marriage. When u get marry its serious.unless one of u committs adultery,or doing thing that are unacceptable to each other u can leave that person. but if they have not been with another women or man God do Not allow his Childern to divorce .u and not have sex with others.and living with a man and not married is sin u need to get married.and remember if u not married no sex.read and understand matthew 5
  • Anonymous on Matthew 5:17 - 9 years ago
    the coming of Jesus was prophesied and he just came to fulfill the prophesies of the prophets. The ten commandments are still very relevant now as it was before. Jesus came for our salvation the laws could not have given use salvation.
  • Michelle on Matthew 5 - 9 years ago
    Matthew chapter 5 is powerful.it help me to walk in line with God and man kinds.i would love more illustration please.
  • J A Shirley on Matthew 5:32 - 9 years ago
    First, fornication, as used in the scripture in both old and new Testaments, references any and all type of sexual immortality and impurity as well as having spiritual implications: adultery also has a spiritual implication but throughout the word of God refers to violation of the matrimonial bond instituted by God himself. According to the Word of God there is no acceptable reason for divorce which God also called "putting away ", the two are the same . Neither this passage nor Paul 's writings, concerning the unbeliever, authorizes or justifies divorce nor does any passage justify marrying another after divorcing. The passage being discussed is actually relieving the some guilt on the part of the injured spouse. That is to say, If one puts away their spouse because their spouse is already a fornicator, the putting away does not make the spouse what they already are. This passage does clearly state that if the one put away marries another that is continual adultery. Likewise, if the one who did the putting away marries another that also is continual adultery. The eth suffix gives the word a present future tense, meaning that so long as the circumstances stay the same the resultant action of those circumstances stays the same. And, I remind you that all adulterers shall have their place in hell.
  • Lilian on Matthew 5 - 9 years ago
    We must obey of what God has commanded us in order for us to enter into the kingdome of Heaven. We must be Born Again in Spirit and listen to the word of God and obey his words until rapture. We will recieved a life in abundance and repent for our sins that we have committed. God will give us the power not to sin again. Thanks to Lord Jesus Christ for his precious blood that shed for us from his blood we are now live because of his forgiveness. Give thanks to Jesus and praised him everyday for his precious blood. He deserves to be worship and praised . Jesus loves all of us
  • Sheila on Matthew 5 - 9 years ago
    I 'd really enjoyed this passage on Matthew, Chapter 5. And I would appreciate more illustration sent email. Thanks, sincerely. Sheila.
  • Laurea on Matthew 5 - 9 years ago
    There is so much to absorb within Matthew 5. I use to think that suffering as a Christian had to do with sharing the Word or when others seen you take a stand for your faith in Christ. However, I realize that persecution, being lied about, shunned can come from just being who you are everyday. My family has persecuted me off and on for years and it has deeply hurt but tonight as I read again what Christ was saying in reference to suffering I understood that our suffering can not compare to what He suffered for me, the world, for just one little lost lamb who is lonely, soiled and stained! Suffering hurts especially when it 's not justifiable but the Word says that our suffering is what makes us strong and teaches us how to depend on His opinion only and right about now? I really need that assurance.
  • Truman on Matthew 5 - 9 years ago
    Matt 5:40 The word "cloak " is misspelled as "cloke ".
  • God's Woman's- on Matthew 5:44 - 9 years ago
    Hi Judy, if it will help, know that you are not alone. They that live Godly shall suffer persecution. I was persecuted and threatened by a stalker. Do you really think it 's easy to love him? "Love your enemies " rolls off of the tongue very smoothly, but it takes the power of the Holy Ghost and work. Take comfort though in knowing that your brothers and sisters in Christ Jesus are going through, but serving God will pay in GREAT dividends. Your name is written in the Lamb 's book of life, and satan does not like it. It 's not the people that come against you. It 's the demons in them.Look up for your redemption draws near, and try to avoid people who try to harm you. Jesus did. Who are we more than he?
  • Duncan onkagetse on Matthew 5:17 - 9 years ago
    jesus came to witness the words of Moses and to make people know that what happened during Moses staying still have to be continued because Moses was sent by God the father to give us light on what is happening.
  • Drew on Matthew 5 - 9 years ago
  • Anthony Sims on Matthew 5 - 9 years ago
    The first time I read the beattitudes I could not begin to imagine what Jesus is saying. I 'm 47 years old and I have chased every physical pleasure this world offers. Jesus chose the perfect time in my life to get my full attention and say " Come and follow me and I will show you things you never dreamed ". Today when I read Matt.5 it 's like I 'm sitting on the mount listening to the most fulfilling sermon Jesus ever preached. It took time, prayer, and much pain to get here. Jesus in the morning, Jesus at noon, Jesus in the evening. I need thee every hour. Oh my precious Jesus how much I need thee.
  • Judy Macfarlane on Matthew 5:44 - 9 years ago
    Need encouragement and tips for rejoicing when Christians and non Christians despitefully use in return for Christ righteousness
  • Insight 777 on Matthew 5 - 9 years ago
    Verse 32, a marriage is a spiritual contract between a man and a woman and God. This is an oath, a solemn pledge to stay together until death. If the marriage is broken then the woman becomes the victim of adultery. The broken pledge to God is a form of adultery that needs to be acknowledged aside from the separation between partners. Forgiveness needs to be asked of God for failing to live up to the promised union of partners to have God 's blessings. The divorce is considered a sin but a sin that can be forgiven. God loves you. The lesson of beginning again in a new marriage after the divorce requires asking Gods forgiveness again and reinforcing your determination to fulfill the loving role of wife to a new husband, renewing faith in marriage and affirmation of God 's Divine Mind. One must overcome the divorce and rest in the realization of the Power and Grace of Jesus by living a happy Christian life.
  • Insight 777 on Matthew 5 - 9 years ago
    Verse 3, Blessed are the poor in spirit may affirm that people that are newly opened to the goodness of Jesus and want to follow him have the future of God 's blessings such as health, happiness, love, peace and prosperity. These are people that want to learn the scriptures so that they can understand and express their faith in God. Those that are poor in spirit can lift their vision and see that following Jesus willingly allows God 's love to flow through them in all situations. Their spirit will attain richness by being receptive to the guidance of God 's loving care.
  • Lyle on Matthew 5:17 - 9 years ago
    Mat. 5:17 "Think not that I am come to destroy the law or the Prophets. I am not come to destroy, but to fulfill. " Read verse 17 in context. I suggest that the term, "but to fulfill " means: 'to fill the law fuller. ' Verse 19, Does a person really want to teach that the law including the ten commandments see Deut. 5, and 6:1 in context can be ignored and subsequently broken? Doesn 't Mat. 5:27 fill up the law of adultery fuller? Mat. 5:33 fills out the Law about swearing, right? Mat. 5:38 enhances the Law "an eye for an eye, " doesn 't it? And Jesus ' Yahshua 's testimony goes on and on filling up The Law more fully. Take the fifth Commandment, for example just because Jesus obeyed and honored his parents fully, and earned the prolongation of "his days, " doesn 't mean we can disobey and dishonor our parents without penalty.
  • Thembani on Matthew 5 - 9 years ago
    It is an uplifting vers for those who had backslided bt still willing tu stsnd up spiritualy and took where they have left but the flesh is kind of overpowering them. This vers will give them hope trust and believe and to be firm
  • Lilian on Matthew 5 - 10 years ago
    God is so merciful and loving Father. He is faithful to his promises that goodness and mercy will always follow us. for God so love the world that He gave his only begotten Son Jesus Christ not only to save us but also to full fill the given scriptures. Jesus himself is the word of God and we are provided with heavenly manna which is the word of God. Man does not live by bread alone but by every word of God we should accept God 's word and keep his word and commandments until rapture as this is the symbol that we love God through Jesus Christ.

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