Discuss Revelation 17 Page 7

  • Walter - In Reply on Revelation 17 - 5 years ago
    Where does the bible say that?
  • Alex - In Reply on Revelation 17 - 5 years ago
    The mother of harlots is the Papcy. wine of her fornications is her doctrines.The daughters are the protestant churches that join with her. Daniel 7: 25 8:23 -25 11:36-39 . Watch Walter Veith you tube you won't be disappointed . we are in a spiritual war and this is a battle of loyalty of worship to Our Heavenly Father or to the God of this world. Blessings peace be with you .
  • Spiritual Warfare on Revelation 17 - 5 years ago
    This beast is the 4th beast found in Daniel 7:19-21 who is a person inpowered by satin.
  • Spiritual Warfare on Revelation 17 - 5 years ago
    Cain is the origin of all false religions (mother of harlots)
  • Michael on Revelation 17 - 5 years ago
    What is the origin of that mother of harlots.
  • Ssg on Revelation 17 - 5 years ago
    Is the beast someone that was alive, who went to hell?
  • Lm on Revelation 17 - 6 years ago
    obbie beal... matthew 13:16 "But blessed are your eyes, for they see: and your ears, for they hear". Really appreciate your comments. What's wow spelled backwards!!? Jesus our savior
  • Bruce on Revelation 17 - 6 years ago
    The Joy of Salvation is a Definite Mystery to The Lost. We are The Light that Shines in The Darkness of this World. We are to Take Up Our Cross Daily( Luke 9:23) Telling Others The Way of Salvation. Will we Hear Well Done Thou Good and Faithful Servant( Matthew 25:21) It's Heavy on The Heart to Know That More are Going to The Lake of Fire, and Few that Go to Heaven( Matthew 7:13-14)
  • Darryl Anthony Williams on Revelation 17 - 6 years ago
    Life unsalvation Felicity definite mystery.
  • Goldie on Revelation 17 - 6 years ago
    It is the Roman Catholic Church !!! They are the ones who think they can change times and laws of GOD and the pope thinks he is god on earth !!! The mother church, everything points to the Roman Catholic church as the Antichrist !!!
  • Servant of the most high God on Revelation 17 - 6 years ago
    Ok as nicely as i can put this Lucifer is a male period. Here it is in black and white Isaiah 14:12 read through 14:16 dont guess or assume pray and look for yourself. And if that is not enough Pray again pray for the will of God in every area of your life pray God your will not my will be done submit to God 100 percent not 99.9 Jesus said forsake all take up your cross and follow him.
  • Charley on Revelation 17 - 6 years ago
    wakeup rev 17-4-7 is the roman catholic church, mother of harlots,golden cup is the eucharist
    which is an abominationrev 17-1 the great whore that sitteth on many waters drunk with
    wine from her fornication,the ecumenical movement so called evanglical church joing
    together with the harlot system wakeup church before you are left behind. jesus saves
  • A disciple - 7 years ago
    Rev. 12 (cont. 2) Isn't it a shame that Countries and Peoples who do not know the Lord, nor follow the Bible, have to rebuke with disdain the immorality and pride of America; the land of the Bible and Churches on every corner? The ones with the greatest privilege and HAVING the knowledge of Jesus and the Bible, are become the disgust and laughing stock to the Nations. Read Revelation 17:16-18!
  • Obbie Beal on Revelation 17 - 7 years ago
    WOW, WOW, WOW,: she is very good /great at what she do, so she knows how important it is to seduce / run-a-trick on each leader of every country /nation thereby uses the kings / leaders, elected officials, to artfully lead or force many to slaughter... WOW, WOW, WOW!
  • Jos on Revelation 17 - 7 years ago
    This is a great chap. God deals with the ten kings to work with the devil for 1 hour to kill the great whore, just b-cuz devil wanted to be the alone object of worship, God has used many people thru out bible jus like Jehu Elijha sent him to Jerusalem to kill all baals ppl. he tricked them into filling the church w/ all baals ppl. once in his men locked em in and killed them all mission complete.
  • Michael osborne on Revelation 17 - 7 years ago
    Back during the Tower of Babel days there religion was mystery Babylon they went on to name the city after it.There’s 2different religions; new Jerusalem and Babylon the sun worship. When they say Babylon it’s not literally Babylon it’s the religion,same w New Jerusalem. The women is portrayed as the church calling her the harlot/whore means she corrupts the church and the word. Rev 17 points 2 Rome hope this helps
  • Ann on Revelation 17 - 7 years ago
    Ask God for understanding of the scriptures, he will give it to you, if you will humble yourselves to him, and ask him. Exodus 31:3 - Exodus 35:31 - Job 32:8. Amen!
  • A disciple on Revelation 17 - 7 years ago
    Ann, Patricia, Bud, Truthseeker; Ye do err not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God! Because you have itching ears!..the angels neither marry nor are given in marriage! "Who makes His angels SPIRITS, His ministers a FLAMING FIRE." It is a simple trick of the devil, that you all you ought to be aware of, and not so sillily misled after fantasy, when you have the Word of God and His Spirit!
  • Ann on Revelation 17 - 7 years ago
    Isaiah 14:12 How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! Lucifer is called a son, a male, not a female.
  • Patricia Helton on Revelation 17 - 7 years ago
    Why is a female referred to lucifer is it something to the fact that eve was tempted to eat the forbiden fruit in Genesis in the midst of the garden one tree the knowledge of good and evil she did eat and gave to adam?
  • Ruby hildreth on Revelation 17 - 7 years ago
    It is false that God use females because females are of the devil, Mary, the mother of Jesus Christ was chosen by God because she was a virtuous woman!!
  • A disciple on Revelation 17 - 7 years ago
    Once again; Satan is not male or female! Angels are spirits that do not die nor have they the capacity to reproduce! Male and female is for the flesh on earth: man, beasts, birds, fish, insects, things ordained to multiply! We cannot count on man's imagination for understanding truth, nor has God given us His Word for us to have to guess at what it means; but He gives understanding to the simple.
  • Bud on Revelation 17 - 7 years ago
    Truthseeker: I did agree with you on female. Read Isaiah 14:12. 2 Corinthians 11:14, Revelation 12:9. Altho each reads the bible in his own way.
  • TruthSeeker on Revelation 17 - 7 years ago
    Who is Mystery Babylon the Great? Why does God use a feminine image? there is a good reason for that; Because the feminine archetype comes from LUCIFER.

    Remember God is not the author of confusion, meaning in this context, God does not choose such an image for merely no reason. Lucifer is FEMALE, not male.

  • Anyt Hing on Revelation 17 - 7 years ago
    I tender my comment that the harlot of Revelation 17 is the Roman Catholic "church" and of course any organization or people that join her. They have already martyred 50 million true believers. That's enough for them to be drunk on it and the Vatican and co have not apologised for it nor cancelled their anathemas against any christians outside their fold.
  • Curt on Revelation 17 - 7 years ago
    10And there are seven kings: -Confederate U.S. States and states rights platform. 11And the beast -Japanese empire- that was, and is not, even he is the eighth, and is of the seven, and goeth into perdition. 12And the ten horns -Southen U.S. transplant auto corporations - which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour with the beast.
  • Obbie Beal on Revelation 17 - 7 years ago
    in this chapter we learn the controlling power that the women has over the beast is removed... then the power of 10 angry kings plus the power of the beast is united as one... 10 angry kings plus the beast turned on / attacked the women... and they shall (1) make her desolate and naked, and (2) shall eat her flesh, and (3) burn her with fire... the great city or women is... WOW ! WOW ! WOW !
  • Mari on Revelation 17 - 7 years ago
    Oops I meant my statement to be for chapter 18. Its still Rome though. Verse 6 here says so much.
  • Obbie Beal on Revelation 17 - 7 years ago
    In this chapter she 'seduced the all the leaders' of every country (greed, lust of the eye, lust of the flesh, pride...) and 'the people joined the party with their leader's' ungodly actions. Now it is time for everyone to give an account of his or her action. WOW ! Thank God for for the Saving Power through the Blood of Jesus Christ. WOW!
  • Yarah Sakal on Revelation 17 - 7 years ago
    Chapter 17 is revealed to us so we would have a detailed understanding of who the anti-Christ is. Daniel spells out what the beast line is in detail, Revelation 17 points out the final kingdom as well as the final kings of that kingdom. Investigate the Lateran Treaty of 1929 and then look at the popes from that point on in relation to the Angel's interpretation of John's vision.

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