How does Billy Graham or the "daughters" of the Whore of Babylon enter into the text? Revelation 17 deals with a false Christian church. Each and every description on the makeup of this harlot is on continual display by the papacy. They are false teachers, false apostles. The Apostolic line concluded with the Apostles; Paul was the last of them. The popes have no connection with them. They are wolves in sheep's clothing. The true Church of Christ is made of those who have a relationship with Him; not through a particular denomination. The true Church of Christ is centered on Jesus; He is the Rock of our faith, not Peter. Peter was not a pope. He was never called that by Jesus nor the other Apostles. Jesus Christ started His Church with Jewish believers, who then spread the correct gospel of grace (not works, like Rome contends). Neither Jesus Christ nor any of the Apostles had anything to do with the establishment of Roman Catholicism; they wouldn't be a part of her false teachings. Do what I and a lot of other former Roman Catholics have done: embrace the Lord Jesus Christ and His correct teachings, and don't fall prey to the false dictates of a sinful man in Rome. Once you become a true Christian and are indwelt with His Holy Spirit, your eyes will be open to just how false the papacy is, and you will flee their idolatrous, blasphemous practises of praying to statues, a wafer, and placing anything else before God, as Rome does with their version of "Mary".
The Catholic church has been doing its work, with the biblical reputation that is written in the scriptures.
While governments destroy the lives of people, creating tent cities for the homeless, famine on the horizon in some places of the world, the church is doing the work feeding and clothing those who are the victims!
If the church would speak out the truths of Christ, preaching the law and the gospel, instead silent , condemning those who help create this world we live in.
Amerika, Russia, China, Europe, greedily, selfishly, have turned out this generation we see now! Unfortunately, with the different cultures, there has not risen one with the faith that would be recognized by the world!
With the help of lawyer's we see a world spoken of by Jesus. The truths of which are more apparent with each passing day.
Time, such as these are not much different from those when the white man took the Indians land from them.
The church is like the cross worn around the neck of the white man, as the Indian says we will wait to see if this cross effects the heart of man!
I find it interesting that Billy Graham was closely associated with the RCC during his many preaching events , did they not even call them crusades ? The great whore has daughters too , who are they ?
No other religion on the face of the Earth so mirrors the attributes and characteristics of the Whore of Babylon as does Roman Catholicism. She is a city (the Vatican) that sits among seven hills/mountains; her cardinals and bishops adorn themselves in scarlet and purple; throughout their rule, the papacy has raised and disposed the kings of Europe and beyond; she is drunk with the blood of saints through her Inquisitions and Crusades; she has a false holy father; a false vicar of Christ; she presents a false gospel of works; she presents a false Jesus in the Eucharist; she worships a false and pagan deity in the "Queen of Heaven and presents a false "Mary" or "Mother of God"; she tells her "Christian" followers that they will have the opportunity to purge leftover sins that apparently Christ could not atone for in a false place called Purgatory; she defies God repeatedly through her papal bulls and false proclamations and edicts by a supposedly infallible pope. All of her false characteristics, teachings, doctrines, and anathemas leveled at true Christians does not add up to the "One True Church". She was never a part of Christ's Body. The idolatry and blasphemy of this whorish entity, her drive to unite all under her rule and her continual desire to diminish who Christ is and what He has done for us leaves no doubt that Revelation 17 is pointing directly at her. She will be destroyed midway through the Tribulation period by the antichrist and his 10 cohorts.
The beginning of the chapter in verses 1-5 has been defined traditinally by many Reformers in particular as the Roman Catholic church. There is much in the color of the robes and ornate processions and the overall grandeur of Vatican City which certainly at least partially defines this apostate religion. However; we need to see the future and final fulfillment; and realistically assess the whole ecumenical movement in the last 20 years or so to realize that much of what were bastions of the faith in mainline churches such as Presbyterian; Baptist; and Methodist congregations are just as far gone; and often have traditions very similar to this. This would encompass certain elements of the Greek Orthodox and probably Coptic churches as well.
There is no reason to exclude the mystical branches of Islam (who are considered apostate by other Muslims). There is much eastern occultic influence among those who call themselves Jews today; many of which follow a cultural type of religion; and/or steeped in the Talmud which really had its roots with some of the Parasitical doctrines as well as other gnostic teachings which crept into both Jewish and Christian circles since the time of Christ.
Verse 8 is revealing because not only could it refer to the apparent resurrection of Antichrist in Zechariah 11:17 but also could refer to the appearance of Satan at the end of the Millennium period after being hidden in the bottomless pit the whole 1000 years. In either case; unregenerate men not in the Book of Life still will be drawn into the rebellion. Time simply doesn't change a man's heart; only a supernatural change (see Ezekiel 36:26). May we see that was OUR state when we once were enemies of God ( Romans 5:10) and live changed lives accordingly; fearing God and testing to see if we are inthe faith ( 2 Cor. 13:5).
The great city that rules over the kings of the earth in verse 18 has been discussed by others here. It would seem more likely in recent years that the city planned to be built in the Middle East (I believe Dubai or Abu Dhabi) that is to be some 30 times larger than New York City and largely run by drones) is a likely location. This is bolstered by the fact that the Vatican along with others have been planning to build a multi religious facility for the Monotheistic (Muslim; Christian and Jewish) faiths.
When studying the 10 kings in verses 12-17 under the beast in verse 11; we see an eventual overthrow (probably at the midpoint of the 7 year Tribulation) of the woman on the beast.
This shows that the false religion and it's epicenter (possibly Rome in this case) is destroyed so that Satan himself can be worshipped who is behind all of this and the beast going into perdition in verse 11. There are interesting parallels to Judas Iscariot here who also existed for the 3 1/2 years of Christ's ministry which is the same amount of time Antichrist will totally rule. We have seen hints of this sort of plan at the recent ceremony in Great Britain (can't remember the name but maybe better not to state it here). We certainly can look at the UN stamp and medals with the Tower of Babel and its associated 12 star occultic imagery; as well as the figures of a woman on a beast on stamps and in statues in recent years as well.
The basic theme here is that it is the "Mystery Babylon" religion causing martyrdom initially; but later on with the mark of the beast we see the second phase of killings for not taking the mark. Surely; Antichrist will appear to be the fulfillment of man's dreams and aspirations in New Age; the final Prophet in Islam; the supposed Messiah for the Jews and the self made man for everyone else (again by the sixth seal atheists will no longer exist). Once entrapped; Antichrist alone is to be venerated and life is expendable.
It's not really fair to judge someone based on the definition of a name given before or at time of birth, before the person defines who they, themselves are by their life, actions, achievements etc. 1Chronicles 4:9-10, Genesis 10:25, Genesis 35:18, Neither is it Justice to define anyone by a name because someone has the same name. Please read these scriptures: 1Samuel 2:3, Genesis 25:25,26, Genesis 29:32, yet not exactly true, because Genesis 29:33, contadicts the previous name. Following Genesis 29:34,35,
Sometimes people live up to names given, is it because they've been called so? Genesis 27:36,
However sometimes a name is earned: Genesis 25:30, Genesis 30:13, Revelation 11:8, Revelation 12:9, Revelation 19:13, Revelation 17:14
Many times people in the Bible share name, yet are completely different. Especially 1611 KJV, on this site. Examples today many people have name like Jesus pronunciation different are not even close, or Angels names, that are far from. We should be careful to not be deceived even evil can appear as light, likewise many names have been made to deceive. 2Corinthians 11:13,14
There are divine names given by GOD however, those maybe we should take more notice of, :
Psalms 136:3 O give thanks unto the LORD of LORDS .....
Deuteronomy 10:17 For the LORD your God is GOD of GODS, and LORD of LORDS .....
Revelation 17:14 .....for he is LORD of LORDS, and KING of KINGS .....
Joshua 22:22 The Lord GOD of GODS, the LORD GOD of GODS ....
Psalms 82 :6 I have said YOU are gods, the children of the most high.
John 10:34 Jesus answered them, is it not written in your law, Ye are gods?
John 10:35 If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken.
Romans 8:29 For whom he did foreknow, he did also predestinated to be conformed to the image of Christ, the firstborn (God) among many brethren (Gods).
Revelation 17:15 And he saith to me, "The (waters) which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, represent peoples, and multitudes,and nations, and tongues.
I prayed for you and God showed me these short answer to your question. God also reveals to me you are a very special person for recognizing God. You are correct Jesus Christ is the Son of God and Jesus never said He is God. God also gave us in scriptures in the Old Testament that God is the LORD (all uppercase). In the New Testament, the Lord (only "L") is Jesus Christ. Since God sent God's "only begotten Son" (5X mentioned in the NT) you will find that Jesus Christ said in John 10:30 "I and my Father are one.". Another very STRONG Bible verses that showed evidences Jesus Christ is God are the following )along with the entire NT and our fellowbelievers whom I believe are considered saints:Giannis and Vince who responded to your comment):
Acts 2:34-36
Luke 20:42-44
Revelation 11:8
Revelation 11:15
Revelation 15:3-4 The song of the Lamb Who is Jesus Christ. These verses I sing in my head all the time.
Revelation 17:4
My friend, I will be happy as much as God will and the entire Body of Christ to hear that you believe Jesus Christ is God. Agape.
Luke 16:19-26. The only passage that Jesus Himself talks about where a person goes after he dies. There is Heaven and Hell. I pray all will be saved. 1 Corinthians 15:1-4; Romans 3:25; 1 John 2:2; 1 John 4:10.
Luke 23:43
Acts 1:25; John 17:12 Judas Iscariot is the son of perdition. He went to his own place. Revelation 17:8
Isaiah 5:14
Romans 16:25-27
John 3:16 I pray many will be saved. Keep the Faith, trust only and believe in the blood of Jesus Christ. Nobody can save themselves. We give glory to God for He gave us a free gift, a gift of Grace, the grace of God that is available to all.
There are many views on what you mentioned. I think you would learn a lot on Nelson Walters videos on YouTube. He shows maps and explanations for his views on prophesy. Rather than ask the question and get many replies. Erick Stakelbeck's videos are helpful too. He is a Jewish believer in Jesus as his Messiah.
Like me, view Nelson's teachings and take rapid notes, all of the scriptures he gives, and look them up for yourself, in your Bible. I hope your Bible has maps; if not you can Google maps on Bible Prophesy.
We live in very exciting days! Jesus will be returning soon. Is very important to become a Christian and be ready for Messiah Jesus's return to earth.
I used to believe strongly that Rome was the whore of Babylon because of all the strange demonic art and paintings; secret rooms in the basement of the Vatican.
There are secret societies in Washington DC as well.
Rather than get all wrapped up in those mysteries, I think our time would be better served building up our Churches, evangelizing the unsaved, and doing what Jesus told us to do in the New Testament of the Bible.
We're here to edify and build up the Church of Jesus Christ. If we've learned nothing else in the past 2 years, it would be not to put our faith and trust in politicians.
Put your trust in Jesus, who can save our souls. Look forward as I do, to receive my resurrection body and enter heaven.
Keep visiting this website, there are many good teachers in here.
Since the Whore of Babylon is The Roman Papacy in Vatican City, does that mean the 10 kings are ten nations in Europe? And America is the Beast that looks like a lamb but speaks like a dragon? Watching Prophecy come to pass is awe inspiring. His Word is True and Righteous!
The Bible has been clear since a child being told learn the prayers as Jesus said, Psalms 23, Matthew 6:9-13. We are too suffer to turn to love God and follow his Son and live righteously and follow the 10 Commandments. (Leaving God for your own way does not work.) The Word comes alive and the Holy Spirit leads into all truth. Yes the Rapture will come 1 Thessalonians 4:16-17. 1 Corinthians 15:52 In a twinkling of an eye the trumpet will sound and the dead will rise and we are changed (we being His). The Holy Spirit came and we are freely offered to be one with the Lord. Matthew 24:27 For as lightning coming out of the east, and shineth even unto the west, so shall the coming of the Son of man be.
Why would Jesus followers and worshippers of God be left to suffer in tribulation when we are already changed. My guess is without insult is the Rapture non believers need to study more. The more I dug in with reading the Bible, praying on knees and going to church the more I heard the voice of the Lord. As a child I noticed after memorizing the prayers I heard His voice and he put on me to believe every word of the Bible. I knew never ever argue with the Bible, the Spirit fed me that always. You have to believe to feel or hear the Spirit confirm. The Bible comes alive when you know who you belong too. The Spirit has never once pointed out do not believe this verse. God is love and he wants you to love him, honor him, obey him. He wants to save you and he wants you to be ready for Jesus coming for his very own, we will meet the dead and the Lord in the air, 1 Thess4:17. Then when Jesus returns to wage war we will be with him. When you know God you know his promises to never leave you nor forsake you. When heaven opens and the Lamb of God comes to wage war, he will accompanied by his called and chosen and faithful ones, Revelation 17:14. Any doubt in your mind then work on being called and chosen and being a faithful one. Do right in His sight and believe. GBY
Revelation 8:8 And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast in to the sea, and a THIRD PART of the sea became blood.
Revelation 17:15 And he saith unto me, The waters (seas) which thou sawest, where the whore setteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.
Daniel 2:45 Forasmuch as thou sawest that the stone was cut out of a mountain made without hands ....
Hebrews 12:22 But you are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, and unto a company of innumerable angels.
Hebrews 12:29 For our God is a consuming fire.
Psalms 104:4 Who maketh his angels spirits, his ministers a flaming fire.
Exodus 7:17 Thus saith the Lord, In this thou shall know that I am the LORD, Behold, I will smite with the rod that is in thine hand the waters (peoples, nations) that are in the river, and they shall turn into blood.
Sister Suze, As you study Jeremiah you will see that God said, when I send Judah into captivity (the north country), of Babylon (physical), I will send ALL NATIONS into captivity (made drunk by my wrath) of the Babylon of Revelation.
Revelation 17:5
Isaiah 28:6-8
Out of the north country shall come spoilers (those delivered from captivity of the Babylon of Revelation).
These spoliers are the Sons of God described in Joel 2 and Jeremiah 51:19-64
The doctrines of man are had to overcome, but in God's TIME and PURPOSE: TRUTH will prevail.
Romans 2:28 For HE IS NOT A JEW which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh:
Romans 2:29 But HE IS A JEW, which is one inwardly, and the circumcision is of the heart, IN THE SPIRIT, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.
Jeremiah 49:19 Behold, he (the Holy Ghost) shall come up like a lion from the swelling of Jordan against the habitation of the strong (Satan, the carnal mind): but I (the Holy Ghost) will suddenly make him (the chosen) run away from her ( Revelation 17:5): and who is a CHOSEN MAN, that I (the Holy Ghost) may APPOINT OVER HER ( Revelation 17:5)? For WHO IS LIKE ME (born of spirit, image of the Holy Ghost)? and who will appoint me the time? and who is that shepherd that will stand before me?
"Flee from Babylon! Escape with your lives! Do not be destroyed in her punishment. For this is the time of the Lord's vengeance; He will pay her what she deserves.
Babylon was a gold cup in the hand of the Lord, making the whole earth drunk. The nations drank her wine; therefore the nations have gone mad."
Ty, I too believe we will be raised in spirit - not at all similar to our present day physical bodies. However I do not waste much time trying to figure this out. Which ever body I might have is not nearly as important as trying to follow scriptures to do the best that I can to please Jesus in the belief/hope that I someday will have one body or the other.
Identifying the beast, the anti-christ of Daniel and Revelation as Russia:
-In 1991 the USSR suffered a "deadly wound", which has healed into the Russian Federation, that the people will marvel at, Revelation 13:3
-Russia is the little horn, rising up after the USSR received a deadly wound, emerging as the Russian Federation, Daniel 7:8
-"Even he is the 8th and is of the 7". Russia was the 8th G8 member and is of the G7. & Russia, being the 8th member, leads a confederacy of 7 nations (from 10), Revelation 17:20
-His look is "more stout than his fellows". Russia has 11 time zones, Daniel 7:20
-He becomes strong with a small people. Russia's population has been stuck at 144 million for decades, Daniel 11:23
-Even though God has always held back Gog (Russia), He will now bring him forth, with his northern army to destroy Israel, whole. Ezekiel 38:4
There will be a bodily resurrection. That is what occurred with Jesus and that is what will occur with us. His body is not in the tomb, not because it was destroyed, but because it was raised from being a body of flesh and blood to being an incorruptible spiritual body. 1 Corinthians 15:42-44 indicates our current body is the seed that dies, but that leads to it being raised in glory like Christ's body. There is a connection between the two states, like you can't sow a fig tree seed and grow an orange tree. The issue in 1 Corinthians 15:12-19 is that there were those denying there will be a future resurrection of believers after they die. Paul says denying that is the same as denying that Jesus rose from the dead and that such a faith is in vain. Objecting based on our inability to work out the details of how God will do this and our inability to discern what kind of body God will raise as a result of the resurrection causes Paul to call those using these questions to scoff at this doctrine "you fool" in 1 Corinthians 15:36
The body is dust, and so it will return to dust Genesis 3:19, but that will not prevent it from being raised to glory like Christ's body any more than it prevented God from creating our earthly body from dust in the first place. Christians have been burned alive for their faith, so that will not stop God from raising them either. However, there are strong indications that the early church did not practice burning the remains of those that died who were not burned at the hands of their enemies. So I personally will go with that tradition.
Revelation 17:4 And the woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet colour, and decked with gold and precious stones and pearls, having a golden cup in her hand full of abominations and filthiness of her fornication:
From my translation it says in a footnote about the impurity of adultery on earth. So that translation also explains my thoughts.
Unfortunately, i can not see what you are aiming for somewhere from your referrals, but they speak to me! But have God's peace and do not be terrified in your heart. For some are slow you know. By all means you may be right, he who lives will see.
I am not saying now that the prophets did not speak the truth, but only to emphasize that Isaiah lived 700 years before Christ. And all the things he writes about were also about what was close at the time. We know how things went with Babylon.
I understand you too, dear friend but the United States is not Babylon. (i read and understand Babylon was Iran / Iraq a few years ago and they are God's Enemies from then until now). But since evil and fornication have come to through the world and the people who live in it, (we do) the Prophet also speaks here to every living person. Where self-denial and greed live and mm.
The good thing about the Day of Judgment sermon is that someone turns to faith from dead works to faith in the living God Jesus Christ who went through heaven for you and me and everyone else.
At the same time, those who do not understand the doomsday sermon will think they are lost for the rest of their days and that there is no hope. We must never forget the wars that have taken place, not even Nagasaki and Hiroshima. But we must aim at the Heavenly Land where Jesus Christ Is. And that all living things are the work of God.
Be blessed by God in the name of Jesus, love you in Christ. Feel free to follow me in Mark 15.
We must not look for one country, when the beast ascends from the bottomless pit and Satan gives his power, seat, and authority to him Revelation 13, this world will change. The ten horns of the beast are ten kings/leaders, they give their strength and power to the beast. We do not know what nations and armies they will control, but we do know it will be the nations of the world.
The battle of Armageddon will start just before the return of Jesus, Revelation 19:11. The ten kings/leaders, along with the beast and false prophet will make war with Jesus, Revelation 17:14 we know what happens Revelation 19:19-21.
What we are really looking for, the near completion of the 3rd Temple in Jerusalem. The Antichrist will sit on that throne and desecrate it.
A lot of things from out of the Book of Daniel will happen first. Russia is going to be involved in many things we perceive as treaties, but they will not be for peace.
If you've not already noticed, the countries that are or will be Israel's enemies, are being judged and undergoing disasters of Biblical size and scope.
Matthew 24 & Luke 21 are shouting to repent of allegiance to the World and to get ready to meet the one and only God of the Universe. Make sure you and your loved ones are secure in the Salvation of Jesus Christ.
It is NOT the newly revealed "Thought Leaders", that we think they will somehow save the world. NO. They will unite, to cause every country to CREATE A ONE WORLD BANKING SYSTEM. We are close. No one is opposing it. They will devalue precious minerals and paper money overnight.
The ONE WORLD RELIGION, is the belief that we do not need Gods involvement in any of our daily lives. He's high up in the sky and not bothered with our daily struggles.
2 Peter 3, is sitting in the road ahead like a Mountain. There will be no GLOBAL RESET. There will be no solving our current GLOBAL WARMING problems. Which all governments will force us to pay huge taxes and gas prices to fund it.
Slow down and consider what the Bible has absolutely stated as our future. The earth is warming up because it has a prophetic purpose to complete. 2 Peter 3:10, declares, ITS ALL GOING TO BURN UP
People are seeing enough NOW, to decide to go with Jesus. With so many disasters occurring, it will be hard to plant food crops and harvest it. There is only going to be more need of things, and less supply of those things. IT IS A SIGN too. World Thought Leaders can't fix that.
Who knows how long this will last before Jesus RETURNS to get his People; HIS CHURCH. Find your WILL TO SURVIVE. Choose Jesus now!
While governments destroy the lives of people, creating tent cities for the homeless, famine on the horizon in some places of the world, the church is doing the work feeding and clothing those who are the victims!
If the church would speak out the truths of Christ, preaching the law and the gospel, instead silent , condemning those who help create this world we live in.
Amerika, Russia, China, Europe, greedily, selfishly, have turned out this generation we see now! Unfortunately, with the different cultures, there has not risen one with the faith that would be recognized by the world!
With the help of lawyer's we see a world spoken of by Jesus. The truths of which are more apparent with each passing day.
Time, such as these are not much different from those when the white man took the Indians land from them.
The church is like the cross worn around the neck of the white man, as the Indian says we will wait to see if this cross effects the heart of man!
The beginning of the chapter in verses 1-5 has been defined traditinally by many Reformers in particular as the Roman Catholic church. There is much in the color of the robes and ornate processions and the overall grandeur of Vatican City which certainly at least partially defines this apostate religion. However; we need to see the future and final fulfillment; and realistically assess the whole ecumenical movement in the last 20 years or so to realize that much of what were bastions of the faith in mainline churches such as Presbyterian; Baptist; and Methodist congregations are just as far gone; and often have traditions very similar to this. This would encompass certain elements of the Greek Orthodox and probably Coptic churches as well.
There is no reason to exclude the mystical branches of Islam (who are considered apostate by other Muslims). There is much eastern occultic influence among those who call themselves Jews today; many of which follow a cultural type of religion; and/or steeped in the Talmud which really had its roots with some of the Parasitical doctrines as well as other gnostic teachings which crept into both Jewish and Christian circles since the time of Christ.
Verse 8 is revealing because not only could it refer to the apparent resurrection of Antichrist in Zechariah 11:17 but also could refer to the appearance of Satan at the end of the Millennium period after being hidden in the bottomless pit the whole 1000 years. In either case; unregenerate men not in the Book of Life still will be drawn into the rebellion. Time simply doesn't change a man's heart; only a supernatural change (see Ezekiel 36:26). May we see that was OUR state when we once were enemies of God ( Romans 5:10) and live changed lives accordingly; fearing God and testing to see if we are inthe faith ( 2 Cor. 13:5).
The great city that rules over the kings of the earth in verse 18 has been discussed by others here. It would seem more likely in recent years that the city planned to be built in the Middle East (I believe Dubai or Abu Dhabi) that is to be some 30 times larger than New York City and largely run by drones) is a likely location. This is bolstered by the fact that the Vatican along with others have been planning to build a multi religious facility for the Monotheistic (Muslim; Christian and Jewish) faiths.
When studying the 10 kings in verses 12-17 under the beast in verse 11; we see an eventual overthrow (probably at the midpoint of the 7 year Tribulation) of the woman on the beast.
This shows that the false religion and it's epicenter (possibly Rome in this case) is destroyed so that Satan himself can be worshipped who is behind all of this and the beast going into perdition in verse 11. There are interesting parallels to Judas Iscariot here who also existed for the 3 1/2 years of Christ's ministry which is the same amount of time Antichrist will totally rule. We have seen hints of this sort of plan at the recent ceremony in Great Britain (can't remember the name but maybe better not to state it here). We certainly can look at the UN stamp and medals with the Tower of Babel and its associated 12 star occultic imagery; as well as the figures of a woman on a beast on stamps and in statues in recent years as well.
The basic theme here is that it is the "Mystery Babylon" religion causing martyrdom initially; but later on with the mark of the beast we see the second phase of killings for not taking the mark. Surely; Antichrist will appear to be the fulfillment of man's dreams and aspirations in New Age; the final Prophet in Islam; the supposed Messiah for the Jews and the self made man for everyone else (again by the sixth seal atheists will no longer exist). Once entrapped; Antichrist alone is to be venerated and life is expendable.
Sometimes people live up to names given, is it because they've been called so? Genesis 27:36,
However sometimes a name is earned: Genesis 25:30, Genesis 30:13, Revelation 11:8, Revelation 12:9, Revelation 19:13, Revelation 17:14
Many times people in the Bible share name, yet are completely different. Especially 1611 KJV, on this site. Examples today many people have name like Jesus pronunciation different are not even close, or Angels names, that are far from. We should be careful to not be deceived even evil can appear as light, likewise many names have been made to deceive. 2Corinthians 11:13,14
There are divine names given by GOD however, those maybe we should take more notice of, :
Genesis 16:11,12, Genesis 11:29, + Genesis 17:5,15,19, Genesis 32:28, Genesis 35:10, Revelation 19:11,
Thanks for your question, for it did remind me of that. Genesis 5:2,
Hopefully these are helpful & give you intrigue into deeper study of names with scripture & reading GOD's WORD
Psalms 136:3 O give thanks unto the LORD of LORDS .....
Deuteronomy 10:17 For the LORD your God is GOD of GODS, and LORD of LORDS .....
Revelation 17:14 .....for he is LORD of LORDS, and KING of KINGS .....
Joshua 22:22 The Lord GOD of GODS, the LORD GOD of GODS ....
Psalms 82 :6 I have said YOU are gods, the children of the most high.
John 10:34 Jesus answered them, is it not written in your law, Ye are gods?
John 10:35 If he called them gods, unto whom the word of God came, and the scripture cannot be broken.
Romans 8:29 For whom he did foreknow, he did also predestinated to be conformed to the image of Christ, the firstborn (God) among many brethren (Gods).
God Bless YOU, Christ's BODY.
Revelation 17:15 And he saith to me, "The (waters) which thou sawest, where the whore sitteth, represent peoples, and multitudes,and nations, and tongues.
I prayed for you and God showed me these short answer to your question. God also reveals to me you are a very special person for recognizing God. You are correct Jesus Christ is the Son of God and Jesus never said He is God. God also gave us in scriptures in the Old Testament that God is the LORD (all uppercase). In the New Testament, the Lord (only "L") is Jesus Christ. Since God sent God's "only begotten Son" (5X mentioned in the NT) you will find that Jesus Christ said in John 10:30 "I and my Father are one.". Another very STRONG Bible verses that showed evidences Jesus Christ is God are the following )along with the entire NT and our fellowbelievers whom I believe are considered saints:Giannis and Vince who responded to your comment):
Acts 2:34-36
Luke 20:42-44
Revelation 11:8
Revelation 11:15
Revelation 15:3-4 The song of the Lamb Who is Jesus Christ. These verses I sing in my head all the time.
Revelation 17:4
My friend, I will be happy as much as God will and the entire Body of Christ to hear that you believe Jesus Christ is God. Agape.
Luke 23:43
Acts 1:25; John 17:12 Judas Iscariot is the son of perdition. He went to his own place. Revelation 17:8
Isaiah 5:14
Romans 16:25-27
John 3:16 I pray many will be saved. Keep the Faith, trust only and believe in the blood of Jesus Christ. Nobody can save themselves. We give glory to God for He gave us a free gift, a gift of Grace, the grace of God that is available to all.
Hope this helps.
Like me, view Nelson's teachings and take rapid notes, all of the scriptures he gives, and look them up for yourself, in your Bible. I hope your Bible has maps; if not you can Google maps on Bible Prophesy.
We live in very exciting days! Jesus will be returning soon. Is very important to become a Christian and be ready for Messiah Jesus's return to earth.
I used to believe strongly that Rome was the whore of Babylon because of all the strange demonic art and paintings; secret rooms in the basement of the Vatican.
There are secret societies in Washington DC as well.
Rather than get all wrapped up in those mysteries, I think our time would be better served building up our Churches, evangelizing the unsaved, and doing what Jesus told us to do in the New Testament of the Bible.
We're here to edify and build up the Church of Jesus Christ. If we've learned nothing else in the past 2 years, it would be not to put our faith and trust in politicians.
Put your trust in Jesus, who can save our souls. Look forward as I do, to receive my resurrection body and enter heaven.
Keep visiting this website, there are many good teachers in here.
Why would Jesus followers and worshippers of God be left to suffer in tribulation when we are already changed. My guess is without insult is the Rapture non believers need to study more. The more I dug in with reading the Bible, praying on knees and going to church the more I heard the voice of the Lord. As a child I noticed after memorizing the prayers I heard His voice and he put on me to believe every word of the Bible. I knew never ever argue with the Bible, the Spirit fed me that always. You have to believe to feel or hear the Spirit confirm. The Bible comes alive when you know who you belong too. The Spirit has never once pointed out do not believe this verse. God is love and he wants you to love him, honor him, obey him. He wants to save you and he wants you to be ready for Jesus coming for his very own, we will meet the dead and the Lord in the air, 1 Thess4:17. Then when Jesus returns to wage war we will be with him. When you know God you know his promises to never leave you nor forsake you. When heaven opens and the Lamb of God comes to wage war, he will accompanied by his called and chosen and faithful ones, Revelation 17:14. Any doubt in your mind then work on being called and chosen and being a faithful one. Do right in His sight and believe. GBY
Revelation 8:8 And the second angel sounded, and as it were a great mountain burning with fire was cast in to the sea, and a THIRD PART of the sea became blood.
Revelation 17:15 And he saith unto me, The waters (seas) which thou sawest, where the whore setteth, are peoples, and multitudes, and nations, and tongues.
Daniel 2:45 Forasmuch as thou sawest that the stone was cut out of a mountain made without hands ....
Hebrews 12:22 But you are come unto mount Sion, and unto the city of the living God, and unto a company of innumerable angels.
Hebrews 12:29 For our God is a consuming fire.
Psalms 104:4 Who maketh his angels spirits, his ministers a flaming fire.
Exodus 7:17 Thus saith the Lord, In this thou shall know that I am the LORD, Behold, I will smite with the rod that is in thine hand the waters (peoples, nations) that are in the river, and they shall turn into blood.
God Bless You!
Revelation 17:5
Isaiah 28:6-8
Out of the north country shall come spoilers (those delivered from captivity of the Babylon of Revelation).
These spoliers are the Sons of God described in Joel 2 and Jeremiah 51:19-64
God Bless YOU!
The doctrines of man are had to overcome, but in God's TIME and PURPOSE: TRUTH will prevail.
Romans 2:28 For HE IS NOT A JEW which is one outwardly; neither is that circumcision, which is outward in the flesh:
Romans 2:29 But HE IS A JEW, which is one inwardly, and the circumcision is of the heart, IN THE SPIRIT, and not in the letter; whose praise is not of men, but of God.
Jeremiah 49:19 Behold, he (the Holy Ghost) shall come up like a lion from the swelling of Jordan against the habitation of the strong (Satan, the carnal mind): but I (the Holy Ghost) will suddenly make him (the chosen) run away from her ( Revelation 17:5): and who is a CHOSEN MAN, that I (the Holy Ghost) may APPOINT OVER HER ( Revelation 17:5)? For WHO IS LIKE ME (born of spirit, image of the Holy Ghost)? and who will appoint me the time? and who is that shepherd that will stand before me?
God Bless YOU!
"The woman was dressed in purple and scarlet and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls.
She held in her hand a golden cup
full of abominations and the impurities of her sexual immorality.
And on her forehead a mysterious name was written:
'The New Colossus'
Not like the brazen giant of Greek fame (nude male)
With conquering limbs astride from land to land; (Colossus of Rhodes, Babylon)
Here at OUR sea-washed, SUNSET GATES shall stand
A mighty woman with a torch
whose flame Is the imprisoned lightning,
and her name:
Mother of Exiles Lazarus
Jeremiah 51:6-7
"Flee from Babylon! Escape with your lives! Do not be destroyed in her punishment. For this is the time of the Lord's vengeance; He will pay her what she deserves.
Babylon was a gold cup in the hand of the Lord, making the whole earth drunk. The nations drank her wine; therefore the nations have gone mad."
-In 1991 the USSR suffered a "deadly wound", which has healed into the Russian Federation, that the people will marvel at, Revelation 13:3
-Russia is the little horn, rising up after the USSR received a deadly wound, emerging as the Russian Federation, Daniel 7:8
-"Even he is the 8th and is of the 7". Russia was the 8th G8 member and is of the G7. & Russia, being the 8th member, leads a confederacy of 7 nations (from 10), Revelation 17:20
-His look is "more stout than his fellows". Russia has 11 time zones, Daniel 7:20
-He becomes strong with a small people. Russia's population has been stuck at 144 million for decades, Daniel 11:23
-Even though God has always held back Gog (Russia), He will now bring him forth, with his northern army to destroy Israel, whole. Ezekiel 38:4
The body is dust, and so it will return to dust Genesis 3:19, but that will not prevent it from being raised to glory like Christ's body any more than it prevented God from creating our earthly body from dust in the first place. Christians have been burned alive for their faith, so that will not stop God from raising them either. However, there are strong indications that the early church did not practice burning the remains of those that died who were not burned at the hands of their enemies. So I personally will go with that tradition.
We will be made alive, in spirit. Amen!
There are numerous cases in the bible in regards to standard burials, cremations etc.
I'm sure someone here can offer more insight!
Hope this simple response helps!
From my translation it says in a footnote about the impurity of adultery on earth. So that translation also explains my thoughts.
Unfortunately, i can not see what you are aiming for somewhere from your referrals, but they speak to me! But have God's peace and do not be terrified in your heart. For some are slow you know. By all means you may be right, he who lives will see.
I am not saying now that the prophets did not speak the truth, but only to emphasize that Isaiah lived 700 years before Christ. And all the things he writes about were also about what was close at the time. We know how things went with Babylon.
I understand you too, dear friend but the United States is not Babylon. (i read and understand Babylon was Iran / Iraq a few years ago and they are God's Enemies from then until now). But since evil and fornication have come to through the world and the people who live in it, (we do) the Prophet also speaks here to every living person. Where self-denial and greed live and mm.
The good thing about the Day of Judgment sermon is that someone turns to faith from dead works to faith in the living God Jesus Christ who went through heaven for you and me and everyone else.
At the same time, those who do not understand the doomsday sermon will think they are lost for the rest of their days and that there is no hope. We must never forget the wars that have taken place, not even Nagasaki and Hiroshima. But we must aim at the Heavenly Land where Jesus Christ Is. And that all living things are the work of God.
Be blessed by God in the name of Jesus, love you in Christ. Feel free to follow me in Mark 15.
We must not look for one country, when the beast ascends from the bottomless pit and Satan gives his power, seat, and authority to him Revelation 13, this world will change. The ten horns of the beast are ten kings/leaders, they give their strength and power to the beast. We do not know what nations and armies they will control, but we do know it will be the nations of the world.
The battle of Armageddon will start just before the return of Jesus, Revelation 19:11. The ten kings/leaders, along with the beast and false prophet will make war with Jesus, Revelation 17:14 we know what happens Revelation 19:19-21.
God bless,
Psalms 37,
Be not fearful, Mark 4:40, only fear GOD ALMIGHTY Hebrews 10:31, Matthew 8:26, Isaiah 35:4, Revelation 21:7,8, * Deuteronomy 20:8,
Be not suddenly moved, * 2Thessalonians 2:3-17,
Psalms 62:2,6,
A lot of things from out of the Book of Daniel will happen first. Russia is going to be involved in many things we perceive as treaties, but they will not be for peace.
If you've not already noticed, the countries that are or will be Israel's enemies, are being judged and undergoing disasters of Biblical size and scope.
Matthew 24 & Luke 21 are shouting to repent of allegiance to the World and to get ready to meet the one and only God of the Universe. Make sure you and your loved ones are secure in the Salvation of Jesus Christ.
It is NOT the newly revealed "Thought Leaders", that we think they will somehow save the world. NO. They will unite, to cause every country to CREATE A ONE WORLD BANKING SYSTEM. We are close. No one is opposing it. They will devalue precious minerals and paper money overnight.
The ONE WORLD RELIGION, is the belief that we do not need Gods involvement in any of our daily lives. He's high up in the sky and not bothered with our daily struggles.
2 Peter 3, is sitting in the road ahead like a Mountain. There will be no GLOBAL RESET. There will be no solving our current GLOBAL WARMING problems. Which all governments will force us to pay huge taxes and gas prices to fund it.
Slow down and consider what the Bible has absolutely stated as our future. The earth is warming up because it has a prophetic purpose to complete. 2 Peter 3:10, declares, ITS ALL GOING TO BURN UP
People are seeing enough NOW, to decide to go with Jesus. With so many disasters occurring, it will be hard to plant food crops and harvest it. There is only going to be more need of things, and less supply of those things. IT IS A SIGN too. World Thought Leaders can't fix that.
Who knows how long this will last before Jesus RETURNS to get his People; HIS CHURCH. Find your WILL TO SURVIVE. Choose Jesus now!