Discuss Romans 1 Page 17

  • Evangelist Edo King David - In Reply on Genesis 1 - 4 years ago
    Is it not really disheartening to see mankind exchanging the truth of God, for the lie, and worshipping and serving the creature rather than the Creator? ( Romans 1:25) As God does not wish that any should perish but that all should come to repentance ( 2 Peter 3:9), hence this pandemics, which is reminiscent of the Noahic dispensations, where it was only Noah that found grace in the eyes of the LORD ( Genesis 6:1-8) May you find grace in the sight of God in this trying period of our life IJN Amen
  • Mick - In Reply on Romans 1 - 4 years ago
    I always use King James Bible for study. I read the NIV before I sleep. When I was brand new Born Again I had a Living Bible. It's so marked up I can barely read it lol. It takes me back to those first days of first love for Jesus. I never felt so loved prior to that.
  • Shell - In Reply on Romans 1 - 4 years ago
    What version Bible are you reading this from? I can't find it. thanks
  • Mickey on Psalms 1 - 4 years ago
    2 Corinthians 12:19-20

    Again think ye that we excuse ourselves unto you? we speak before God in Christ:
    But we do all things, dearly beloved, for
    your EDIFYING.
    For I fear lest when I come, I shall not find you such as I would, and that I shall be found unto you such as you would not; lest there be DEBATES, envyings, wraths, STRIFES, BACKBITING, whispering, swellings, TUMULTS.
    Keep studying these scriptures so we can lay to rest who is acceptable to be born again. Spirit of Adoption.

    Romans 1:16, Rom. 1:16, Rom 2:10, Rom 9:24-26, Rom 10:12, Rom 11:21

    There's too much arguing. It's not about Jews versus Gentiles or Greeks. FOR GOD SO LOVED THE WORLD.
  • Frank H Sleeper - In Reply on Romans 1 - 4 years ago
    Adam R... The is literally nothing in the Bible that says the sun, stars, universe that rotates around the Earth. When we try to make such claims it makes us Christians look stupid. What it DOES point out is THIS critical fact: The ENTIRE AMAZING Universe was created - and yet God spent his entire Word talking about his Love and Focus on US!! The universe he created only qualified for a few words

    THAT'S the perspective. WE are the center of attention of God
  • Tommy Burgess - In Reply on Romans 1 - 4 years ago
    The lord is coming its here g
    he will do to thuis world just as before its clear
  • ShakespeareIngrid on Romans 1:28 - 4 years ago
    As long as the road is right, you are not afraid of the road
  • Ann - In Reply on Romans 6 - 4 years ago
    Barbara, there is severe punishment ( Hell Fire) if the person does turn from their evil ways, and turn to the living God and ask for forgiveness for their sins that they have committed, God is merciful and will forgive that person if they will turn to the Almighty God and repent of their evil ways.
    Please read the following KJV bible scriptures: Romans 1:26-27 - 1 Timothy 1:10 - 1 Corinthians 6:9-11 - Galatians 3:28 - Galatians 3:26-29 - 1 Corinthians 6:9 - Leviticus 18:22 - John 3:16 -
    Romans 13:14 - Galatians 5:22-23.
  • Kanyeyizire Precious - In Reply on Genesis 2 - 4 years ago
    Actually its stated that Jesus is Lord in Genesis 1:26 when God said that lets make man in our image. meaning that in creation God wasn't alone and this is also confirmed in John 1:1-4.
    they can receive salvation by believing in God as its stated in John 3 when Nicodemus asked Jesus how he could be born again. actually salvation was first for the Jews and it then came to the gentiles as its stated by Paul in romans 1:16.
    You don't have to learn to love Christ because nothing you can do in your strength lasts forever ( psalm 73:26) but just pray that God can teach you to love Him.
  • TRACY BULLOCK on Romans 1 - 4 years ago
    It is very clear in verses 26 and 27 what GOD thinks of homosexuality. Those who practice and preach such will pay a steep price.
  • Adam R on Romans 1 - 4 years ago
    ...the truth of God into a lie..." I believe that the hierarchy of the world exchanged God for the lie of 'outer space'( being eternal, infinite, encompassing) And 'they' told us we rotate around the sun(sun worship) when in fact we are the center of creation. God made everything around us. "The world also is stablished, that it be not moved". Most people believe we are insignificant, just spinning thru some infinite space when in fact we are awaiting Jesus return and the New Jerusalem when all the elect will live with Christ here on earth with no need for the sun for He will be our Light and His kingdom will have no end. God is very near, on His throne above the firmament. Praise Him daily
  • Jim on Romans 1 - 5 years ago
    I always tell folks if they want the blunt or direct truth about homosexuality and how God feels about it to read Romans 1. Actually reading the whole book of Romans is recommended. Many so called Christian churches have given in to the world and are denying the truth of scripture. Sadly for them God is still alive and has other plans and it won't be good for those that reject His Son which is the truth the ways and the life.
  • Adam on Romans 1 - 5 years ago
    Praise God for today!
  • Tobias - In Reply on Romans 1 - 5 years ago
    They are fulfilling one part of the scripture they can't help it they are blind. We all have a choice to fulfil any part of the scripture.
    Let's choose wisely
  • Gail Heinze - In Reply on Romans 1 - 5 years ago
    They ignore God's true word. Roman's 1 24 thru 26 .
  • Adam - In Reply on Titus 2 - 5 years ago
    Indeed Christianity has been under attack. Very strangely, the same ideology that attacks Christians seems ok with other religions. What is bad is good for them, and good is now bad. This mentality is mentioned in Titus 1:16, Romans 1:28.
  • Phillip E Gallegos - In Reply on Romans 1 - 5 years ago
    I would not venture to call the Christians but hypocrites who distort the Word of God, truth
  • Don Morgan on Romans 1 - 5 years ago
    How do different Christian denominations that allow Lesbian and Gay Bishops, Reverends, etc. deal with Bible verses warning against homosexuality? Looking for an answer to this question on this website... quora dot com/unanswered/How-do-different-Christian-denominations-that-allow-Lesbian-and-Gay-Bishops-Reverends-etc-deal-with-Bible-verses-warning-against-homosexuality
  • CareyZ - In Reply on Romans 1 - 5 years ago
    Very true!
  • Carey Z - In Reply on Romans 1 - 5 years ago
    Amen! True
  • Adam - In Reply - 5 years ago
    Here are some Bible verses on the topic: Leviticus 20:13, 1 Corinthians 6:9-10, Romans 1:26-27. Keep in mind that no sin is too big: anyone can be forgiven if they repent, turn from sin and follow Jesus.
  • Sf on Romans 1 - 5 years ago
    God s word is eternal they are spirit and life.
  • Satans Footprints on Romans 1 - 5 years ago
    Satan has his Footprints Deceiving all Mankind Lying, Cheating, Stealing, Evil of every Kind. Pain, Death and Confusion are all his Master Plans seeking to attack in Close and Distant Lands. Satan the Deceiver promising Grand Schems Leaving Rejection and the Crash of Broken dreams. Christ is The Victor and will be coming soon Satan defeated banished by the Bridegroom.
  • God's Footprints on Romans 1 - 5 years ago
    Gods Footprints are everywhere for all the World to see He has left His Mark for all Mankind from the Start to Eternity. When lost confused and all alone His Words to us will be made known. For within every Grain of Truth there stands the indent of The Creaters Hand in every Language, Race and Clan The Lord has left His Master Plan. No one can claim they cannot see for in Christ Jesus we have been given Liberty bringing us in Love to bow our knees for He has the Crown of Victory.
  • Joe - In Reply on Romans 1 - 5 years ago
    Quite true, but unfortunately the sin has and is continuing to spread more widely throughout the world. And the worst part, society and the world are demanding and getting acceptance - casting shame and hatred upon anyone who speaks against the sin.
  • Treasure Effiong on Romans 1 - 5 years ago
    Verse 25: Talks about Catholic church. Verse 26: Talks about their rev. Sisters. While verse 27: Talks about their rev. Fathers. That's my point.
  • Watchman - In Reply on Romans 1 - 5 years ago
    Thank you Daryl and yes very True and sadly it is even in the Churches. Sin is accepted or ignored. Some misunderstand what is meant by we are not to Judge so they look the other way when people continue to Sin and this allows Satan to get a foothold in their lives bringing much suffering and fear because they reap the evil they sow and if they have no True Heart Repentance this leads to more Sin and than Spiritual death. It's not God's will anyone perishes it's their choice but He knows those who are His and not one of us will be lost Eternally He protects our Soul.
  • Daryl on Romans 1 - 5 years ago
    i wish everyone would read romans chapter 1. because it shows the current state of our sin tainted world today and how satan has turned the minds of men from the clear truths CLEARLY PUT FORTH by GOD
  • Fred Beck on Romans 1 - 5 years ago
    I am drawn to vers 16 in this chapter for this word is a two edge sword and it can cut to life or death it is the power of God unto salvation. Let us choose life for it is Gods kingdom and not ours let him be the judge and not us for our enemy is not flesh and blood but the principalities of the air the darkness within ourselves. let us humble ourselves and become poor in spirit that the Spirit of God may guide our hearts and thoughts so that not one soul may go astray. Thank You Beloved in Christ.
  • Geoff - In Reply on Romans 1 - 5 years ago
    This chapter also spoke about: And, Being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness, covetousness, maliciousness full of envy, murder, debate, deceit, malignity whisperers, Backbiters, haters of God, dispiteful, proud, boasters, inventors of evil things, disobedience disobedient to parents, Without understanding, covenantbreakers, without natural affection, implacable, unmerciful

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